❧ By the Protector. A PROCLAMATION Commanding all persons, who have been of the late Kings party, or his Sons, to depart out of the Cities of London and Westminster, and late Lines of Communication, on or before Thursday the twelfth day of July instant.

HIs Highness taking notice of the great confluence and resort of divers ill-affected persons (who have born arms against the Commonwealth, and otherwise adhered to the Enemy, in the late Wars) unto the Cities of London and Westminster, and the parts adjacent, and are now lurking in and about the same; and having of late received certain intelligence of Designs now in hand, endeavored to be carried on by correspondencies with the Sons of the late King, their Agents, and Complices, against the Commonwealth and present Government (the Contrivers of which Plots may, for the better effecting the same, and with much more ease, make use of such dangerous and discontented persons now remain­ing in & about the said Cities) doth (by and with the advice of his Council) for preventing such disturbances as may thereby arise in the future, think fit, and hereby publish, de­clare, and enjoin, That all persons who have been at any time in Arms against the Commonwealth, or have ad­hered unto, or willingly assisted the Enemies thereof, in the time of the late Wars, being within the Cities of Lon­don and Westminster, or the late Lines of Communication, and not under Restraint, nor hereafter excepted, shall on or before the twelfth day of July instant (or if then under Restraint) within five daies next after their respective In­largement, depart out of the said Cities of London and Westminster, and late Lines of Communication, and all other Places within twenty Miles of the said late Lines, unless it be their places of Habitation for themselves and Families. And if any such person or persons shall continue within the said late Lines, or the said distance of twenty Miles from the hid Lines, after the said twelfth day of Ju­ly instant, or if then under Restraint, shall continue within the Distance aforesaid, above five Dayes [Page] after his or their Inlargement, or shall return without Licence, then and in such case, he and they shall be Appre­hended, Imprisoned and otherwise proceeded against as Disturbers of the Peace, and Contemners of Authority. And His Highness doth Command the Lord Major and Aldermen of the City of London, and all Iustices of Peace within the said City, and late Lines of Communication, and of the several Counties of Middlesex, Hertford, Essex, Kent and Surrey, and the respective Committees and Commissioners of, and for the Militia, within the said City and Liberties, the City of Westminster, Borough of Southwa [...]k, Hamlets of the Tower, and Suburbs, or any two or more of them in their respective Liberties and Iurisdict [...]ons, to cause strict Wards and Watches to be kept, and to make frequent Searches for, and apprehend, or caus [...] to be apprehended all such persons as aforesaid, which shall be found within the Distance aforesaid, after the said Twelfth day of July next ensuing; And of their doings therein, under their Hands and Seals in writing, fo [...]thwith to certifie His Highness Council, to the end the said Offenders may be dealt withal and proceeded again [...]t as Disturbers of the Peace, and Contemners of Authority; And all Sheriffs, Bayliffs, Constables, and all Captains of Guards, Officers and Soldiers, and other the Good People of this Commonwealth, are Required to be Ayding to the said Iustices of Peace, Committees and Commissioners, their Agents, Officers and Ministers, in the due and speedy Execution of His Highness Commands in the Premises. And for the better disc [...]very, preventing and avoiding of Plots and Di­sturbances, dangerous to the Peace of the Commonwealth, H [...]s Highness doth straitly Charge and Command, That all the said Persons appointed to depart as aforesaid, and [...]ot restrained or stayed, either by Imprisonment, or such Sickness and Infirmity of Body, as they shall not be [...]le to travel without imminent Danger of Life, repair to their place of Dwelling, or where they usually made t [...]eir common Aboad, or (not having any certain Aboad) to the place of their Birth, or where their Parents shal [...]e then dwelling, and give notice of their coming thither, and present themselves and deliver their true Names [...] writing, to the Minister of the Parish, and to the Constable, Headborough or Tything-man of the Town, [...]o shall thereupon presently Enter the same into a Book, to be kept in every Parish for that purpose; And the sai [...] Minister, Constable, Headborough or Tything-man, are hereby commanded to certifie the same in writing to [...]e Iustices of the Peace of the same County, at the next General, or Quarter Sessions of the Peace, to be held or the same County, there to be Entred by the Clerk of the Peace upon the Rolls of the same Session upon [...]ecord. And it is further Declared, That these Presents shall continue in force until the Twentieth day of Oct [...]er next ensuing, and no longer.

Published by His Highne [...] [...]ecial Command.

LONDON: Printed by Henry Hills and John Field, Pr [...]ers to His Highness. MDCLV.

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