The Loyal Remembrancer: OR, A POEM DEDICATED To the Queens most Excellent Majesty, And may serve as a Remembrance to all Posterity.
Printed at London, by R. Wood, 1650. But not permitted to be publick till now, 1660.
To the Royal Majesty OF Henrietta Maria, Queen of Great Brittain, France, and Ireland, &c.
IT is now high time that your Princely eyes should no longer contract Redness from Tears, but a brave fire from revenge, that you should deal with your passion as the generous Ormond with that infamous fire-brand of the World, that Canker to the Royal tock and Branches, Cromwel, suffer it to possess some Out-skirts and Frontiers of your Soul, that by the expansion of his incroachments, its spirits may be wasted and laid open for ruine; And your victorious reason (contracting all its forces) sweep all such Treacher us invaders from the face of the World, and leave nothing of it in Nature but a memory, which may make it stink to all Posterity.
Porcia's Coals are of no further use for despair, all they can be serviceable in, is to create a flame to which the Barbarous rebels must be fuel, and the fire may be a purifier to the region of Soveraignty, cleering all the air from those two greatest plagues to order and mankind, Rebellion and Regicide: God has now ripened them for the Sickle of Revenge; it is highly opportune to shake them from the Trees of Authority and Rapine where [...]n they hang: And since hanging is natural for such Gomorrah Apples, Tyburn in England is the properest place in the World for such Fruits, if their rottenness be not too violent Eye sores to the view, and of too great a stench to the Nosethrils of Passengers.
The 30 th of January shall be reckoned amongst those Ominous dayes which are fatal to the repose and safety of Nations, which though it antecede here that in England by ten dayes, yet my passion of Revenge, and my engagement to follow that Standard of your Heroick Son, which must cary with it a restitution of the World to Laws, Liberty, Religion, Conscience, and all other Obligati [...]ns Divine and Humane, hath made me make use of the Kalender in France, and present an Anniversary upon the most horrid Murder the Sun ever viewed; not to stir up your un exampled piety to tears, but to awake your own royal and other loyal Bosomes to revenge; which when it shall break forth in its just magnitude and dimensions, the Rebells will then confess, That Our silence is like a Calm, whose unsuspected Tranquility is followed by nothing less dangerous then totally subverting Earth-quakes, or universal consuming Thunder.
Madam, The Persian Princes had a constant Moniter to remember them of Greek affronts and injuries, may this Anniversary be your Remembrancer that all Europe is engaged to your assistance; That you have a Fate more noble im [...]nding then to live in Exile, or Ʋn-revenged; That you have a SON, who by his fiery persecutions and vertues, will one day make good in his examples all which is related of the m [...]st excellent Princes; That there is a Nation which with infinite groans implores its restitution to Monarchy, its redemption from [...]ebellion, in whi [...]h it is fatally captivated and engulphed and (which Madam dese [...]ves a lower rank amongst th [...]se more Majestick concernments [...] let it be a speaking testimony to the World, that I am (in spight of all the revolutions occasioned by Thieves, Rebells, and Regic [...]des)
Allegiance to the memory of our late Murthered Soveraign.
THe Author of this Poem was sometimes a Scholler in Su [...]tons-Hospital; and when the Lords came to visit, the Master of the School chose this Youth to make an Oration to the Visitors, who performed it so well, that my Lords Grace of Canterbury intended to prefer him; but the World growing wicked, was prevented, and he left to himself, (in the worst of times) being forced to beg, till he was starved, and died. He was so Loyal to his Prince, that he would take no Imployment from the Rebels, though it were offered him; So put pen to paper, and wrote this Elegiack Anniversary, as a Monument in time to come of his Loyalty.