AN Epistle to Friends, Concerning the PRESENT and SUCCEEDING TIMES. BEING A faithful Exhortation and Warning to all Friends, who profess the Truth, to be ware of the manifold Wiles of the Enemy, and to stand Armed in the Light of the Lord God of Heaven and Earth, against his Assaults, that so they may be ready to answer the Call and Requirings of the Lord. ALSO, Some thing signified of the Misery of the Succeeding Times, that all may be prepared, and that the Evil Day may not overtake any at unawares, but such as turn away their Ear from Counsel.

Let him that hath an Ear, hear what the Spirit saith to the Churches.

By one who is a Traveller in the Way of Peace and hath good will to­wards all Men, and more especially to the Houshold of Faith. STEPHEN CRISP.

London, Printed in the Year, 1666.

AN Epistle to Friends, Concerning the PRESENT and SUCCEEDING TIMES.

Dear Friends,

YOU whom the Lord hath reached unto in this the day of his Love, and hath made known the way of Truth and Righ­teousness unto you, through the raising up of that holy, li­ving Witness of himself, that long lay hid and buried in you, and hath brought you to a secret feeling of something in you, that is worth the minding and regarding; and the Lord causing this to appear in the day of your seeking, as a Light, discovering Darkness, and its power, by which ye were formerly holden, and giving you, by his Spirit, a sense and secret hope, that in this Light, the way of Deliverance was to obtained unto; this hope made you not ashamed of the Light which before you hated, but you came to own & embrace it, even while others still hated it and you, for its sake; yet your hearts being affected with the hope that did appear therein, could not but so far joyn unto it, as to make publick profession of it for its own sake; and for no other ends or designes, or interest at all, but with resolution in that Light, to wait for the Salvation of God. Dear Friends, it is you afore-mentioned that both now, and for some days and weeks, my heart hath been deep­ly exercised concerning, even night and day; and the aboundings of the Fathers love doth often overcome me, and draws me forth now to say and write these things unto you for your admonition & establishment; and indeed it is you who did thus rightly own the way of Truth, and knew your believing to be the gift and mercy of God to your souls, that I do aim at; for those that have taken up the profession of the precious Truth upon by respects and sinister ends, and but for reasons propound­ed [Page 4]in their carnal minds; though I do pitty them, yet I have not much at this time to say to them, but this; The day shall declare them, and their garment shall not hide them.

But you, oh my friends, who had fellowship with us, in the deep travels of our beginnings, and did come to Truth the same way, and have known the power and virtue of it, many times overcoming you in your inward man, which hath made you cry out, Lord evermore give us of this Bread; and hath made you as a watred Garden: Oh Friends, how shall I express or signify unto you those long­ings, those ardent desires and earnest breathings of my soul, that you, even you, might abide to the end of all tryals, and tribulation, and adver­sities; and might inherit that Crown of Immortality, that is in Christ Jesus our Lord, and might not by any meanes be bereft thereof; this is singly my travel in Body and Spirit, that you might be kept and pre­served out of all the subtile snares of the wicked one, which hunts for the soul, even of those that have believed; and therefore in dear and tender love I have a few things to write unto you for the clearing of my Conscience, and discharging my duty in the sight of the Lord, and the Lord give you all a tender and an understanding heart, that both you and I may yet have cause daily to praise the Lord in the glorious Light of his Salvation, which he hath manifested amongst us, by the re­vealing his Son Christ Jesus, to whom belongs Dominion, Honour and Glory for ever, Amen.

And first, dear Friends, it is in my heart to put you in remenbrance of that by which we were called and convinced, which as a foundation Principle was laid in and among you, and it being unchangable and unalterable in it self, doth therefore admit of no alteration or change in those that are rightly kept to it.

It was a Light which arose in our hearts, and shined forth from God, the Father of Lights, carrying in its appearance the nature and pro­perty of God, both in its condemning evil, which the Enemy had sown or planted in us; and owning, allowing, and justifying every thing that was good and honest, just and equal; even those thoughts in our hearts which were of turning towards the Lord, and seeking his righte­ousness; these thoughts were justified and encouraged by the Light, and all the contrary discovered and judged, as they were brought to it to be tried. Now this Light did our souls rejoyce in, as they had good cause, though it took away our former rejoycings; our pleasures in vanities and iniquity died, our glory in this world withered, our friendship with the Sons of men decayed, and we stood in the Light, and saw all these things, and were not sorry at it, but waited daily to [Page 5]see these things more and more brought to pass, neither was there a per­mitting our thoughts to go out, how we might prevent those damages, or repair these losses, but the Cross of Christ was indeed our glorying or rejoycing; and the hope that was before us, did make us despise the pleasure, treasures and honours, friendship and delights of this world; and in those dayes you grew into a feeling of the heavenly joy, where the hundred-fold was witnessed in your bosoms, and the zeal of the Lord was kindled by his own Spirit in you, against whatsoever this Light of Jesus in the Conscience did witness against; and the Lord beheld your integrity, and blessed you, and multiplied you, and added to your strength and stature, and then did the fruits of this glorious work abound among you, in three more general and special effects, by which effects, or by their continuance among you, let all now come to search and try themselves, that so, dear Friends, those that have conti­nued faithful in them all, may persevere in like manner to the end: and those, who upon true search do find, that they have failed, and fallen short in all or any of them, may make hast to repent, and to turn to that which was the root of them all, that they may not be found, as fruitless and withered branches, in the day that cometh, lest they be cut off and utterly consumed and blotted out from among the living bran­ches of the Vine; for a day cometh that Truth will look into the Fig-Tree for Fruit, and Leaves will not defend it from the Curse and Blasting.

The three especial fruits that did spring forth from this blessed root, and were and are to continue, and increase in us, and amongst us to the end, are these;

1. Purity, manifested in a godly Conversation.

2. Ʋnity, manifested in dear and tender Love one towards ano­ther.

3. Faithfulness, manifested in bearing a constant and faithful Testi­mony to the things we had received and believed, though it were unto great loss and sufferings.

And against all these do the wicked one appear to see if he can make you barren concerning them, and that with divers wiles and subtilties, that he may prevail on you, and not be known to be the Enemy, but might so overcome you, as that you might both submit to him, and then plead for him and his snares and wiles, as being just, right, lawful, pru­dent, convenient, &c. But, oh dear Friends, let all be watchful and diligent to wait in the sence and true feeling of that Seed that never fell nor was beguiled; and you will (even the least of you) see and comprehend his workings and transformings, and be delivered from them.

1. Purity and Holiness was a fruit in you which doth yet flourish in many (blessed be the Lord) who are as watchful and careful to approve themselves in obedience to the Light of Truth in their inward parts as ever; & finds as great a necessity both of trying & judging with its judg­ment as ever; these having thus waited, have renewed their strength unto this very day, and do mount up as upon the wings of the Eagle; these are neither weary in running, nor faint they in their walking; But alas, Friends, even these do know with how great and manifold as­faults they have been assaulted, and know and see with sorrow of heart how the assault hath prevailed upon some, by working into the mind a secret Liberty, and supposed enlargedness, whereby a carelesness hath entered some, and they having no keeper, but the measure of Light re­vealed in their hearts and consciences, so soon as they came to be per­swaded to slight the reproofs of that, they soon erred; and this supposed Liberty entered, that now after so many years strictness and circum­spection, they should not need now to stand so straitly to try things and words as at first, because now, a day of more Liberty was come, and this Liberty secretly prevailed against that pure fear that once was pla­ced in their hearts, and against the very obedience of Truth, inwardly in the subjection of the mind, and then it became manifest outwardly; the actions sometimes blame-worthy, the words and speech again cor­rupted, and run into the old channel of the World, like them again, and the single pure Language, learned in the Light, in the time of their poverty and simplicity, almost lost and forgotten, and so the work of God which he wrought, in a manner laid waste; and then, when this Liberty is entred, and made use of as aforesaid, oftentimes a secret subtilty ariseth against the judgment of Truth, either from within, or from any outwardly, that are grieved with this loose and careless kind of speaking or acting, which subtilly leads to contend for it, or against the judgment, telling the Creature, why these things are but small things, and little things, and what, we must not strain at a Gnat, and such like. Oh my Friends, beware of these evil suggestions of the wicked One; how came they to be small and little things, seeing they were great things with us in the beginning? and how comes an offence of this nature to be light now, seeing it was heavy in the beginning? Oh let not the greatest Mercies of our God so fill us, as to make us slight or forget the least obedience; but rather let the continuance of his mer­cy the more quicken you up unto a zeal for his Name and Truth in all things, to be found doing and speaking according to the Rule of Righ­teousness, which ye learned in the Light, in the day of your being low and little, and then nothing will rise up and be exalted in the multi­tude [Page 7]of Gods mercies, but that holy birth which lives in purity when it is at highest; and so that life of Righteousness will shine forth more and more, which glorifies God and seeks his honour. Dear Friends, that ye might be so kept unto the end is the breathing and travel of my soul: and that where this neglect hath entred, and this aforesaid cor­ruption either in speech or action is to be found, that ye would receive the Word of Exhortation in meekness and fear, in which it is written unto you, and may redeem the time, for the dayes are and will be evil; and none will hold the mystery of the Faith (that saves from falling in the evil day) but such as do keep the pure and undefiled Conscience, which none can do but by persisting and continuing in the daily sancti­fication of the Spirit, and belief and obedience of the the Truth.

A second Fruit that was brought forth from this good Root, was Ʋnity and Love one towards another; which, blessed be the Lord, is preciously preserved in and among many to this very day; who are so sensible of the divers operations of Truth in them, to be all by one Spi­rit, that they are still kept of one heart and mind, given up freely to serve the Lord in singlness of heart in their generation; and are in this good work as strengtheners and encouragers of one another; but not­withstanding the enemy hath been exceeding busie to lay waste and de­stroy this blessed effect also, and that under divers pretences, which the Lord still discovered by his own Light and Spirit in his People, who have singly waited upon him; but many have been his wiles, some­times fitting and preparing vessels to rise up in the fleshly and sensual wisdom; & to traduce & bring in corrupt and evil doctrines, to try who was not sound in the Faith, that they may draw them aside into a heat and zeal for something which had not its root in the Truth, and which they that abode in the Truth could not own, but judge and condemn in the Name of the Lord; which when such saw, they took thereat oc­casion of striving to propagate and promote that which they saw with­stood, so having lost subjection to the Spirit of Truth in themselves, which would have kept them in Unity in the Body; and having also lost and laid by their subjection to them that were over them in the Lord, they then grew stubborn and wilful, and proceeded in more zeal for that which stood in opposition to the Truth, than ever they did for the Truth it self; and these sometimes have prevailed to the subverting whole housholds, and have turned several from the Faith and simpli­city that is in the Gospel, who, as well as those that subverted them, have lost the fellowship of the Saints, and the savour of Life either in themselves or others; and then the Enemy perswaded them, all are dead to the Life but themselves; and so they grow to have a tickling [Page 8]joy in what they do and say, in obedience to that perverse and singular private Spirit, and so grow up to speak evil of Dignities, and are un­ruly, and dare to speak against Heaven and them that dwell and inha­bit in it, whom God makes to shine as Starrs in the Firmament of his Power; but alas for them, my soul pitties them, when I see how they sport themselves with their own deceivings, but the day of the Lord is among his People, which hath and doth make them and their spirit ma­nifest, and their fruits also hath made them manifest.

Another way that the Enemy seeks to break the Unity, and dissolve the bond of Amity, is by sowing a seed of jealousie and prejudice in the hearts of such in whom he can get an enterance, that so they may cease from the true and unfeigned love, and that upon a pretended rea­son, because of this or that, which is supposed or imagined, in the evil part in themselves against others; giving heed to evil thoughts and surmises, which break forth many times in whisperings and tale-bear­ing; which though the thing supposed to be evil, were really so, Yet this is not to be allowed or given way to among you, but to use plain­ness one towards another, and singl-heartedness; and to shut out the evil one in this his subtile appearance also. Oh dear Friends, remem­ber how the Lord hath dealt with you, and deal you so one by another, he hath not sought occasions against you, but hath long born and suffer­ed, and exercised much patience and tenderness towards you; yet plainly reproving the evil in you, and not treasuring it up against you. Oh Friends, be ye like-minded one towards another, that the Enemy of your peace and concord may be defeated, and you preserved entire to one Head, even to Christ Jesus; and ye may be one, and the Name of the Lord may be one among you; and that which tends to the ma­king cold your Love, may be judged in all; and so Brotherly-Love will continue with you to the end.

Another way which the Enemy works to scatter and to bring from this Unity, is by leading some who have believed, into some sin and iniquity, which the Body that are in the Truth, are constrained to ap­pear in judgment against for the Truths sake, and yet notwithstanding the party so sinning, being above the Witness in themselves, which would bring them to own the judgement of the Spirit of Christ in his Church, they exalt themselves above the judgment, and seek to gain to them, such whom they can enter by their words and complaints to take part with them against the judgment and those that passed it. Such were those whose words did eat (the Apostle said) as a Canker; of whom the Believers in those dayes were to be aware: for commonly such as have gone from the Power, that should have kept them clean and upright, [Page 9]they will also turn against the power in those that abide in it, especially if they be drawn forth to reprove & rebuke them: but let all such know, that's not the way to be renewed; and let all that take part with any that work iniquity, know, that they do but defile their own souls there­by, and do but rend themselves from that Body, which they cannot pros­per out of. And therefore, dear Friends, beware of joyning with that in your selves or in others, which the Power goeth against, let the pre­tences be what it will; for that which doth evil, will alwayes be aptest to sow evil complainings of others; and such as are in the unsatisfied murmurings against judgement passed upon them, are much to be fear­ed, for they thereby render themselves to be the more guilty, and yet the further from repentance. But, dear Friends, watch unto that which gives you a living feeling of the living Body, which is the Church, that in all things you may demean your selves as true Members of it, serving one another in Love, and submitting your selves one unto ano­ther for the Lords sake: That in all plainness and singleness, as be­cometh the Truth, you may seek to preserve the Unity which the Ene­my of Truth and Peace doth envy: so shall ye continue to strengthen one anothers hands in every good work, and this shall tend to the weak­ening of the hands of your Enemies, who seek to divide you, that they might rule over you. Many other designs doth the wicked One try, dai­ly to break and divide, more than can now be named or here inserted; but they are all out of the Light, and if you be in it, you will see them, and that will preserve you for it's own, and did make us one, and will keep us to be of one heart and mind to the end, if we abide in it.

3. The third good effect which Truth did work in the beginning in them who did truly receive it, was Zeal and Faithfulness to God in the bearing testimony to what was manifest, though through great suf­ferings; in which, as Friends abide in the Root, they do daily en­crease in power, to fulfill the same Testimony: for the Mercy of the Lord doth engage them; and his answer of peace, in the midst of their trials, doth arm them and encourage them, and they do hold out to the end; and for such the Lord hath alwayes made a way, better than they could have made for themselves. Yet the Enemy hath in this mat­ter also been very busie, & hath prevailed with some under divers con­siderations, or rather consultations, which he hath propounded unto them. But, oh Friends, be ye all watchful, and take heed lest any of the testimonies of Truth be laid waste; for that which leads to be weary of bearing witness to the Truth, and to lay it waste, the same will lay thee waste, and bring thee into such a state, as thou wilt want the Truth [Page 10]to bear witness for thee; and though it be hard for flesh and blood (which hath no kingdom but here) to fall into the hands of unreason­able men; yet it is a more fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God; and therefore let all luke-warm-ones, who are neither hot nor cold, be now awakened, and all that have gone backwards be warned to return to their First Love, else the Lord will come against them, and the day hastens that will divide such their portion among hypocrites, ex­cept they repent.

But to touch at some of the Reasons or Arguments, which he that abode not in the Truth himself, useth to draw others into this kind of treacherous backsliding:

First, He appears to some to perswade them, That their former te­stimony was born more from an immitation of others, than from a work of the power of God in themselves; and that now, they not finding the thing required of them, they may leave of their testimonies, or may do such things as they have denyed formerly; this snare doth the Enemy make use of in these dayes. But mark who it is that he hath caught with it, none but such who sometimes were low in their minds, and dare not grieve the Spirit of God in themselves, nor others, but for the Truth­sake could give up all things rather than their Testimony; but in time growing careless, and loose in waiting, lost that subject state, and grew high and exalted in their minds, above the Cross that should have cru­cified the betraying wisdom; and so having lost the true exercise of the power, and the feeling of the Excellency and worth of the Truth, they knew not the requirings of the Lord; and the earthly mind got up, that placed a greater esteem upon earthly things, than upon things that are eternal; and so things that once thou offerest up to God, thou takest again into thine own hand, and so robbest the Lord, and growest care­ful about outward things, as other Gentiles are; and to cover thy shame herein, the Enemy then tempts thee to bely the power that once wrought in thy heart, and made thee afraid to act against the Light, or to deny thy Testimony for God, in such things as was manifest, and then saist, thou didst it by immitation; but thou shalt know thy cover­ing is too narrow in the day that hasteth upon thee.

Another Temptation that the Enemy presenteth, is, That though thou art convinced what to do, or what thou shouldest deny, yet the tryals are so hard and so many, and Persecutors wax worse and worse, so that thou shalt not hold out to the end; and where he can get entrance with this bait, he presently causeth an evil heart of unbelief and doubt­ing to arise, which takes away even the strength which the Lord did [Page 11]give, and so feebleness doth enter the mind, and a spirit of bondage leads thee to fear again; and then comes the dispute in thy heart whe­ther thou shalt stand with the power of God in the obedience, or whe­ther thou shalt fall under that power that ariseth against God, and his Truth and People; and in this combate thou hast a subtile Enemy, using many devices to betray thee; and a part in thy self, not yet mor­tified, that is ready to say, Pitty thy self, pitty thy Wife, pitty thy Children, and pitty thy Relations; which, it may be sometimes, are all as so many Instruments of Satan to seduce thee, and lead thee into darkness, that thou mayst not see so great necessity in thy bearing up thy Testimony, as indeed there is, nor so great a danger in the contrary as indeed there is.

Oh Friends, at such a time as this, where is there any help but in the Lord? where canst thou find a Saviour but in that Light which gives to distinguish of the several Voyces: Now it is good for thee to remember that If thou walk after the flesh, thou must and shalt surely dye, and wither; in such a time flee, flee to the Lord, wait in his dread to feel thy strength but renewed at the present, and take no care for strength next moneth, next year, or next tryal; for God is God, and chang­eth not, and will be the same to thee in seven tryals as in six, if thou believe and wait on him in uprightness; and therefore fear not man, but trust in the Lord all ye that have known and felt his power, and let not in the Enemy of your souls by the door of carnal reasoning, but keep that shut; and rather consider, how the Enemy makes thee as a rejoycing among his own Children, and strengthens that hope in them of their over­coming all others, as well as thee; which hope is curst, and shall be confounded: and consider that if thou lettest fall thy Testimony, which thou hast once born for the Lord, thou makest the heart of the Righteous sad, and makest their travel thorow that Testimony the harder for them, by reason of thy encouraging their Adversaries by the hope aforesaid. And whatever thou dost, they must go thorow to the end, who will inherit the Crown of Immortality.

And again consider, It may be that thy back-sliding, or cowardly drawing away the shoulder, may prove a discouragement to others, and they may stumble in thy stumbling, and fall with thee, and never be able to rise, and so thou bring their blood also upon thee. Oh remem­ber also, that servant of the Lord, who could say, Psal. 119.157. My Persecutors are encreased, but my heart doth not decline thy Testimonies. That was a noble Spirit becoming the Souldiers of Christ: yea, though persecuted by Princes, as he saith, vers. 161.

Dear Friends, Let your minds be stirred up to be zealous for the Lord, in this the great day of Controversie with darkness and its pow­er; Who hath God to bear witness to his Name but you? Among whom hath he made it known as among you? Who have given up them­selves to the Lord as you have done? Well, Blessed are they that keep Covenant with the Lord, for they shall see his glory.

One more subtile snare of the Enemy in this matter, is in my heart to mention, that is this, Viz. To perswade thee for once, somtimes to do that which the Light hath made manifest, with a purpose after­ward to be more faithful. Oh Friends, in the name and fear of the Lord, I exhort and warn you all to take heed of this, for this will prove but a false confidence, thou wilt find this kind of going out of the guid­ance of Truth, to be a dear out-going to thee; for if ever thou dost re­turn, it will be very hardly, and with bitter anguish of soul. Oh do not tempt the Lord on this wise, Lest it doth prove impossible, upon thy sinning willingly, to renew or restore thee again by repentance; thou wilt have my Pottage, but wilt lose the Blessing, though thou mayest seek it with tears; for while thou wentest out, behold, thy way became hedged up, and the Thorny-Nature gat up in thee, and so thou art debarred and fenced out from enjoying thy former state; Sin being entred, Death soon fol­lows. Oh remember Sampson, who when he had disclosed the token of a Nazarite, in which state he stood in Covenant with God; yet thought to have shaken himself, and to have gone forth in his strength as at other times, but was mistaken, Judg. 16.20. for the Lord was departed from him, though he knew it not. And so, though thou hast known the Lords presence and power in thy Vessel, yet take heed of letting in that treacherous spirit, to lead thee to unfaithfulness, and to betray the least of his Trusts and Testimonies committed to thee, though it be but for once, for thereby thou wilt render thyself unworthy to be found a Wit­ness of his Power another time; for the Lord will leave that Vessel, and often doth, and chooseth other Vessels to manifest himself in, that will be more true and faithful.

So, Dear Friends, in true and tender Love I have laid these things before you, that ye might all be stirred up and provoked to Love and to good Works, that ye might abound in the grace committed to you; and none of you who have known the Truth, might be entangled with the Wiles of your subtile enemy; and that you that have begun well, might not lose the things that ye have wrought, but might persevere in well-doing till ye have finished your course in peace. And Friends, this is the joy and delight of those that labour among you in the Lord, [Page 13]and hereby is our hand strengthened, and our hearts refreshed, when we do find ye such as we desire ye should be, even stedfast in the Truth; and then also do you find us to you-ward, such as ye desire we should be, even a refreshing in the fellowship of life unto you, and our God comforts us together, in the mutual joy and comfort of his holy Spirit, working in us and you.

And Friends, I am the more drawn forth at this time to vi­sit you with an Epistle, because the Lord hath given me some sight of his great and dreadful Day, and Workings in it, which is at hand, and greatly hastens, of which I have something to say unto you, that ye may be prepared to stand in his day, and may behold his wonderous Working among his Enemies, and have fellowship with his Power therein, and may not be dis­mayed nor driven away in the tempest, which will be great.

And as concerning those succeeding times, the Spirit of the Lord hath signified that they will be times of horror and a­mazement, to all that have, and yet do reject his Counsel; for as the dayes of his forbearance, warning and inviting, hath been long, so shall his appearance, amongst those that have withstood him, be fierce and terrible; even so terrible, as who shall abide his coming? for the Lord will work both secretly and openly, and his Arm shall be manifest to his Children in both.

Secretly he shall raise up a continual fretting anguish a­mongst his Enemies, one against another, so that being vex­ed and tormented inwardly, they shall seek to make each other miserable, and delight therein for a little season; and then the Prevailer must be prevailed over, and the digger of the Pit must fall therein; and the confidence that men have had one in another shall fail, and they will beguile and betray one another, both by counsel and strength; and as they have banded themselves to break you, whom God hath gathered, so shall they band themselves against one another, to break, to spoil, and destroy one another; and thorow the multi­tude [Page 14]of their treacheries, all credit or belief, upon the account of their solemn engagement, shall fail; so that few men shall count themselves, or what is theirs, safe in the hand of his Friend, who hath not chosen his safety and friendship in the pure Light of the unchangable Truth of God; and all the secret counsels of the ungodly shall be brought to nought, sometimes by the means of some of themselves, and some­times by impossibilities lying in their way, which shall make their hearts fail of ever accomplishing what they have determi­ned; and in this state shall men fret themselves for a season, and shall not be able to see the hand that turns against them, but shall turn to fight against one thing, and another, & a third thing, and shall stagger, and reele in Counsel and Judgment, as drunken men that know not where to find the way to rest; and when they do yet stir themselves up against the holy Peo­ple, and against the holy Covenant of Light, and them that walk in it, they shall but the more be confounded; for they shall be helped with a little help, which all the ungodly shall not hinder them of, to wit, the secret Arm of the Lord, main­taining their Cause, and raising up a Witness in the very hearts of their Adversaries to plead their Innocency; and this shall make them yet the more to vex themselves, Isa. 8. and to go thorow, hard-bestead; for when they shall look upward to their Religion, to their Power, Policy, or Preferments, or Friendships, or whatsoever else they had trusted in, and relied upon, they shall have cause to curse it; and when they look downwards to the Effects pro­duced by all those things, behold, then trouble, and horrour, and vexation takes hold on them, and drives them to dark­ness; and having no help but what is Earthly, and being out of the knowledge of the mighty overturning Power of the Lord God Almighty, they shall dispair and wear out their dayes with anguish; and besides all this, the terrible hand of the Lord is, and shall be openly manifest, against this ungodly [Page 15]Generation, by bringing grievous and terrible Judgments and Plagues upon them, tumbling down all things in which their Pride and Glory stood, and overturning, overturning, even the Foundations of their strength; yea the Lord will lay wast the Mountain of the ungod­ly, Nahum 3.12, 13. and the strength of the fenced City shall fail, and when men shall say, We will take refuge in them, they shall become but a snare, and there shall the Sword devoure; and when they shall say, We will go into the Field, and put trust in the Number and Courage of our Souldiers, they shall both be taken away; and this evil also will come of the Lord, and his hand will be stretched out still, and shall bring Confusion upon Confusion, Ruine upon Ruine, and War upon War; and the hearts of men shall be stirred in them, and the Nations shall be as Waters, into which a Tem­pest, a swift Whirlwind is entred, and even as Waves, swell up to the dissolution one of another, and breaking one of ano­ther, so shal the swellings of People be: And because of the hardship and sorrow of those dayes, many shall seek and de­sire Death rather than Life.

Ah my heart relents and is moved within me in the sence of these things, and much more than I can write or declare, which the Lord will do in the Earth, and will also make hast to accomplish among the Sons of Men, that they may know and confess, That the Most High doth Rule in the Kingdoms of Men, and pulleth down and setteth up according to his own will; and this shall men do before seven times pass over them, and shall be content to give their glory unto him that sits in Hea­ven.

But, Oh Friends, while all these things are working, and bringing to pass, repose ye your selves in the Munition of that Rock, that all these shakings shall not move, even in the know­ledge and feeling of the eternal power of God, keeping you subjectly given up to his heavenly will; and feel it daily to [Page 16]kill and mortifie that which remains in any of you, which is of this World; for the worldly part in any, is the chang­able part, and that is up and down, full and empty, joyful and sorrowful, as things go well or ill in the World: For as the Truth is but one, and many are made partakers of its Spirit, so the World is but one, and many are partakers of the spirit of it; and so many as do partake of it, so many will be straitned and perplexed with it; but they who are single to the Truth, waiting daily to feel the Life and Virtue of it in their hearts, these shall rejoyce in the middest of Adversity; these shall not have their hearts moved with fear, nor tossed with anguish because of evil tydings, Psal. 112.7, 8. Be­cause that which fixeth them remains with them: These shall know their enterance with the Bridegroom, and so be kept from sorrow, though his coming be with a noise; and when a midnight is come upon mans glory, yet they being ready and prepared, it will be well with them; and having a true sence of the Power working in themselves, they cannot but have Unity and Fellowship with the works of it in the Earth, and will not at all murmur against what is, nor wish nor will what is not to be; these will be at rest till the Indignation passeth over, and these having no Design to carry on, nor no Party to promote in the Earth, cannot possibly be defeated nor dis­appointed in their undertakings.

And when you see Divisions, and Parties, and Rendings in the Bowels of Nations, and Rumors and Tempests in the Minds of People, then take heed of being moved to this party or to that party, or giving your strength to this or that, or counselling this way or that way; but stand single to the Truth of God, in which neither War, Rent nor Division is; and take heed of that part in any of you, which trusts and relies upon any sort of the Men of this World, in the day of their Prosperity; for the same part will bring you to suf­fer with them in the time of their Adversity, which will not [Page 17]be long after; for stability in that ground there will be none, but when they shall say, Come joyne with us in this or that, remember you are joyned to the Lord by his pure Spirit, to walk with him in Peace and in Righteousness, and you feeling this, this gathers out of all Buslings, and Noises, and Parties, and Tumults; and leads you to ex­alt the Standard of Truth and Righteousness, in an inno­cent Conversation, to see who will flow unto that; and this shall be a refuge for many of the weary, tossed and afflicted ones, in those dayes, and a Shelter for many whose day is not yet over.

So, Dearly beloved Friends and Brethren, who have believed and known the blessed appearance of the Truth, let not your hearts be troubled at none of these things; oh let not the things that are at present, nor things that are yet to come, move you from stedfastness, but rather double your Diligence, Zeal and Faithfulness to the Cause of God: for they that know the Work wrought in themselves, they shall rest in the day of trouble, Yea, though the Fig-tree fail, Hab. 3.16, 17. and the Vine brings not forth, and the labour of the Olive-tree ceas­eth, and the Fields yeeld no meat; and Sheep be cut off from the Fold, and there be no Bullock in the Stall; Yet then mayest thou rejoyce in the Lord, and sing praises to the God of thy Salvation.

And how near these dayes are to this poor Nation, few knows; and therefore the Cry of the Lord is very loud unto its Inhabitants, through his Servants and Messengers, that they would prize their time while they have it, lest they be overturned, wasted and laid desolate before they are aware; and before destruction come upon them, and there be no remedy, as it hath already done upon many.

Oh LONDON, LONDON, that thou and thy Rulers would have considered, hearkened and heard, in the Day of thy Warnings and Invitations, and not have persisted in thy Rebellion, till the Lord was moved against thee, to cut off the Thousands, and Multitudes from thy Streets, and the pressing and throngings of People from thy Gates, and then to destroy and ruine thy Streets also, and lay desolate thy Gates, when thou thoughtest to have replenished them again.

And, Oh saith my Soul, that thy Inhabitants would yet be warned and perswaded to Repent and Turn to the Lord, by putting away every one the evil that is in their hearts, against the Truth in your selves, and against those that walk in it; before a greater Desolation and Destructi­on overtake you.

Oh what shall I say to prevail with London, and with its Inhabitants! The Lord hath Called aloud, he hath Roar­ed out of Zion unto them, but many of them have not hearkened at all, nor considered at all.

Well, Oh my Friends, (and thou, oh my Soul) return to your rest, dwell in the Pavillion of the House of your God, and my God, and shelter your selves under the shadow of his Wings, where ye shall be Witnesses of his Doings, and see his STRANGE ACT brought to pass, and shall not be hurt therewith, nor dismayed.

Oh my Friends, in the Bowels of dear and tender Love have I signified these things unto you, that ye might stand Armed with the whole Armour of God, Cloathed in Righ­teousness, [Page 19]and your Feet shod with the Preparation of the Gospel of Peace: and freely given up in all things, to the disposing of the Lord, who will deliver us, not by Might, nor by Sword, nor Spear, but by his own eternal invisible Arm, will he yet save us and deliver us, and get himself a Name by preserving of us; and we shall yet live to praise him, who is worthy of Glory, of Honour and Renown, from the rising of the Sun, to the setting of the same, now and for ever, Amen, Amen, saith my soul.


Faults escaped the Press.

In page 3. line 15. for obtained, read be attained. Page 9. line 24. for preserve you for it's own, read preserve you: for it's one.

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