A LETTER BY The Lord GENERALS direction, from Collonel CARRE Governour of Plimouth, to the Lord ADMIRALL. ALLO, Good news from Ireland, of INCHIqVINS declaring himself against the Rebels, and 14000 Scots marched towards them; and other passages from thence. AND, HASTINGS Forces routed in Derbyshire;

  • 1. Sergeant Major, and 1. Captain slain.
  • 30. other commanders and common men slain also.
  • 140, taken prisoners, whereof 80. at Egington. Many wounded.
  • And 60. Horse taken, besides Armes.

Printed according to Order.

August. 5.


TO THE RIGHT HONORABLE ROBERT Earle of Warwicke Lord High Admirall of England: these present.

My very good Lord:

I AM commanded by his Excellencie the Earle of Essex, to acquaint your Lordship with the sucesse, it hath pleased God to give him in Cornewell, which is this: Yesterday morning his Lordship advanced over Horsebridge into Cornewall, from whence the Enemie being strucke with a pannicke fear, confusedly ran away; and left three bar­rells of powder, besides Armes behinde them. At Laun­ceston also being about 2000. they ran away, leaving two brasse peeces behinde them, and 50 barrells of powder, 30 that they had prisoners, wheref 25 are Countrey Gen­tlemen, and five of his Excellencies Armie, Sir William Belfore and the Lord Generalls own Regiment being sent thither to fetch it off, if he can get Carriages, otherwise, to spoil it. From Salt-Ash the Enemie, the same day ran also, as soon as the Forces I sent out of this town, faced the town on this side the water, and our Brigade is now in possession of Saltash. His Excellence intends to quar­ter this night at Bodmin, and from thence to write to your [Page] Lordship more at large. In the mean time, his execellen­cie desires your Lordship to block up Foy by Sea.

This morning your Viceadmirall riding in the sound, sent a trumpet to Causon to summon it, and they are con­tended to yeeld it, with 5. peeces of ordinance in it. My Lord I have no more at this time but that I am,

Your Lordships most humble servant IAMES CARRE.

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