By Samuel Corbyn. M. A.

Isa. 66.9.

Shall I bring to the Birth, and not cause to bring forth, saith the Lord?

LONDON, Printed for Robert Gibbs at the Golden Ball in Chancery-Lane, 1669.

Advice to Sinners under Convictions, to prevent their miscarrying in Con­version.

Poor undone Sinners,

I Send these truths from the Eternall God to you in love and faithfulness, unfeigned­ly desiring that you may be convinced of your unbelief, and of all your sins, and of your present accursed and condemned state, and may be taught of God to rely upon Christ, who died for the ungodly, without which you will be certainly ere long undone for ever, although you now enjoy the plea­sures of sin for a season, or the world in its [Page 2]glory. Since divers of you were awakened, I hope that God may have thoughts of ever­lasting love to some of your souls: there­fore as I have warned you to flee for re­fuge from the wrath of God which is com­ing upon you, and without delay presently to come out of this dreadfull condition to Christ who will embrace you; so I write to you, and to all others to whom these truths may be communicated, to prevent their mis­carrying in conversion.

1. Seek to know and be convinced by the Spirit through the Scriptures, that you are born dead in sins and children of wrath, without Christ and without hope, Eph. 2.3, 12. and that you are every day and every moment under Gods curse, and wrath, in danger of eternall condemnation, Gal. 3.10. The wicked shall be turned into Hell, Psal. 9.17. and the soul that sinneth it shall die, Ezek. 18.4. and unbelievers shall not see life, but the wrath of God abideth on them, though they are insensible of it. The Lord saith, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdome of God; and he that believeth not is condemned already, Joh. 3.3, 18, 36. Consi­der seriously then each of you I beseech you, what will become of me who am not born again, nor ever had a work of grace? O that [Page 3]your eyes were open to behold all the sins of your hearts and lives in order before you, which cry aloud day and night for venge­ance against your guilty souls! 'twere e­nough to make you tremble who are now most senseless. Get alone quickly, and re­flect upon your wayes as in the fight of God. Ask your selves, have I not sometimes lied, or stole, or swore an oath? have I not prophaned the Lords Day? was I never proud, nor wanton, nor malicious? have I never taken the Lords Name in vain? have I not been disobedient to my parents? have I not a carnall, unclean, hard, and unbelie­ving heart? did I never break Gods Laws? Yea surely; I must cry out guilty, guilty; my conscience condemns me; what will become of me if I die in this dreadfull condition? He that spared not the Angels when they sin­ned, but cast them down to Hell; he that spa­red not the old world, nor the Cities of So­dom, but condemned them with an over­throw, making them an example unto those which after should live ungodly, will not spare me long. Does not Hell gape for me? Is there any hopes that such a sinner as I have been may yet be washed in the blood of Christ? God may righteously damn me for these sins, or for the least sin, Rom. 3.23. It is [Page 4]the Lords mercy that I am not consumed, and now in Hell howling among the damned, crying out for a drop of water to cool my tongue, Lam. 3.22. Luke 16.24.

2. Seek the Lord in secret for his Spirit while he may be found, Isa. 55.6. Cry out each of you for the blood of Christ, as con­demned malefactors do for mercy; as they did, Acts 2.37. Or as the keeper of the pri­son said trembling, What must I do to be sa­ved? Acts 16.30. Rest not one day nor hour longer quietly or securely, till you have some good hopes that Jesus Christ will plead your cause at the day of judgement; for without the imputation of his righteousness there is no remission. Follow Christ, crying after him as the blind men did, Lord, that our eyes may be opend, Mat. 20.30, &c.

3. If the Lord by his Word and Spirit makes you sensible of your fearfull undone condition, beware of resting short of a tho­row-work of grace, lest you fall short of union with Christ, through the teachings and drawings of the Father, lest you rrest in a false peace, Luke 11.21. compasting your selves about with sparks of your own kind­ling, through slight wounding, or slight healing, Isa. 50.11. Take heed of building foolishly upon the sand, Mat. 7.26, 27. And [Page 5]lest thou prove at best but a foolish Vir­ing walking with the wise, Mat. 25. fear lest you should make a Christ of duties, of praying, weeping, purposing, or reforming; for the sacrifice of the wicked is abomination to the Lord, Prov. 15.8. There is away which seemeth right to a man, but the end thereof is the wayes of death, Prov 12.14. And there is a generation that are pure in their own eyes, and yet is not washed from their filthiness, Prov. 30.12. A man may go very far under the a­wakenings of conscience, and have a zeal of God, and yet being ignorant of Gods righ­teousness, go about all his life time to esta­blish his own righteousness, and get no­thing at last but the hypocrites hope which shall perish, whose trust shall be a spiders web, and he shall lye down in sorrow; for Christ is the end of the Law for righteousness to every one that believeth, Joh 8.13, 14. Rom. 10.2, 3, 4. By the deeds of the Law there shall no flesh be justified in the sight of God, Rom. 3.20. If ever thou find mer­cy, thou must be justified freely by the grace of God, through the redemption which is in Christ Jesus by faith, without the deeds of the Law, Ʋerse 24, 28. 'Tis true faith comes by hearing, and 'tis our duty to attend to Gods appointments where the Spirit [Page 6]works; but if righteousness come by any work of the Law, then Christ is dead in vain, Gal. 2.21. To him that worketh not in the point of justification, but believeth on him that justifieth the ungodly, his faith is count­ed for righteousness: blessed is that man to whom God imputeth righteousness without works, Rom. 4.5, 6.

4. Look to the Lord to convince you of sin, because you believe not in Jesus Christ which is promised, Joh. 16.7, 8, 9. In your attendance on the means of grace, be willing to be convinced by the Comforter, that your hearts are so desperately wicked that you will not come to Christ; and to feel your im­potency, that you cannot believe in him un­less the Lord put forth the exceeding great­ness of his power, Eph. 1.19.

5. Know assuredly, and welcome these glad tidings, that Christ is come of a truth into the world on purpose to save sinners, and the chiefest of them, 1 Tim. 1.15. God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life, Joh. 3.19. Christ hath once suffered for sins, the just for the unjust, that he might bring us to God, 1 Pet. 3.18. Flee to this refuge when thou seest thy self ungodly and accursed by the Law of God, and fearest [Page 7]thou shalt be damned. Consider with thy self, though I am ungodly, yet there's a dying Christ for the ungodly, Rom. 5.6. Though I am an enemy, yet Christ hath reconciled ene­mies to God by his death, vers. 10. Though I am rebellious, and so abominable, that I fear lest the earth should open and swallow up such a wretch sometimes, and so God should righteously sink me to Hell living, and in his wrath; yet here's good news and encourage­ment for me, that Jesus Christ when he ascended on high received gifts for men, yea for the rebellious also, that the Lord God might dwell amongst the rebellious, Psal. 68.18. Though I am accursed, and I see plainly God threatens to damn me in many Scri­ptures, yet is there hopes for such a con­demned sinner, since Christ hath redeemed accursed sinners from the curse of the Law, being made a curse for them, that we might receive the blessing of Abraham, and the pro­mise of the Spirit, Gal. 3.13, 14.

6. Believe in Jesus Christ, because 'tis the command of God and pleasing in his sight, and thy duty, though thou canst see no other warrant or ground of encouragement. This is his Commandment, that we should believe on the Name of his Son Jesus Christ, 1 Joh. 3.22, 23. Believe on the Lord Jesus and thou shalt [Page 8]be saved, Acts 16.31. Christ tells hypocrites that sought him for their bellies, This is the work of god that ye believe on him whom God hath sent, Joh. 6.28, 29. Apply the Word thus to thy self; the righteous God that knows all my hainous sins, in stead of damning me for them, commands me to believe on his Son, and assures me that I shall be saved. The Lord give thee the spirit of wisdome and re­vesation in the acknowledgement of Christ, and the obedience of faith.

7. Rejoyce to hear that Jesus Christ is be­come an earnest suitor for thy love; he will bear thy sorrows and love thee freely, Isa. 5.3, 4. Hos. 14.4. Christ once crucified now saith to thee, Behold I stand at the door and knock, if any man hear my voice and open the door, I will come in to him, Rev. 3.20. I am not come to call the righteous, but sinners, saith the Lord, Mat. 9.13. Come unto me all ye who la­bour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest, Mat. 11.18. Ho every one that thirsteth come ye to the waters, and he that hath no mo­ney, come ye, Isa. 55.1. The Spirit and the Bride say come, and let him that heareth say come, and let him that is athirst come, and whosoever will let him take the water of life freely, Rev. 22.17. Hearken therefore to the ravishing voice of Christ, although thou mayst judge thy self [Page 9]the vilest and chiefest of sinners, and mayst verily think there may be mercy for others, but there is none for such a great monstrous sinner as thou hast been; yet here is the joy­full sound, that the Son of man God manifest in the flesh is come to seek and to save that which is lost, Luke 19.10. How dreadfull so­ever thy condition may be in thy own thoughts, yet Christ saith, Him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out, Joh. 6.37. Though you therefore feel hard and dead hearts, yet come as sinners unto Christ who came to seek and save such. The Lord calls stour hearted sinners who are farre from righteousness to hearken unto him, Isa. 46.12, 13.

8. When your hearts are sinking under the sence of Gods wrath, then resolve in the strength of Christ to rely upon him, to cast and roul your selves upon him whatever be the issue. If I perish I will perish at the feet of Christ, for other wise I am sure to perish; if he condemn me he is righteous, if he save me 'twill be riches of free grace for ever to be admired. Venture thus upon Christ against a thousand discouragements, as the Lepers ventured into the tents of the Syrians, a King. 7.4, 5, 6. Press in upon Christ resol­ving to take no deniall, as the woman of Cae­naan [Page 10]did, Mat. 15.22, &c. These had a bles­sed issue out of their difficulties, and thou shalt find at length that the bowels of Christ will yearn over thy fainting soul, lying at his feet for a crumb, and he will embrace thee with unspeakable love, Thus let the King­dome of Heaven suffer violence; press thou into it, and take it by force.

9. Never attempt to believe or repent in thy own strength, but look unto Jesus in whom it hath pleased the Father all fulness should dwell, Col. 1.19. As thou would'st not prove a rotten hypocrite, beware of a dead faith of thy own forming, which is not the faith of the operation of God, Col. 2.12. Look not for that in thy self which is to be found in Christ, nor for that in the Law which is to be found in the Gospell: this hath been the cause of the long troubles of many precious souls. When thou fearest thou shalt die eternally because thou canst not believe, look out of thy self unto Christ who is full of grace, and behold his glory, Joh. 1.14. Look unto me, and be ye saved all the ends of the earth, Isa. 45.22. Look unto Jesus the beginner and finisher of faith, Heb. 12.2. Christ never comes expect­ing to find faith or repentance, but looks up­on a filthy soul polluted in his own blood, and saith unto him, live; and this time is the [Page 11]time of love, Ezek. 16.6, 8. The grace of the Lord is exceeding abundant to the chiefest of sinners, with faith and love which is in Christ Jesus, 1 Tim. 1.14. When thou turnest thine eyes inward, and thinkest the hardness and impenitency of thy heart will surely be thy ruine, flee to that reviving word, Act. 5.30.31. God hath raised up Jesus and exalted him with his right hand to be a Prince and a Savi­our, to give repentance to Israel and remis­sion of sins. The Lord hath promised in the latter dayes to destroy the veil of unbelief which is spread over all Nations, Isa. 25.7. Dost thou find by experience that word true, No man can come to me except the Father which hath sent me draw him. Behold in the next Verse what a full promise of help is made to thee, They shall be all taught of God; every man therefore that hath heard and learnt of the Father cometh unto me, Joh. 6.44, 45. And Psal. 25. Good and upright is the Lord, therefore will he teach sinners in the way. And Christ saith, I am the way unto the Father, Joh. 14.6. Follow the Lord at the throne of grace with cryes and groanes unutterable without ceasing; O draw me to Christ, help me to close with and to be united to Christ. If thou findest still 'tis impossible for thee to believe, hear the Lord saying to thee, Let him [Page 12]take hold of my strength that he may make peace with me, and he shall make peace with me, Isa. 27.5. He giveth power to the faint, and to them that have no might be encreaseth strength, Chap. 40.29. Therefore trust ye in the Lord for ever, for in the Lord Jehovah is everlasting strength, Chap. 26.4. It is my earnest desire and prayer to God, that this may be the time of Gods speciall love and the day of his power, that you may be united to Christ by faith wrought in you by the power of Gods Spirit, that you may thirst after, and receive a full assurance of Gods love, and that you may have the love of Christ shed abroad in your hearts, and may abide in Christ, being strong in the grace which is in him, which is sufficient for you in your greatest straits, and that you may be taught of God to sing his praises, and to rejoyce with trembling, and may never lose your first love, nor fall into a spirit of slum­ber or delusion, but may grow in the know­ledge of Christ, and being planted in the house of God, may bring forth much fruit, denying your selves and taking up the Cross of Christ, walking worthy of the Lord all your few dayes, to the praise of his free grace, who hath called you into his Kingdome and glory. O that these lines may not hereafter rise up in judgement at the last day against any of you [Page 13]which slight them, and condemn you, and that they may be the voice and call of God, his arm and power revealed to your salvation. The grace and peace of the Lord, and the abiding presence of the Comforter, be with you for ever.


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