At a COURT of DIRECTORS of the Company of Scotland, Trading to Africa and the Indies.
THE said COƲRT of DIRECTORS taking into their Consideration, How that by the Constitutions of the Company's Colony in America; All Persons of what Nation soever in Amity with His MAJESTY are allowed to Trade thither under certain easy Conditions, particularly mention'd in the said Constitutions: And that notwithstanding the Council of their said Colony have a considerable Stock of Merchantable Goods, and other valuable Effects by them, to give in barter for whatsoever Provisions or other Necessaries they may have occasion for; Yet for the further Encouragment of all such Merchants and others as shall Trade to the said Colony, and particularly of such as shall carry good and wholesome Provisions thither. The said COƲRT of DIRECTOS, Do hereby declare and make known, that any Person or Persons, procuring a Bill or Bills, from the Council of the said Colony, or any four of them, at any time or times, before the first of January next to come, for any Sum or Sums, not exceeding 2000 lib. sterl. in the whole, on the said Company's Cashier, payable in a Months time after sight, shall be duely honoured and complyed with accordingly.
THE said COƲRT of DIRECTORS Re-assuming the consideration of their Act of the 18th of April last; by which they gave the Council of CALEDONIA in America, a Credit of 2000 lib. sterl. upon the Company's-Cashier here payable to such Persons as should procure Bills for the same, under the hands of any Four of the said Council before the first of January next. And lest, That contrary to the intention of the said Court, the Limitations in the said Act should be a Discouragement to any Person or Persons that have a mind to carry Provisions to the said Colony, upon the presumption that possibly the said Credit may, before their Arrival there, be exhausted by Bills given, or to be given to others; And in regard that possibly the Inhabitants of the said Colony may (GOD willing) from time to time, encrease still more and more, so as to require more Povisions, than can conveniently at all times be bought by the bartering of such Merchantable Goods as the said Council have lying in store by them: Therefore, The said COƲRT of DIRECTORS do, upon further Consideration, hereby Declare and make known, that any Person or Persons procuring a Bill or Bills, from the Council of the said Colony, Four of them at least subscribing the said Bills, on the Company's Cashier here, for Provifions brought to the said Colony, and Sold to the said Council, at any time or times, before the first Day of March, which shall be in the Year of GOD 1700, payable in a Months time aftersight, shall be duely honoured with Acceptance and good Payment accordingly.
ORDERED, That this Act be forthwith Printed and Published,