A MITE CAST INTO THE Common Treasury: OR, Queries propounded (for all men to consider of) by him who desireth to advance the work of publick Community. ⟨Decemb: 18. 1649⟩
1. VVHether all men (by the grant of God) are not alike free, and all to enjoy the Earth with the fulness thereof alike, ( Geneses 1. from the 26. verse, to the end of the Chapter, and the 9. Chap. from the 1. to the 18. verse,) untill they sell their Birth-right and Inheritance, for a proud idle life: the 2. of the Thessalonians, and the 3. Chapter, from the 6. to the 13. verse?
2. Whether the Scriptures in many places, do not complain of mans Lording over his own kind, (as in Isaiah 3.15. [Page 2] Luke 22.24.25. and 26. verses. Mat. 23. chap. from the first to the 13. verse,) Calling such men for their nature and cruelty, Lyons, Wolves, Foxes, Doggs, (Isaiah 56.10 11. Ezek. 22.27. The men call some of them, Lords of Man [...]ors, Ministers, and Lawyers?)
3. Whether particular propriety, was not brought into the roome of publick Community, by Murther and Theft; and accordingly have been upheld and maintained? In which Acts of cruelty, whether those devouring Creatures before mentioned, have not been chief, and whether such naked shameless doings do not lie lurking under fig-leave Clothing, such as Sabboth, Fasting, and Thanksgiving dayes, Doctrines, Formes, and Worships?
4. Whether the Lords of Mannors, do not hold their Right and Title to the Commons, meerly from the Kings Will, (which Will proving a Burthen to the Nation, caused the King to loose his head) and whether the strongest point in their Law for the keeping up their Title, be not, Take him Jaylor?
5. Whether the Common People of England may not seize upon the Land, which is called after their own name, to wit, the Commons, for to dresse and improve it for their best advantage; for these Reasons following, without paying fines, Quit-rents, Heriots, or swearing Fealty, (or any other cursed and diabolicall payments whatsoever,) to any Tyrant soever?
First, Because the great Creator of all things, ordained that the earth with the fulness thereof should be a common Treasury of Livelihood for all, and that none should Lord over his own kind; but that all should love as Brethren, and so glorifie the Creator in the work of his hands.
Secondly. Because the Common People of England, have (these six or seven hundred years) been shut out from having any benefit of the Earth, except that which they have bought by their slavish payments. And all this by & through the meanes of that illegitimate Lord and Master propriety, which was ushered into the Creation, by those two grand [Page 3]disturbers of our Peace, Murther and Theft; and therefore now it is high time for them (the Common People) to lay hold upon the wast Land, that so they may receive some benefit freely, and may no longer live in a starving condition: and this cannot with reason be denyed by the Gentry and Clergy, if they consider what cruelty they have acted towards their fellow-Creatures these many years, who have a priviledg to the Earth equall with themselves.
Thirdly. Because there is no Statute-Law in the Nation that doth hinder the common people from seizing upon their own Land, (but onely the mercinary wills of men,) and therefore where there is no Law, there is no transgression.
Fourthly. Because oppression and cruelty doth bear so much sway in the Nation, that poor men will be necessitated to make a breach of the Lawes of the Nation, if they are not suffered to labour the Earth for their maintenance.
Whether it would not prove an Inlet to Liberty and Freedom, if poor men which want Imployment, and others which work for little wages, would go to digging and manuring the Commons, and most places of the Earth; considering effects that this would produce?
As 1. If men would do as aforesaid, rather then to go with Cap in hand, and bended knee, to Gentlemen and Farmers, begging and intreating to work with them for 8 d. or 10 d. a day, which doth give them an occasion to tyrannize over poor people, (which are their fellow-Creatures,) if poor men would not go in such a slavish posture, but do as aforesaid. then rich Farmers would be weary of renting so much Land of the Lords of Mannors.
2. If the Lords of Mannors, and other Gentlemen who covet after so much Land, could not let it out by percells, but must be constrained to keep it in their own hands, then would they want those great baggs of money, (which do maintain pride, Idleness, and fulness of bread, which are carried into them by their Tenants, who go in as slavish a posture as may be; namely, with Cap in hand, and bended knee, crouching and creeping from corner to corner, while his Lord (rather [Page 4]Tyrant) walkes up and down the Roome with his proud lookes, and with great swelling words, questions him about his holding.
3. If the Lords of Mannors, and other Gentlemen, had not those great bagges of mony brought into them. Then down would fall the Lordliness of their spirits, and then poor men might speak to them; then there might be an acknowledging of one another to be fellow-Creatures.
For, what is the Reason that great Gentlemen covet after so much Land, is it not because Farmers and others creep to them in a slavish manner, proffering them great summes of money for such and such percells of it, which doth give them an occasion to tyrannize over their fellow Creatures which they call their Inferiours.
Secondly. And what is the Reason that Farmers and others are so greedy to rent Land of the Lords of Mannors: Is it not because they expect great gaines, and because poor men are so foolish and slavish as to creep to them for imployment, although they will not give them wages enough to maintain them and their Families comfortably: All which do give them an occasion to tyrannize over their fellow-Creatures, which they call their Inferiors.
All which considered, if poore men which want Imployment and others which work for little wages, would go to dresse and improve the common and wast Lands, whether it would not bring down the prizes of Land, which doth principally cause all manner of things to be deare?
Whether a Livelihood be not the right and propriety of every man; Looke in the first Query.
Whether this be not intruded into by those which do impoverish their fellow-Creatures by their buying and selling, and by their inclosing and appropriating the Earth, with the fruits thereof unto themselves (purposely to uphold their Lordly spirits) as most men do; and so (in plain English) rob and steafe from their fellow Creatures, their proper right and Inheritance?
Whether those Scriptures which say, Love thy Neighbour [Page 5]as thy selfe; and do unto all men as you would they should do unto you: and He that hath this Worlds goods, and seeth his Brother in want, and yet shutteth up the bowells of Compassion from him, how dwelleth the love of God in him? Matt. 7 12, John the first Chapt. the 3. verse the 17.
And many such Scriptures; Whether they are not least spoken of, and lesse practised among men now a dayes, although in them is contained the whole Law and Prophets?