A COPY of a PAPER Concerning Three Propositions Presented by the Commissioners to the Kings Majesty on Munday last, October 9. 1648.

With His Majesties Finall Answer, returned on Wednesday the 11 of October, concerning Ireland.

And His Majesties Propositions for the nomi­nation of a Deputy and other Officers for 20 years.

Presented to the Parliament this present Friday, Octob. 13. 1648

THis is a true Copy examined. And His Majesties Paper, Sub­scribed


London printed by Robert Ibbitson. 1648.

A Copy of the Commissioners PAPER Presented to the KING October 9. 1648.


THat An Act of Parliament bee passed, To Declare and make Voide the Cessation of Ireland, and all Treaties and Conclusion of Peace, [Page 2]or any Articles thereupon with the Rebells, without consent of both Houses of Parliament. And to set­tle the Prosecution of the VVarre in Ireland in both Houses, of the Par­liament of England; to be managed by them: And the King to assist, and to doe no Act to discountenance or molest them therein.


That Reformation of Religion ac­cording to the Covenant be setled in the Kingdome of Ireland by Act of Parliament, in such manner as both Houses of Parliament of England, have agreed, or shall agree upon, af­ter Consultation had with the Assem­bly of Divines here.


That the Deputy or cheif Govern­our, [Page 3]or other Governours of Ireland, and the Presidents of the severall Pro­vinces of that Kingdome be nomina­ted by both the Houses of the Parlia­ment of England, or in the intervalls of Parliament, by such Committees of both Houses of Parliament, as both Houses of the Parliament of England shall nominate and appoint for that purpose. And that the Chancellor, or Lord Keeper, Lord Treasurer, Commissioners of the great Seale or Treasury, Lord VVarden of the Cinque Ports, Chancellor of the Exchequer and Dutchy; Secretaries of State, Master of the Rolls, Judges of both Benches, and Barrons of the Exchequer of the Kingdoms of Eng­land and Ireland, and the Vice Trea­surer, and Treasurers at VVarres of [...] [Page 4]Kingdome of Ireland bee nominated by both Houses of the Parliament of England, to continue Quem diu se be­ne gesserint, and in the Intervals of Parliament by the afore-mentioned Committees, to bee approved, or disallowed by both Houses at their next sitting.

A Copy of His Majesties Paper, De­livered to the Commissioners at the Treaty with His Majesty, at Newport in the Isle of WIGHT.


FOr a Finall Answer to you, to your Proposition of the ninth of October, concerning Ireland.

His Majestie doth give His Con­sent thereunto as is desired, the time for nomination of the Deputy, and other Of­ficers being limited for Twenty yeares from the first of July, 1648.


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