CROMWELL'S RECALL: OR, The humble PETITION of the zealous Fraternity convented in iniquity at the House of John Goodwin Arch-flamin of England: To the Supreme Authority of this Nation the House of Common-Traytors Assembled in PARLIAMENT.
THat whereas manifest tokens of our god Mammons assistance, have been both precedent, present, and subsequent to all our undertakings in the seven last years Rebellion; but more especially have gone along with us since the Reformation, otherwise called, the New modelling of our Army under the Command of his Servants Og and Magog, Cromwell and Fairfax, evidently demonstrating, that he will not forsake us, while we shall obey and follow the direction of those his chosen Servants; yet the Supreme Tyranny of England assembled in this House of profanation hath thought it convenient to imploy that happy Instrument of sedition our most noble Lord and Brother Oliver Cromwell for the propagation of Heresie and Rebellion in the Land of Ham, alias Ireland: but how great an impediment this may be to the thorough setlement of us and our Posterity in this Country, that he the Pillar of Heresie and Mammons Vicegerent should leave us, before a perfect establishment of our Government, and go amongst those that are as cruel as we are wicked, we will referre to your most impious considerations: but we cannot passe over (without hearty thanks and humble acknowledgment of your care) the manifestation of your zeale towards the promulgation of your schismaticall tenents; zealously professing, that neither [Page 2]Principalities nor Powers, Equity nor Honour, Religion nor Conscience, Life nor Death shall part us from you, but we shall faithfully honour, serve, and obey you and your Ministers, as we have done hitherto, in all things, and at all times; but we hope that the dore of Addresse shall be open for us, that we may freely present our trayterous and unlawfull requests to this dishonourable House, both in the behalf of our selves, and of our Brethren the Free-borne People of England; and that if we have at any time the Spirit of Contradiction, or of Southsaying (corruptly called by us, Prophesie) as we have at this time, that we shall have (without any molestation) accesse to this Assembly.
Now, in verity, we find many spirituall conflicts for the departure of our Brother in the Devill Cromwell; yet we are very sensible of the profit may accrue to us and our zealous Faction by his navigation; but we cannot imagine that his endevouring to get another Countrey is as convenient as the keeping this, which cannot be defended without him our Headpiece and Buckler.
And besides, we conceive, and so we hope doth this blear eyed Assembly, that the multitude of Robbers, Murtherers, Jayle-birds, Turkes, Jewes, Hereticks, and Atheists which are gone along with him, hath so much debilitated the strength of this Nation, that we should not be able to resist the least R [...]sing: therefore we beseech this wall-eyed Conventicle to take this our Petition and our Reasons into consideration, and that they will be pleased to call back Goliah from facing the Israelites, so that we may live in peace and quietnesse under the banner of the Devils anointed.
The House after some debate, sent out the Mace to bring in Mr. Goodwin, and three of the chief: to whom Mr. Speaker gave the thanks of the House, and promise of speedy satisfaction which upon their returne was presently took into consideration, and order issued out, as followeth:
¶ An Ordinance of the Commons assembled in Parliament, for the sudden returne of the Lord Gen: Cromwell from the Irish expedition.
Die Lunae.
ORdered by the Commons assembled in Parliament, that Oliver Lord Cromwell, Generall of all the Forces on this side Ireland, raised by the power of Parliament for defence of that Place, doe, if he can, return to us at Westminster: And it is likewise Ordered, that all Souldiers doe repair with him to the City of London, where they shall be rewarded for their gallant resolution and deportment. Every Colonel that hath magnanimously ventur'd to looke upon the Sea without a prospective Glasse, shall have a hundred pounds when he can catch it; every Lieutenant Colonel of the same valour, fourscore and ten pounds; every Major, fourscore, &c. And it is likewise Ordered, that every Colonel that hath pretended to engage for Ireland shall have fifty pounds; every Lieutenant Col: five and forty pounds, &c. And those Monies to be raised out of Deanes and Chapters Lands. And further, it is Ordered by the Authority aforesaid, that if any one be so adventurous as, notwithstanding this Order, shall put to Sea and go to Ireland, shall have all his Goods Sequestred in England to the use of the Common-wealth, and it shall belawfull [Page 4]for one either Irish or English in the Domini [...]ns of Ireland to execute justice upon him for contempt of the Authority of Parliament.
This Order is forth with to be printed and sent into all parts of this Kingdome as soone as possible.
That his Lordship may be the better entertained in his returne, I was commanded by the Authority aforesaid to annex this description of him.