At a Council-General of the Company of Scotland, Trading to Africa and the Indies, holden at Edinburgh the 18th day of October, 1699.
UPON Reading and Considering the Contents of an Abstract of the COƲRT of DIRECTORS Proceedings; with Relation to the said Company's Colony in Caledonia, since the 18 th of July 1698; Together with a particular Account in Writing, of what they thought fit to be done, at this Extraordinary Juncture:
RESOLVED, (Nemine Contradicente) That this Council-General do approve of what the Directors have done, and ordered to be done, towards the Supplying and Supporting the Colony, and Recruits sent to Caledonia, upon this Emergency.
RESOLVED, (Nemine Contradicente,) That the further Proportion of Two Pounds Ten Shillings Sterling per Cent, of the Company's Stock (formerly laid on, tho' not call'd for) be now call'd in, and made payable to the Company's Cashier, at or before Martinmass next to come: And that the further Proportion of Two Pounds Ten shill. Ster. per Cent more, of the said Stock, be laid on, and made payable to the said Cashier, at or before Candlemass next to come; with Interest, for both, after the said Respective terms of Payment.
RESORVED, That all the deficiencies of the Five Pounds sterl. per Cent, of the said Stock, which was laid on, and call'd for, by an Act of this Council-General, of the 30 th of March last, be likewise now call'd in, and made lyable to pay Interest, after the Term of Martinmass aforesaid: with Certification &c.
ORDERED, That the several Resolutions abovementioned be forthwith Printed and Published.