To The Illustrious Sovereign States of ENGLAND, and the United Provinces of the NETHERLANDS. And to the People of both the said NATIONS.
I Could wish, my Lords, and beloved Brethren, that my tongue might be untied and loosed to as good a purpose for your Peace and Reconciliation, as that in time past was of a dumb man for the saving of his Father.
Though I am not affected with the same naturall fright and amazement, as that was which did untie his tongue in an instant. Yet I dare assure you, that the affection, which I bear for your Peace and Reconciliation, is no lesse, then that of a childe for the life [Page 2]of his Father. And this is that which doth obliege me to conjure you to consider, whether those differences of yours can be pleasing unto him that hath freed you from the captivity and Kingdome of death and darknesse, into which you were plunged, and hath gathered you unto his holy Jerusalem, received you into his Covenant, united you unto himself and his, with an everlasting and indissoluble bond; or whether it be not contrary unto his will? Do you believe that he hath gathered you together, and united you with those whom he hath enlightened, and to whom he caused the light of the Gospel to shine, that you should unite your selves afterward with them that follow after the Beast, that have given up their Kingdome unto it, and are yet under the power of death and darknesse? If you be alive, what communion can you have with the dead, and with those that make war with the Spouse, and with the truth of him that hath raised you by his Spirit of life? Can you believe, that he hath delivered you from the hand of the Babylonians, that you should re-unite your selves again with them: Or that he made you go out of Babylon, that you should make peace with those that maintain the Crimes, and uphold the Dominion thereof? Are you not of those, to whom the Lord hath said, Apoc. 12. Go out from Babylon, my people? Are you not of those that have received the Testimony of the Witnesses, which their King hath slain, and whom the Lord hath raised to shew unto you his will? How can you then unite your selves, and make peace with those that accuse them and make war against them? Remember you not the violence and cruelties they have exercised against you and yours in the preceding age, to bring you into subjection and bondage? Have you forgotten the Army which they called the Invincible, which they had designed for your destruction? Are they not the very same, who seeing that they could not prevail against you by open force, and remembring that a short truce of twelve years failed but a very little of having undone you, conceived that a deceitful [Page 3]peace would make an end of you, and that according to the advice which sometimes Balaam gave unto Balaak, of uniting himself with the children of Israel to divide them from God, and to provoke his anger and jealousie against them, it would be a means to bring their design to passe. Do you believe that it is for your good, and not much rather for their own Interest, that they have sued for a peace with you, which is so deceitfull? Are you still so blinde, as not to see that they minde nothing else▪ but how they may divide you from your Brethren, and ancient Allies? Have they not been your enemies by hindering you to entertain more advantagious confederacies? And you may sufficiently understand by the good offices which they perform unto you at this present, what their thoughts have been towards you, when they have sought peace at your hands.
Oh if you could but have hearkened unto the advice which was given you concerning it, a little before you came to a conclusion; you would now be at peace with your Brethren, and would be perhaps far from those troublesome Neighbours, which do so often disturbe you! How much blood and treasure would you have spared! Your people which have been but languishing all this while in regard of the flourishing condition, they were in heretofore, would as yet possesse a glorious prosperity. And you also, Sirs, who do lend them your hands; do you not consider the good offices, which they do unto those, who peradventure have most contributed to maintain them in a good part of their Estates which have been shaken? Do you not know that they are of those, who do not think themselves obliegd to keep faith unto you, and that they cannot suffer any of their subjects to make profession of your Religion, without putting them to cruell deaths? Can you hope, that when they shall see their advantages and the occasion of advancing their affairs, they will deal with you otherwise then they have dealt with your fathers, and at this present do deal with your brethren, notwithstanding [Page 4]all the benefit and advantages they have received from them? By what Policy can you be united unto those, which do think you to be Gods enemies, and are perswaded that he doth command them to make war against you, and would be content with the losse of Kingdomes and millions of men to have you all utterly rooted out with all those of your Religion? How can you give assistance for the taking of Places, even the strongest upon your Borders, and thus insensibly to weaken and to block up your selves? Do you not think that they may turn about and make peace with your Neighbours? Do you not know, that thousands of Babylonians do most pas [...]ionately desire it, and that already many do endeavour on all sides to bring them to a Reunion; to the end, that they may fall upon you, promising to themselves nothing else then to divide the spoil, which they will get of you and of your brethren? Do you not perceive, that there be many discontented and interes [...]ed amongst you, which do yet pant and long after Monarchie? Can you be ignorant, that the Interest of Kings doth obliege them to give them all possible assistance, and do you not call to minde the hatred which you have brought upon you and the jealousies, which you give to all, and which have drawn upon you mighty enemies? You know but too well, that there be many of yours which do not yield unto your Government, but by power and constraint; that your Ecclesiastical, Politick, and Military States do consist of ill-affected persons, that are full of discontents and emulation, which do wait only but for an opportunity, that they may safely discover themselves? Do you not remember both of you, that there be still some Princes, that had the Supream Power over you which will never be forgotten by them? Remember therefore, that upon the least disgrace that may befall you, all those enemies will stir up themselves and joyn together against you, and then indeed if you are not united with those which have followed the Lamb, and have not Christ on your side; you can expect nothing else [Page 5]but an utter desolation: And there is no great need of any great Prophet or Politician to foretell you, that within a very little time, you will be embroiled with those, with whom you now have made peace, and to whom you are united, unlesse they will shortly feel the smart of the Thunderbolt of the Popish Excommunication, since they do absolutely depend from the pleasure of this pretended Holy Father? Do you not well know, that he hath no greater desire in his heart then to undoe and destroy you, at what cost soever; because he doth not see any greater hinderance to the universall re-establishing of his Hierarchicall Empire, then your faithfulnesse to the Lamb? Remember, Sirs, and welbeloved Brethren, that this false and mercenary Shepheard will promise all things unto those that are perswaded that God doth command them to destroy you, to dispose them to assault you, thinking that he hath right to dispose of your dominions, he will give it unto them, to obliege them thereunto, and offer unto them, as from God, all the absolution they can wish for, having surprized you: He will promise to place them in the highest degree of heaven, to move them to conquer and to destroy you. Have you not Chronicles of the mischiefs which these Hierarchists have done unto you in former times? Verily I cannot believe, if you should but read them, that you would thus easily be resolved to put your trust in those that depend upon him, and believe that God hath given them an Omnipotency both in Heaven and Earth, and hold their decrees to be divine and worship him. Neverthelesse, examine a little, whether you can do any thing that may delight and content this Priest and his Adherents more, then to raise a cruel war amongst your selves, and to unite your selves to, and to put your trust in his mightiest and most confiding Son; and do you doubt but that all those that do homage unto him are not filled with joy, to see your strength, which they were afraid of, employed to cut the throats of one another. Oh if ye could but look into their hearts, you would easily discern their joy. Consider [Page 6]the advice, which the Lord doth give unto you, Esa. 57. If you had taken notice of the great and marvellous things, which he hath done for you, whilest you were united, and which have filled the earth with astonishment and admiration, even to remove the Scepter and Government from your enemies, to put it into your hands; you would not have been so ready and prompt to make peace with those, which have not desired it from you for any other end then to do you more hurt, and who do onely conspire to bring you into subjection and to oppresse you: And you might also expect the same blessing upon your Armes, if they were united, as they have been formerly, for the advancement of his Kingdome. But can you believe, that he who hath exalted you and followed you with his mercies and blessings, whilest you fought for his Interest and glory, against the enemies of his Spouse, seeing that now you have changed and turned his Armes against his own people, and against his holy Jerusalem for those vain things here below, and that you do not fight but for your own Interest, honour, glory, and the Treasures of the vvorld vvhich he hath given in portion to his enemies, will still go forth vvith you? Do you believe, that the great Judge of the vvhole Earth vvill render himself partiall, and change his Covenants and Relations for your sakes? Do you pretend either on one side or the other to subdue your brethren? at least I vvould not entertain these thoughts, that you are possessed with a desire to extirpate them: If the glory of the world, and the desire to give law to other Nations should cause you to refuse peace vvith your brethren, the example of some Kingdomes, vvhich you have seen flourishing, not long ago, extending their conquests to all sides, and looking upon other Nations with contempt: The condition and the divisions, vvherein you see them at this present, because they refused an honourable and most advantageous peace, should lead you thereunto. But one mans death, or the change of one Minister of State is sufficient to alter the face of a whole [Page 7]Empire. The God of peace loveth the peace-makers: and the righteous King of Kings, stirreth up his jealousie as well against those, who will be too absolute and Lording over their Brethren, and to give them the Law, as against those, who arrogate unto themselves his rights, titles, and qualities. He delighteth to lift up the humble, and to cast down oftentimes those that are lifted up on high: And can you believe, that he hath put all those great forces into your hands to bring his people into subjection: Remember Christians, that they are none of yours, and that they belong as well unto him, as to your selves. You must not think that it is his spirit which makes you thus to degenerate from the nature of his children. Is it by the sacrifice of his people, whereby you would pretend to appease his wrath, and to establish your Governments, by making war against him. I make no question, but many amongst you will reflect upon those things, and condemn the heat and animosity, which hath p [...]ecipitated you into these wars, which have already cost you so much blood on both sides.
But perhaps you will say, that it is too late to think now upon these things; that this fire is too much inflamed to quench it. Christians; It is true, that it is too late, but seeing we cannot call back again what is past, we must think upon the future: There is but too much mischief done already, but you ought to consider, that it is but the beginning of lamentations and sorrows. Let us think upon the evils and miseries which may yet ensue, and wherewith we are threatened, and which we may prevent by our own humiliation before God, and by asking of him a spirit of peace with our Brethren, and not a spirit of Victory, except it be to overcome our own humours and passions. We must lay aside our own Interests for the love of Christ, and put our selves into his hands. And you shall see, my dear Brethren, that you will receive so large a satisfaction therein, that it will ravish your hearts with Joy and Consolation.
Perhaps you will ask me the question, Who I am? From [Page 8]whence I come? and who hath sent me? and tell me, That you do not know me; and that I have nothing to meddle with your businesse, That you are wise and cleer-sighted enough to know what you have to do. Brethren, I tell you that by the grace of God, I am a Christian, as you are, and have the same sense of the purity of the Faith of the Gospel, and that the share which I have of the evil you suffer, and of the injury you do the cause of Christ, makes me to speak in this manner, and to conjure you in his name to forbear a little your passions. Neverthelesse you may examine, whether that which I tell you is truth, and the things which I desire are not conformable to the will which he hath revealed unto us: If you believe, that Rom. 12. We are all members one of another, as his Spirit doth assure us, you will finde that I have reason to complain of the wrong you do unto me: If the hand is hurt, the head may complain of it: and if the head suffereth, the heart may groane. 1 Cor. 17.26,27. If one member suffereth, all the members suffer with it. Now ye are the body of Christ and members in particular. Wherefore if you believe, that all those which boast to appertain unto Christ, ought to be affected with his cause; you will finde that I am bound in christian Charity to advertize you of the wrong you do unto him by working mischief one against another: And although I should not onely be hated, but also persecuted of my brethren; yet I would not hold my peace, because Gods cause is concerned herein, and the rights of him, who hath given his life for a ransome both for yon and me. If you seek his Kingdome, you may know, that the desires I have, and the supplications I make in his name, do not proceed from the spirit of darknesse, nor from the heart of an enemy.
Perhaps you will say, that you have good and excellent men enough, who have told you all these things before, and greater too, and in better language. Well then in Gods name, if it be so, then you are oblieged the more to hearken unto them, and to make some reflexion upon the fervent [Page 9]desires of so many good and honest people, that do seek to God for your peace and Re-union. And verily, if the spirits of Prophets have been subject unto the Prophets: you are oblieged much more to yield something unto the prayers of your Brethren, that suffer and groan for your divisions. And if charity doth hold the principall place in your hearts, then are you bound to make them to rejoyce again, and to comfort them by your Re-union, which will lift up their hearts and voice to heaven in holy exaltations, and make them shed many thousand tears of joy, and sing praises unto God. Do you not know, that your Creator would have pardoned a great City full of abomination for ten righteous men onely, if they could have been found therein.
And if your Saviour commands you to forgive your brethren, not onely seven times, but seventy times seven times: Shall we that are taught in his School, and would fain be his Disciples, exercize our revenge upon many millions of poor innocent Christians, that suffer and groan for our dissentions? Do ye not know, Brethren, that the blood of the righteous is precious before God; and do you not fear, that that, wherewith you now colour the Seas, shall rise up one day in judgement, together with the cries of so many Widowes and Orphans which you make, if you continue? Remember, my dear Brethren, that we shall shortly see him come in his glory with his holy Angels, and then be ashamed and confounded to see his wounds open still and his members murthered by the blowes we give him: How can ye hope or imagine, that, coming before him, covered with the blood of his children, he should go forth to meet you to imbrace you, to set the Crown upon your heads, and to make you sit down upon the throne with him, for these brave atchievments? Do you think he will receive your excuses, and approve of these proceedings of yours against his people? Do you not understand what he saith to those, that shall presume to argue the case with him in the day [Page 10]of Judgement, That whatsoever they have done to one of his little ones, they have done unto him. And can you say unto him, that it was his glory and the advancement of his Kingdome, you sought with the blood of your Brethren? Do you think he will not know, that it was nothing else but your own selfishnesse and proper Interests ye have sought at such a rate? If he should deal with you, as you deal with him in his members, could you well bear his Indignation? Remember, dear brethren, how many a time you have offended this good and righteous King, and how many great wickednesses he forgives you every day. Doth he not teach us to ask of him forgivenesse for our offences, even as we forgive them that have offended against us. Think upon the Imprecations which we draw upon our heads, if we be not minded to forgive one another the offences, which we imagine we have received. It may be if you would examine the first occasions of the disgust and ill will, which you have conceived one against the other, with some sparks of love; you would finde more of innocency and mischance, then of ill will. You know well, Sirs, that in great consultations, consisting of many severall heads, the wisest and best advice is not alwayes the strongest and, and that many times a man cannot bring to passe what a whole Nation desires; it may be you did as well on the one as on the other side that, what you had never an intention to do, and perhaps could not do what you had a minde to do.
Oh if we could but hearken a little to, and practice that just Commandement which the Lord hath commanded us in the third Chapter of the first Epistle of his well-beloved Disciple, Vers. 11. For this is the message that you heard from the beginning, that we should love one another. Verse 12. Not as Cain, who was was of the wicked one, and slew his brother. Verse 14. We know that we have passed from death unto life, because we love the brethren. He that loveth not his brother ahideth in death. Verse 15. Whosoever hateth his Brother, is a murderer, and ye know that no murderer hath eternall life abiding [Page 11]in him. Verse 16. Hereby perceive we the love of God, because he laid down his life for us, and we ought to lay down our lives for the brethren. Verse 23. And this is his Cemmandement, that we should believe on the Name of his Son Jesus Christ, and love one another, as he gave us Commandement. Chap. 4. Verse 20. If a man say, I love God, and hateth his Brother, he is a liar. For he that loveth not his brother whom he hath seen, how can he love God whom he hath not seen. Verse 21. And this Commandment have we from him, that he who loveth God: Love his brother also.
Hearken also to what his Apostle, animated by his holy Spirit, saith, in the 1 Corinth. Chap. 6. Verse 5. I speak it to your shame; Is it so, that there is not a wise man amongst you? no not one that shall be able to judge between his brethren? But brother goeth to law with brother. Verse 7. Now therefore there is utterly a fault amongst you, because ye go to law one with another: Why do yet not rather take wrong? Why do ye not rather suffer your selves to be defrauded. Verse 8. Nay ye do wrong and defraud, and that your brethren,
And again, hearken what he saith in the Epistle to the Romans, Chap. 12. Verse 9, 10. Let Love be without dissimulation: abhor that which is evil, cleave to that which is good, Be kindly affectionedone to another with brotherly love, preferring one another.
If that be not enough, Brethren, behold the fervent prayer which his Master himself maketh to his Father, and to our Father for your union, before he died, Joh. 17. Verse 11. Holy Father, keep through thine own Name those whom thou hast given me, that they may be one as we are one. Verse 22. I have given them the glory which thou hast given me, that they may be one as we are one. Verse 23. I am in them, and thou in me, that they may be made perfect in one, and that the world may know, that thou hast sent me, and hast loved them as thou hast loved me.
Truly, if these words of Christ, the well-beloved Son [Page 12]of God, who hath purchased the Kingdome for you, and will give it unto you, cannot move you, nor induce you to love those that are his, and to forgive one anothers trespasses, what may we hope from you in his Name? We cannot but think upon the reproaches, which he will make one day unto you, if ye do continue to defile your hands with the blood of his children: If you had eyes to see and ears to hear, you would understand very well, how much he is troubled at your quarreis: Oh ye that divide his people, are you not afraid, lest he do destroy you, as such as are appointed for destruction, or lest he swallow you up in the Sea, as he did Pharaoh, that pursued them? Do you think you can be united unto Christ, without being united unto his members which you persecute? What availeth your zeal and devotion, your fastings and prayers, with all the good Orders which you may establish amongst you, to live according to the Will of God, and to practise his holy Commandments, if you cannot love your Brethren, and forgive one anothers offences, and if you persist in your resolutions to cut them off root and branch? How can ye hope or believe, that he will accept of your sacrifices, or suffer them to ascend before his face? How long will you that the sword shall devour: you that may in all humane appearance restore peace unto jerusalem, will you continue to seek its desolation? Can you hope to be partakers of those blessings which the Lord promiseth to them that pray for its peace, whilest you do depopulate and waste it? Do you not know that you are shortly to be united unto those from whom you do separate your selves at present with an everlasting tie of love and concord, and that it hath been the good pleasure of the Father to give you the Kingdome, both to you and to them, Luke 12.32. and that you shall be partakers of the same glory? How can you then separate your selves from those, whose members you are? Have you no. Communion of the spirit and of Love with the other members of Christ? [Page 13]Have you no zeal for the glory of the heavnly Father? Have you no Charity to cherish and to comfort his Spouse and his children that groan for your divisions sake? Shall the great King of peace have no children amongst you, that dare open their mouths, and that will labour and endeavour to quench these flames and to allay those stormes and passions, which do disturb and hinder you from knowing your Brethren, and shewing your duties unto them? Must a poor dumb man strive to speak and to cry out from afar off, to warn you of the danger, which you throw your selves head long into, and to conjure you in the name of Jesus Christ, to give a stop to your distractions, to make your complaints unto him, and to submit your selves unto his Judgement, which cannot but be rather most just and advantagious for both, then to stay so long till he himself put his hand to the work, and make you feel the effects of his Indignation for your goings astray, and let you perish in your hard-heartednesse, with them to whom you unite your selves and make peace. O that ye could but make some reflexion upon these words, which he hath pronounced with his sacred lips, which you heard even now, and prevent one another with cordiall condescensions, or at least endeavour and try to beget a good understanding, and imbrace one another to please him; wherein we would be much more happy then if we had overcome our brethren! Do you not know, that he seeth you, and that he doth sympathize with us in the evils we do one to another, and that he himself heareth the stroakes and blowes we inflict?
Oh that these words might as well sound in your ears, as your shots of Cannons do sound in his ears; and that you could have him as well as St. Paul, Acts 9. going to Damosous to persecute him! how should you be able to bear these sharp reproaches without being moved thereat? What are you doing children, you that know me, are you resolved to persecute me and to crucifie me afresh; are you not my people? do you not [Page 14]belong unto me as well the one as the other? why do you strive to spill my blood, and to make me suffer, seeing you are nothing else but one stick, one people, and one flock in my hand, to make use thereof for such things as I shall emploȳ you in? I make no questiou but you would be ready to throw down your Armes, and most heartily imbrace one another. Certainly, if you had appeased a little these troubles and distractions, which do hinder you from hearing this sweet voice, which your Brethren do hear, and sigh for your deafnesse, it would work more strongly upon your hearts then your ears; Are you perswaded, that if you should have lost all, and left all these momentany things and worldly honours to your enemies themselves for his names sake, that you should have lost any thing? Do you not think he is sufficient and faith full enough to recompense and restore unto you a thousand fold and at last life everlasting? Why then do you refuse to yield somewhat unto your Brethren and to his children for his own sake, for the peace of his people sake, for the honoru of his Names sake, for the quiet of his Spouse sake, to comfort your Mother which you afflict and groaneth for your dissentions; and for the Interest sake you pretend unto his Inheritance in the glory and everlasting life, which he hath prepared for you?
Let us turn aside our eyes from these things, Christians, and think on these honours, on these glories, and on these everlasting riches, which do wait for us, and cannot fail us. What if we our selves be so earthly minded, that we cannot refrain our affections from these base and unworthy things, which we are to leave behinde us; Think you that the great King of Kings hath not Treasury and honours enough in this World, to fill and enrich you therewith; hath he not Indies and hidden Treasures, yea Kingdomes to give unto you, when he pleaseth? Is it not upon these things, that you should rather make your Assignations for your Indempnities, then upon the blood and lives of his people? [Page 15]Do you not know, that all the Kings and Princes of the Earth are to come to bend their knees before him, and that he promiseth unto his people Empires and Kingdomes? Oh if we did but well ponder these things, we would not be so eager to cut one anothers throats, and to make so great a breach into the holy City for things of nought! perhaps you would not have gone half so far in the design, which it seems you have to destroy one another. When he shall open your eyes, and make you know the wrong which you have done unto him; He will make you sigh for it, and then perhaps you will present your selves before the breach, which you your selves have made against those, which do lead you thereunto, and that wait for nothing else but to come to assault the holy City and your good Mother, after the beach is made. You that do justifie all your proceedings before men, and endeavour to perswade them, that you have not acted any thing, but by the righteous and just motions of the Spirit of God: How do ye think that the true Christians can be perswaded of these things, when they see, that you will have no peace with those, whom the Lord hath also enlightened with his knowledge, received into his Covenant, and amongst whom he causeth also to shine the light of the Gospel? Can you imagine, that those who have suspended their Judgements all this while, and would see first the carrying on of your proceedings before they would condemn you, when they see that you have no peace nor communion with the Saints, will entertain any favourable thoughts on your behalf? Do you not well know that there be but two sorts of people in the world, and that those which are not sealed with the Seal of God, have taken the mark of the Beast, and worship the Dragon? Faith doth assure you, that you are written in the Book of the Lamb, Charity also obliegeth you to believe the same of those who have followed him, who have done like your selves, who are gone forth out of Babylon, to enter into [Page 16]the spirituall Jerusalem, who are members of the same body, who have the same Faith, the same Law, the same Rule with you, who follow the same truth, and who have been till hitherto your brethren, and vvith vvhom you have been enrolled under the same Standard, promising to stand for the same cause and the service of the same King, who follovv the Lamb, who have followed him even unto death, who maintain his rights against his enemies, who are quickened and cherished with the same Spirit, who sing and publish his praises, who love and adore him, and seek his Kingdome, who are hated and persecuted for the same cause as you are. Why then do ye not unite your selves to follovv your King, vvho comes to deliver you, and to give you the possession of the Kingdome?
After all this, if we be resolved not to recede at all from our Interests, and that we cannot compose our differences between our selves, by the vvay of some friendly Mediations of our Brethren, as the Lord doth command us; at least let us not decline such a thing, vvhich the fiercest enemies refuse not in the heat of a Siege for lesse weighty reasons then these are, for vvhich vve do invite you in the name of Jesus Christ to make a cessation of Armes; to the end, that your distractions may be appeased, though it vvere but for a fevv years, or for some moneths; during which, you vvill finde (well-beloved Brethren) that the great King of Peace vvill open your eyes, touch your hearts vvith sweet affections, and restore unto you holy exaltations and rejoycings in the Lord.
Do you not see the confusion vvhich begins to be spread over Babylon; and instead of making use of this for the advancement of his Kingdome, it seemes you are a friend of the fall of that whore, and that you would fain delay it, and advance the desolation of Jerusalem, and fill the Holy City with troubles? Devoure you not anothers flesh, and make your enemies believe that he also made you drunk with the [Page 17]Wine of astonishment? Do you not hear the joyfull shoutings, and the cries of Blasphemies, which the Babylonians do already send forth? O that the world would but well consider the things which the Lord is about to do, and whereunto he will employ us, for the execution whereof he hath put these mighty Armies into your hands, to employ them against his enemies, and to exercise his vengeance in his Judgements against those who have slain his Witnesses, destroyed his Saints, and made his Inheritance desolate; and who condemn you to Hell, usurp his Rights, and hinder the approach of his Kingdom, and who conspire your Extirpation and thraldome, Should you not give care to the Commandements which he layeth upon you, to exercise Vengeance, and to render unto them double for the mischiefs they have done unto you? Do you not fear that he will one day call you to an account for that power he hath given you to be avenged of his enemies; instead whereof you were so blinde and wretched, as to lend them your hands and to dis-unite your selves one from another to be united unto them? Certainly, if you will be united unto the well-wishers and Protectors of Babylon, you must needs expect these tvvo things to ensue; Either she and her King vvill be Conquerours over the holy Jerusalem, or she vvill be overvvhelmed by the Judgements of God. If she doth remain victorious, behold you are reduced again to the spiritual Captivity, from whence you are gone forth. But if she is subdued, you must fell the plagues, wherewith she is threatened, and drink of her cup. How can you then be united and make peace with those, who do uphold her, who have given up to her their power, and who do learn her blasphemies, and adhere unto them against your brethren? Let us hearken to the advice which the Lord herein gives us, touching the fall of this great Whore, and of the abolition of her King; Apoc. 18.19. Let us then separate our selves from these Babylonians, as the people of God from Corah and his companions, [Page 18]left we perish with them. We are come to the end of the war, and to the valley of Josaphat, to the day of Decisions: Do you not see the Beast with the false prophet gathered with the Kings of Satan against him, who rideth upon a white horse, and against his Army, which are the Elect and faithfull to make war against them? Apoc. 17. Do you not understand their plots and devices? Are you ignorant of their Resolutions? Do you not know, that the most fervent desires of their soul do onely tend to your destruction? Apoc. 19. Speak your conscience, think you that you can follow the Lamb, and make vvar against those who follovv him; or can you be united vvith those, vvho have given up their povver to the Beast, and are gathered unto the false prophet, vvithout separating your selves from him, vvho rideth upon the vvhite horse, leaving his party: Be not deceived, if you be found united and gathered vvith the Kings, vvho have given up their povver to the Beast against the Lamb and his Army, you can never avoid the danger, vvherein they are, of being rejected with the unbelievers and effeminate into utter darknesse. We must raise our Spirits, overcome our passions, and follow him, who calleth us to the victory against his enemies. Are you not of Israel and Judah? Are you not of those winnowers, who shall winnow Babylon? Are you not of those whom the Lord commands to be set in battel array against her, and to fill her cup to the brim, which she hath filled to you? Are you not of those, whom he commandeth to rejoyce over her fall, and in whose behalfe he promiseth to work a thousand new miracles.
Think on these things (Brethren) and do not believe them to be delusions: we are come unto the time of their Accomplishment, and do you refuse to serve the Lord in this Occasion? Perhaps he will remove the Candlestick elswhere, and employ others, and it may be you will finde your selves ensnared with those with whom you are united, and have made peace.
[Page 19]Let us lift up our eyes and hands on high, & we shall see our deliverance, & the Kingdom of our God to be at hand, & the Kingdome of the Saints of the Sovereign, who filleth all the earth. He cometh with an armed hand and a stretched out arm, to make his enemies feel his vengeance: Let us not put afar off his judgements by our Union with them, He commeth to begin his Kingdome of peace in the midst of us, let us not put back the Establishment of his Government, and the sweet melody of his praises by our dissentions. He commeth to shew mercy and favour to the Jews and to the Gentiles, and to gather them again with the house of Iudah within his Sheep-fold. Let us not stop the course of his Bounties and Gratuities by our unthankfulnesse and divisions. He calleth us to the Victory, and to his Kingdome of Peace, there to crown our faithfulnesse. Let us gather all our forces, and unite our selves with heart and affections, that we may not hinder his glory and our own. If we finde some difficulty to overcome our selves and our resolutions, our humours and passions: Let us think upon the sharp reproaches which he will one day cast upon all those, who would not abate the least thing of their Interests and of their Rights for his sake. We are the children of the King of Kings, and the heires of the Kingdome. Let us live therefore like those, who shall shortly possesse the Crown of honours and eternall riches. Let us yield one to another, yea to our enemies, those things of nought, that we may lift up our hearts and affections to the glory and happines, which hath been promised us, and vvhich vve expect. Let us remember, that the greater pains we have taken to overcome our selves, & the greater difficulties we met therein, so much the more weighty and excellent will the reward be. Let us follow the example of him, who is come forth victorious out of the grave, with the weapons in his hand to finish the victory. He hath fought, he hath suffered, he hath been overcome by death to overcome death. He hath conquered and hath been victorious in glory.
[Page 20]He is now sitting on the Throne with our Heavenly Father. If we can follow him, and overcome our selves, vve are assured to reign vvith him.