THE TREATIE BETWEEN The Commissioners from the Lord Mayor, and Common councell of the city of London, and Sir Thomos Fairfax and the Army at St. Albanes.

With their message from the Army to the Common-councell, in Answer to their Letter, With the Demands of the Army.

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London Printed for B. A. 1647.



THe Committee of Aldermen and Common Councell came yesterday hither to St. Al­banes, with a Message from the City of London, and have bin with the G [...]nerall.

Alderman Warner and the rest of the Comemittee acquainted the Gen. that they were [Page]sent by the Lord Mayor, Aldermen, & Com­mon-Councell, to acquaint his Excellency, that they had brought from them an answer to his of June 10. Assuring him, that they have a very high esteem of that army, whom they know and acknowledge to be faithful, and wel-deseruing, and that the City have a generall desire to prevent all mis-understan­ding betwixt them.

That the City takes notice of the Army drawing neer them, and the reasons allead­ged; and return thanks for the care promi­sed over the Souldiers, not to permit them to do any evill towards the City.

And for those jvst demands, which you have made to the Pa [...]l the Common-Coun­cell of the City of London are so farre from opposing them or the Army in being satis­fied therein, that before they received the Letter from the army, they made their hum­ble addresses to the Parl. for obtaining ther­of; and that after they received the said let­ter, they acquainted the houses therewith, declaring the sence of that good opinion which they have of the army to the houses, [Page]professing not to fail to prosecute their just desires to the Parl. as occasion shall repre­sent.

I have sent you here inclosed, the Copy of the Desires of the Common-Councel of Lon­don propounded to the Army, and rest

Your servant, R. Corbet.
The Desires of the City of London presented to his Excellency Sir Thomas Fairfax, by the Commissioners at St. Albanes.
  • 1. We desire that you will be pleased to forbear quartering within 30 miles of the City of London.
  • 2. That you will desire no more from the Parl. or the City, then what shall be just and reasonable.
  • 3. That the addresses of the army to the Parl. may be in such a way as may consist with the honour, power, and priviledge of P [...]rliament, liberty of the subject, and safety of the City and Kingdome.
  • [Page]4. That your Excellency, and other the Commanders of the Army, will have a spe­ci [...]l care for the preservation of his Maje­sties Royall person, whilest hee remaineth with you.

A Letter from his Excellencies quarters at St. Albanes,


SInce my last, we have bin very busie a­bout quarters, and other things, so that I cannot give you so large accompts as I in tended of some things here, which I must necessarily refer to the next, yet for the pre­sent, I shall give you this breviate of the state of things with us at present.

The Gen. hearing of the comming of the Aldermen and Commoners from the Com­mon-councel of the City of London gave order to have them honourably entertain­ed, and accordingly the Gen own Trumpe­ter, & divers Officers met them, & brought [Page]them in with great respect. Last night they delived their message, and this day they re­ceived their answer, and were dispatched a­way after dinner. There hath bin very faire things on both sides, and things have beene carryed on with much wisdome. I shall not trouble you with things at large now, only acquaint you in briefe, that

The Commissioners from the City are now dispatched, and will be with you this night, with the full Answer of the Army, to whatsoever they could desire from them, both as to members charged, and concerning the Parliament in gen­nerally. They demand ten members of the house of Commons to be tryed by the Parliament, and to be suspended the House during the time of there tryall. They desire to know the resoluti­ons of the Houses as to there siting, and how o­thers shall be called. They lay aside wholy the church, and governmant thereof. They propound that the Kings Majesty his iust and legall rights.

They propound that the Parliament may in­joy their just Privileges.

They propound that the Sub [...]ects of the king­dome may injoy their just liberties.

Their monies also in the last place comes in course.

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