SAD NEWS from the County of KENT, (VIZ) Shewing how 40. Armed, Resolute, Desperate Fellows plundered Sir NICHOLAS CRISPS House, after they had set a watch over his Servants, at Twelve a clock at night, July the 18. 1657. and carried them to the water-side to be trans­ported to Dunkirk.

With Sir Nicholas Crispe his escape from them upon tearmes.

Sent in a Letter by yong Mr. Crispe of DOVER to his Kinsman in London, Mr. Kathern, who de­sired the truth might be published to pre­vent mis-information.

London, Printed for Richard Harper in Smithfield neer to the Hospital-Gate. 1657.

SAD NEWES from the County of KENT. Sent in a Letter by young Mr. Crispe of Dover, to his Kinsman in London.

IN that famous and fertile Soyl of Kent, a neer neighbour to the City of London, and a hand-maid to furnish her with all Commodities which she in a plentifull manner is possest withall.

In the Isle of Tennet, a house called by the name of Queax, about eight miles from Dover lived a worthy Knight, and a good Benefactor to the poor, famous for his acts of piety and Charity, and therefore the more envied and wronged, as by the abominable outrage, and violent actions committed upon his house, himself, and his goods, the like hath not been for such a bold desperate design scarce committed in our Age, unless though former­ly in the late Kings dayes the Turkish Pyrats set in Cornwall a part of their Mahumetan Seamen, and did for two or three Families sweep them all away, children sucking at their mothers breasts, and forst them into their Ships to Sea with them, robbing and plundring their houses of Goods, and [Page 4]their fields of Cattel. Now here I present you with a Letter written from a worthy Gentleman at Dover, neer ally'd and kin to the worthy Sir Nicholas Crispe, the house going by the name of Queax; about eight mile from Dover, and hath a creek of water from the Sea, which useth to ebb and flow with the tide, and of this creek these merciless men (villians I may say) made use, in a shallop, to the number of forty resolute renegadoes, entred Sir Nicholas Crispe his house, breaking open the doors, setting a watch over the servants urging the fearefull maid servant, else to deprive her of life presently, if she would not bring them to Sir Nicholas his Chamber, and his aged Uncles, for the feareful Maid not knowing their intents brings them to the two Chamber doors where the Gentlemen going to take their naturall rest without the least thought of any mischeif to any; but by a desperate deboist company of land Pirates I am sure notorious Robbers, Sir Nicholas had his house plundered, himself amazed, and person surprised, with the aged Gentleman his Uncle, whom they have forced to Bridges in Flanders, and by way of entreaty upon a Parlie did release Sir Nicholas, but upon condicon, that he should send 1000. pound for the old Gentleman his release, else he to be detained there prisoner at Dunkirke, which can­not be but a great griefe to that worthy Gentlewoman hie Lady and the rest of his freinds; this old Gentleman thats carried away being mist for his charitable releeving of many poor already: Oh let every honest heart desire of the Lord that these either forreign or do mestick Thieves and Robbers may be found out, for the report of people is gene­rall, that they, or some of them must formerly know the house or way unto it very well.

And therefore, Oh discontented party, leave off the use of such abhorred actions, which are in the sight of God and good men an abbomination; Gods command is thou shalt not steal: The Levitical Law saith he that stealeth shall re­store four fould. Many theives on earth Rob themselves of the joyes of Heaven: Many well in good health this day, to morrow sick, the third day in the grave; oh [...]areless [Page 5]Christian what is the glory of this World, but a flower that continueth for a little season? and then vanisheth away, where there is no remembrance where his place was; therefore grant us all grace to live so here, to keep our selves unspotted from the world, that we may work out our salvation with fear and trembling, and by the alone merits, death, and passion of our Crucified Lord Jesus, attain to that eternall Kingdome which is endlesse, that he hath purchased to all them that love him. Amen.

Hereafter followeth a Copie of a Letter sent from M. Crispe the yonger from Dover, which is 8. miles from Sir Nic. Crisps house called Queax, which is about a mile or more distant from any Town in Kent.

Directed to his Kinsman and lo­ving friend, Mr. Kathern, Porter of Ludgate.


For my loving Cousin Clement Ka­therns, Porter of Ludgate, at his house in Cradle-Alley, London.

Cousin Katherns,

MY kind love remembred unto you and my Cousin your good wife; I know you have heard of that sad newes from Queax, the manner thus; Upon the 18. of July last past there came about 40. men well armed with Carbine, Pistol and Sword, and Pole­ax every man there, it is thought they came from Dunkirke, thus comming to the house they quickly broke the lock of the outward gate, so entring into the outward court, they se­cured all the servants lay without doors, then came to the dwelling house and knocked very lowd, one asking who was there, being about 12 a clock at night, they told him they must come in, and the partie that spake to them being but new laid down in his cloathes, before he could come down with four blowes at the hall door, with a two-hand Sledg the door gave way, and entred the hall before him, secured him and the rest of the servants immediately that lay within the house, then caused the maid to shew them my Uncles Chamber and Sir Nich [...]lases, when they were entred there, they told them they wanted money, and [Page 7]that they knew they well could supply their want, which was done after three hours time in the Plundering the house, and had what they could get, they then told my Uncle and Sir Nicholas, that they must go along with them, and to that purpose carried the Coach-man to put horses in the Coach to carry their Plunder, and Uncle, and Sir Nicholas to the water-side, and upon the way they had a Parlie with Sir Nicholas about leaving him behinde, it was agreed immediatly that he ingaging to pay to them 1000. pound in 28. dayes time at Bridges to one they na­med; then he should be free to come home again, which was done: So Sir Nicholas returned home again, but my old Uncle they have inhumanely carried away in his old age, and as yet we hear not any one word of the least thereof how he doth or where he is.

Thomas Smith the Butcher, went voluntarily along with him, I could not well sooner give you this account, for we knew not the certaine truth of things till my Father came home about the middle of last week. My Father, wife, and self present our kind love unto you: I am sure if he returne not speedliy we shall want him dearly, for he is very good to my aged parents. In haste with thanks for all your favour I remaine.

Your affectionate Kinsman, to command, Henry Crispe.

I pray at your leasure convey this Letter unto my Fa­ther-in-Law's Lodging.

TO conclude, Consider likewise what sad effects and prodigious abortives this sinful Nation hath produced of late yeares by war, yet are we not better'd, but like Iron put into the water out of the fire, to be hardned for the Judgments of God hath hardned our-hearts, in our fullness of bread and comtempt of his Word, every one following his own fancy in maters of Religion, so much, that we have almost lost that ancient Protestant Religion, which so many Martyres blood did seale and confirm, whom our Ancestors so highly advanced, but now so much slghted and contemned that many do hate the name of Protestant.

Now great God, since it hath pleased thy holy Name in mercy to sheath the devouring sword from the 3 Nations England, Scotland, and Ireland, and that we have the In­joyment of peace agen, let them fall by the sword that would any way seek to introduce it again in our days to this Na­tion, now we may praise the Lord that we are not troubled with burning of Towns, Plundering of Houses, pitcht-Battells, nor flying fightings, though unhapyly a worthy, a godly, and noble Knight hath lately been struck with a terible blow of it.

As tending to the danger of his life, the surprizall of his neer and deer kinsman, the losse of his goods, the frights of the good Lady, the feare and danger the poor servants sustayned when they could not help themselves, nor their Mr. himself, no not, but all let open to the height of their intended domination and destruction, this being the effect of War, the fruit it (produceth, at the best) but beggery. This disign of their wretched act sure must be begot by some who hath been free of the use of theft or Plunder, and will assuredly obtain his reward at the Gallowes, else dye desperately by the sword, as the Famous Thiefe of late hath done, Hinde, that had as many cuts on's head, face, and armes, as many more as he had fingers and toes twice over, yet the Gallowes was ordained his end as deservedly.


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