By the Lord Protector. A PROCLAMATION of his HIGHNES, with the consent of his Council, for continuing all Persons being in Office for the Execution of Publike Justice at the time of the late Change of Government, until his HIGHNES further direction.
OLIVER, LORD PROTECTOR of the Common-wealth of England, Scotland, and Ireland, considering, That whereas the exercise of the chief Magistracy, and the Administration of Government within the said Common-wealth, is invested and established in his Highness, assisted with a Council, And lest thereupon the setled and ordinary course of Iustice in the Common-wealth (if remedy were not provided) might receive interruption, his Highness in his care of the State, and publike Iustice thereof, (reserving to future consideration the reformation and redress of any abuses by misgovernment, upon better knowledge taken thereof) is pleased, and doth hereby expresly signifie, declare and ordain, by and with the advice and consent of his Council, who have power until the meeting of the next Parliament to make Laws & Ordinances for the peace and welfare of these Nations, where it shall be necessary, which shall be binding and in force until Order shall be taken in Parliament concerning the same, that all persons who on the 10. day of this instant Decem. were duly and lawfully possessed of any place of Iudicature, or Office of Authority, Iurisdiction or Government, within this Common-wealth, shall be, and shall so hold themselves continued in the said Offices and places respectively as formely they held and enjoyed the same, and not otherwise, until his Highness pleasure be further known; And all Commissions, Patents, and other Grants, which respect or relate unto the doing and executing of publick Iustice, and all Proceedings of what Nature soever in Courts of Common Law, or Equity, or in the Court of Admiralty, or by Commissioners of Sewers, shall stand and be in the same and like force to all Intents and Purposes as the same were on the said tenth day of this instant December, until further Order given by his Highness therein; And that in the mean time (for preservation of the publike Peace, and necessary proceedings in matters of Iustice, and for Safety of the State) all the said Persons, of whatsoever Place, Power, Degree, or Condition, may not fail, every one severally according to his respective Place, Office or Charge, to proceed in the performance and execution of all Duties thereunto belonging, as formerly appertained to them and every of them, whilst the former Government was in being.
Given at White-Hall this 21. of December, in the year of our Lord 1653.