ARTICLES TO BE Enquired of, AND ANSWERED UNTO BY THE Church-Wardens and Side-Men IN THE VISITATION OF THE [...] Anno Dom. 167 [...]
LONDON, Printed by Tho. Newcomb in the Savoy. 167
The Tenor of the Oath of the Church-Wardens and Sworn-men.
YOu shall swear, that you, and evey of you, shall faithfully execute your several Offices of Church-Wardens and Sidemen, according to the Kings Ecclesiastical Laws, so help you God, and the Contents of his Holy Gospel.
Articles to be inquired of, and answered unto, by the Church-wardens and Side-men, in the Visitation of the Right Worshipful the Arch-Deacon of Rochester, John Warner Doctor in Divinity. Anno Dom. 167 [...]
- I. IS your Parish Church or Chappel in good and sufficient repair, both for the Roof, Window, Floor and Seats.
II. Hath any part of your Church or Chappel, or Steeple?
Can. 85.been demolished or pulled down? what part and how long since? or any of the Lead, Timber or Bells thereunto formerly belonging, any way embezled or sold, and by whom.
III. Is there a decent Font of stone with a cover? and doth the same stand at or near the neither end of your Church in such manner as anciently and usually Fonts have stood for the baptizing of Children? doth the Minister baptize publickly only in the Font?
Can. 81.Is there a decent Communion Table in your Chancel, with a decent carpet, and another covering of white linnen to be spread thereon, at the time of Administration of the Lords Supper? and have you a fair chalice or Communion cup, with a cover, and one or more Flagons? have they been profaned by common use?
IV. Have you a convenient seat or pew, wherein to read Divine Service; a Pulpit, with a decent cloath or cushion:
82.a large Bible of the last Translation,20.and a Book of Common-Prayer lately published, Anno 1662.82.83.the book of Homilies set forth by Authority,80.and a printed Table of the degrees where in Marriages are prohibited,Stat.and a book of Canons and Constitutions Ecclesiastical; and a decent Surplice and Hood.
V. Have you a Register-book in Parchment of Christnings,
99.Burials and Marriages?58.and is the same kept in all points according to the ancient use.87.70.
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52.Have you a book of Paper to record the Names and Licences of such strangers as are admitted to preach in your Church or Chappel? and do such strangers subscribe their names; as also a third book for the Church wardens accounts? as also a chest with Locks and Keys,70.wherein to keep the said books, and the aforementioned Furniture?
- I. IS your Church-yard sufficiently fenced, and decently kept? hath any person encroached upon the same, or made any door into it? and how long since.
Can. 87.Is the house of your Parson, Vicar or Curate, and the Out-houses in good repair? have any of them been defaced or pulled down without Licence? have there been any incroachments made upon the same, or any of the ancient marks or bounds removed or changed? and by whom.
- III. Have you a true and perfect Terrier of all the Glebe-Lands, Gardens, Orchards, Tenements, or Cottages belonging to your Parsonage or Vicarage? as also a Note of such Pensions, Rate-Tythes, and portions of Tythes or other yearly profits either within or without your Parish as belong thereunto? have any of the same been with-held from your Minister? and by whom, as you know, or have heard.
- I. IS your Minister a Priest or Deacon, Episcopally ordained, according to the Laws of the Church of England.
- II. Hath he been legally instituted and inducted into his benefice? and did he within two months after his induction, publickly in the Church upon some Sunday or Holy-day in the time of divine service read the 39 Articles of the Church of England established by Authority, and there publickly declare his assent thereunto.
- III. Is he resident among you? how many weeks hath he been absent from you without urgent necessity.
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IV. Hath your
Minister a Curate? is he in holy Orders,
Can. 47.& conformable to the Laws of the Church? is he allowed by the Ordinary.
V. Doth your Parson, Vicar, Curate, or Lecturer, if you have any, perform his Office in all things, according to the rubrick of the book of Common-prayer, lately established, and the
Act of Uniformity published therewith? without either diminishing in regard of preaching, or in any other respect, or adding any thing in the matter or form.
VI. Doth your Minister at the reading of Divine Service,
58.wear a surplice and hood.
- VII. Doth he observe the Holy days and Fasting days, the Ember-weeks, and the yearly Perambulation in Rogation-week, as is appointed by the Rubrick.
VIII. Is your Minister Licensed to Preach? if so,
45.56.47.doth he constantly (not having a reasonable impediment) preach one Sermon in your Church or Chappel every Sunday? or if he be not Licensed, or be hindred, doth he procure one to supply his Office by preaching or reading one of the homilies.
- IX. Doth your Minister instruct the Youth in your Parish in the Church Catechisme, and prepare and present them to be confirmed by the Bishop.
X. Doth he neglect or delay to visit the sick,
Can. 59. Rubr. before confirm.or to baptize any Infant that is in danger of Death? doth he baptize any without God-fathers and God-mothers, or admit either of the Parents to be God-father or God-mother to their own children.
67.Hath your Minister Married any persons without publishing the banes on three Sundays or Holy-days?69.or hath he Married any in private houses, or not between the hours of eight and twelve in the morning,62.unless he had a Licence or dispensaton iso to do.
72.Hath your Minister taken upon him to appoint any publick or private Fasts,73.prophecyings or exercises not appointed by Authority, or doth he, or any other, either Minister or Lay-person hold any Conventicles or Meetings in private houses within your Parish, for people of several Families to resort unto, under the pretence of preaching, praying, thanksgiving, or humiliation, contrary to the Laws and Canons in that case provided.
- XIII. Is your Parson, Vicar, Curate or Lecturer, a man of a sober life & conversation; or is his carriage in any kind disorderly or scandalous, & unbeseeming a Minister.
[Page 4]IS there any in your Parish that makes profession of any other Religion,
Act for Uniformity. 1. Q. Elizab. C. 100.then what is established in the Church of England; and that refuse to come unto these publick assemblies, Prayers or Service of the Church? if there be any what are their names.
- II. Is there any person in your parish, that lieth under a common Fame, or suspition of adultery, fornication, or incest? are there any common Drunkards within your parish, or common sweaaers, or blasphemers of Gods Name, or any that are noted to be ra [...]ers, unclean and filthy talkers, or sowers of sedition, faction, and discord amongst their Neighbours.
- III. Do any of your parish upon Sundays or holy-days follow their bodily and orderly labour, or permit their Servants so to do; are any shops kept-open, or wares sold, or do any Vintners, Inn-keepers, or other Victualers and sellers of Beer and Ale, suffer any persons to tipple or game in their houses upon those days.
IV. Doth every person in you Parish, duly resort to your Church or Chappel upon Sundays or holy days,
Can. 13.and as well during Divine Service, as preaching the Word of God, demean themselves reverently,18.uncovering their heads, kneeling at prayers, standing up when the Creed and Gospel are read.
R [...]br.Is there any in your parish that refuse to send their Infant children to be baptized in the Church, unless in case of urgent danger:Rubr. of Bapt.or do they send them to be baptized in other Parishes? or are they baptized after other Form than is appointed? or are they kept unbaptized longer than is allowed? or is there any Infants, or more aged persons as yet unbaptized.
VI. Is there any person in your parish of
16 years of Age,
112. Rub. after commun. 27.28.65.who doth not receive the Sacrament three times in the year, of which Easter is always to be one? doth any refuse to receive it kneeling, or resort to other Parishes? or do any strangers come to your Parish-Church to receive it.
- VII. Are there any in your parish that be denounced and declared excommunicate for any crime committed? how long have they been so excommunicated? and do any of your parish keep society with them before they be reconciled to the Church, and absolved.
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VIII. Are there any in your parish,
Exprest in a Table set forth by Authority. An. Dom. 1563. 99. 107. Rubr. Can. 85. Rubr. b.who have been unlawfully Married, contrary to the Laws of God, or any that being lawfully divorced have married again? or any that being lawfully married, and not separated or divorced by course of Law do not co-habit together.
- IX. Are there any married Women in your parish, who after their delivery from the peril of child-birth, refuse to make their publick thanksgiving to God in the Church? and when they come so to do, do they come decently apparrelled, and make their offerings according to custom?
- X. Are there any that refuse to pay their duty for Easter offerings, or refuse to contribute to the rates made for the repair of your Church or Chappel, or any thing thereunto belonging?
- XI. Do any refuse to bury their dead according to the Rites of the Church of England? and are there any Wills or Testaments of persons dead in your parish, that be yet unproved? or any goods administred without a due grant from the ordinary? did any dying in your parish, or elsewhere, leave any legacy to your Church or Chappel, or to the use of the poor, or to any other pious and charitable purposes; what were those Legacies, and how have they been bestowed?
- XII. Is there any strife and contention among any of your parish for their pews or seats in your Church? have any new pews been erected in your Chancel, or in the body of your Church or Chappel, without leave from the ordinary?
XIII. Do all and every housholder of your parish, Fathers,
Can. 59.Masters, Mothers and Mistresses cause their Children, Servants and Apprentices, which have not yet learned their Catechisme, to come unto Church on Sundays and holy-days in the Afternoon, obediently to hear and to be ordered by the Master till they have learned the same.
I. HAve you belonging to your Church or Chappel a Parish-Clark, aged
21 years at least?
Can. he of honest life and conversation? and sufficient or able to perform his duty in reading, writing, and singing? is he chosen by your Minister, and doth he duely attend him in all Divine services at the Church? are his wages duly paid unto him? or who withholdeth the same from him?
- [Page 6] II. Doth he diligently do his duty in keeping the Church clean and decent, in tolling and ringing the Bells before divine service? and when any person is passing out of this life, doth he upon notice toll a bell, that the neighbous may thereby be warned to recommend the dying person to the grace and favor of God.
Can. 77.DOth any man keep a publick or private school in your Parish who is not allowed thereunto by his Ordinary? doth he teach the scholars the Catechism of Religion set forth by Authority? doth he cause his scholars upon sun-days and holy dayes orderly to repair to your Church or Chappel, and see that they behave themselves quietly and reverently, during the time of divine service and sermon.
- II. Doth any in your Parish practice Physick or Chyrurgery, or any Woman take upon her to exercise the Office of Midwife without licence from the Ordinary.
I. ARe the Church-wardens of your Parish yearly and duly chosen by the joint consent of your Minister and Parishioners;
Ca [...] 89or one of them by your Minister, and the other by the Parishioners.
- II Have the former & last Church-wardens given up their accounts to the Parish, & delivered up to the succeeding Church-wardens the monies remaining in their hands, together with all other things belonging to your Church or Chappel.
- III. You are further to understand, that according to your Office, you are to provide against every Communion appointed in your Church or Chappel, a sufficient quantity of fine white bread, and of good Wine, according to the number of Communicants.
YOU also are to Exhibit a Bill of Presentment to this Court, Rubr. at Commun. of all and every the Offenders, in any of the matters mentioned in the precedent Articles, and therein to take the assistance of your Minister.