THE SPEECH OF HIS HIGHNESSE THE LORD PROTECTOR TO THE PARLIAMENT IN The Painted Chamber at Westminster, on Munday last, being the fourth of this instant September, 1654.
EXamined by the Original Copy; Published by Order and Authority.
London, Printed for G. FREEMAN, 1654.
An excellent Speech of His Highness the Lord Protector, deliver'd to the Parliament on Munday last in the Painted Chamber.
ON Munday last about 9 of the clock in the forenoon, hi [...] Highness the Lord Protector rode in his Coach to the Abbey Church in very stately equipage, the Gentlemen of his Highness going bare befor [...], [...]ichly habited, and next before the Coach the Pages and Lacquey [...], (in their sever [...]l Liveries, most admirable to behold) on [...]h [...] on [...] side of the Coach was M r Strickland, one of his Highness Council, & Cap [...]ain of his Guard of Foot; on the other sid [...], M r Howard Capt. of the Lif [...] g [...]d of Ho [...] both of them bare, went on foot. In the Coach wiih h [...]s Highnes was th [...] [...]d Henry his son, Maj. Gen. Lambert, and the Lord President La [...]ence, both rid bare, the Maj Gen, in the end of the Coach against his Highness, & the Lord P [...]esident in the [...]i [...]ht boot. After his Highness Coach rid M r Claypool, M r of the Horse, and with him his Highness led Horse, very rich, the cloth of covering costing 500 l. Next came the Lord Commissioners of the Seal, and Col. Sydenham, and Col. Montague, Commissioners of the Exch [...]quer. Then the Gentlemen of his Highness Foot Guard, and the Wardens of the Tower, all in his Highness Livery, went along about his Highness Coach. His Highnes alighting at the Abbey-dore, the Officers of the Army, and the Gentlemen went first in; after them 4 Maces, next them the Lord Commissioners of the Se [...]l the L. Whitlock ca [...]rying the purse. After them, the L. Lambert, carrying the Sword, bare, before his Highness. The rest followed, and his Highness w [...]s sea [...]ed ove [...] against the Pulpit. After the Sermon was done (which was preached by M r Th. Goodw [...]) his Highness went on foo [...], in the same [...]quipage, [...]o the Painted Chamber, th [...]re being a very rich Chair wrought and trimmed with Gold, upon a place up [...]o steps, like a Throne, with a Table before it, and seats for the members, and h [...]s Highness standing [...]y with his head bare, deliver'd his mind very excellently as large to the Parliament. The substance whereof was as followeth.
THat the Parliament them met, was such a Congregation as England never saw, having on their shoulders the interest of three great Nations, with the Territories thereunto belonging; Yea, that they had upon their shoulders the Interest of all the Christian people in the world.
He promised in what he should say, plainness and truth; taking notice, That after so many ch [...]nges and turnings as this Nation hath laboured under, to have such a day of hope, and such a door of hope opened as this, was some months since above all our thoughts. That it might have been a matter worthy such a meeting, to have remembred them what occasioned the rise and fi [...]st beginning of all the tossings that have been upon these Nations, and to have given a series not of the transactions of men but of the providences of God all along to these Times, and the grounds of the first undertaking to oppose that Usurpation and Tyrannie which was upon Us in our Civils and Spirituals: but some Reasons diverted him from that; As,
1 To have proceeded after that manner would have taken up the whole day; for Gods dispensations have been such, that, as David sayes in another case, If I should sit to count them, they are more then can be numbred.
2 Because the recapitulation of his providences had been largely and wisely held forth in the Sermon that day, in an allusion to the state of, and dispensations toward the Israelites (the onely parallel to Gods dealing with us, that he knew in the world) in bringing them out of Egypt through a wildernesse, towards their place of rest.
3 Because the end of that meeting was healing, and the remembring of former transactions particularly might set the wounds fresh a bleeding; and if this day proves not a day of healing what shall we do? but if it be the mind of God (which alone must make it healing) to put it into their hearts, then it would be such a day as Generations to come would blesse them for it.
That it was necessary rather to let them know in what condition these Nations were when this Government was erected, what were the breaches in our Civils and Spirituals, when every mans hand (at least his heart) was against another, little appeared tending to cementing.
All Gods dispensations, neither his terrible ones, when He met us in a way of judgment in a ten years civil war, and a sharp ones, nor his merciful dispensations did work upon us. That we had our Humors and Interests, and (as He feared) our Humors were more then our Interests; our passions more then our judgments. Was not every thing almost grown arbytrary? What face was upon our affairs as to the interest and authority of the Magistrate, or to the rights & orders of men, whereby distinctions have been made for hundreds of yeares of a Nobleman, a Gentleman, a Yeoman; it being a good interest of the Nation, and a great one? Every mans hand was upon his loins, and said, We see nothing that bears sway or rule.
And that spirit that brought under that contempt, though it may be comprehended in a very short expression of Men of levelling Principles, yet the thing had a vast extension, tending to reduce al the orders and ranks of men to an equality to make the Tenant of as liberal a fortune as his Landlord.
His Highnesse took notice in the next place of the prodigious contempt upon God and Christ, and his Ordinances; a spirit visibly acting those things w ch [Page 5] were fore told by Peter and Jude, and Timothy, as the lot and portion of the last times, and somthing worse then the Antichristian state; that there should be perillous dayes, and therefore perillous because they should break all Rules, and labour to root out that remainder of the image of God which was left in the nature of fallen man: And this by men that should have a form of godlinesse, denying the power of it. And indeed the character whereby that spirit and principle is described, is so legible and visible, that he that runs may read it: And he wished th [...]t it were not to be read or seen, and that the grace of GOD might not be turn'd into wantonnesse, and Christ and the Spirit of God made a cloak of vile practises.
He observed, That many would not own these things, yet they could tell you, the Magistrat hath nothing to do with matters of Conscience or Religion; That he is to look to the outer man, not to meddle with the inner. And such pretensions he said there were of liberty of the Subject, and of Conscience (two as glorious things, and as much to be contended for, as any gift God hath given us.) That both these were brought in to patronize such evils. Insomuch, that it was affirmed, not to be in the power of the Magistrate so much as to print Bibles, left it should seem an imposition on the Consciences of men, to receive them from the Magistrate, as true.
And these abominations swelled to that height, that the Ax was laid to the Root of the Ministry, as Antichristian and Babylonish. And as the extremity was great before, that no man, though well approved, and having a good testimony might preach, if not ordained, so now on the other hand, they would have Ordination put a nullity upon the Calling. He took notice of another evil that had more refinednesse in it, more colour for it, and had deceived more people of integrity then the former; for few were catcht with the former mistakes, but such as apostatized from their holy profession, such as having been corrupted in their Consciences, have been forsaken by God, and left to noysome opinions. But there was another thing that deceived many well meaning people, whose hearts are sincere, and such (as he was perswaded) belong to God, and that is the Fifth Monarchie, Mens pretending to more spirituality then any other. It is a Notion, which (as he hoped) we all honour and wait for, That Jesus Christ will have his time to set up his reign in our hearts, and to subdue that corrup [...]ion and lust which reigns more in the world now than ever; and he hoped in due time, it shall be; But for men to entitle themselves to be the onely men to govern Nations, and rule Kingdoms, and give Laws to the world, to determine of property and liberty, and every thing else, needs a great manifestation of Gods presence before wise men will submit to it.
Many of those he conc [...]ived in his very soul had good meanings, a [...]d he hop [...]d this Pa [...]liament would (as Jude sayes, reckoning up the abomin [...]ble Apostacies of the ast times) pluck some out of the fire, and [...]ave others with fear, making tho e o [...] peaceable Spirits, the subj [...]ct of their encouragement, and saving others by that di [...]cipline that God hath ord [...]ined to reform miscar [...]iages. The danger of that Spirit being not in the notion, but in its proceeding to a civill tr [...]nsgression. When men shall come into such a practice, as to tell u [...], That liberty and proper [...]y are not the badges of that Kingdom; and that in stead of regulating Lawes, Laws must be subverted, and perhaps the Judicial Law imposed, or some fancy in stead of it (for t [...]at was good and honourable in the Institution, though now by some misapplyed) specially when every stone is turn [...]d to bring in Confusion. This will be a consideration worthy of the Magistrate.
His Highness p [...]oceeded to shew, That while these things were in the midst of us, and the Nation rent and turn from one end to another, Family against Family, Pa [...]nt against Child, and nothing in the hearts and minds of men, but Ov [...]turn, [...]ve [...]urn, a Scripture ve [...]y much abused, and challenged by all men of discontented Spirits. The common enemy in the mean time s [...]eps not; swarms of J [...]uit [...] c [...] ing ove [...], having thei [...] Consistories abroad to rule all the [...] England, [...]d the dependancies thereof. In the mean time visible ende [...]vors [...] [...]der the work in Ireland, to obst [...]uct the work in Scotland; Correspon [...] [...] Intelligencies are held to incourage & foment the war in these places. [...] all we were deeply ingaged in a war with Portugal, whereby our T [...]ade [...]: and not onely so, but a war with Holland, which consumed our T [...]sure [...] much as the Assesment came to.
At the same time we fell into a war with France, or rather we were in it, and all this fomented by the divisions amongst us, which begat a confiden [...]s we could not hold out long; and the calculation had not been ill, if the Lord h [...]d not been gracious to us B sid [...]s, strangers increased in the Manufacture, th [...] staple commodity of this N [...]tion. In such a he [...]p of confusion was this p [...]or Nation, and that it might not sink into a confusion, from these premises a Rem [...]dy must be applyed.
A Remedy hath been applyed: This Government a thing that is seen, and read of all; and which, let men say what they will (he could speak with comfort befere a Greater then th [...]y all, as to his own intention, and let men judge out of the thing it self) is calcul [...]t [...]d for the interest of the people, for their interest alone, and to [...]hri [...] good, with u [...] respect had to [...]ny [...]ither interest. He added, That he might wi [...]h humbleness towards God, and modesty before them, say something in behalf of it.
[...]t hath endeavoured to refo [...]m the Laws and for that end hath joyned persons (without reflection upon any) of as great ability and integrity as any other, to consider how the laws might be m [...]e pl [...]in, short, and easie which may in due time be tendered.
It hath t [...]ken care to put into seats of Justice, men of the most known integrity and ability. [Page 7] The Chancery hath been reformed, and (I hope) to the just satisfaction of all good men. It hath put a step to that heady way, for every man that will, to make himself a Prea [...]her, having endeavoured to settle a way for appr [...]bation of men of piety, and fitnesse for the work, and the businesse committed to trusty persons both of the Presby [...]erian and Independent Judgment, men of as known ability and integrity, as (we suppose) any the Nation hath, and (we believe) have laboured to approve themselves to God and their own C [...]nsciences, in approving men to that great Function.
It hath taken care to expunge men unfit for that work, who have been the common scorn and reproach of that Administra [...]ion. — One thing more, It hath been instrumental to call a free Parliament, blessed be God we see here this day a free Parliament; and that it may continue so, he hop [...]s is in the heart of every good man of England; and he added, That for his own part, as he had desired it above his life, so to keep it free, he should value it ab [...]ve his life.
Having thus instanced in the wars wherein we were plunged, and the little assurance from Neighbo [...]us abroad, he procedeed to shew that a Peace is made with Sweden (wherein an honourable person was instrumental) it being of much importance to have a good understanding with our Protestant Neighb [...]rs▪ A peace is also made with the Dane, and a peace there that is honourable, and to [...] [...]tisfaction of the Merchants.
The [...] open to us, from whence as from a Fountain, our Naval provisions are [...].
That a [...] is made with the Dutch (which is so well known in the consequen [...] of [...]
He set for [...] the advantage of a good Und rstanding with Protestant States. And he begged, That it might be in the Parliaments hearts to be zealous of the P otestant Interest ab oad, whibh if ever it be like to come under a condition of suff [...]ring, it is now, many of them being banished and d [...]ven to s [...]k refuge among strangers. That a peace is made with Po [...]tuga [...] (though it hung long) of great concernment to Trade; and the people that trade thither, have freedom to enjoy their Consciences, without being subjected to the bloody Inquisition. And that a Treaty with France is now depending.
His Highnesse then further declared, That it might be necessary for them to hear a little of the Sea affairs, & took notice of the great expence of the forces and fleet, and yet 30000 l. is now abated of the next three months assesment. And having spoken about an hour and half, his Highness drew to a conclusion, presenting them with this Observation, That the things before-mentioned are but entrances and doors of hope; That they are brought to the edge of Canaan (into which many that have gone before could not enter) That if the blessing and presence of God go along with them in management of their Affaires, He makes no question but he will inable them to lay the top-stone of this Work. He then remembred them, that they have a great work upon them; Ireland to look to; that the beginnings of that Government may be setled in terms of honour, [Page 8] That they had before them the consideration of those forrein States tha [...] as yet peace is not made with, who if they shall see we manage not our Affaires with prudence as becom s men, will re [...]ain hopes that we may sink under the disadvantages thereof, and break into confusion. He perswaded th [...]m [...]o have a sweet, gracious, and holy understanding one of another, and put them in mind of the councel heard that day in order thereunto. And desired them for a conclusion, to believe that He spake not to them as one that would be a Lord over them, but as one that was resolved to be a fellow-servant with them, to the Interest of this great Affair; and so wished them to repair to their House, and exercise their own liberty in the choice of their Speaker. His Highness having done, the Members went to their House, and having chose M r Lenthal Speaker, they ordered a Fast to be kept by them, and in London, and parts adjacent on the 13 of this instant Septemb. In all other parts of England, Scotland, & Wales, on the 4 of Octob. And in Ireland the 1 of Novemb. to seek to God for direction and counsel, and to pray for a blessing upon their endeavors.
After which, his Highnesse retired into the place, formerly called the House of Lords, and so took Barge, and went down to White-Hall by water.