Good Counsell come from Scotland: OR, A Solemn and Seasonable VVARNING To all Estates and Degrees of Persons throughout the Land: For holding fast the League & Covenant with England, and avoyding every thing that may prove a snare and tentation to the breach thereof:
By the COMMISSIONERS of the Generall Assembly.
THe Commission of the General Assembly Ordains this Warning to be forthwith printed and that thereafter it be sent to Presbyteries; Requiring them, immediately after the receipt thereof, to cause every Minister of their number read the sarne distinctly and explain is to their people upon a Sabbath day in their severall Kirks, and that they report accompt of their diligence with the first conveniencie: Appointing in the mean time, that to morrow the same be read in all the Kirks of this City.
EDINBVRGH, Printed by Evan Tyler, Printer to the Kings most Excellent Majesty. 1646.
To the READER.
REader, Thou hast here presented unto thy view a Warning-piece full of Reason, Honesty, and Piety; not at all savouring or smelling, as if composed, or backt by Episcopal Common-Prayer-book men, or such who peep up for the Covenant, and yet both Anti-Parliament, and Covenant. But in a simplicity of Soule, driving on the same Interest and designe first propounded, and yet necessary judiciously to be prosecuted. And though Streams may corrupt through the severall Earths they passe; Honour, or the hopes of it, may catch one, profit another; and the Reins let loose, make the more courser extravagant: Yet see how cleer the Fountains are! Here's not, one for this, another for that, a third for neither, but all for one and the main. The Great mans smiles, designes, with hope of reward, hath not warpt these Worthies, much lesse made one run into the extreme of Whimsies on one hand, nor into a way of Bitterness and Gall on the other: but Zeal is mixed with Love, and desire of Union, not urging Uniformity: For increase of which Union shall ever be the Prayer of
A Solemn & Seasonable VVARNING
To all estates and degrees of Persons throughout the Land:
By the Commissioners of the Generall Assembly.
THe conscience of our duty, and of the great trust reposed in us, suffereth us not to be silent▪ nor to connive at the present Dangers which may justly be apprehended and expected from the enemies of this Cause & Covenant; who although they cannot in this conjuncture of time appear in the same manner as formerly they have done, yet having retained the same principles (while they seem to lay aside their former practises) do in a more covert and dangerous way still drive at their own ends: And as Sathan is neither sleeping nor idle, though he appear not alwayes as a roaring Lyon: so these who are inspired and acted by him, have their wheeles still moving, though sometimes they make no great noise. Wherefore, that we may truly and faithfully contribute what is incumbent to us, for preventing or removing any occasions of new troubles or differences between the King and his People, in both or either of those united Kingdoms, or between the Kingdoms themselves: And lest the Church of Christ, and the true Reformed Religion be again tossed with another, and perhaps a greater tempest in the deepth, after we seemed to be neer the harbour: We have found it, not only competent to our place and calling, but necessary for us (according to former laudable presidents both old and late) to emit this New seasonable Warning to the People of God in this Land, and to all estates and degrees of men therein: [Page 2] Whom we exhort, That first, and above all things, They apply their thoughts to make peace with God, To take notice of the remaining and renewed tokens of divine displeasure against the Land, To tremble at the remembrance of former, and appearances of future judgements, To lament after the Lord, To lye low before the Throne of Grace, To cry mightily to heaven for dispelling that cloud of sin which seperateth between our God and us, and for turning away that cloud of wrath which hangeth over our heads. There is cause to be humbled and to repent, as for all our iniquities, So for the too little assistance which hath bin given to such as have born the heaviest burthen, and suffered most in this Cause; And for the too much compliance with & indulgence to many who have been active in the late execrable Rebellion. VVe know that none can reach the perfection of their duty, neither will the Lord reckon with his People according to his Justice, but spare them who walk in the integrity of their Spirits, as a man spareth his own son, So that they may rejoyce in his mercy, not withstanding of their short. comings, wherein they do not allow themselves; But wilfull neglects are just grounds of a great controversie on the Lords part, and of deep humiliation on ours: And we conceive that the sailings of many are such because the VVord of the Lord is a burthen unto them; And though they walk in the wayes of their own heart, yet they say they shall have Peace. VVe would have none that are thus guilty, to account light of it, and say, Is it not a little one? Every duty whereto we are obliged in the Covenant, is of great consequence, and breaches even in smaller things prove inlets unto more grievous revoltings.
VVhen we consider how many who were once open opposers, or secret underminers, being received to the Covenant, yet remains disaffected to the ends of the same: VVe cannot but think that we walk in the midst of shares, & that misteries of iniquity work amomgst us, which may produce most sad and lamentable effects, unto the prejudice of our Religion and Liberties. Therefore, Because God hath no greater quarrell against a Nation then that of a broken Covenant; Let all who fear an oath, remember the vows of God which are upon them, Watch and Pray, and take good heed that they be not cheated nor charmed into a violation of all, or any of the Articles of that sacred and Solemne League and Covenant: [Page 3] And let these especially be observed and avoided, who do, or shall endeavour a division and breach between the Kingdomes, or the making of any factions or parties contrary to the Covenant, under pretence of preserving the King and his Authority, whilst they do not constantly and sincerely prosecute and presse our frequent desires of His subscribing the League & Covenant, & giving satisfaction in all things to the just desires of both Kingdoms; Which underhand dealing can prove nothing else, but an abusing of His Majesty for mens own designes: We wish that none suffer themselves to be deceived by any false glosses of the Covenant, under which some may possibly urge the keeping of it, so as to draw us into a certain breach thereof, and presse the defence of the Kings Authority and of Religion, to engage us in those wayes that would tend to the ruine of both: VVe are not now to presse the want of full satisfaction in the much desired work of Uniformity, as the ground of a breach between the Nations; Though we still conceive, this Nation will never be wanting to prosecute that work to the untermost of their power in all lawfull wayes, according to the League and Covenant
These Kingdomes after many fervent Supplications & faithful endevours of all the Lovers of Truth & Peace, have been happily united into a League and Covenant, which to this day hath been kept inviolably notwithstanding of all the opposition of open Enemies, and plotting of secret Vnderminers; And we are confident, that none but such as have hearts full of Atheisme and Treathery, will attempt the violation thereof, in whole, or in part; And that if any shall do the same, They shall expose themselves to the Curse of Almighty God, who will be avenged upon all that Swear falsly by his Name. We know that men of perverse mindes, wanting the feare of God, and measuring all things by their own ends, may conceive of it as alterable, or at least that all the Clauses or Heads thereof are not so to be stuck upon, but that some one or moe may be dispenced with upon civil advantages: But we have not so learned Christ or his Word; Both Nations have Covenanted with God, and each of them with another, in things most lawfull and necessary for the preservation and good of both, without any limitation of time: And therefore we and our posterity are obliged before God unto the observation thereof, as long as the Sun and Moon shall endure. [Page 4] The sense of these things ought to be so deeply engraven upon the hearts of all that are in trust, That as they should from their souls abhor every thought of a breach with England; So should they carefully and wisely study to avoid every thing that may prove a snare & tentation unto the same. Amongst other things, If His shall have thoughts of comming to this Kingdom at this time, he not having as yet subscribed the League and Covenant, nor satisfied the lawfull desires of his loyall Subjects in both Nations, We have just cause to fear that the consequences of it may be very dangerous, both to his Majestie and these Kingdomes; Which therefore we desire may be timely prevented.
For so long as his Majestie doth not approve in his heart, and seal with his hand the League and Covenant, we cannot but apprehend, that according to his former Principles, he will walk in opposition to the same, and study to draw us unto the violation thereof, and the dissolution of the union so happily begun between us and our Brethren, To weaken the Confidence and trust, and to entertain Jealousies, and make divisions amongst our selves; Neither is it possible, But that our receiving Him in this present posture of affairs, will confirme the suspicions of the English Nation, of our under-hand dealing with him before his coming to our Army; And make them, not without cause, to think, That We purpose to dispose of him without their consent, and to their prejudice, Which is contrary to the Profession of these that were in trust at His Majesties first coming to the Scots Quarters, and overthroweth all the Arguments that have been used by the Commissioners of our Parliament in their Papers concerning The disposing of His Majesties Person by the joynt advice and common consent of both Kingdoms given in to both Houses of Parliament in England; Nor doe we see how we can vindicate such a practice from a direct breach of our engagements to them by Covenant and Treaty, VVhich where not only to expose us into the hazard of a Bloody VVarre, but to involve us in the guilt of Perjury. And what greater disservice could be done to His Majestie and his Posterity, then to give way to a course that might prove prejudiciall to their interest in the Crown and Kingdome of England.
Our carriage now for many years past, in the midst of many tentations, hath put us beyond all suspicion in the point of our Loyalty, [Page 5] nor have wee the least thoughts of deserting the Kings Majesty in a just and good cause; Being bound by our Covenant in our severall vocations to endeavour with our estates and Lives, to preserve and defend His Person and Authority, in the defence and preservation of the true Religion and Liberties of the Kingdomes; And so farre as His Majestie shall be for these, We really are, and we trust the rest of his Kingdome will be for him: Yet we cannot deny, but openly avouch it, That if His Majestie (which the Lord forbid) shall not satisfie the just desires of His People, Both Nations stands mutually obliged by that inviolable Covenant to pursue the ends therein expressed (which cannot be divided) against all letts and impediments whatsoever. It is therefore our most earnest and longing desire, That as these who are in trust with the publike affairs of this Kingdom have heretofore with all earnestnesse & care in all their addresses dealt with His Majesty, with much strength of reason and vehemency of affection, so they would still deal with him, to grant his Royall consent to the desires of both Kingdoms, for setling Religion according to the Covenant, and for securing a perfect and durable Peace (which we look upon as the only hopefull means of preserving himselfe, His Crown and Posterity) That His Majesty may return to His Houses of Parliament in England as a reconciled Prince, to satisfied Subjects; And that acclamations of joy may be heard in all His Majesties Dominions, and no sound of Warre heard therein any more, except against the bloody Irish Rebells, under whose barbarous and cruell persecution, our distressed Brethren, both in this Kingdom and in Ireland, are still groaning and crying out to us and to our Brethren in England, Be at peace among your selves, and come to help us.
Some Quaeries propounded by the Parliament of Scotland, to the Ministers that are Commissioners from the Generall Assembly.
If the King shall come into this Kingdome, and that the Kingdome of England shall exclude him from the Government there, for his leaving them without granting the Propositions; Whether or not is will be lawfull to this Kingdom to assist him for the recovery of the Government, he not granting the Propositions concerning Religion and the Covenant, and not giving a satisfactory Answer in the remnant Propositions?
The Ministers answer.
The Quarie presupposeth the Kings comming into this Kingdom, which case (for the Reasons expressed in our late Warning) we humbly conceive should not be put in the Question, and therefore desires your Lordships to go about all means for the present prevention of it, as a matter of most dangerous consequence to Religion, the Kirk and Kingdom, and to the King himself and his Posterity:
But if the question be stated simply, without supposing such a Case. in these terms, If the King be excluded from Government in England, for not granting the Propositions concerning Religion and the Covenant, and for not giving satisfactory answer to the remnant Propositions: whether in that case it be Lawfull to this Kingdome to assist him for the recovery of the Government, or if it be not lawful? (being put to it) We cannot but answer, in regard of the engagements of this Kingdome by Covenant and Treaty, Negative.
If there be any other Votes said to come from Scotland, the Reader may choose to believe them.