THE COMPLAINT OF THE BOVTEFEV, Scorched in his owne Kindlings. OR THE BACKSLIDER Filled with his owne VVayes:

In two LETTERS of the Ministers of the PRESBYTERY at CARRICK-FERGUS, to the Lord of ARDES, Now in Rebellion in ULSTER, in IRELAND, against the Common-Wealth of ENGLAND: WITH HIS ANSWER TO THE FIRST of those LETTERS.

Together with some Animadversions upon the sayd LETTERS.

Published by Authority.

London, Printed by Matthew Simmons, 1649.

TWO LETTERS FROM THE PRESBYTERY OF CARRICK-FERGUS, to the Lord Ards, and his answer to the first of them.

Right Honourable,

THE present strange alteration of affaires, moves us to write our minde freely to your Lordship; especially since (as it appeares now clearely) you have been the chiefe Author of all those calamities: We would first put your Lordship in minde of the hazzard you were in, before the Covenant was re­newed, and how yee complyed with us then, for your owne safety, with solemnity and forwardnesse ye renewed the Covenant; Ye your selfe first moved and framed a Declaration in opposition to Malig­nant [Page 2] courses, and all the present enemies of the cause of God. In the Propositions to be offered to [...] King, you agreed that these concerning Religion should be first offered, and if these were not granted, no other should be presented: Your Declaration also beares very large profession, both in generall, that ye would doe nothing in reference to Religion, without our consent and advice, and that least God should leave you to fall in errour, and particularly that ye would acknowledge the Kings Demands, when he should give satisfaction in securing Reli­gion, before he were admitted to the exercise of his Royall Power, you all along shew your selfe ready to subscribe all Orders against Malignants, and so by ample professions, engaged us the more deeply to give credit to your Declarations, and trust your faithfulnesse: Yet neverthelesse your Lordship hath had secret dealing to bring in Malignants, and had correspondence with them, and all this time has been dealing subtilly in your heart, professing one thing, and intending another; which has beene a most notorious deceit, to insnare the people of God to advance your most synistrous ends; Who cou [...] have beleiv'd that your Lordship would have avo [...] ­ed a Commission from the King, when he yet [...] ses as much as his Father, to secure Religion, [...] followes wicked counsell, and so avowedly to vio­late that Article of your Declaration; or that yee would owne a wicked association of Irish Papists, and under colour of strengthening, should have betray­ed that Garrison of Belfast. We must be faithfull in warning your Lordship (though the Lord knowes what heavinesse it is to us) that the Lord will re­ward [Page 3] you if you repent not for such a betraying of the faithfull servants of God, who would have pluc­ked out their eyes for you, and the Lord will visit your Familie with sudden ruine, and irrepairable desolation for that you have beene so grand an in­strument to destroy the worke of God here. We exhort your Lordship in the Name of the living God, to whom ye must give an account, in haste to forsake that infamous and ungodly course you are in, and adhere to your former profession, other­wayes all the calamities that will ensue, will be laid on your score. The Lord himselfe and all the faith­full will set themselves against you, and we will te­stifie of your unfaithfulnesse to the World so long as the Lord shall give us strength, we shall yet con­tinue to pray for your Lordships conversion, and shall expect your Answer, remaining.

Your Lordships servants in all duty, the Ministry of the Presbytery.

HAD not the strange and treasonable Libell of the Scots Presbytery at Belfast, by them there pub­lished, the 15. of Feb. last, prepared that simple peo­ple to put on the yoak, who are alwayes ready to be fired by such Boutefeux, and led by those Demagogues from their duty, and their Interest, to their ruine, there had not been at present, that strange alteration of affaires in the Province of Ʋlster; nor the Ministers of the Presbytery at Carrick-fergus (the same men, or some of them who were at Belfast) had beene furnished with an occasion to write so freely to his Lordship, and to tell him that he hath beene the [Page 4] chiefe Author (though themselves were the pri [...] ones) of all these Calamities: That Libell of theirs a­gainst the Parliament of England, the Supreame Au­thority, under whose protection these Incendiaries lived, hath been Declared against by Parliament, and also examined by a private Pen, and the Trea­son of it layd out to the World, before these effects were visible to all, though they might then have been foreseen, and were so in the tendency of their cause. They then must needs cry down the Sectaries, that is (as themselves interpret) the Parliament of England) and will determine that the Fundamentall Government of England and Ireland is by King and Parliament, and stirre up the people, not to depart from it; beleeving (like cleare sighted men) that Charles the second, the hastily proclaimed King of Scotland would most readily imbrace, and Cordially maintaine their Idoll Covenant: Yet he that could see but as farre as a Batt at Noone, may very well judge (though hee should onely take the ground from the people that are about him) that Cu [...]. loves the Covenant, as well as a Scotch Priest loves a Bishop: But their obedient Sonne Montgomery, the Lord of the Ards, is so well Catechised with that Do­ctrine of the Classes, that he accepts a Commission from the same Charles the second of Scotland, which he yet conceales; going first, out into Rebellion with the most of his Nation there (if not all) upon the account of the Covenant, to prevent those dan­gers from the wicked Sectaries, of which he had so zealous and pious warning from his received Ghostly Fathers: Meane while thereby (besides their owne Rebellion) giving such a Diversion to those forces of [Page 5] the English Nation in Ʋlster, as held faithfull to their duty, that they were not able to contribute any assi­stance to Collonell Jones for resistance of Ormond, and Inchiquine, and the rest of the Irish Rebels that now entred Colonell Jones quarters, tooke in many out Garrisons, and among other, Drogheda, and Besieged Dublin it selfe, which also had been in great danger to have been lost, had it not beene with great pru­dence and foresight cleared of all suspected Vermin within, and with much Courage, and Gallantry de­fended against all efforts without, by that worthy Governour Colonell Jones, now Leivtenant Generall of the Horse in Ireland, who ought to be loved, and honoured of all true English, that would promote the Interest of this Nation. Thus these Sons of Bi­chri, have blowne a Trumpet of Rebellion to all that Kingdome, which themselves (poore men!) now see is not like to stablish their blessed Covenant, or their Canonical Presbytery. For whil they had thought their well taught Son of their Kirk, the Lord of Arder had been onely in Armes against the Sectaries; He, though a young man, yet was too old for them, he con­ceales his Commission from C. S. till George Monro with his Brigade of Irish from Ormond was come to Carrick-fergus, and then he declares himselfe, what Authority he was cloathed with; and what help the poor Covenant and Presbytery is like to have from him, being Commissioned from him, whose Leivtenant Generall professes to maintaine the Christian Reli­gion in the large Extent, and not under a strict notion of new invented Names, themselves begin to suspect; and George Monro was no Dissembler with them, when they lately at Carrick-fergus asked him, whe­ther [Page 6] he would take the Covenant or not. He [...] ed The Devill take the Covenant and you too. These are the sweet effects of that Consisteriall Libell, which yet by accident, and no thankes to them, may in time proove of advantage both to England and Ireland. But no more of that now: It is worth the obser­ving how these Backsliders from their duty, are filled with their owne wayes. And t'were good that o­thers of that Tribe would give over their trade of Intermedling with Civill affaires, for they finde that Young men can over reach them.

T'were perhaps good that their Brethren of Scot­land would for their better information consider what may be their case, if Montrosse should bring but a small strength into the North of Scotland, to joyne with the malignants there; or if George Mo [...]r [...] Having seiled his businesse in Ʋlster should transport thither his Irish Brigade, might there not be found, men enough in Scotland to bring things there once againe to the condition they were in, before the [...] ­tell of Kilsyth (consider it!) And tis ten to one, Montrosse hath made so good Observtaoin of the cause of his misfortune at Phillips-bough that you would never take him in that condition againe, de­ceive not your selves, you that are the conscientious Presbitery in Scotland (if any such there be) either your Civill or Kirke ruine is inevitable in the way you now goe, you may yet establish hath if you will; there is one way, and it cannot be hid from your eyes, but who can helpe it if you will not see, He had need be a good swimmer that dare imbrace a sinking man.

And perhaps some would say t'were no bad coun­sell, if I should advise some of our hyper-poly prag­mons, [Page 7] the S t. politiques of the Pulpit, to meddle only with their proper worke, least they doe like their poore silly Brethren at Belfast, raise more such De­vils then they can conjure downe: If they be up, they will breake into their Circle; there is nothing so sacred, which these they plead for will not proph [...]e, Oathes, Covenants, Priests, Pulpits, any thing, take heed you raise not a new Warre, for if you doe, 'twill be most miserable to your selves.

So much of the Alteration of affaires, and the cause thereof.

[Wee would first put your Lordship in mind of the hazzard, &c.] Why doe you not speake it once, it may be his Lordship knowes no such hazzard, and how was it avoyded; by renewing the Covenant? That same can admirable Panpharma [...]on, it cares all diseases infallibly: But what [...] was he in danger to loose his Estate in Ireland to the Sectaries, because he was a Religious Presbyterian; I doe not heare that a­ny of them have such opinions: Certainly he is in danger to lose it now to the Common-wealth of Eng­land for his Rebellion, to which you his Ghostly Fa­thers instigated him; you tell him of his Declara­tion, that he would doe nothing without your ad­vice, least God should let him fall into errour▪ Pray where learn't he, that your advice was like to be so sure a preservative, was it not from [...]? (his [...]telous Ʋncle could have taught him better; he hath no such Hyperbolicall opinion of you) Are you not ashamed thus obliquely and [...] to insi­nuate your owne infallibility? Doe you [...] [...] think you have led him sufficiently into errour, when you led him into [...]bellion against the Common-wealth of [Page 8] England, he must needs be a wise man that gives up himselfe to your leading: When the blinde leads the blinde, you know the event; and this is like to prove a woefull one to you both.

[Your Lordship hath had secret dealing with Malignants, &c.] And you have openly been so, unlesse Treason, Rebellion, and to stirre up to it, be Anomalous, and excepted from that Generall rule. And with what face doe you tell his Lordship of his dis­sembling, and subtile dealing, professing one thing, and intending another, to ensnare the people of God to his sinistrous ends; why may not his Lord­ship doe it as well as you, whose whole course is no­thing else, but masking under the vizard of the Cause of God, and reformation of Religion; to impose upon all who have the weaknesse to trust you, while you carry on your owne ends. But to your Expresse, His Lord­ship were best consider whether there be not some­thing of an Omen in it; perhaps while he pursue the Course you put him into, his END may be SINISTROUS. It seems incredible to you, he would take a Commission from the King, while he refuses as much as his Father, to secure Religion, and follow wicked Counsell. Why may not the King of Scotland follow other mens wicked Counsell, as well as your wicked Counsell; for who shall assure us, you will give him better then you gave the Lord of Ardes, when you put him into Rebellion against the Common-wealth of England.

But because you talke of securing of Religion, tell us what that same Religion is, that needs to be secured by Kings? was't not that true Religion that once grew and spread in the World, and made a Conquest [Page 9] of the Roman Sword, against all the power of the Em­pire, set on worke by the Devill to oppose and en­deavour to root it out: Religion properly so cal­led, can maintaine it selfe without Externall power; 'tis their Religion that calls for defence from the se­cular Arme, that is not able to defend it selfe from the appearance of truth, which is great, and will pre­vail over all Antichristian forms and clouds. But [you will be faithfull to his Lordship now] 'tis well you will at last, you should have been so, when you put him into Rebellion. For your denunciation and Pro­phesie, we will not much contradict it; your Grand-sire Caiaphas hit it once, and so did that shadow ray­sed by the Witch of Endor, when he told Saul, that to morrow, he and his Sonnes should be with him; but if this be his doome for his Rebellion, what will become of you that put him on to it.

The Lord of Ardes Answer to the Presbytery at Carrick-fergus.

Reverend Friends,

I Cannot but with unexpressible griefe resent the bitter expressions, and ill grounded wrong as­persions you are pleased to cast upon me in your Letter, as if I had secretly brought in Sir George Monroe his party into this Countrey, and so have been the chiefe Author of all these present distra­ctions; whereof God, the searcher of hearts is my witnesse, I am free (notwithstanding of the jealou­sies raised upon some expressions in that Letter of Sir George Monroe to Sir Robert Stewart which was in­tercepted) [Page 10] and that among other, many preva­lent reasons and motions (too long here to ex­presse) induoing at this time, to owne his Maje­sties Commission. It was not the betraying, but the securing of these Garrisons from Sir George his par­ty; which in our distracted and disjoynted condi­tion, for want of Authority, and by reason of the Souldiers affection to their former Officers, were likely to be rendered to him. The Lord he knowes, that the preservation of the established Church-go­vernment, your peace, the good and quiet of this poore corner, and the advancement of Religion, according to the Covenant (all which by private underminers, to your owne knowledge, were in ap­parent hazard of ruine) are the chiefe reasons which induces me to this course, of making use of that Authority, as the onely meane to secure us, (being so united under command) from the vio­lence of opposers hereunto. It request you there­fore, and untill my carriage (after that now I am cloathed with Authority) may witnesse whe­ther my intentions and resolutions be not according to my profession, you would be pleased to have more charitable thoughts of me, and rest assured that I am,

Your affectionate faithfull Friend and Servant, MONTGOMERY.

THE poore Thunder-stricken Lord answers with the humility that becomes a good Son of the Kirke, he now ownes [...] his Commission, and thereby confesseth himselfe guilty of Treason to the Common-wealth of England, but dare not owne his juggling [Page 11] with George Monroe, and Sir Robert Stuart, because perhaps that might be Treason against the Presbyterie, and Covenant, which may not be forgiven him, nei­ther in this World, nor that to come; neither dares he tell the reasons why he did not declare his Commis­sion till then; nor is it convenient for me to tell them, though they cannot be unknowne to him that is ac­quainted throughly with the state of those affaires: The poore Man hath learned from them to appeale to God too; take heed my Lord, you know who was wont to doe so, and the World hath seen that God will not be mocked, nor is an [...], but an Omnipotent, and Omnis­cient God, that judgeth in the Earth, whether the New Rebels of Ʋlster beleive it or not. But now your Lord­ship is clothed with Authority, we shall see how Georg Menro will give you leave to use it, which the Presby­tery have told you in their next Letter, they doe not beleeve will be for the good of Religion, and the Cove­nant, being Associate with the Enemies of them both, indeed your Lordship is in bad tearmes with them, and with all men else, you had better been still persevering.

Right Honourable,

WEE received yours, wherein you with greife resent our bitter expressions, and ill ground­ed wrong aspersions, (as much as to call them false) which you say we cast upon your Lordship. Truely our expressions flowe from the bitternesse of greife and sorrow, and not disaffection towards you: You have often knowne our aboundant affecti­ons, and endeavour to serve your Lordship in our sta­tions. These which your Lordship cals wrong asper­sions, are the words of truth and sobernesse, Inter­cepted letters from that party, together with Colonell [Page 12] Conawayes discovery of that which is now clear, w [...] many other circumstances of your Lordships latter carriage, and the exact correspondence betweene Co­lonell Monro's motions and yours, does evince the re­ality of our assertions, as well as his owne Letter, which we beleive spake neither affection, nor a con­jecture of your Lordships designe, being written to such a close friend. It is a sad jest to your Lordship to tell us that it was the securing of these Garrisons from Colonell George Monroe that moved you to put on that commission; wheras by the conjunction of your Lord­ships forces and command, he lyes before this Garri­son to destroy it. It were a good proofe of the reality of your purpose, if yee should with your whole pow­er urge him to remove, which if yee were cordiall in, were easy to doe. Neither know we how to beleive that your Lordships present course is intended for the good of Religion and the Covenant, when yee are not onely associate with the enemies of both, but your commission, as we are informed, subjects you to the immediate commands of the Marquesse of Ormond, whose infamous and irreligious peace made with the Rebels, may easily tell us what establishment to the Covenant, or Presbyteriall government we may ex­pect from his Orders and Authority, his owne printed speech to the councell of Kilkenny, explaines to us his reall resolutions concerning Religion, to maintaine Christian Religion in the large extent, and not under a strict notion of new invented names, and besides the King yet refusing to secure Religion, how shall you establish it, except ye doe very far transgresse the li­mits of your commission: which we beleive you desire no man to thinke. In a word your Lordship hath but reassumed the old quarrell which the Engagers the [Page 13] last yeare, and before them, James Grahame and the Malignants in England were of old pursuing: Neither we are confident, will it prosper better in your hands nor it did in theirs. The Lord in Justice hath declared his displeasure against that course, & will do so against all them who seek to advance the King against Christs throne, and even while he refuses to give Christ his due first. We would therefore yet againe as lovers of the standing of Christs Kingdome and of your Lord­ships salvation, as the Messengers of God beseech your Lordship before you run a further hazard of the Lords wrath, to leave of that ungodly course, and take bet­ter meanes to effectuate the good of Religion. Re­member those who honour God he will honour, and those who despise him, shall be lightly esteemed of: Whereas your Lordship desires our charity towards you; truely as we have ever testified a due respect to your selfe and family, we shall yet continue▪ but you have involved your Lordship already so far in the guilt of unfaithfulnesse to the cause of God and your owne subscriptions, that we cannot but testifie against the course you are in, and denounce judgement upon your person, family, and all your party, till the Lord perswade your heart to return, which shall be our fer­vent desire, and shall remaine,

Your Lordships servants in all dutifull observance, the Ministers of the Presbytery.

TO the reply of the Presbytery, there remaines lit­tle to say, they here discovered his falshood, and tell him by whom, and all his humble and calme lan­guage gaines him nothing of credit with them, they now see, he that could be drawn from his fidelity to the [Page 14] Common-wealth of England, by the Presbytery at [...] may also be drawne from them, by the glorious [...] mises of a pretended King; they will trust him no [...] they are inexorable. And so doe the Presbytery [...] deale with those that will not serve their turn [...] shadow of it here in England, though they want a [...]-story for the forming those dreadfull Thunder-bolt, [...] they make the Pulpit serve for a shift, to blow the Tr [...] pet to Rebellion, and a new War; what would our [...] doe, if they had the power of the Kirk of Scotland; T [...] poore Viscount Montgomery lyes under their Prophesies and Fulminations, which may be like [...] come upon him, though he should repent his s [...]ule [...] gainst the Covenant.

And for a close of all, I shall aske them onely these Questions. Whether it be not as dangerous for [...] of men, as for another, to set up themselves against the Throne and Power of the Lord Jesus Christ? And whether it be not a great part of his Kingly office, to rule in the understandings, and consciences of Men? Whether the true light that lightneth every one who commeth in­to the World, may not give out that light in what [...] ner and measure, and by what meanes he pleaseth? And whether they doe not usurpe his Throne, that seeke to oppose those beames, or limit and present the [...]

And whether the Presbytery be not every where more imployed in this worke, then is for their safety, if the wrath of the Lambe be kindled?


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