A DECLARATION CONCERNING The Government of the three Nations OF ENGLAND, SCOTLAND, And IRELAND, By his Highness the Lord Protector CROMWEL: And His Speech to the Lord Commissio­ners of the broad Seal of England, and the Judges in their scarlet Gowns, and Robes, im­mediatly before he took the Chair of State, the City Sword, and Cap of Maintenance. VVith the Oath taken by His Highness; the sub­scribing of the Instructions tendered unto Him by the said Judges; the full particulars of this great and hono­rable Solemnization; the manner how he was proclai­med throughout the City of London, and the procla­mation of the Council, to be published through­out all Counties, Cities, and Market-towns.

London, Printed by R. WOOD, 1653.

The Speech of his Excellency the Lord General Cromwel, in Westminster Hall on Friday last, to the Right Ho­norable the Lord Mayor of the City of London, and the rest of the Judges of the Law, upon their investing of Him Lord Protector of the three Nations of England, Scotland, and Ireland.

WHereas the late Parliament having upon their Dissolution delivered up their Power and Authorities, which they received from his Excellency at their first sitting by a Writing under their Hands and Seals: His Excellency thereupon called a Coun­cel of Officers, and advised with other persons of Interest in the Nation, how this great Burthen of governing England, Scotland, and Ireland, should [Page 4]be born, and by whom; who after several Dayes seeking of God, and advising therein; It was resolv­ed that a Councel of godly able and discreet per­sons should be named, consisting of 21. And that his Excellency should be chosen Lord Protector of the three Nations. In pursuance hereof, several per­sons of eminency and worth, are already made choice of to be of the said Councel. And on Friday last his Excellency went to Westminster, where he was installed Lord Protector of the three Nations; a Narration whereof take as followeth:

His Excellency about one of the clock in the af­ternoon went from White-Hall to Westminster, to the Chancery Court, attended by the Lords Commissioners of the great Seal of England, Barons of the Exchequer, and Judges in their Robes; af­ter them, the Councel of the Common-wealth, and the Lord Mayor, Aldermen, and Recorder of the City of London, in their scarlet Gowns; then came his Excellency, attended with many of the chief Officers of the Army, and a Chair of State being set in the said Court of Chancery, His Excellency stood on the left hand thereof uncovered, till a large Writing in Parchment, in the nature of an Oath, was read; the substance wherof was, That he should govern the three Nations of England, Scotland, and [Page 5]Ireland, according to the Fundamental Laws there­of; That he should maintain the true Orthodox Ministery of the Church of England; and that He should extirpate and abolish all Popery, Schismes, and Heresie; and maintain and preserve the peo­ples Rights, Priviledges, and Liberty, &c. Unto which Paper, or Oath, his Excellency subscribed in the face of the court, saying, to this effect, That see­ing it was the will of God, and the pleasure of the council, that he should be invested with so great an honour, as to be Lord Protector, that he desired to rule and govern the three Nations no longer, then it might have a perfect dependancie on the great work of the Lord; that so the Gospel might flour­ish in its full splendor and purity; and the people enjoy their just Rights and Propriety? His Speech being ended, he sate down in the chair covered; and the Lords comissioners then delivered up the great Seal of England to his Excellency, and the L. Major his Sword and cap of Maintenance; all which his Excellency returned immediatly to them again: the court then rose, and his Excellency was attended back as aforesaid, to the Banquetting house in VVhite-hall, the Lord Mayor himself uncovered carrying the Sword before the Protector all the way; and coming in to the Banqueting house, there was great acclamations of joy.

So that now this Common-wealth is become the Wonder and Emulation of Europe; nay, of the whole World: since that the Lord Protector is resolved to de­fend and maintain our National Rights, Lawes, Liberties, and Priviledges, against all sorts of persons whatsoever that shall dare to attempt the violation or extirpati­on thereof. And indeed, deplorable is it un­to many, to behold the bird-witted Opini­ators of this Age, who already begin to breath forth a disowning and dislike of this great and unparallel'd Change. Alas! how great a madness are these Antinomies cap­tivated with, who blindly endeavor the ru­ine of so prudent a Governor, so excellent a Protector. Defend Us, O God! from that unhappiness, where our own Reason wil not be our friend! We have nothing amiss almost in England, but where our [Page 7]wholesome Lawes, and excellent Govern­ment is abused. Alas! how is the whole body of men wel compos'd, but valuing their Patrial Laws, are troubled at the pre­sent Change. But doubtless, our Protector wil consider, that in these Impressions of idle heads, their own Interest suffers an un­mannerly violation. Can it be, that ever these lunatick Braines wil be constant to their Governors, who not knovving vvhat to ask, yet are resolved upon impetuous malice against those Constitutions they breath under, and vvould involve the Common-Wealth into inextricable La­birynthes.

By the Council.

WHereas the late Parliament dissolving themselves, and resigning their powers and Authorities, The Government of the Common-wealth of England, Scot­land, Ireland, by a Lord Protector, and successive Triennial Parliaments, is now established; And whereas O. Cromwel Captain General of all the forces of this Commonwealth is declared Lord. Protector of the said Nations, and hath accepted thereof: We have therefore thought it necessary (as we hereby do) to make publication of the premisses, and strictly to charge and command all, and every person or persons, of what quality and condition soever, in any of the said three Nations, to take notice hereof, and to con­form and submit themselves to the Government so esta­blished. And all Sheriffs, Majors, Bayliffs, and other pub­like Ministers, and Officers, whom this may concern, are required to cause this Proclamation to be forthwith pub­lished in their respective counties, cities, corporations, and Market towns; to the end none may have cause to pretend ignorance in this behalf.

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