YOUR Preposterous Dealings, and Evident Prevarications, are not only the Wonder, but Astonishment of all Honest Men, within this Nation. And truly, as the greatest part of you hitherto, have behaved your selves liker State-sophisters, than sound Well-meaning Divines, whose main design was God's Glory, the Prefervation of his Church, and Peoples Good; so now do you discover your selves Scismaticks and Incendiaries, who would divide the Kingdom against it self, set the Nation on Fire, and Sacrifice both Church and State, to your seduced Appetites, and Self-interest. Were not you they, who not only Invited, but Importun'd the Prince of ORANGE; (yea, pray'd to God to put it in his Heart) to hazard Life and Fortune, for the Preservation of your Religion, Lives, Laws, Liberties and Estates, &c. and are you now become so ungrate Monsters of humanity, as to requite, yea, baffle him (by whom God hath wrought so great and miraculous Deliverance) thus? And is it fit this populous Nation should be led in matters of Faith, by such unsettled, jealous-pated Weather-cocks, as know not their own minds, and can stand stedfast to nothing▪ but objecting against their own Overtures, oppose for Ostentation, Vain-glory, and to look Big, the surest and best Proposals, which God hath laid before us for the Kingdoms Peace? as Herostratus desired to be reputed famous, by burning that wonderful Church which he himself had built. Is your Intellectual Glass a falsifying Perspective? Or is the other end turned to your Eye? Is the great Objectum Attributionis, the Opposing of Popery, and Preservation of the Church of England, turn'd to a Necessarium secundum quid? Is the Worthy, Valiant, Victorious, and Triumphant▪ Prince (who was the sure Remedy, and Restorer both of Church and State) become your Eye-sore? And the grant of your Prayers, a scruple of Conscience? Cannot the Religious Orange down with you, nor relish your squeamish and liquorish Appetites and Stomachs now, without a Dram of the Whore's Abominable Cup? Laying aside Conscience and Religion, with his Royal Descent, Bare common Civility might prompt you to be more than thankful to so Worthy a Person, whose very Behaviour, Parts, Prudence, sober Life and Magnanimity, have extorted Love, Duty and Respect, from his greatest Enemies, and strangers of greater repute than Men of your Birth and mean Pedegree. But Nihil dat alteri, quod in se not habet. And as it was said of the baseborn, beggarly Pope, Urban VI. Asperious misero nihil est, qui surgit in altum; so may it be said of you. Corde stat inflato pauper honore dato. Mali Corvi malum Ovum. Patrem sequitur sua proles. But I think it no Solicism in Civility, nor Paradox in Divinity (without any reflexion on those Noble Bishops, whose Divine Prudence hath proved their Zeal and Pious Care, for God and their Country) to tell those Ignoble, Inferiour, Upstart, Canting, Seditious, Never Contented, Unlearned▪ Brawling, Back-biting, Church and State betraying Bishops (who would Lord it over God's Heritage, and put the heavy Yoak of Anti-christian Popery on the Kingdoms Neck; which we nor our Fore-fathers were able to bear) that they are the Enemies of the Cross of Christ, and of their own Country. And that men of their Lineage, know not how to behave themselves in State Affairs, with persons of innate Candour, and unspotted Clemency, above the rustick Sphere of a Gaffar and Gammar. And, although you pretend to be the Teachers of others, you your selves stand in need of a School-master, to teach you the first principles of good Breeding and Religion. Pope Julius III. was (as some of you were) promoted, a Rhemo ad Tribunal; and yet, as all Historians Record, he was the greatest of Tyrants, and more imperious than any of his Ancestors. Yea, it is reported by John Functius, in his Commentaries, that in seven years space, he was the occasion of the Murdering 200000 Christians. You trace his foot-steps, threatning the Nation with Division and Civil War, which (as our Saviour saith) is the surest means to over-throw both us and our Religion; especially in such a dangerous time as this. But it is a Country Proverb, Dogs make Swine agree: The Rabble let loose would be a good Scar-crow, to frighten such black Birds of prey to their right senses, and to know themselves; and not presume to transgress their Limits, nor elevate their Judgments above the low Sphere of their shallow Capacities. But why should Passion eclipse Reason? What can we expect but a preposterous Order, when by an Hyperbolick Hysteron-Proteron, the heels of the Nation are set upmost. And, to speak as freely as you act, several of you are fitter for the Plough than a House of Peers. Neither is this more than hath been foretold by Christ and his Apostles, viz. That in the latter days, should be seducing Prophets, Wolves in Sheeps Clothing, Men carnally minded, and destitute of the Spirit, Wells without Water, Clouds carried about with every Tempest, Wandring Stars of Apostacy, heedy, high-minded, covetous, not feeding, but devouring both Flock and Pasture, following the way of Balaam, who loved the wages of Unrighteousness, and the Praise of Men, more than the Glory of the invisible God. And truly, your pride makes it evident, that you have no less Ambition for Superiority, than John of Constantinople had for Supremacy. Remember Tower-Hill, Jan. 10. 1644.
- William Ploughshear,
- Richard Wheelbarrow,