The Original of these to be Produced if Required.

THESE are to Certify all whom it may concern, that Lieutenant James Mallory, and Mary his Wife, and Elizabeth Mallory, and James Holmes, all of the Kingdom of Ireland, came voluntary before me one of His Majesties Justices of the Peace for the City of Westminster, and made Oath, that Garret Foulks, Esq; late Husband of the Pititioner Elizabeth Wandesford, dyed of the Wounds he received in his Nephew Colonel Foulks's Regiment, at the Battle of Aghrim in Ireland, after his releasement from the Prison of Gallaway, where he before lay sixteen Months under sentence of Death, for taking up Arms in defence of this Government: And they farther make Oath, that Anthony Mallory, brother to the said Elizabeth Wandesford, was Kil'd in the same Regiment at the Battle of Aghrim, and another Brother Paul Mallory was also Kil'd in the same Regiment, at the Castle of Ballengarry, and another Brother Kil'd upon a party that was going with Relief to the Castle of Ballihooly, which was held out by her Unkle Sr. Richard Aldworth till he dyed, and Elizabeth Wandesford made Oath, that her Brother Richard Mallory a Clergy-man dyed through the means, as he in his sickness still told her, of a Fall which he got from his Horse going to meet His Majesty, at his first Landing in the West; by the Bruise of which he lay a considerable time in a very Languishing condition, spitting Blood, and at last dyed: An [...] Elizabeth Mallory, Mother to the above mentioned unfortunate Gentlemen, farther maketh O [...] That she and her Sister with several Children were Fired out of their Houses, and Plundr [...] of all theire Worldly substance, and after stript Naked; with the Terrour and Could of which, her Sister and Child dyed in the Fields, and that she and several poor Orphans which she lately brought with her here, has no Earthly support, besides what her Daughter Wandesford, out of her Na­tural affection, and beyond Her ability, having a Charge of Children of her own, does for then all; which besides the Loss of several Brothers in Law, and other near Relations together with their whole Fortunes, they make Affidavid to be true. Given under my Hand,

T. Railton.
  • Elizabeth Mallory.
  • Elizabeth Wandesford.
  • James Holmes.
  • Mary Mallory.
  • James Mallory.

WE do hereby Certify, that upon Mrs. Foulks applying her self to Her Majesty, after the Loss of her Husband and five Brothers in Their Majesties service; it was Her Majesties Desire and particular Order to us, at our first coming into this Kingdom, That notwithstanding any stop put to other Pentions, hers of two hundred Pounds a Year should be well paid, and continued to her, till Their Majesties see fit to give her something in liew of it, in considerations of her sufferings: Incompliance thereof with Her Majesties Commands, and to prevent any Scruples, or Dificulty, she should for the future meet with on that account. We Certify this to be Her Majesties Pleasure, and express Com­mands to us.


THE Deplorable Certificates OF Mrs. WANDSFORD and others.

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