PLAIN TRUTH OR, A SEASONABLE DISCOURSE Of the DUTIES of PEOPLE To their PASTORS In an Essay upon Heb: 13:17. Obey them that have the Rule over you, &c.
The People would be exhorted to Reverence and Honour their Ministers, chosen as the Servants and Ambassadours of the LORD JESƲS, Obeying the Commandement which they pronounce from GODS Mouth and Book, even as they would Obey GOD Himself.
It is the Duty of the Builders and Members of the Church, as farr as in them lyes, to take care, that all things be transacted there, with perfect Peace and Quietness; and that no noise of contention, or division, or violence be heard in that Sacred Building.
Omnes necesse habent confiteri, veram & genuinam Charitatem esse omnibus Ecclesiis & Christianarum Ecclesiarum Membris non minus ad salutem necessariam, quam fidei Orthodo [...] & salutiferae veram & Integram Professionem.
By a Well Wisher of all good Christians.
EDINBURGH, Printed by J: Reid, in the Year, 1693. To be Sold by James Wardlaw, at his Shop, opposite to the midle of the Lucken-Booths.
Some Necessary ADVERTISEMENTS to the READER.
I Have been in manie Debates and perplexities of mind anent the publication of the ensuing Discourse, having suffered a smart conflict, through the interchangeable blows of these contending Parties in my bosome, viz Scripture, Reason, Conscience, Self, Hope and Fear; But while I was languishing under the wounds of this warfare, I received some recruite of Spirits and strength from the same Divine Oracle, that the worthie and pious Mr. Burroughs tells us, did quiet his mind in a like case; I will give you his own words, ‘He that meddles with the division of the times, may expect to be divided himself, to have his name, his repute to be cut assunder, and thrown this way and that way. —’ But seeing Providence hath brought it so fullie into my way, I shall now venture upon it, with my heart cast and fixed upon that promise, Prov. 11.3. The uprightness of the upright shall guide him Irenic: c: 3: 11.
I was also induced to offer this Essay from the consideration of the seasonableness and usefulness of this subject, and several other motives, all which I will not here mention, but seeing a better hand has penned some of them, I will give them in his words, Mr. James Fergusson Expos: on 1 Thess: 5:12: p: 234. So great an enemy is Satan to the Ordinance of a publick Ministry, so necessary is it that People do countenance that Ordinance, and encourage those who are intrusted with it; so ignorant, unmindfull, and neglective are they of those duties which they ought to perform, that the Servants of CHRIST should with much seriousness and affectionate Insinuation press upon the LORDS People, all such duties of Respect, Reverence, Love, Obedience, Submission, Heb: 13.17. And gratitude, Gal: 6:6: as they owe unto their Ministers, so far should they be from a total neglect of pressing any such duties under a pretence of self-denyal, or from preposterous modestie. Thus far that wise and pious man. I am not without some dumpish apprehension (I wish they be not Ominous) that I may be evil spoken of and misconstrued for my pains in what I offer in the ensuing Lucubration (for there is a prodigious Plague-spirit of detraction and evil speaking raging at this time, as also of too credulous entertaining Jealouzies and Reproaches) but I hope the sincerity of my Intention, and the kindness of the great Patron of Truth will support me, being resolved to expose my self to a fair Venture, seeing I am persuaded it is Truth and seasonable Truth that I have delivered; but though I may sustaine [Page] the dammage of evil speaking, yet if I understood that but any one got solid good, I would rejoice more in that, then I will he sorrie for what rash Censures, some Scores may pass upon me; for very commonly the less Judicious and intelligent are most ready to carpe and censure. Hos: 4.4.6. Prov: 26:12:16. Which therefore should not be thoughtfully heeded.
Bue if any good Souls (whom the LORD knows I intend not to offend or griive, shal either inadvertently mistake, or uncharitably misjudge me, (as I hope GOD will not) by imposing Sinister Senses on any thing I say, I pray GOD may forgive them (as I do) and that the Judge of all Flesh may he more mercifull to them then they are Just to me.
And more specially I caution here, (that seeing the Tendency of some Passages in the following Essay, is for recomending Ʋnion and Charitie) I may not be mistaken, for I am far from Heterogeneous mixtures, or such pieces of Alloy, as may corrupt or damnifie Religion; for its my hearts wish there may he a holy Ministrie, and a holy People; And O that there were a Gospel Spirit poured forth kindly disposing all parties & People to say by prejudices & Animosities, & seriously consider what may most probabl [...] contribute for the credit & safety of the Protestant Christian Religion, and for my own part I have smal hopes of the further propagation thereof, or that its primitive puritie & lustre will be recovered, till all parties see the Ingredient hand they have had in obstructing & destroying the Comon Interests thereof, and thereupon repent and turn unto GOD whom we have provocked to divide us in his anger: And if we take Godly and Christian Methods for this effect, there is yet hope in Israel concerning this thing, for our GOD who is the same Yesterday and to Day and for ever, has cured as desperate Maladies as ours are.
I thought fit to tell thee, that I have industriously and of design cited some passages from the Writing 's of Masters James Durham, G: Gillespie: Samuel Rutherfoord, Jet: Burroughs, Richard Baxter, Richard Vines, Wil: Green-hill, and Rich: Alleine, all of them unquestionably pious and able Ministers of the Gospell, to homologate what I say; that if thou will quarrel and censure, all the burden may not ly upon my weak shoulders alone, but I may have stronger then my self to help me with a lift.
In the last place, I desire thou mayest not satisfie thy self with an overly glance of one passage or two, (which may occasion thy mistaking) but read over the intire discourse, and seriously ponder the Scripture grounds of it, seeking GODS blessing on what thou reads. I add no more but wishes that all professing Christians may be endued with a Spirit of a sound mind, and of true Charity and Holiness.
A Discourse of the Duties of PEOPLE to their PASTORS. In an Essay upon HEBREWS 13.17.
THe Scope of this Text is to point at the mutual Duties of Pastors and People; Wherein we have
- I.
The Pastors Dutie implyed.
- First, To Rule, or Guide. Secondly, To Watch.
- II.
The Peoples Dutie expressed.
- First, To Obey. Secondly, To Submit.
- III.
Reasons of Peoples Dutie to their Pastors.
- 1. R. Because of the Obligation that lyes upon them, arising from the Relation they stand in to their Pastors. Pastors are Rulers; People are the Ruled. Pastors are Shepherds; People the Flock to be watched over.
- 2. R. Because of the weighty charge and care of Peoples Souls, that lyes upon Pastors, they watch over, and must give account of their Souls; and Pastors being so concerned in Peoples Good: It's most just they should be concerned in Pastors Good and Comfort, and they cannot better manifest this, then in performing expected Duties.
- 3. R. That People may be an occasion of Joy and Encouragement to their Pastors, and not creat or augment their grievances, which can no wayes be profitable to them.
I shall not spend time in Criticizing or Glossing upon the terms of our Text, but humbly offers what follows, as the plaine and genuine Sense thereof, according to our uptaking, as if we did hear the Apostle saying,
O! ye Hebrews understand your Station, know your Duty, GOD hath set Rulers over you, whom he hath vested with Authority, and Cloathed with a Commission to Guide and Govern you: And it is not your secular Interest they are to consult, but it is your Precious Immortal Souls they are watchfully concerned in. Therefore yield due Obedience and Submission to their [...]st Commands & Counsels, not that I mean ye should do so implicitely for I have told you before, ( verse 7.) and now again I put you in remembrance, that ye ought to obey them, while [Page 4] they speake to you the Word of GOD, or agreeable thereunto; And it is very fit ye should do so, that they may Rejoyce on your behalf, and not be discouraged in the Work of the LORD; wherein surely ye can reap no Profit.
Doctr: There are several mutual Duties, that Pastors and People are obliged to perform to one another.
In prosecution of this head of Doctrine, I shal not meddle with the Duties of Pastors, knowing that such do understand their Station, and the Offices of it better than I can tell them; but will with GODS Assistance, chiefly toutch what concerns the Duties of People to their Pastors.
In discharge of which Undertaking, I will
- 1. Lay down some general Propositions, that I expect all intelligent Christians will receive, as unquestionable Truths.
- 2. I will inform People of some of their Duties to their Pastors.
- 3. I will reach a Reproof to some who may justly deserve it.
- 4. I will close with a few Cautions.
1. As to the Propositions, they are These.
1. Prop: GOD out of his Infinite Wisdom and Goodness, has appointed a Gospel Ministrie and Ordinances, to be continued in His Church to the end of the World, for making Disciples, for the perfecting of the Saints, for edifying of the Body of CHRIST, and for ruling and taking care of the Church, Matth: 28.19, 20. Eph: 4.11, 12.
2. Prop: It is not the pregnant Parts, the excelling Gifts, nor the flourishing Graces of any Ministers that conferrs a Vertue to GODS Ordinances to make them effectual, it's only the inward Workings and Power of the Spirit of GOD, accompanying outward Administrations, in fulfilment of GODS Gracious Promise, Isa: 55.11. 1 Cor: 3.5, 6, 7. Who then is Paul? &c.
3. Prop: It is presumable and to be rationally supposed, that knowing Godly and Judicious Ministers understand the Contraversies and Concerns of Religion better then the People, specially those who are illiterate, and not capable to use these Helps and Means of Understanding, which painful Ministers are dayly improving, Mal: 2.7. The Priests lips should keep knowledge, and they should seek the Law at his mouth. Matth: 13.52. 1 Tim: 4.13, 15, 16. 2 Tim. 2.15. Pray let me not be mistaken here, as if I did hence infer, that learned Men hoc ipso, or on the account [Page 5] that they are learned, and have gifts or parts paramount to what the Vulgar can claime, therefore are to be esteemed the best men, or the most Orthodox, and faithful to the Interests of Religion; for the contrare has been to palpable in all the ages of the Church, that many has abused their Literature and Wits, to the dammage and prejudice of Religion: And it has been also known, that some common People, who could not set off their plain meanings in the learned terms of Art, yet have expressed their Conceptions as to the main things of Religion, with more savor and spiritual Sagacity, then many learned Clerks; but my meaning here is, that ceteris paribus, or being evens otherwise, that is, where Ministers are Pious and Conscientious, as well as Intelligent and Judicious, surely with this odde of Advantage, (it may be safely said) that they understand the Concerns of Religion, better than the unlearned People.
4. Prop: All Pastors and People are not of alike reach and attainments, in light, strength, Solidity of Judgement, and other Christian Perfections, there are strong Men, and there are Babes in Christ, there are Tollerably well Learned, and there are who are ever Learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth; there is no doubt but various tempers, and capacities, various Gifts and Graces, various Interests and Projects, and Innumerable other various Circumstances, may Occasion several Persons thus stated to vary and differ in their Conceptions and Sentiments about somethings in Religion, (where yet on all sides there may be honesty in the main) the which differences in Judgement, should not make alienation of affection, nor Interrupt Christian communion where there is agreement & Unanimity in the Grand Articles of Faith. Rom: 1 Cor: Phil: 3.15. Hence sayes Mr. Gillespie Miscel: qu: p: 142. I dare not appropriat the Name of the Godly party to these who are free from any of the errors of the times, those that are truely Godly may in diverse things differ in their Opinion, every error is not Inconsistent with Holiness. And Mr. Durham in his Book of Scandal p: 284. Speaking of differences among good People, sayeth he, There is no question many might go to Heaven, with such differences on both sides, for we will find them continue zealous in such (Differences) even to Death; neither ought this to be thought strange, for the best but know in part, and are subject to mistakes, &c. And Mr. Rutherfoord is also particular to the same purpose, Dispute against Libertie of Conscience [Page 6] Epist: to the Reader, sayes he, We cannot think but all Saints in this side of Glory carry to Heaven with them errors, mistakes, and Prophesying in part, and the Fairest Stars and lights in this Lower Firmament of the Church are Clouded, &c. One Suitable passage more I think worth Inserting here, which I find in a Printed Letter of the Presbyterian Ministers in London, presented to the Westminster Assembly, January 1. 1645. By reason of different Lights and differing sights among Brethren, there may be dissenting in opinions, yet why should there be any separating from Church Communion? The Churches Coat may be of diverse Colours, yet why should there be any Rent in it?
5. Prop. Neither Pastors nor People are able so singly, so Prudently, nor so diligently as they ought to Discharge all their respective duties: Who is sufficient for those things; 2 Cor. 2.16▪ Rom. 7.18, 19. So that neither should Pastors nor People rashly and uncharitably suspect, Challenge or censure one another, for if both will Impartialy and seriously search themselves, it will soon be found that on all hands, there is too much guilt of negligence and being defective in doing duties. Let us often remember our LORDS saying: Mat. 7.5.
6. Prop: The disrespect and misbehaviours of People towards GODS Ministers, whom he hath sent & Sealed, their Master and Patron will resent as done against himself, for they are his Embassadours, his Messengers, cloathed with his authority, so that GOD Himself is toutched and dishonoured with the affronts done to his Servants; Luk. 10.16. He that despiseth you despiseth me, &c. I say not this as if I imagined, the quality & Character of a Minister should shelter or excuse him if he malverse or misbehave either against the Holy Laws of GOD, or just Laws of Men, for of all men on GODS Earth, a scandalous and prophane Minister is the basest and most Contemptible, hateful to GOD and all good men; but my meaning is that when any Persons do contemptuously abuse, injure or discourage the Ministers of CHRIST for their works sake, or when in the due discret management of it: Surely GOD will notice and punish such. 2 Chron. 36.15, 16, 17.
7. Prop: It is an unspeakably great blessing (to be prized above all other mercies) to enjoy the opportunity of Gospel ordinances in plenty and purity; Compare your condition with theirs who never heard of a Saviour, never heard a Gosple Preaching, never [Page 7] saw the Bible, but worship Sun, Moon, and Stars, yea Divels for their Deities: And compare also with those places of Machumitan darkness, that were sometimes light in the LORD, and had the Candle of the Gospel Shining brightly among them. Psal: 147.19.20 Luk O I say be humble and thankful ye that have the Gospel in peace and plenty: for as Mr. Burrough layes, heretofore ye would have been glad of that which now you slight and reject, this is not from more light and strength, that ye have now which ye had not then, but from more vanity, pride, and wantonness; Irenicum. p: 182.
8. Prop: Both Ministers and People must answer to GOD, how they have minded and managed their respective duties. Matt: 7.22. Luk. 13.23. 2 Tim 4 14. Heb. 13.17.
The second point is to Informe you of the Duties of People to their Pastors.
1. They should consult him in all their scruples doubts, and hard dark Cases, so that when they are truely troubled and unclear about their Soul and Conscience concerns, They should betake themselves to their Minister, with an earnest desire to be taught, and a single resolution humbly to comply with his Godly Counsels and directions, but see they be weighty Cales, and also that that they be your own and such as may tend to edifying, rather then to nourish curiosity; Mal: 2.7. Phil 1.7. 1 Sam: 9.9. Before time in Israel, when a man came to inquire of GOD, thus he spake, come and let us go to the Seer, for he that is now called a Prophet, was beforetime called a Seer. And Ministers may be called Seers, in regard they may see and have further insight into cases of Conscience, then some others, especialy they whom GOD hath trained up in variety of exercise themselves.
2. People should honour and reverence their Ministers; Pastors are spiritual Parents, and Ecclesiastick Rulers, and ye know that honour is due to superiors; I say ye should put all due notes of respect upon your Pastor, not only on the account of his eminency of Gifts and Graces (which in their own Room deserve esteem) but for the dignity of his Calling, & the preferment that the GOD of Heaven has put upon him, he is called GODS Embassador, a Steward of the mystries of the Kingdom, the messenger of the LORD of Hosts, an Angel of the Churches, and surely to dispise or disparage such is a manifest Contempt, both of the Divine precept and pattern. 2 Cor: 5 20 1 Cor. 4.1. Mal. 2.7. Rev: 1.20.
3. People should love their Pastors, and on all occasions give suitable expressions of the true and tender affection they owe unto them: If affection cool, edifications gone, and all likeliehood of profiting under that Ministers labours, let him preach never so Powerfuly or pertinently, I say if once love to his person be withdrawn none of his performances will relish or affect; pray consider the Tye betwixt Minister and People, it hath in several respects a near resemblance to a marriage union and oblidgement, and as they in so closs a relation should love one another, so proportionably should the other discharge the alike duty, arising from an Ecclesiastick marriage and union, 1 Thess. 5.12.13.
4. People should obey their Pastors and receive their charges and commands with a due Deference and Observance, not as being the Word of a Man but as it is in truth the Word of GOD. 1 Thess: 2:13. Our Text tells us Ministers are Rulers, and also they who are ruled should obey; Ministers should not be looked on as Men only Vested with human Qualities, being lyable to Errours, Mistakes, Infirmities and Eruptions of their peevish Passions, even as others (the covering of Love and Charity should be cast over these) But what of GOD they represent, both on the account of their Commission, and their faithfull discharge of the same, conform to their sacred Instructions, that I say is mainly to be respected in them, and so they being the speaking Trumpets of the GOD of Heaven, what of the Voice and Will of GOD they are Instruments to express, should for GOD 'S sake, their Masters sake, be readily received and obsequiously observed.
5. People should humbly submit to their Ministers in the Dispensation and seasonable application of all the Ordinances of the Lord: I mean not they should implicity subject their Judgement to all their Dictats and Sentiments without Examination, for we know none that possess an infallible Chair, and certainly all the People of the LORD have a Judgement of Discretion allowed them, which they should excercise in trying the Spirits whether they be of GOD, yet People are not hereupon licentiously and vainly to carp at every thing Ministers say, but except there be very great and clear Reasons in the contrar, they should give a due deference to their Ministers Opinion and Judgement in what he teaches or says; and as they should submit to him in the doctrinall part of his Ministry, so also in the [Page 9] disciplinary part, meekly taking with just and reasonable admonitions or Rebukes, whether more publick or privat; Considering that he is vested with authority and charge upon his peril to rebuke as well as exhort; 1 Tim. 5.20, 21. 2 iTm. 4:2, 3.
6. People should vindicat their Ministers from injurious calumnies, and unjust Reproaches; the Pastors credit should be the Peoples care; and his integrity and innocency, their glory and joy: not only should ye be concerned this way because he is your Minister, or of your acquaintance, &c. but for the Gospels sake; for there is no greater or more effectual Ingine of Satan (the accuser of the Brethren) for obstructing the progress of the Gospel, then to bring the Ministers thereof into discredit, and who ever are Satans Tooles in promoving this his plot, GOD knows it had better for them, that the first day they were heard speak, the buriall bell had been heard tolling for them; therefore it is the Concern of all good Christians to ward of what Tongue-Lashes may be reached against the Reputation of Ministers. Acts 23.5. 1 Tim. 5.19: Jam: 4.11.
7. People should cheerfully render to Ministers all their just Rights and dues provided for their honest & comfortable maintainance, and be every way steedable to them for their help and encouragement: Though as we said, they are the Angels of the Churches, yet we would have you consider it is of the Church Militant in this World, and they cannot live like the triumphant Angles of Glory without meat and drink, no more then civil Rulers, though they be called gods; And seeing they are sequestrate from Worldly Imployments, whereby they might advance their Secular Interests and Wealth, as well as other men, and are set apart to attend and serve at the Altar, it is most just they should live of the things of the Altar; But we will not insist further on this point, lest it be thought we are pointing at our own Profits, but as we should give unto Caesar, that which is Caesars, so should we give unto GOD that which is GODS, of which dues Ministers dues are a part, as is clear, Num: 1 Cor: 9:13:14▪ Gal: 6:6.
8 People should help Ministers with their prayers, for the LORDS Sake remember your Pastors before the LORD: Pray that GOD will give them the Spirit of their Calling, pray that he'le bestow on them gifts and graces, pray that he'le give them strength and courage, pray that he'le give them spiritual [Page 10] Wisdom, and godly Zeal, for they have varieties of humors, and difficult cases to meddle with, pray that he'le bless and prosper their labours, even pray that GOD will be with them in their Closets, in their Pulpits, in their Converses, and in all their Performances: O Sirs! I say pray, pray for poor Ministers, there is none has more need of help then they, none has more need of a lift, for heavy, heavy is the Charge that lyes upon them, so that if the everlasting Armes be not underneath them (which ye are to implore) they will sink down under the Pressure of it, pray, pray for Ministers, for they have Needs, Wants, Weaknesses, Passions, and a carnal deceitful heart to wrestle with like other men, pray for them for their Stock is not in their own hand, seek then to him who hath the seven Spirits of GOD, that he will dispense to them, what may be needful to be dispensed to you, and if there were no more but your own Interest, methinks this should have some weight with you, for the more he receives from the LORD the more of the LORDS hath he to give unto you, therefore I say pray, pray for Ministers, 2 Thes: 3.2. Heb: 13.18.
The third Point, is to reach a Reproof to some who are Blame worthy.
1. They are reproveable who incroach upon, or evacuate the Right and Authority of Ministers, which the Mediator has doted and endued them with, and which of his own good pleasure he so shared among them, that by his Authentick Grant and Commission, they stand in a Just parity of power and Jurisdiction, so that the incroachments of civil Magistrats by an Erastian Supremacy come into be taxed here. As also, the Hierarchical Prelacy, whereby Bishops pretend a claim of superiority of order and Jurisdiction above the Ministers of CHRIST, from which GOD be thanked we are now freed; There comes also to be challenged here a kind of popular supremacy, that some unskilful and unduetiful People have a humour to aspire after, taking too much upon them, in meddling with matters too high for them, we will not point at specialities, but I w [...]sh that People did understand their own Station, of being the Ruled and Watched over, and that they may keep within their own sphere of Activity, least they give the Arke of GOD a wrong touch.
2. They are reprovable who take up groundless petts and prejudices at Ministers; the truth is, the weakness and mistakes of many well meaning People is to be pitied and lamented: But place, when such persons arrive at offensive practices, that have a- [Page 11] manifest tendency to destroy all order and peace in the Church, it becomes mighty straitning what course to take with them, so as neither to suffer them to run to greater Errors, or not to provoke them to despise all Ordinances; And consequently the Authority of the Ministry; for if once cloudy prejudices overcast their minds, 'tis neither the Reason or Rhetorick of the best of Divines will dispel their darkned thoughts, for that which is to be taxed in them (among other things) as their sin (in being picked or prejudged) is their plague too, that will not let them see their sin, or understand their errors, GOD pitty and help them whose sad case this is, Gal: 4.16.
3. They are reproveable who misconstrue Ministers, either in their Sermons or Practices, and this ordinarly follows upon the former, for where once prejudice takes place, the perverse influence and tincture of this black humour too commonly prevails to make them affix the blackest sense and gloss upon the Ministers sayings and doings, if not sometimes the quite contrar to what he ever either meaned or minded. Hense sayes Mr. Borrough, we are bound to give the best Interpretation upon our Brethers Actions we can, if they be not apparently ill, we must rather wrong our selves by thinking too well of them, then wrong them by thinking too ill of them. Irenicum p: 96. And sayes Mr. Durham, we come now to consider what occasional means may have influence upon this division among Godly men, and such may be, First some tale-bearers, and secreet whisperers, who may have much influence to alienate good mens affections, by misrepresenting the words and actions of others, &c. Of scandale p: 277. I glanced before in the fourth Proposition, that neither Ministers nor People, are all of alike standard and stature in their light and judgement; some have a freedom to say and to do that which others mightily scruple, some are ready to judge that duty, which others reckon to be sin, as one saith,
But so long as the ground of different Opinions is things indifferent, or that less concerns the essentials of Religion, I beseech you for GODS sake, do not misjudge or misconstrue one another, but forbear one another in Love, endeavouring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace, Eph: 4:23: To which purpose saith Mr. Allan, Hold communion in the things wherein you agree, and charity wherein you differ: Vind: piet: 2: piet: p: 142. see also Green-hil on Ezek. 11.19 p: 411.
4. They are reproveable who cast at Ministers on slender and frivolous accounts; O 'tis great and weighty Reasons, that should make people withdraw from the Ministry of their Pastors, to whom they have given their hand, and should give their Heart, the mischief of such rash adventurs is not conceiveable; O that GOD would discover the greatness of this too common and grievous, yet slighted sin. But ah! when people faird this sin with the fancy of duty, it's hard, hard, and only for GODS Handling to cure such a distemper; however, if it may haply prove an ingredient in the cure (through GODS Blessing) to tell you what are insufficient grounds of withdrawing from a Gospel Ministry, behold in the following Considerations, I'le in part inform you.
1. Ministers should not be cast at for their Faithfulness and Freedom in the seasonable Reprehension, of the Vices, Errors, and Faults, either of great or small, Godly or wicked, or of any fort of People or party, Ministers should neither cowardly neglect to tell the greatest persons their abominations, nor partially decline to tell the greatest Professours, their extreems and extravagancies (providing all be done with prudence and to edification) I doubt not but there is a culpable failzure among Ministers, in not declaring the whole Council of GOD upon the one hand, as well as upon the other: An Ambassadour of Christ should speak boldly as he ought to speake, Isa. 58:1.2: Eph: 6.20. Hence says Mr. Baxter, A sinful humouring of rash Profossours, is as great a temptation to Godly Ministers, as a sinful compliance with the great ones of the World. Cure of Church, Divis: p: 394:
2. Ministers should not be cast at for the weakness of their gifts, for as we have demonstrated before 2. Prop: The desirable success of Ordinances depends not on the Qualification of the Administrators, but on the Blissing of that GOD, who by all His own Means, accomplishes all His own Ends, and sometimes by the weakest and least promising Instruments GOD Atchieves the greatest Gospel fates, that the excellency of the power may be seen to be of GOD and not of Men, and I will not say but upon the contrar to, the ablest of Ministers may be cast at by some, for the Vulgar are not very discreet, or competent Judges of. Ministers, abilities, being many times pickets and choisers of Ministers, more one the account of homologating their Sentiments in some contraversal Oppinions, then either for their Gifts and Graces, or their integrity and prudence, [Page 14] & are often more affected with such kind of Subjects, then more useful seasonable and momentuous-Doctrines, so that affection swayes them more then Judgement, as one sayes;
Most more partial zeal, affection blind, are rapt and rul'd, then a Judicious mind
3. Ministers should not be cast at for every personal fault, or esape in their conversation, there is no perfection here away, He is lifeless that's faultless, pray who of the Patriarchs, who of the prophets, or who of the holy Apostles of Christ without their blots and blamishes, and some of them had verie foul ones too? Yet GOD himself (who is Glorious in holiness) both employed them, and willed others to receave his will and ordinances from them, as from himself; Have a care ye be not righteous overmuch, or in seperating either in affection or fellowship from any of the Ministers or people of GOD, to whom a Holy GOD gives his presence. To which purpose sayes Mr. Allan, excommunicate not them from you, excommunicat not your selves from them, with whom CHRIST holds Communion; Judge not that CHRIST withdraws from all those who are not in every thing of your mind and way: destroy not all Communion, by seeking after a purer, than in this our imperfect state, we shall ever attain, &c. Vind: Pietat: 2 Pt: p: 142. And sayes Mr. Rutherfoord. The faults of the Guides are not your faults who are private Members, you are to keep publick Communion in the publick ordinances of CHRIST, &c. peaceable Plea: p: 98. And let me suggest here, That whatever may be the faults of Ministers either real or supposed, yet people are not to set up a Chancery court in their own Bosomes, to canvass, censure and sentence Ministers and there faults, GOD is a GOD of order, and hath wisely appointed, Courts, Laws, Rulers or Officers, that in an orderly authoritative way, & according to the due Divine steps of procedure, they that give Just offence to the Church of GOD (whether they be Ministers or people) may be taken notice of and censured, suitable to the nature and degrees, of their known guilt, for if every body shall rashly and rudely usurp this part of the Ministerial Function, we should soon see Anarchie and confusion in the Church and that either there shall be no Ministers, or else every body turn Ministers at pleasure, and not only small faults severely and greatly censured, but faults made where there are none; yea and some for doing duty lashed as criminals; Eccles: 7.20: John 16:20: Jam: 5:17: Mat: 17:15, 16.
4. Ministers should not be cast at, because rejected of men, Christ and his Apostles were cast at by the Rulers of their time, and sometimes even they of whom better things might be expected, may cast at very eminent Ministers and that most unrighteously and unreasonably.
5. Ministers should not be cast at for their Youth-hood, I am not to state a Comparison betwixt old Ministers and young, all are duely to be respected, honoured, and loved for their Works sake, when they behave soberly and conscienciously; tho I think venerable old Age deserves a grain of Allowance, because it is to be supposed that (ceteribus Paribus) they have most experience and understanding, but as Youth-hood is no Vice, so neither is old Age a Virtue. 1 Tim: 4.12: Tit. 2 15.
In the last plac: I come to some Cautions. 1. Have a care of dividing principles and practices, or packing parties in Israel, ye know the Matchiavellian Maxime divide et impera, first divide then rign Rrenting makes way for running, and it is a sad Truth, that sometimes even the Saints of GOD, this way, are the Devils servants, for when once Satan gets the Church crumbled into parties, under specious and plausible pretences of respect to the Interests of Truth, he ordinarly employes those divided Factions to spend their Zeal and Witts against one another, upon which their unavoidably follows a renting of the Church with wages of Heroun Timber, And O! but it be sad to think upon, that as Mr. Vines, speaks of some Light and Inconstant People as he calls them who are still upon the Wing to practise separation, says he There are many make but a Humour of it, being ignorant of the greatness of the sin of renting assunder the Union and Unity of the body of Christ, Vines of the Lords Supper. C. 20, P. 261 And so grievous a sin this is, and has so many mischivous Consequences that it would take a Volumn to tell them in Number and Order, but that ye may have a brief passing View, it cannot be more compendiously performed, then in a few lines out of Mr. Allein; The Reproach of the Gospel, the hardning of the perverse, the stumbling of the weak, the hindering of Edification, the promoting of Confusion, and every evil work, Pride and Haughtiness. Vanity and wantonness, envy and uncharitableness, &c: Are the sad effects of our divisions, Vind piet: 2. pt: p: 138. I will say no more of those whose genius leads them to renting and dividing, but only usurp a prayer that one makes.
Here I take occasion to require thee, seriously to peruse Durham on Scandal, especially the 4th. part.
2. Have a care ye do not too credulously entertain ill reports of Ministers, sometimes the prophane are ready to do so, to excuse and extenuate their own Impieties, sometimes unwarry Professors are ready to do so, especially if the misrepresented Ministers be not of their way in every punctilio, Psal. 15.3.
3. Have a care of Zeal without Knowledge, or being too Zealous for ye know not what, with not a few their wrath goes before their wits, and fumes of passion pass for flames of Zeal, and see your Zeal be not too great for smal things, as Mr. Allan sayes, In matters Circumstantial, be not over hasty in stamping a jus divinum, on things disputable and doubtful; put no more weight nor a greater necessity on any thing than GOD hath evidently put on it, and spend no more of your Zeal about it than is proportionable to its weight and evidence: Vind: piet: 2: pt: 140. I am not for disproving Godly Zeal, for surely there is none of the graces of more stead sometimes than purely spiritual Zeal, tempered with sound knowledg & iust Moderation, Rom: 10.2.3. Gal. 4.18
4. Carefully guard against spiritual pride and self conceit, be not proud of your gifts, graces, or any Christian attainments, for thus you make a bad use of the best things, and are foolish to the boot, in boasting of that which is not your own, 1 Cor. 4.7. And neither be proud of your sufferings for a profession of Religion, some have suffered for Religion, who have made Religion to suffer; some has suffered for Religion in times, who will suffer for their Irreligion to Eternity; The LORD grant Humility, VVisdom, Love, and Charity may be the Ornaments of Christians, and that there may be many thus Qualified Christians, to be the Orna [...] [...]