AFter my hearty Commendations, whereas there was formerly sent you several Printed Copies of the Act for laying Imposi­tions on Proceedings at Law, together with the Copy of an Order and Resolution of the late Lord Keeper, and diverse of the Judges and others, whose Assistance was desired for the better promo­ting His Majesties Service. Which Order (amongst other things) concerned the Suppressing of Unlicensed Ale-houses, and directed, that persons Licensed might duly enter into Recognizances, and that the Duty of Two shillings Six pence due to His Majesty for every such Recognizance entred into, should be received thereupon. And that such Recognizances should be certified, and remain of Record in the Court of Quarter Sessions, as is directed by the Statute of 5 & 6 Edw. 6. And whereas by a Letter of the 22. of June 1671. the late Lords Commissioners of His Majesties Treasury, Did especially re­commend it to your Care, to put the said Order in Execution. And His Majesty having thought fit to let to Farm the Duties arising by ver­tue of the said Act. To Peter Calverd, Samuel Vincent, Esq; and others, And to the End his Majesties Interest may be promoted, and all due Countenance and Encouragement given to the said Persons in collecting and receiving the said Duty, These are therefore to de­sire you, That at the General Quarter Sessions hereafter to be holden, next after the Feast of the Epiphany of our Lord in every Year, you give Notice to the said Persons, or such as shall attend you on their behalfs, of such Dayes and Places as you shall appoint Meetings for the Granting Lincenses to Ale-house-keepers, to the end the said Duty of Two shillings Six pence may be duly collected and paid to the said Persons, or their Agents: And if none shall happen to Attend, That then the said Duty be paid to such other sufficient person or persons as you your selves shall Appoint to receive the same; such person or persons keeping Books of Entries thereof, and Accompting for the Money Received, upon Oath, and paying the same to the said Persons or their Agents. The full and effectuall execution hereof, as also of the Suppressing of all Unlicenced Ale-houses, I especially re­commend to your Care, assuring you that your Care herein will be very Acceptable to his Majesty. And so I bid you heartily Farewell, and Remain

Your very Loving Friend, CLIFFORD.
To His Majesties Justices of the Peace for the County of [...]

A True-Copy of the Lord High Treasurers LETTER, TO THE Justices of the Peace, Concerning the Duty of Two Shillings Six Pence on Recognizances for Ale­houses.

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