As we believe we speak; first hear, and then judge charitably of what we say.

IT was the Saying of wise Solomon, That in making many Books, there is no end, &c. And if every one should Write or Print what they believe is true Religion, it were the way to fill the World with Books. Many Testimonies have been [Page 5]published by particular Friends of their Faith, and also in a general way, of our Belief who are called Quakers, concern­ing the Principles of True Religion, at sundry times; yet so unhappy is the Age in which we live, that some that are Contentious will not believe: However, for the Sakes of others, we have this to say in these following Particulars.

I. We do sincerely believe, That there is but one only true and living God, who is a Spirit, the Creator and Upholder of all Things by the Word of his Eternal Power, who is Infinite and Incomprehensible in himself; and all Words of Men and Angels cannot define him as he is, being in all, through all, and over all blessed for ever, whom all ought to fear and dread.

II. We sincerely believe in our Lord Jesus Christ, both as he was the eternal Son of God from the beginning, glorified with the Father before the World began, and also as he was the promised Seed spoken of, Gen. 3.15. The Seed of the Wo­man shall bruise the Serpents Head; which the Prophet Isaiah pointed at, Isa. 7.14. Behold a Virgin shall be with Child and bring forth a Son, and (thou O Virgin) shalt call his Name Im­manuel; which being interpreted is God with us: Which in due time was born of the Virgin Mary at Bethlehem in the Land of Judea, Mat. 2.15.

III. We believe, That the Man Christ Jesus, according to the Flesh, was the Seed of Abraham, to which the Promise was made, That in him (to wit Christ) all Nations of the Earth should be blessed, Gen. 22.18. Who was the Son of Abraham, and the Son of David, &c. Mat. 1.1.

IV. We believe, That the Man Christ Jesus had a real Soul that was not the Godhead, and a real Body that was not the Godhead; but in a most holy and mystical Union of the Divinity and Humanity in One, better known and understood through a living Faith in our Lord Jesus Christ, than to be expressed in Words, Psal. 16.10. Acts 2.27.

V. We also believe, That the same Christ Jesus that was born of the Virgin, was the Son of God, having no imme­diate Father but God, Luke 1.35. Jo. 1.39.

VI. We do believe, That Jesus Christ, as to his Human Nature, was in all things like unto us, except Sin; yet the fulness of the Godhead dwelt in him Bodily: He was both God and Man and yet but One Christ, the Nature of the Manhood being most gloriously united with his Godhead, according to Tim. 2.5. Heb. 2.16. And to this we may add that Saying of the Apostle, 1 Pet. 1.8. Whom having not seen ye love; in whom though ye see him not, yet believing ye rejoice with Joy unspeakable and full of Glory.

VII. We do verily believe, That Christ's Body that died on the Cross and was laid in the Sepulchre, did rise again the Third Day, and that he ascended up into Heaven after his Resurrection, according to the Scriptures: And that Heaven into which Christ hath ascended in the most glorified Nature of Man, is above the Earth, a Place of unexpressible Glory with his Father: And as he that dwells in Heaven is unlimi­table, so is the Place of his Habitation above the reach of the carnal Mind to define where it is; yet measurably we poor Mortals taste of it here on Earth, so that we believe it is not included in us, nor excluded from the Regenerate; Christ is Lord of Heaven, yet as to his Godhead he is measu­rably within us, by his Grace, Light and Spirit; For he that hath not the Spirit of Christ, is none of his.

VIII. We are justified and cleansed from Sin by the preci­ous Blood of Jesus Christ, that was outwardly shed; and we are sanctified by that precious Blood, through the Spirit of God that dwelleth in us, 1 Cor. 6.11.

IX. We believe, That it is necessary for all to believe in Christ Jesus, as he came outwardly for our Eternal Salvation; and also to believe in his spiritual Appearance, Grace and Light, wherewith he hath Inlightened every Man that cometh into the World; and in the Spirit of Truth, which is suffici­ent to lead and guide into all Truth: Also living Faith in Christ as he died for our Sins, and to reconcile us to God, and rose again, and is at the Right Hand of God making Inter­cession [Page 7]for us, according to Rom. 8.34. is necessary to be Preached, with his inward and spiritual Appearance, by every true Minister of Christ, as God shall require it by his Spirit, John 1.9. Mat. 16.13.

X. And we believe it is absolutely needful for every Man and Woman that do profess themselves to be Christians, and hope to be saved by our Lord Jesus Christ, to be very care­ful that they are certain and know in themselves, that they are true and faithful Witnesses of their own true and unfeigned Repentance towards God, and that they so believe as to have saving Faith in our Lord Jesus Christ, and rightly to know what the Apostle saith, viz. Not by Works of Righteousness which we have done, but according to his Mercy he saved us, by the washing of Regeneration and renewing of the Holy Ghost, Tit. 3.5.

XI. We believe, That all that are or shall be saved in any Age of the World, have their Sins blotted out and forgiven for Christ's sake, and on the account of his most holy and per­fect Obedience unto Death; and what Light and Grace all Men ever did, doth or shall receive to the Worlds end, it is given to Men for the Man Christ Jesus his sake, and by his Purchase and Merits, and continual Mediation and Inter­cession, 1 Tim. 2.5.

XII. We believe, That Christ Jesus shall come again to judge the Quick and the Dead, according to Act. 1.11. And that God hath appointed a Day, in the which he will judge the World in Righteousness by the Man whom he hath or­dained, whereof he hath given assurance to all Men, in that he hath raised him from the Dead, Act. 17.31. but in what manner he shall come, we must submit to the Pleasure of the Almighty.

XIII. We faithfully believe, That there will be a Resurre­ction both of the Just and Unjust; and if our Hope were only in this Life, we were of all Men most miserable: Christ Jesus saith, That he is the Resurrection and the Life, and he that believes in him, tho' he were dead, yet shall he live; and he that lives and be­lieves, [Page 8]shall never die. We believe, That the deceased Saints are at Rest in the Kingdom; for we do not believe a Purgatory or Place of Cleansing hereafter; For as Death leaves, Judgment finds; but we believe, That there is a Resurrection of the Body more than what we have already attained, which after the Dissolution and putting of that which is Corruptible, we shall attain to the full Injoyment of that which we now, through Mercy, have the Earnest of, Knowing that he which raised up our Lord Jesus, shall raise us up also by Jesus, 2 Cor. 4.14.

XIV. We believe, That Body that dieth shall rise again, but wonderfully changed; yet so far the same Body, as it is possible for a Natural Body to become a Spiritual Body; God will give it a Body as it pleaseth him, 1 Cor. 15.38. In short, the Resurrection is a Mystery too great for the carnal Mind to per­ceive; and the things of God knows no Man, but the Spirit of God: Let us therefore take the Counsel of an eminent Man; viz. To be solicitous to know the Power and inward Operation, whereby we may be made Sons of God, and attain to the Resurrection of the Dead, as being Children of God and of the Resurrection: If Men walk in the true Light, and so truly serve and please God here on Earth, they shall not need to doubt or dispute about their future Be­ing in Heaven; their Business is to get thither, and God will well accommodate them there; Men ought not to be too curious and scru­tinous in Matters beyond their Reach, as to the manner of their fu­ture Beings, or how they shall be reserved for eternal Rewards.

We are Friends to all that hunger and thirst after Righte­ousness, more than after Strife and Contention,
  • Thomas Curtis,
  • William Soundey,
  • Benjamin Coales.

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