This sea'd, was straight deliver'd to Quart-pot
To beare away; when
Bacchus with a hot,
And fiery looke gap't thrice, and gave two knocks
Made 'em all shake and stand like senseles stocks
Whilst with a gravity he did reherse,
This short Oration (as it is) in verse.
ANd yet, my Prudent Councell, let me tell 'ee
I see my bounty here doth too much swell yee,
Tis strange that you should favour such a cause
And men that have so deep transgress't my lawes,
As these have; and to gives 'em such kind words
In their just punishment, their crime affords,
No mercy; for the naked truth to tell
I well could wish there were a whip at
To jerke em, and to firke em, and to raise
Their memory as they rais'd wine of late dayes,
When like to Bakers (they the world to cozen
Did sift wine, making foureteen pence to th'dozen,
Which is an innovation, for their good
To hoist up wine above the price of blood;
For their ten pence; you know, throughout all ages
Hath ever been, and is, the Hangman's wages.
Consider of it: England, some of you
Nay I my selfe have been abused too,
How many of my subjects have refrain'd
The Taverne, my deere temple, cause 'twas stain'd,
With such extorsion? and were faine
For want of two pence to goe home againe?
Two pence? why I will tell you, tis no lesse
Then halfe a groat, and boldly I professe,
For two pence more, a man might fully dine
Or purchase three parts of a pint of Wine,
Claret I mean
[...] white: how many here
Now in this place have kill'd themselves with Beere,
Ev'n for this cause? Besides we well may gather
That men oft times gave o
[...]e, when they had rather,
Have serv'd mee still, I speake it from my heart
In seven pints th'are cheated of a quart,
O injury! and ye
[...] you wish these men
Here, that they might revive their trade agen,
That by their cunning having wrong'd you too
You then might curse em as the Citty doe,
Write me a letter that may fully crush em
And not such tickling lines as onely brush em,
Can you that are the Poets thinke upon
This sad restraint upon your Helicon,
And not revenge it? can you stay
And see a weeks pay drunke out in a day,
By superarogation? you that are
The lusty cap and feather-men of warre?
Can you my worthy hosts fit and see those
That make you weare od money in your nose,
Under your nose triumphing? can you men
You little lecturers that have but ten,
A yeare endure it; no, it shall not be
Weel have 'em downe, and now me thinks I see,
Your mind bent too't, drinke deep my subjects all
That wines ifaith shall with a ding-dong fall.