❧ By the Protector. A PROCLAMATION Declaring that after the first day of
August next, no further use be made of any Letters of
Marque, or Reprisal, granted unto any private person.
WHEREAS heretofore, upon complaint of divers Merchants, and other People of this Common-wealth, that their Ships, Goods, and Merchandizes had been taken, and robbed at Sea, and their persons deteined, and made Prisoners, and Iustice being sought that Restitution and Reparation might be had and made by the Power and Authority of that Nation, whose Subjects had committed such Depredations, and Piracies, and no Relief in such way being obtained, thereupon such persons so spoiled became Suitors unto this State for Letters of Marque, and Reprisal, against the Subjects of that State, who had committed such violence, and unlawfull acts upon them, to the end that thereby they might in some measure, make satisfaction unto themselves, for the prejudice, and damage they had sustained; and such Letters and Commissions having been accordingly granted, for some time, such use was made, as that thereby the Enemies of this State were in part weakned, and the people who had sustained damage were in a great measure repaired, or satisfied. But his Highness being now certainly informed, That sundry persons (perverting the true ends, and purposes for which such Licenses and Commissions were granted) do, under colour, and by pretence of such their Commission, seize the Ships, and Vessels, of the people of such Princes, and States, as are in amity with his Highness, which may put discouragement, and disturbance upon trade, to the great damage, and dishonour of his Highness, and the Commonwealth: His Highness thereupon, duly considering the premisses, and finding that the ordinary proceedings held of late times for suppressing of their enormities, and offences, hath not wrought a Reformation therein; Hath (with the advice of his Council) in his care to preserve the Iustice and Commerce of this Common-wealth, and to take away all occasions that may discourage or interrupt Trade, thought fit to publish, and doth hereby declare, That for the immediate Prevention, or severe punishment hereafter of such Misdemeanours, all Letters of Marque, or Reprisal, Licenses or Commissions granted unto, or obtained by, any private person or persons upon pretence, or by reason of any loss, or damage supposed to be susteined by such person or persons, or upon any other ground, or pretence whatsoever, shall from, and after the first day of August in the year of our Lord one thousand six hundred fifty five, be no longer [...]r further made use of, but the same are hereby revoked, and declared from the said first day of August to be void, and of no effect. And his Highness further pleasure is, that whatsoever Ships, or Goods shall, after the said first day of August, be taken by any private person o [...] persons by colour of any such Letter of Marque or Reprisal, Licence, or Commission whatsoever, the same shall be forthwith sequestred from the Takers, to the use of the true Proprietaries, and shall be restored unto them, upon the first claims and proofs of their properties, without any long or chargeable Suit of Law. And the persons, that shall so take the same, shall be reputed, and taken as Pirates, and both they, and all their accessaries▪ Maintainers, Comforters, Abettors, and Partakers shall suffer death, as Pirates, and accessaries to Piracie, with Confiscation of a [...]l their Lands, and Goods according to the ancient Laws of this Nation. And his Highness doth hereby will, and require all the Officers of the Admiralty to see this Porclamation duly execut [...]d; And all other Officers of this Commonwealth, to give their best assistance to the Officers of t [...]e Admiralty, for the better execution thereof, as they, and every of them, failing therein, will an [...]wer the contrary at their peril.
Given at White-Hall this 12. day of J [...]ly 1655.