TWO QVERIES worthy of serious Consideration, concerning the Gospel Faith of the LORD JESUS the CHRIST once given unto the Saints, Matth. 16.16. 1 Ioh. 5.1.
1 Qu. WHether that ministery, that preacheth freely the Gospel faith, that the Lord Jesus is the Christ; as the Apostle Peter did: Act. 2.36. Bee not truly orthodox.
I that am a loyall Covenanter for a pure Reformation in England, and Jreland, according to the Word of God: maintaine that they are truly Orthodox for these reasons. The Word of Christ being the Judge of the controversie: John 12.48.
1. Because Jesus the Christ is the Rock; the foundation of the spirituall house: 1 Peter 2.4.5. Which house are we: Heb. 3.6. vid. believers in Jesus the Christ baptized, that continue in the Doctrine of the Apostles Ephes: 2.20: and in breaking of bred and prayer. Acts 2.42. Seeing other foundations no man can lay save that is layd Jesus Christ: 1 Cor. 3.11. For their salvation in none other: Acts 4.11.12. 1. Pet. 2.6. Esa. 28.16.
2. Because this is the primative faith; or confession that Peter made (upon the rehersal of the divers opinions that went of Christ; Matth. 16.13.14.) thou art the Christ the Son of the living God upon which confession, Christ pronounceth Peter blessed. Blessed art thou Symon Barjona; flesh and blood hath not revealed this unto thee: but my father in Heaven.
To this Gospel faith that Jesus was the Christ whom Peter confessed; the power of the keys were given: Matth. 16.19. I will give unto thee the keys of the Kingdome and what thou bindeth on earth shall be bound in Heaven &c.
And Peter communicated it to the whole Church, that had obtained like precious faith in Jesus the Christ with him: 2 Pet. 1.1. Then they had the like precious priviledge to binde and looses as appeareth Matth. 18.17, 18.
[Page 2]3. Because the confession of this Gospel faith that Jesus is the Christ, doth manifest and declare to the [...] that aske them. Whether they be males or females; that they are borne from above of the holy Spirit: John 5.1. Whosoever believeth that Jesus is the Christ is borne of God. Iohn 1.12.13.
Yea and taught of the holy Spirit: 1 Cor. 12.3. For no man can say (that is confesse as Peter did) that Jesus is the Lord and Christ, but by the holy Spirit.
4. Because they that confesse, that Jesus is the Christ (as the En [...] did to Philip) and are baptized manifest that they are borne of water and of the holy Spirit, and are fit spirituall matt [...]r (liv [...]y stones, that have received life from Jesus the Christ living stone) to be received into the spirituall kingdome of the Lord Jesus; John 5.5. Except a man be borne of water and the holy Spirit he cannot enter into the Kingdome of God. And as many as are baptized into Christ have put on Christ. Gal. 3, 27. ( vidilicet by a visible profession) that all the world may know whose disciples they are: Here it is said; John 4.1. The Pharisies heard that Jesus made; and baptized more Disciples, then John: (he made them, that is he manifested, that they were his disciples) heare baptisme manifested Jesus to Jsrael at Jordan to be the Son of God: John 1.31. compared with Matth. 3.16.17:
5. Because it is the Gospel faith, that Jesus commanded his Disciples to preach after his resurrection unto all Nations: Luke 24.46. Thus it behoveth the Christ to suffer, and to rise againe the third day, 47. And that repentance; and remission of sins, should be preached in his name amongst all Nations beginning at Hierusalem 48: And ye are witnesses of these things.
6. Because there was no way revealed, for the poore trembling Jews, that were pricked in their hearts at the preaching of Peter, for crucifying the Christ Act: 21.36. to save themselves from that froward generation (who had killed the Lord Jesus and their own Prophets) upon whom the wrath of God was coming to the uttermost: 1 Thes. 2.14, 15, 16. When they cryed out, what shall we do? untill they yeeld obedience to the voice of the everlasting Gospel; that the holy Spirit speak to them, by the mouth of Peter; Repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus the Christ for the remission of sinns; And ye shall receive the gift of the holy Spirit: For the promise is to you, and to your Children, and to them that are a far off even so many us the Lord our God shall call. And with many such [Page 3] other words he said; save your soules from this froward generatio [...]. Then they which gladly received his word were baptized and added to them three thousand soules: Act. 2.38, 39, [...]0, 41.
And the Lord added to the Church dayly such as should be saved. Act. 2.47.
7. Neither is there any other way revealed by the holy Spirit in the Scriptures for them who have lived in Idolatrous and superstitious times amongst them; that have denyed that Jesus is the Christ (whom the holy Spirit of God calleth lyers, and Antichristians) that denyeth the Father and the Sonne: 1 John 2:22: For in denying the Sons authority to be the eternall King [...]n [...] Prophet of his Church in all his outward administrations according to his royall Commission: Matth. 28:18, 19, 20. Mark. 16, 15, 16. Luke 24:46:47: in admitting of members into his spirituall Kingdome; (though they own him their eternall Priest that ever liveth to make intercession to God for them: Heb. 7.25.) Because Christ divided, becometh no Christ to the divider. They (in so doing) deny the Father, that sanctifieth the Son, and sent him into the world: John 10 36. and raised him from the dead, and exalted him to be Lord and Christ. Act. 2:36: Eternall King and Prophet of his Church as well as Priest: now when they through the Gospel ministery (which God that cannot lye hath promised to raise up againe to prophesy before many people, and Nations, and Tongues, and Kings, Revel. 10.11. Compared with Revel. 14.6. shall through the inward work of the holy spirit be pricked in their hearts: (that they have been in the number of them, that have persecuted Jesus the Christ in his members, that have contended for the Gospel faith of Jesus the Christ: Matth. 16:16: Luke 24.46.47. 1 John 5, 1. once given unto the Saints: And for which cause, the wrath of God is coming on all those false states (whom the holy Spirit of God calleth Lyers and Antichristians, that deny the Father; and the Son; as I have shewed you before in a few words 1 John 2:22. Because in them is found the blood of Prophets and Saints, and all that were slaine upon the earth: Revel: 18:24: as once was of old in the Jewish state, which the Apostle Peter calleth a froward generation (which that Apostle exhorted the trembling Jews that were pricked in their hearts crying out; What shall we do? to save themselves from: and the Apostle Paul rendereth this reason: Because they had both killed the Lord Jesus, and their own Prophets, and they have persecuted as (believers baptized) and they please not God; and are contrary to all men: For bidding us speak unto the Gentiles that they might be saved: to fill up their sins alwayes [For the wrath of God is] come [Page 4] on them unto the uttermost. 1 Thes. 2:15.16.
Qu. Matth. 23.33, 34, 35, 36. So that the trembling cry out, How shall we escape the wrath of God that is coming on us for consenting to shed the blood of the Saints, and prophets that contend for the Gospel faith; namely, that Jesus, who was crucified, dead, and risen, is the Christ; Act. 2:36:
Answ. Must not the Gospel minister (to whom is committed the word of reconciliation; 2 Cor. 5.18.) preach unto them the everlasting Gospel; As Peter, did to the inquiring Jevvs: Act. 2.38: Repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for remission of sins: And ye shall receive the gift of the holy spirit; For the promise is to you; and to your Children; viz. to the Jews first; Act. 3.36: unto you first, God hath raised up his Son Jesus Christ sent him to blesse you in turning away every one of you from your iniquiries; Secondly, sent him to blesse you first; in fulfilling the Prophesy of Joel: Joel 2:28: In powering out his spirit upon your Sones, and Daughters: And to all viz. flesh afar off; the remotest Gentiles, and even so many as the Lord our God shall call: 39. v: And with many other words he must testifie, and exhort, saying; Save your selves from this untoward generation: 40: Seeing the Gospel of Jesus the Christ is eternall: 1 Pet: 1.25. And whatsoever things were written aforetime, were written for our learning; that we through patience, and comforts of the Scriptures might have hope: Rom: 15.4.
Now so many as shall gladly receive (that is believe John 1.12:) this Gospel of Salvation and arise and be baptized; shall be saved from the wrath that is coming on them;
As Noah and his family were by faith saved in the arke from perishing by water. Heb: 11:7: seeing the Apostle saith: the like figure whereunto even baptisme, doth also save us, ( viz. that believe) by the resurrection of Jesus Christ: So. the Lord added daly to his Church such as should be saved: Act. 2:47.
8. Because none of what ranke or degrees soever; can prove themselves Saints by calling, and that intruth, they have a visible right to be admitted into the spirituall house, even to the fellowship of Saints, in breaking of bread and prayer.
1. Namely, untill they have manifested their repentance from dead workes; by saving or seperating of themselves from those false states (whom the spirit of God calleth lyers, and Antichristians that deny the Father and the Son: 1 John 2:23:) that persecute the members of Christ for contending for the Gospel faith of Jesus the Christ: Math. [Page 5] 16:16: Luke 24:46: 47. 1 John 51 1. Once given unto the Saints: [...] Saul, Act. 9. and Jaylour once did: Act: 16:24.
2. Vntill they manifect (to them that demand in) a reason of the hopes that is in them by a beliefe of the heart; and a confession of their lips, that the Lord Jesus, who was crucified dead; and risen, is exalted to be the Christ as the Enuch did to Philip Acts 8.37.
3. Vntill they yeeld obedience unto the Gospel Commandement: Be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins. Act: 2:38. because it is written; He that saith I know him (that is Jesus the Christ) and keepeth not his Commandements is a lyer; and there is no truth in him, 1 John 2.4. Seeing these three principles of the doctrine of Christ; Are the way for all that truly believe in Jesus the Christ, to take up, and walke in (as the members of the Churches of Judea; which were in Christ once did, Heb. 6.1. 2. before they were added unto the Church, to continue in the Apostles doctrine, and fellowship, in breaking of bread, and prayer, Act. 2, 41, 42.
9. Because; there is no promise of salvation for any (whether they be males or females) but for them onely, that believe in Jesus the Christ, Act. 4.10, 11, 12. For there is salvation in none other.
10. Because there is no promise of pardon of sin for any persons: save onely for them that believe in the blood of Jesus the Christ, 1 John 1.7. the blood of Jesus Christ his Son which cleanseth from all sin.
11. Because no manner of persons whatsoever have aright to all; or any of the promises, untill they believe in Jesus the Christ, 2 Cor. 3.20. For all the promises in him (that is in Jesus the Christ are yee: And in him Amen: Knowing that till we are made one with Jesus the Christ by faith, Gal. 3.28.29. ye are all one in Christ, if Christ then Abraham seed, then heires according to promise, v. 29. We are but strangers from the Covenant of promise; and without hope in the world Ephes. 1.12. verse 1.
12. Because no Son of the first Adam, hath a spirituall right to any of the creatures to be sanctified for his life: But as their life, and spirituall intrest is restored to them through faith in Jesus the Christ, 1 Cor. 3.21. All things are yours 22. Whether Paul or Apollos: or Caephas, or the world, or life, or death; or things present; or things to come; all are yours; And ye are Christ; And Christ is Gods; 1 Cor. 3.23.
13. Because there is no hope of the resurrection of the dead; nor of an assurance of the eternal inheritance in glory; but through [Page 6] Faith in Iesus the Christ; 1 Cor. 15.22. Ioh. 11. [...]5. Jes [...] said, I am the Resurrection and the Life; he that beleiveth in the though he were dead, yet shall he live; And he that liveth and beleiveth in me shal not dye for ever, 1 Pet. 1.3, 4, 5 vers.
14. I affirm, that no man (by what name, or title soever he be called) can prove himself a faithfull Teacher sent of God; unlesse he beleive with all his heart, and confesse with his lips, that the Lord Iesus is the Christ, vid. the eternall King and Prophet, and Priest of his Church, in things appertaining unto his conscience.
First, I do conceive; that in this (all the learned and loyall Covenantors in the Nation do agree with me) that Iesus the Christ, is annointed of God, to be our eternall High-Priest, that ever liveth to reconcile us unto God, Heb. 7.25. But the difference is whether the same Iesus the Christ is annointed, and appointed of God to be our Prophet, Mat. 17.5. This is my beloved Son hear him; And that in all things whatsoever he shall say unto us, Act. 3.22. So Moses, and the Apostle Peter testifieth, Deut. 18.18. the danger followeth, if we hear him not, our souls must perish. Act. 3.23.
Now Iesus the Christ saith in the Scriptures of the New Testament, that professing Faith and Repentance shall be baptized, Heb. 6.12. Act. 8.36, 37, 38. Act. 2.41. They which gladly received his Word were baptized.
But where doth Christ say; that the Infant of a Beleiver, or the Seed of Beleivers shall be baptized.
1. If any Teacher affirm they may, and have not a word from Iesus the Christ to warrant what he saith; he is a false Teacher, and by the Law h [...] is accursed, Deut. 18 20. But the Prophet which shall presume to speak a word in my Name, which I have not commanded him to speak; even that Prophet shall dy.
2. He is a lying Teacher; for he addeth to the word Seed, or Infant of a Beleiver; [...]at God hath not added, Prov. 30.6. Add not thou to his word lest he reprove thee, and thou be found a lyar ye shall not add unto the Word which I have commanded you, Deut. 4.2. If any shall add to these words, God will add unto him all the Plagues written in this Book, Rev. 22.18.
3. He is a lying Teacher that cometh in his own name, Ioh. 5.43. and God hath not sent him, Ier. 23.25. they cause my people to forget my Name by their dreams; as their Father hath forgotten my Name for Baal, 2.7. the Prophet that hath a dream, let him tell a dream; And he that hath my Word, let him speak my Word faithfully; [Page 7] what is Chaff to the Wheat, saith the Lord, vers. 28.
4. [...] saith; th [...]ugh it were himself, or an Angel from Heaven, that should preach any other Gospel unto you, then that we have preached (that Jesus, who was crucified, dead, and risen; through whom we that beleive in his Name shall have remission of sinnes, whom God hath exalted to be the Christ) let him be accursed, Gal. 18, 9.
Thirdly, the same Jesus, the Christ is annointed and appointed of God to be our eternall King, and that his Commission shall be eternall, Matth. 28.18, 19, 20. Mar. 16.15, 16. Luk. 24.46, 47, 48. Now the Commission of King Jesus saith; such as beleive the Gospell Faith of Jesus the Christ shall be baptized: but Infidels, and unbeleivers are not to be baptized.
Now saith Christ, these mine Enemies that would not I should reign (King and Prophet in all my outward administrations, according to my Royal Commission given me of my Father when he raised me from the dead, Mat. 28.18, 19, 20. in admitting of members into my spirituall Kingdom) bring them hither, and slay them before me, Luke 19.27.
Hence it is, that Christs sheep refuse to hear the voyce of those false Teachers, that refuse to obey the voice of Jesus the Christ, their King and Prophet, Ioh. 10.4, 5.
1. Because they in denying the Sonnes authority to the eternall King and Prophet of the Church, they deny the Father that sanctified his Son, and sent him into the world, Iohn 10 36. and raised him from the dead, and exalted him to be Lord Christ, Act. 2.36.
2. He that honoureth not the Son as King and Prophet, honoureth not the Father that sent him, Iosh. 5.23.
3. They refuse to hear the voyce of those Teachers, that preach for Doctrine the commandement of men; because in so doing they make the Commission of Jesus the Christ (their King and Prophet, Matth. 28.18, 19, 20.) of none effect that they may keep their own traditions, Matth. 15.3, 6.
4. They are commanded to mark and avoid all [...]uch as cause division contrary to the Doctrine of Christ, that they have learned of him, Rom. 16.16, 17, 18.
5. Yea to withdraw from them that teach otherwise; and consent not to the wholesome words, even the words of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the Doctrine which is according to godlinesse, [...] 6, 3, 4, 5.
[Page 8]6. Yea from all such, as transgresse, and abide not in the do [...]rine of Christ; they are commanded not to bid God-speed: For he that biddeth them God-speed is partakers of their evill deeds, 2 Iob. 9.10, 11.
If these things be so (as the holy Scripture heareth record that they are,) Resolve me then, I pray; And beseech, any that are truly godly, and learned, judicious, loyall Covenanters, this following Quaere.
Qu. Whether it be agreeable to the Word of God contained in the inspired Scriptures to silence, or inhibite any Ministers of Iesus the Christ for preaching the Gospel Faith freely; Namely, that Iesus Christ, who was crucified, dead, and risen is the Christ, Act. 2.36. Through whose Name all that beleive shall receive remission of sins, Act. 10.43. and maintaining publiquely with Apollo against all opposers; that the Lord Iesus is the Christ, Act. 18.28. As the Iews of old cast the blind man out of their Synagogue, for confessing, that Iesus was the Christ, Ioh. 9.22, 34.