❧ By His Highness: A PROCLAMATION FOR RELIEF Of Godly MINISTERS against Suits and Molestations by Pesons Sequestred, Ejected, or not Approved.

WHereas since the Parliament began at Westminster, the third day of November One thousand six hun­dred and forty, divers Ministers, Lecturers, Schoolmasters and others have been sequestred or re­jected from their respective Parsonages, Rectories, Vicarages and other Ecclesiastical Benefices or Places, for Delinquency against the Commonwealth, or for Scandal or Insufficiency, by Ordinance or Order of Parliament, by Order of the late Committee of Parliament for Plundred Ministers, by Committees in the counties by vertue of Ordinances of Parliament in that behalf, and by the Com­missioners appointed by the Ordinance for Ejecting of Scandalous, Ignorant and Insufficient Ministers and Schoolmasters; Notwithstanding which, divers of the said Sequestred and Ejected Persons have of late gotten into the Possession of such Places, from which they have been sequestred or ejected, and others have commenced Suits for Recovering the Possession from such persons as have been put into such places, or do otherwise inter­rupt and trouble such persons in their Possession, to the great vexation and discouragement of the Godly Ministry within this Nation, and to the prejudice and disappointment of the Reformation which hath bin so long desired and endeavored: His Highness and the Council having received divers Complaints of this nature, and taking into consideration the dangerous Evils likely to ensue, in case the same be not timely prevented, Do hereby Publish and Declare, That they hold themselves obliged to take care, that as well such persons so sequestred or ejected, or which shall by the Authority aforesaid be sequestred or ejected, be not restored to such places from whence they have been, or shall be so sequestred or ejected; as also that such pious and able persons as have been, are, or shall be placed in the room of such sequestred or ejected person, by Ordinance or Order of Parliament, or of the late Committee for Plundred Ministers, or by any Committee in the respective counties authorized thereunto by Ordinaunce of Par­liament, or by Order of His Highness, or of His Highness & the Council, be preserved and continued in their quiet and peaceable possession and enjoyment of the Profits belonging to such Benefice or Place, without the interruption of such sequestred or ejected person; And therefore His Highness, by the advice of y e Council, doth strictly charge and com­mand, That all & every such person and persons who hath bin so sequestred or ejected, and all persons claiming under him or them, do immediately upon publication hereof, & such as shal be hereafter so sequestred or ejected, do within one month after such sequestration or ejection, quietly and peaceably leave and deliver up the possession of such place, whence he hath been or shall be so ejected, and of all Houses, Lands and other Profits belonging to the same, unto such person, and persons as have been or shall, by authority aforesaid, in that behalf, be placed in such Par­sonage, Rectory, Vicarage, Ecclesiastical Benefice, or Place, and do from henceforth forbear to Commence, or prosecute any sute or action, for recovery of the Possession of any such Parsonage, Vicarage, Rectory, Ecclesiasti­cal Benefice, or Place, or any Profits belonging to the same; And do before the thirtieth day of July instant re­voke, discharge, and release all, and every such action, or sute, and acknowledge satisfaction upon any Iudge­ment had or obtained upon such action, or sute; and also shall restore the Possession, and profits received, or the full value of such Profits, with the Damages incurred by reason of any Iudgement, and execution had therupon, con­trary to any the Orders, or Ordinances aforesaid. And that all and every person and persons who have been, or shall be sequestred, or ejected for any the Causes aforesaid, do permit, and suffer such person, and persons as have bin or shall by the Authority aforesaid be placed in such Parsonage, Rectory, Vicarage, & other Ecclesiastical Benefice or Place, peaceably and quietly to hold, & enjoy the same, without any their let, or interruption, sute or Molestation whatsoever. And his Highness by the advice aforesaid, doth further declare, That all, and every the sequestred, or ejected persons aforesaid, who shall not conform, or shall do any thing contrary hereunto, shall from thenceforth be debarred from receiving, or claiming any the Fifths of such Parsonage, Rectory or Vicarage, or any arrears now, or hereafter due for the same, and shall be reputed, and taken to be disturbers of the peace, disaffected to the present Government, and opposers of the good, and welfare of this Nation, and be proceeded against according­ly. And whereas divers persons, who have not been approved by the Commissioners appointed for approbation of Publick Preachers, according to the Ordinance of his Highness, with the advice and consent of the Coun­cill in that behalf, do nevertheless detain, and withhold the Possession of divers Parsonages, Rectories, Vica­rages, and Publick Lectures, from such persons, as, according to the said Ordinance, have been presented, no­minated, and chosen unto the same, and received an Instrument of Approbation, and admittance, according to the said Ordinance, whereby the good intended by the said Ordinance in supplying such Places with godly and a­ble Preachers, is interrupted; His Highness, by the advice of the Council, doth likewise straightly charge, and require, that all and every person and persons, who since the first day of April 1653. have been placed in such Be­nefices, or Publick Lectures, and hath not obtained approbation, and admittance in the manner expressed in the said Ordinance, within the times, which by it, or any other Ordinance of his Highness, and the Council, hath [Page] been prefixed for obtaining such approbation and admittance, do before the thirtieth day of this instant July, leave and yield up the possession of such Benefice, or Lecture, to such person, and persons, as according to the said Ordi­nance, hath been, or shall be admitted thereunto; and all and every such person and persons as hereafter shall be presented, nominated, or chosen to such Benefice, or Publick Lecture, and shall not obtain such approbation, and admittance by the time prefixed for that purpose, do within one Moneth after demand therof, leave and yield up the Possession of such Benefice, or Lecture, unto such person, and persons, as shall be so admitted thereunto, accor­ding to the said Ordinance, and in default thereof, all and every person and persons so making default, and refusing, shall be deemed, and taken to be disturbers of the peace, disaffected to the present Government, and opposers of the good and welfare of this Nation, and be proceeded against accordingly. And to the intent the premisses may be the more effectually executed, his Highness, by like advice, doth further Declare, That no sute, or plaint shall be brought, or entertained in any Court, contrary to the true intent, and meaning of the said Orders and Ordinances; And doth also require, That no Counsellors at Law, Atturneys, or other Officers be instrumental (at their peril) in any sute, intended to be forbidden as aforesaid. And his Highness doth further Will, and require all, and every the Sheriffs of the respective Counties to cause this Proclamation to be read at the next Assizes holden for the re­spective Counties, that no person concerned may pretend ignorance hereof.

Published by his Highness special command.

London, Printed by Henry Hills and John Field, Printers to His Highness, MDCLV.

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