A COLLECTION OF Passages, concerning his Excellency and Officers, at the TOWER OF LONDON: WHERE They Dined yesterday, being Tuesday Feb. 1. 1647 AND Several Speeches were made by his Ex­cellency, and the Lieutenant of the Tower and the rest of the Officers.

WITH The disbanding of all his Excellencies Life-Guard.

ALSO The Copy of a Letter sent from his Ex­cellency to all Collonels, and Commanders in Chief, in the Kingdome of England, and Dominion of Wales.

Printed at London by Robert Ibbitson in Smithfield, neere the Queens-head Tavern. 1646.

The Copy of an ORDER Sent to every Commander in Chiefe, inclosed in a Letter from his Excellency Sir Thomas Fairfax, Generall of all the Parliaments Forces, in England and VVales.

BY vertue of a warrant to me directed from His Excellency Sir Thomas Fairfax [Page 4] Knight Generall of all the Forces in England and Wales, And according to, and in pur­suance of, the late Resolutions and Orders of Parliament for disbanding of the super­numerary Forces under my command, I do hereby publish and declare the of under the command of to be from hence forth Disbanded, And all Officers and Souldiers thereof are from henceforth discharged from any further com­mand or duty relating to each other as Of­ficers or Souldiers of the said Troop, or otherwise in relation to the Service of the Parliament, And all and every of them are hereby required forth with to depart and re­paire to their severall houses or places of a­bode, or where their severall occasions doe lye, Given under my Hand and Seale.

By His Excellency Sir Thomas Fair­fax Knight, Generall of all the Parliaments Forces in England and Wales.

WHereas in pursuance of severall Re­solutions and Orders of Parliament [Page 5] for the disbanding of supernumerary For­ces.

I have lately given a Warrant or Order to you directed under my Hand and Seal wher­in under your Command were ap­pointed to be disbanded as Supernumeraries and all due compliance with the Commissi­oners of Parliament imployed for that pur­pose and all ready obedience was required on your part in the dispatch of that Ser­vice.

These are further to authorize and require you That the thing appointed by the Parli­ament to be don in Order to disbanding be­ing performed, & so soon as you shall be ther unto required by the said Commissioners you doe cause Proclamation for disband­ing to be made and published in the head of each that is to be bisbanded, to the effect and according to the forme here in­closed; it is to passe in your Name, and un­der your hand and Seale, as by VVarrant from me.

And upon the publication thereof, you are to cause all Officers and Souldiers, of the [Page 6] said respective to seperate and de­part according to the effect thereof, and for so doing, this shall be your warrant.

To Collonel or the Commander in cheife with His For­ces.

Feb. 1. 1647.


Gil. Mabbot

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