AN Epistle to Friends, FOR Ʋnion and Edification Of the Church of God in Christ Jesus.

1 Cor. 1.10. Now I beseech you Brethren, by the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that ye all speak one thing, and that there be no dissen­tions among you; but that ye be knit together in one mind and in one judgment.’
Dear Friends and Brethren, &c.

I Salute you all in that first Love wherewith God loved us, and we so dearly loved one another. In my old Age I cannot forget those times and seasons of comfortable Refresh­ments we have enjoyed together in the holy Spi­rit of our heavenly Father: Praised be his blessed Name for ever.

That which is in my Heart to you in this E­pistle, is to remind you of that free love of God, that visited us in our low Estate, when we were cast out (as it were) into the open Field, void of all Shelter, as in a weary Land, quite tired and weary of every thing: Then was made known to us the hiding place from the Storms, &c. which [Page 2]we found to be as a Rock in that weary, wayless Wilderness State and Condition.

My Dear Friends, you that know and can wit­ness what I write, what remains but that we love (Him) that first loved (Ʋs) and one ano­ther in him? The former will appear by our keeping his Commandments, and the latter by our diligent and tender watchfulness one over another, for our preservation in the same love unto the end.

Remembring that all miscarriages both to­wards God and towards one another, arise and spring commonly from the decay of Love; this procured that dreadful threatning to Ephesus of having her Golden Candelstick removed, because she had left her first Love, &c.

I doubt not but there are those yet left among us, that can remember that esteem and good Per­swasion that many People had of the Truth, and of those that profess'd it at the beginning, because we loved one another; and therefore many con­cluded we were the Disciples of Christ, and it may be observed that because Peter knew Man's Heart is not more ready to deceive him in any thing than concerning true and unfeigned Love, he prefers not his own knowledge of his Heart, but appeals to Christ's knowledge of it, viz, Lord thou knowest I love thee.

And because true love to the Brethren is such an excellent Grace and Vertue, the Primitive Christians counted it a sign of their Regenera­tion, saying, we know we are passed from Death [Page 3]to Life because we love the Brethren; But see­ing there is an hypocritical fawning, that looks like Love, the Apostle sharply reproves that in saying, Let your Love be without Dissimulation.

Therefore as God's free love in Christ Jesus was the cause of our gathering to be a People at the Beginning, who were not a People, but gathered us (as it were) out of all sorts of Pro­fessions of Religion, to be a People to his Praise, and did, according to his promise, Jer. 3.15, 16. Raise up Pastors according to his own Heart, that fed us with Divine Wisdom and Understanding, which was in some measure the fulfilling of that Prophecy. So that we pursued after the sub­stance, which is Christ Jesus; and left the Sha­dows, Ceremonies and Figures, as ending in him the Substance; of which Figures the Ark of the Covenant under the old Law was chief, as Jeremiah Prophetically speaking of the Gospel times, saying, In those dars, saith the Lord, they shall say no more the Ark of the Covenant of the Lord, neither shall it come upon the Heart (as the Margent hath it) neither shall they go after it, &c.

Now, Dear Friends, seeing we began in the Substance which was the appearance of Christ Jesus in Spirit and Power: Let all watch and be careful that they turn not aside, lest by hearken­ing to the Fleshly Wisdom and Carnal Reason­ings any of you fall back again into the Naturals, where the Shadows pass for Substances, and so become bewildered again, and at a greater loss than you were in before; for then it may be said, [Page 4] It had been better for you that you had never known the way of Truth, viz. [better] not only because it will be harder to return again than before your first Convincement; but also the Fiery Furnace through which such must pass will be hotter, be­cause the state the Backslider is fallen into is ag­gravated by his being once Enlightened, which renders that condition [near] unto impossibility of returning, according to Heb. 6.5, 6.

This I speak as a warning to all concern'd, that they which stand (or think they stand) may take heed lest they fall, for blessed is the Man that feareth always; because he that casteth a­way true fear will restrain Prayer, and the re­straining Prayer will discover the Irreligious and Careless; and the Hypocrite doth not truly discern Prayer, though he makes long Prayers.

Therefore Dear Friends, as you would perse­vere unto the end in your Spiritual Union with God, and Communion one with another, and as you would have such as should be saved added to the Church, and that the number of them may be increased through the World, untill the King­doms thereof become the Kingdoms of the Lord and his Christ's, which must be accomplished, and the Mistery of God finished, Rev. 10.7. com­pared with 11.15.

I say, as you desire the accomplishment of all these things in their season, what manner of Peo­ple ought you to be in all Godliness of Conversa­tion? Which brancheth out it self into all parti­culars of Religion, and the duties thereof, as [Page 5] Children to Parents, Subjects to their Governors, Wives to Husbands, Servants to Masters, and the Younger to the Elder, &c. as the Apostle writes to Titus; which Exhortation would be to no purpose did not the Grace of God appear to them all; therefore he saith, [For] the Grace of God appears to all, &c. whereby the Apostle exalts the Soveraignty of Grace for the performance of all these Duties, saying in a certain place, The Ʋnity of the Spirit is kept in the bond of Peace, for Peace must be kept in all the States and Conditi­ons God hath placed People in; Peace and Love being the Bond that will preserve in the Unity both with God and one with another.

The Children of God are bound together (as it were) in the bundle of Life, and as they con­tinue [so bound] the Gates of Hell can never prevail against them: but if any separate from that bundle of Life, and Unity in the Spirit they are soon broke. Therefore I exhort all to keep the Unity of the Spirit in the Bond of Peace, and then will you abide in the new Covenant that is ordered in all things, and sure, as the last Words of David testifie, in the 2 Sam 23.5.

For altho' the great Covenant is between the Father and his Son Christ Jesus, yet that Cove­nant is derived from the Father to all his Children in Christ Jesus; so that every Particular (accor­ding to their measure) can say with holy David, Thou hast made with [Me] an everlasting Cove­nant, &c. as they abide in the Unity of the Spi­rit and Bond of Peace.

But if this Unity of the Spirit be departed from by disorderly walking, and running greedi­ly after this present World, hasting to be Rich, &c. Such oftentimes miscarry, not only to the loss of their own Estates, and ruin of their sla­milies; but also to the wrong of their Neigh­bours, and above all to the dishonour of their holy Profession, and causing the way of Truth to be evil spoken of, &c.

Let not such deceive themselves by thinking such miscarriages may be salved over, or covered with an outward and formal Profession of the Truth; for God is not so tied to any Profession, that they should be at liberty to walk after the Lusts of the Flesh, and to please themselves; but if we break Covenant with him, he is not bound to keep Covenant with us; but the breach is always first on Man's part as the Prophet Zachary speaks, Zac. 10, 11. which was signified by the two Staffes, Beauty and Bands, saying, And I took my staff, even Beauty, and cut it asunder, that I might break the Covenant that I had made with all People, and it was broken in that day, and the Poor of the Flock that waited apon God knew that it was the Word of the Lord.

And when the Unity of the Spirit is departed from, and the Bond of Peace broken, the other Staff Bands (which signified their outward Form or Discipline) could not keep them together; but God soon cut that asunder also, that he might break the Brotherhood between Judah and Israel, for the Brotherhood between Judah and Israel of [Page]old did not stand in the outward form of the same Profession only, as appears Isa. 66.3. where it's said, He that killeth an Ox is as if he slew a Man. He that sacrificeth a Lamb, as if he cut off a Dogs Neck; Even when these things were outwardly required: but they were departed from the holy Spirit of God, therefore it follows; But to this Man will I look, saith the Lord, even to him that is Poor, and of a Contrite Spirit, and trembleth at my Word.

Dear Friends, Let us be careful to keep to the Laws of the House upon the top of the Mount, which is [Holiness round about] Ezek. 43.12. If Holiness be round about, then God [is] there, according to his Promise, and Christ is in the midst, be the number never so small, yet it may be called the House upon the top of the Mount, because THE LORD IS THERE; then there is no room for Formality or carnal Liberties, nor any thing else that tends not to Holiness and Purity.

But whatever advanceth and promotes Holi­ness round about, even in all our Ways, Words and Actions, that the Doctrine according to God­lyness may be maintained, even that Godliness that is in Christ Jesus, altho' we suffer Persecuti­on for it.

The Name of this House, THE LORD IS THERE, will end all other Names, as it is fore­told, that the time shall come that the Lord shall be (One) and his Name (One) in all the Earth.

His Name is his Power, and Presence of his [Page]Spirit and Glory, and as we give up wholly to his dispose and ordering of us, then it will be with us inwardly in all our Meetings, as it was outwardly at the Dedication of the Temple, which God took so kindly at the hands of Solo­mon, that he would not dwell in it himself (tho' it was so much fam'd in the World) but gave it up to the Lord, that God so filled the House with his Glory, that the Priests could not enter in, as it is written in 2 Chro. 7. and not only so, but God pro­vided such plenty of Sacrifices, that there was scarce room to receive them.

And as we give up to the Divine Power of God (as Peter calls it) that will make us Parta­kers of all things that pertain to Life and Godli­ness, and so fill our Meetings with greater Glo­ry than at the beginning; when few Words of­tentimes did the Work of the Ministry to God's Praise and Glory, and to the Comfort and Satis­faction of the Souls of his People.

These Pastors which God raised up at the be­ginning (according to his own Heart) went out to God's Work as Abraham did out of his Coun­try and Fathers House, not knowing whither; so they not questioning God's Assistance, or dis­posal of them in his Service, and like Israel when they left Egypt, and set forth their three Days Journey, saying, We know not wherewith we shall serve God untill we come there.

So poor in Spirit were (they) in that day, and so closely kept (they) retired unto the Light and Measure of the Spirit of Christ within, that they [Page 9]durst not (out of an holy Fear) open their Mouths, till the Word of the Lord came, (say­ing) as the Prophet Jeremy speaks, and when that stop'd (saying) they had done (speaking) until (it) came again.

This was one great cause wherefore the Truth at the beginning so mightily grew and prospered, together with the holy Conversations (answer­able thereunto) of those that received the Truth in the love of it, into the good and honest Heart, as it is written, &c.

These things I write unto you by way of re­membrance to stir up your pure Minds to follow these good Examples, that those of latter times may beware of lusting to speak many Words, and of thinking that may do the business of the Mini­stry, and of lusting to Preach or Pray, to grati­fie an itching Ear after speaking, or sometimes to shew their Gifts and Elocution for Applause. This is not spoken to stop the Motion of God's Spirit in any, nor to dispise Youth truly Sanctifi­ed and Gifted, but that none may be exalted when they see People affected with their Mini­stry. Pray observe Christ's Caution to those early Messengers, that came and told him, that unclean Spirits were subject to them, &c. by ad­vising them not to Rejoyce in that, but rather that their Names were writren in Heaven, Luke 10.20. This may be a Caution to all those of lower Attainments and less Authority, who had need to take heed of Popularity, or striving for a Name on Earth, but be sure their Names are Recorded in Heaven.

Timothy was a Young Preacher (but rarely Qualified) yet Paul in his Epistle to him (amongst other Counsel that he gives him) he advises him to Exhort the Younger Women, as Sisters, [with all Purity.] Timothy was a Young Man, and probably attended with Temptations of Youth; therefore Paul adviseth him to shun Youthful Lusts, and instructs him to be careful in his Exhortation to Young Women, that he do it [with all Purity.] least any sinister or by-end should creep in to defile, and so frustrate his Exhortation, &c. A good Caution to all Young Men, that are but Young Preachers also.

Those Pastors after God's own Heart, at the Beginning, kept much to the Word of Exhorta­tion, to the Light of Christ in the Conscience, as a Seed that was Sown for the Righteous to bring forth a plentiful Crop of Holiness to the Lord; from whence also sprang pure Living Praises to the Almighty, for bequeathing such a Legacy and Gift through Christ Jesus, unto such poor Orphans as we were at the day, when as to Religion we could call no Man Father on Earth, nay, we scarcely durst call God Father, in that state we were then in, at our first Convince­ment. Yet I can say, with many more at that day, viz. In God the Fatherless found Mercy, through Jesus Christ.

Let all be careful how any meddle by way of Prophecy of Times and Seasons, so as to fix De­structions and Desolations to be on (or within) such a certain time, &c. But keep to the form of [Page 11]sound Words and Gospel Doctrine (used in ho­ly Scripture) and Examples of Gospel Ministers, and not to be too positive about Persons, Places and Things; which if imaginary, presump­tuous or mistaken, proves to the great dishonour of Truth, and stumbling of many, if not to the Ministring an occasion of Atheism, to such as watch for opportunities thereunto, and also to cause many not to regard true Prophets.

The first Preachers among us (as all true Preachers do) minded more the Goodness and Sincerity of those that came among us, than they did the number of the People: their Business and Message was to gather the poor lost Sheep of the House of Israel, and to call Sinners not only to change their Opinions, but to change their Hearts, Lives and Conversations, that such might be added to the Church as should be saved; and in all things they shewed themselves work­men, that need not be ashamed; they were ex­perienced in the Word and Doctrine, and knew that a bare Convincement in the Judgment and Understanding was not sufficient to make Disci­ples of Christ, and that unhewen Stones (as they came out of the Quarry) were not fit to build God an House to dwell in; but would rather prove a disgrace to the Workman that useth them, and a dishonour to the whole Building, if made use of; for such unskilful Builders in­deed may well be ashamed of their Work, and give it over till they are better experienced.

Therefore such ought to be remembred as have spoken unto us the Word of God, whose Faith follow, considering the end of their Con­versation, Christ Jesus, the same yesterday, to day, and for ever, as Heb. 13.7, 8, 9. and that you be not carried about with divers and strange Doctrines; for it is a good thing, that the heart be established with Grace, and not with Meats, as saith the Apostle.

Therefore Dear Friends and Brethren, let us all abide with God, in the Calling whereunto he hath called us; and none to strive for Mastery, nor to be many Masters, and to set up as 'twere for them­selves, but all to serve the full time of Silence, in order to be Well-experienced in the Word and Doctrine; and when you are throughly [of God taught] your selves, you will understand, and learn of him how to instruct others.

But let all, in the first place, learn well the Doctrine of Self-denial, submitting our selves to God in Christ Jesus. So will every one know their Place and Service in the House (or Church) of the Living God; where none that are really Members of it, but will submit to the Laws there­of; which are [All Holiness round about] and God in the midst, judging out all Stubbornness Self-willedness, and all that Wickedness of Jea­lousies, Evil Surmisings, Whisperings and Back­bitings, &c. which produce Discord and Divisi­ons: And all as little Children, and serving one another in Love, and the Younger receiving the Counsel and Advice of the Elder, imbracing it [Page 13]thankfully for God's Glory, and their own Be­nefit and Comfort: So will all, from the highest to the lowest, submit one to the other in true Love and godly Simplicity for Edification and Preservation of the whole. And then forgiving and forgetting all former distances; that in the Unity of the Spirit you may all knit together by the Bond of Peace; and the Gates of Hell shall never prevail against you, but you shall remain a People to God's Glory, and your own Com­fort: And so you will abide in the pure Reli­gion, unspotted from the World; manifesting plainly, that you have received a Kingdom that cannot be shaken, by all that Noise and Clamour that is made against you, &c.

Which Kingdom, as it came not by outward Observation, so it stands not in Word or Opini­on, nor yet in Meat and Drink, but in Righ­teousness and Peace, and in Joy in the Holy Ghost, and [he] that is in these things (saith the Apostle, Rom. 14.17, 18.) serveth Christ; (such a Man or Woman) is accepted of God, and ap­proved of Men; having this Evidence fixed to this pure Religion, viz. of Father, Son and Spirit, and all good Men, as being that only pure & mer­ciful Religion before God and the Father, that the Apostle James hath given (as it were) a short Definition or Description of; James 1.27.

So that whoever Professeth this pure Religi­on, and abides and continues in the same, bringing forth in his whole Life and Conver­sation the pure and holy Fruits thereof, need [Page 14]not be ashamed of it; for to such an one, it is not only given to believe it, but also to suffer for the same, which hath been, and is a great Confirmation to many, by that sweet Power and Presence of God, that hath assisted them in all their Afflictions and Exercises, both from within and without, and joyfully (in that needful time of great and sharp Trials) born up their Spi­rits to their great Satisfaction and Comfort, and to the Eternal Praise of God's most Holy and Blessed Name for ever, Amen.

John Crook.

A Postscript.

Dear Friends,

LET not your outward Concerns prevent your Religious Meetings and Service on the Week Days, lest the Earthly Spirit get up a­gain, and bury you before your time; but meet in the Faith that you shall meet with God, whe­ther you hear Words spoken outwardly or not; so by retiring into the inward and spiritual Grace you will avoid the extreams of dead Formality and false Liberty, and witness that [pure Silence] wherein was felt the Breast that inwardly Nourished, and those Paps that gave us Suck, when we were Young.

When Christ ascended he commanded his Disciples to [wait] for Power from on high, the Promise of the Holy Spirit, which (accord­ing to his Promise) fell upon them when they were [met] together with one accord, and the Apostle in 2 Thes. 2.2. exhorts them by their gathering together in Christ, &c. Seeming to use their Meeting together as an argument to keep down that Wicked One, and them from [that] falling away he speaks of, &c.

Therefore, Dear Friends and Brethren, be di­ligent in your Meetings together in God's Fear and Service, and that will procure his Blessing upon your diligence in your particular Callings; therefore I beseech you stir up and exhort one an­other thereunto, by the Elder giving good Ex­amples to the Younger sort, who are apt to con­tent themselves with going to Meetings on the First Days only; and then too many, instead of waiting and exercising Faith, to meet with the teachings of the Spirit of God in their inward parts, only exercise their outward Ears in hear­ing what may be spoken outwardly, which in tender Love and good will to the Souls of all, I desire may be prevented for the future,

Iohn Crook.

LONDON, Printed and Sold by T. Sowle, near the Meeting-House, in White-Hart-Court in Grace-Church-Street, and at the Bible in Leaden-hall-street, near the Market, 1698.

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