A LETTER From the Right Honorable, The Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, Concerning the Surrender of the TOVVN of ROSS, AND The Artillery, Arms and Ammunition there.
Together with The several Transactions between the Lord Lieutenant and the Governor in order thereunto: And the ARTICLES for the Surrender thereof.
Die Veneris, 16 Novembr. 1649.
ORdered by the Parliament, That these Letters, Transactions and Articles be forthwith printed and published.
Hen: Scobell, Cleric. Parliamenti.
London, Printed by John Field for Edward Husband, Printer to the Parliament of England. 1649.
For the Honorable, WILLIAM LENTHAL Esq Speaker of the PARLIAMENT of ENGLAND.
SInce my last from Wexford, we marched to Ross, a walled Town, scituate upon the Barrow, a Port Town, up to which a Ship of seven or eight hundred Tun may come. We came before it upon Wednesday the Seventeenth instant, with three pieces of Canon: That evening I sent a Summons; Major General Taaff being Governor, refused to admit my Trumpet into the Town, but took the Summons in, returning me no answer. I did hear, that near One thousand Foot had been put into this place, some few days before my coming to it; the next day was spent in making preparations for our Battery; and in our view there were boated over from the other side of the River, of English, Scots and Irish, Fifteen hundred more, Ormond, Castlehaven, and the Lord of Ardes, being on the other side of the Water to cause it to be done. That night we planted our Battery, which begun to play very early the next Morning: The [Page 4] Governor immediately sent forth an Answer to my Summons, Copies of all which I make bold herewith to trouble you; the rather, because you may see how God pulls down proud stomacks: He desired Commissioners might Treat, and that in the mean time there might be a ceasing of acts of Hostility on both sides, which I refused, sending in word, That if he would march away with Arms, Bag and Baggage, and give me Hostages for performance, he should. Indeed he might have done it without my leave, by the advantage of the River. He insisted upon having the Canon with him, which I would not yield unto, but required the leaving the Artillery and Ammunition; which he was content to do, and marched away, leaving the great Artillery, and the Ammunition in the Stores, to me. When they marched away, at least Five hundred English (many of them of the Munster Forces) came to us: Ormond is at Kilkenny, Inchiquin in Munster, Henry O Neal, Owen Roe's Son, is come up to Kilkenny, with near Two thousand Foot and Horse, with whom and Ormond there is now a perfect Conjunction: So that now I trust some angry friends will think it high time to take off their jealousie from those to whom they ought exercise more charity. The Rendition of this Garison was a seasonable Mercy, as giving us an opportunity towards Munster, and is for the present a very good Refreshment to our men. We are able to say nothing to all this, but that the Lord is still pleased to own a company of poor worthless Creatures; for which we desire his Name may be magnified, and the [Page 4] hearts of all concerned may be provoked to walk worthy of such continued Favors. This is the earnest desire of
Colonel Horton is lately dead of the Countrey Disease, leaving a Son behinde him: He was a person of great Integrity and Courage; his former Services, especially that of the last Summer, I hope will be had in remembrance.
For the Commander in Chief in Ross.
SInce my coming into Ireland, I have this witness for my self, That I have endeavored to avoid effusion of blood, having been before no place, to which such terms have not been first sent, as might have turned to the good and preservation of those to whom they were offered. This being my principle, That the people and place where I come may not suffer, except through their own wilfulness. To the end I may observe the like course with this place, and the people therein, I do hereby summon you to deliver the Town of Ross into my hands to the use of the Parliament of England: Expecting your speedy Answer, I rest,
For General Cromwel, or in his absence, To the Commander in Chief of the Army now incamped before Ross.
I Received a Summons from you the first day you appeared before this place, which should have been answered ere now, had not other occasions interrupted me; and although I am now in far better condition to defend this place, then I have been at [Page 7] that time, yet am I upon the consideration offered in your Summons, content to entertain a Treaty, and to receive from you those Conditions that may be safe and honorable for me to accept of; which if you listen to, I desire that Pledges of both sides may be sent for performance of such Articles as shall be agreed upon, and that all acts of Hostility may cease of both sides, and each Party keep within their distance. To this your immediate Resolution is expected by,
For the Governor in Ross.
IF you like to march away with those under your Command, with their Arms, Bag and Baggage, and with Drums and Colours, and shal deliver up the Town to me, I shall give caution to perform these Conditions, expecting the like from you; As to the Inhabitants, they shal be permitted to live peaceably, free from the injury and violence of the Soldier: If you like hereof, you can tell how to let me know your minde, notwithstanding my refusal of a Cessation; by these you will see the reality of my intentions to save blood, & to preserve that place from ruine. I rest,
For General Cromwel.
THere wants but little of what I would propose, which is, That such Townsmen as have a desire to part, may have liberty within a convenient time to carry away themselves and goods, and Liberty of Conscience to such as shall stay, and that I may carry away such Artillery and Ammunition as I have in my command; if you be inclined to this, I will send, upon your Honor or safe Conduct, an Officer to conclude with you: To which your immediate Answer is expected by,
For the Governor in Ross.
TO what I formerly offered, I shall make good; As for your carrying away any Artillery or Ammunition that you brought not in with you, or hath not come to you since you had the command of that place, I must deny you that, expecting you leave it as you found it: For that which you mention concerning liberty of conscience, I meddle not with any mans conscience; But if by liberty of conscience, you mean a liberty to exercise the Mass, I judge it best to use plain dealing, and to let you know, Where the Parliament of England have power, that will not be allowed of: As for such of the Townsmen who desire to depart, [Page 9] and to carry away themselves and goods (as you express) I engage my self they shall have three moneths time so to do: And in the mean time shall be preserved from violence in their persons and goods, as others under the obedience of the Parliament: If you accept of this offer, I engage my Honor for a punctual performance hereof. I rest,
For General Cromwel.
I Am content to yield up this Place upon the terms offered in your last and first Letter, and if you please to send your safe Conduct, to such as I shall imploy to perfect those Conditions, I shall on receipt thereof send them to you, in the interval to cease from all acts of Hostility, and that all parties keep their own ground, until matters receive a full end; and so remains,
For the Governor in Ross.
YOu have my Hand and Honor engaged to perform what I offered in my first and last Letters, which I shall inviolable observe: I expect you send me immediately four persons of such quality as may be Hostages for your performance (for whom you have this safe Conduct enclosed, into which you may insert their names) without which I shall not cease acts of Hostility: If any thing happen by your delay to your prejudice, it will not be my fault; those you send may see the Conditions perfected, whilest I forbear acts of Hostility: I expect you forbear all actings within. I rest,
Articles concluded and agreed upon, by and between the Right Honorable the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland of the one part, and the Governor of Ross of the other part, this 19 of October, 1649.
I. IT is concluded and agreed, That the Governor of Ross, with all under his Command, may march unto Kilkenny or Loghlen Bridge, with their Arms, Bag and Baggage, Drums beating, Colours flying, Bullet in mouth, Bandeliers full of Powder, and Match lighted at both ends; provided they march thither in three days, and that no acts of Hostility be committed during the said time.
[Page 11] II. It is concluded and agreed, That such Townsmen as desire to depart, and to carry away themselves and their goods, shall have three moneths time so to do; and in the mean time shall be preserved from violence in their persons and goods, as others under the obedience of the Parliament; and that a Convoy be sent with them to secure them in their journeys.
III. It is concluded and agreed, That the Inhabitants shall be permitted to live peaceably, and enjoy their goods and estates free from the injury and violence of the Soldier.
IV. In consideration whereof, The Governor of Ross is to surrender into my hands the Town of Ross, Artillery, Arms, Ammunition, and other Utensils of War that are therein, by three of the clock this present day, except such as were brought in by the said Governor, or such as came in since he had the Command thereof; and by two of the clock, to permit the Lord Lieutenant to put Three hundred men into the Blockhouse, Gate-house near the breach, and the White Tower near the same.
V. For the performance of the Articles on the said Governors part, He is to deliver four such Hostages as I shall approve of.
- James Craford.
- Thomas Geynau.
- Ma: Lynch.
- Matth. Dormer.