❧ By the Protector. A PROCLAMATION Declaring the right of the FELLOWSHIP and COMPANY of English Merchants for Discovery of New Trades (commonly called the Muscovia Company) to the sole Fishing for Whales upon the Coasts of Green-land and Chery-Island, and for restraining and prohibiting of all others.
WHEREAS the Discovery of the Island called Chery-Island, and the Continent of Green-land, with the fishing for Whales upon the Seas and Coasts thereof, and of the Islands and places thereto adjacent (having been made by the Fellowship of English Merchants, for Discovery of New Trades commonly called the Muscovia Company, and at their own great charges and hazards) hath by experience been found to be, and is a very great honour and advantage to this Nation and Commonwealth, aswel in the inlargement of the Dominions and Territories thereof, as also in the advancement and increase of Navigation, and the entring upon and gaining of the Trade of Whale-fishing, whereby great quantities of Whale-Oyl, Whale-Fins and other Commodities are yearly hither imported, to the enriching of this Nation, without the Exportation of any Commodities from hence: And whereas upon consideration of the Premises, and for recompence of the said charge and hazards in the said Discovery, and for the encouragement of the said Company and others in time to come, several Grants and Letters Patents under the Great Seal of England, have been heretofore made and granted to the said Fellowship, and particularly in the Raign of the late King Philip and Queen Mary, by which all main Lands, Isles, Havens, Ports, Creeks and Rivers, by the said Company then discovered or to be after discovered, were forbidden to be traffiqued unto, or visited by any the People of this Nation, without the License of the said Company; Which Letters Patents were afterwards confirmed by Act of Parliament in the Eighth year of the Raign of the late Queen Elizabeth, under the penalty of forfeiting the Ships and Goods of any Trading thither without License, and with addition of divers other Priviledges and Liberties unto the said Fellowship and Company. And the late King James, for the further encouragement of the said Company, and preventing others to interrupt, distract or disturb their said Trade-fishing and Discoveries, did, in pursuance of the said Act of Parliament, and the true intent and meaning of the same, by his Letters Patents grant unto the said Fellowship, the sole Trading and Fishing in those Seas and places so discovered by them, And all others were forbidden to fish in those Seas and Coasts, or to sail thither for Trade without License of the said Company. Notwithstanding which, the said Company as We are given to understand, have of late received some disturbance by the interloping and intruding of some persons into the said Whale-fishing, upon those Seas and Coasts of Green-land and Chery-Island, whereupon the said Company having addressed their humble Petition unto Vs. And the matter having been by Vs referred to the consideration of our Privy Council, and fully heard and debated before a Committee of Our said Council, as well on behalf of the said particular Traders, as also on behalf of the said Fellowship and Company. And the Act of Parliament and the Grants and Charters made to the said Fellowship and Company shewed forth and read, and the whole matter having been fully considered, and thereupon made evident, that such particular fishing for Whales upon those Seas, Harbours and Coasts, by persons separate from the said Company, and trading therein by themselves apart, with like power and strength, did not onely disturb the main Trade of Fishing and taking of Whales by the Company, but did tend to the ruine and destruction of that Fishing, and unless prevented, might occasion Forraigners to come in and gain away that fishing and Trading from this Nation, which might tend to the great damage and dishonour of Vs and this Nation, besides the particular damage of the said Company. And whereas the whole state of the matter having been again represented to Our said Privy Council and by them also fully considered, it was by them conceived to be for the good of this Nation, to encourage the carrying on of the said Whale-fishing and Trade, by the said Felloshwip and Company onely, and to forbid all others, except such as the said Company should License, to intrude or meddle therein. And the said Company having further declared, that they appropriating those parts of the said Seas called Bell Sound, and Horn Sound, with such other places as they shall fish in, to themselves onely, were well contented, and do promise to grant Licenses gratis to all and every person of this Nation and Commonwealth, that shall or will but ask or desire to fish for Whales, or Trade in any other of the said Seas, or Coasts of Green-land, or Chery-Island, where they themselves fish not. We therefore taking the Premises into Our consideration (with the advice of [Page] Our said Privie Council) Do hereby publish and Declare, That the whole and sole Trade and fishing for Whales, and absolute fishing in and upon the said Seas, Coasts and parts of Green-land, and Chery-Island, and in and upon the said Bell Sound, and Horn Sound, being part of the said Seas and Coasts, doth and ought to belong unto the said Fellowship of English Merchants for discovery of New Trades, commonly called the Muscovia Company, and that no other Person or Persons of this Commonwealth (other then the said Fellowship of English Merchants for discovery of New Trades, called the Muscovia Company) shall fish for Whales in and upon the said Seas, Coasts of Green-land and Chery-Island, or in and upon the said Bell Sound and Horn Sound, being part of the said Seas and Coasts. Yet so, as nevertheless the said Company, upon their own offer and agreement aforesaid, be and shall be, and are hereby obliged to grant License and Licenses, to all and singular the People and Subjects of this Commonwealth, upon request in that behalf to be made (without delay or paying any thing for the same) to fish for Whales, or trade or fish in all or any other parts or places, of the said Seas or Coasts of Greenland and Chery-Island, Except the Harbours and places of Bell Sound and Horn Sound aforesaid, or where the said Company shall set out Ships to fish. And We do hereby command, That all persons whatsoever (other then the said Fellowship and Company) do forbear to enter into the said Bell Sound or Horn Sound, or to fish or trade within Three Leagues of either of them, but clearly and absolutely leave the said Bell Sound and Horn Sound, and all the sole and whole fishing and trading thereof, unto the said Fellowship and Company, and their Ships and Agents, and such as shall be set forth, hired or imployed by them, without making any disturbance or interruption, or giving the said Company or their Ships or Vessels, any impediment or hinderance therein, under pain of Our high displeasure, and such other pains and penalties as by the Laws of this Land may be inflicted upon them for their disobedience and contempt therein, Leaving all other the People and Subjects of this Commonwealth free notwithstanding, to take Licenses from the said Company to trade or fish for Whales or otherwise, in and upon all other of the said Seas, Coasts and places, Except the said Bell Sound and Horn Sound, and such other place of Green-land, as the said Fellowship or their Agents shall fish in, as aforesaid. And We do hereby further will and command, aswel Our Generals at Sea, Admirals of Our Fleet, Vice-Admirals, Commanders of Squadrons, and other Commanders, Captains and Officers whatsoever, of any Our Ships, as also Our Iudges of the High Court of Admiralty of England, and all other Our Officers and Ministers, in their several places to be aiding and assisting, unto the said Fellowship and Company, and all such as they shall set out and imploy in their said sole Trade and fishing, and in hindring all others hereby forbidden to use the said Trade and fishing, otherwise then as is before mentioned. And likewise to be aiding and assisting unto the said Fellowship and Company and their said Agents, in doing and executing of all and singular the premises. And lastly, We do hereby charge and Command the said Fellowship and Company, That in all Ships and Vessels which shall from time to time be sent out by them, or imployed under them, into or in the Seas and parts aforesaid, they do imploy for Harpineers, Steersmen and Mariners, the People and Subjects of this Commonwealth, and no other.
Given at Our Palace of Westminster the 9th day of March, in the year of Our Lord, 1657.
London, Printed by Henry Hills and John Field, Printers to His Highness, 1657.