A CONFVTATION OF SOME things written by A. R. in h [...]s Treatise, intituled, The second part of the vanitie and Childishnesse of Infants Baptisme. In the Answer whereof, The lawfulnesse of Infants Baptisme is defended, and the Arguments against it disproved, by sufficient grounds and forcible reasons, drawn from the sweet fountains of holy Scripture.
YOur former Treatise (intituled, The vanitie of Childish Baptisme) being answered, I (according to my promise made unto you in that answer Pag. 28. lin. 31, 32.) doe now proceed to answer this your other Treatise (which you have intituled, The second part of the vanitie and Childishnes of Infants Baptisme.) And (I conceive) it is the Treatise whereof you spake in your vanitie of Childish Baptisme Pag. 29. lin. 30, 31, 32., wherein you say, that the grounds which Seperates and some others urge for the baptizing of Infants, should be answered.
And here (in the beginning of this your second part) you say, Pag. 1. Having formerly treated of the Baptisme of the nationall Church, you have now thought it meet likewise to consider the grounds upon which the seperated, and some other Churches doe baptize their Infants, which (you say) are from severall places of Scripture. But in answer to your first Treatise ( pag. 27. line 26, 27, 28, 29.) I there tell you, that these [some others] besides Seperates, I know not who they are, and if they are not seperated from the unclean thing, they are still uncleane.
And though such may bring good grounds for baptizing of Infants, from severall places of Scripture; yet they cannot bring good grounds to warrant any Churches to baptize, that are not seperated from Idolatry, and doe not cleave unto Christ in puritie, in his visible way of worship.
But those that are so seperated indeed, may [very justly] alledge Scripture to justifie what they do in things of this nature, for of all Churches and people in the world, they are the most holy and sincere, yea and cleave closest to the Rule. And they in baptizing their Infants, do that whereunto they are bound by the Covenant, which both they and their holy seed are under.
Whereas you say, the grounds are from severall places of Scripture, especially these five, which you promise to examine in order.
I answer; I know not what five you meane, for you have not so plainly distinguished them, whereby wee may know how (in your book) to find them. But (it may be) you have not done it of set purpose, but through some over-sight; for (in pag. 3. li. 16.) you speak of a second [argument] from [places] and (in pag 3. lin. 39.) you speak of a third [argument] (from 1 Cor. 7.14) The fourth (in pag. 12. lin. 40.) is expressed to be the fourth Scripture. As (in pag. 1.) Act. 2.39. is declared to be the first. But (in pag. 18. lin. 2.) you speake of a fifth [argument.]
Now by this your disorderly manner of proceeding, it appeares that you doe not performe what you promised (in pag. 1.) where you say, the grounds are from severall places of [Scripture] especially the [five,] which you there promise to examine in order.
THe first (you say) is that in Act. 2.39. The promise is to you and your children. But this Text (you say) is to no purpose in the poynt.
To which I reply, that this your bare affirmation will not beare the least weight in the ballance of Gods Sanctuary: for this promise spoken of by Peter, is the promise of eternall life, and all those who are heires of this promise, are the right Subjects of Baptisme Act. 10.47.. But the Infants of beleevers are heires of this promise; for so the tener of the whole Scripture declareth: There is no place of Scripture which describeth the blessednesse of the parents, but it also includeth their Infants; yea in this place Act. 2.39. where beleevers children are [Page 3] mentioned, their Infants are meant. As shall be more clearly proved in answer to your next objections following. And this being prooved, it followeth that they are the right subjects of Baptisme.
But you say, it is not there said of Infants, but to your Children, not promises, but promise.
To which I reply, that this your Answer is of no weight, for Infants are Children as well being young as old, and this great promise of God, includeth promises: for though Gods great promise (in generall) be but one, yet in particular it is divers.
But seeing you say, it is worthy enquiry to know what is meant by you and your Children, I will (by Gods assistance) prove unto you, that it is meant of beleevers and their Infants. Consider therefore that the Apostle doth not onely distinguish them from their parents, by the title Children, and also from those afar off; But he likewise declareth them to be those children to whom the promise appertaineth as well as to the parents themselves: which doth plainly shew that it ought not to be understood, as if it were spoken of [all] their Children (both godly and wicked) but of all those Children who doe not degenerate from the steps of their holy parents; which sinne of Apostacie, (or degeneration) you cannot justly lay to the charge of beleevers Infants, who never sinned actually Mr. Spilsbury sayth, the word cōdemns none, but with respect to actuall sinne. See his Treat. of Bap. pag. 11 lin. 30.: It is a sure truth, that the sinnes of the parents being forgiven, the Lord will not impute the same unto their Infants Sinne remitted, is not imputed, unlesse it be acted again.. Originall sinne (I say) taketh no more hold on the Infants, then on their parents, and touching actuall sinne, they are as cleare as their parents Exod. 20.6.. But the like cannot be said of [all] their children of ripe yeares Ezek. 18.10, 11, 12, 13..
Wherefore it plainly appeareth, that the promise is made generally to all the infants of the faithfull, howbeit not to all their Children, but onely to such as abide in the steps of their righteous parents, amongst which holy children, the infants of beleeving parents are not the smallest number.
Seeing then that the application of the promise of life and salvation, belongeth to the infants of beleeving parents, as really as to the parents themselves, or any other of their children. It is evident that they have right to Baptisme. Wherefore this text which you said, is to no purpose in the point, you may see to be of great weight concerning the point, and this will clearly appeare unto you (I hope) by that time you have weighed it well.
Consider, (I pray you) how that these converts upon the [Page 4] preaching of Peter, were pricked in their hearts, and said unto Peter and the other Apostles, Men and brethren, what shall wee doe? When the Apostle Peter saw that they were come thus far, he bid them repent, which doth not argue but that they repented before (for they were pricked in their hearts) but now Peter urged them to manifest their repentance, and sheweth them how they should by faith rest upon the promise of God and he doth not limit it to [a] promise onely, but sayth [The] promise is to you and to your Children (namely,) the chiefest promise [a remedy answerable to their disease Isa 61. 2 [...] Act. 2 v [...]r. 2 [...]..]
And though the promise was made unto them, and to their children, Ezek. 18 10.13. yet if any of their children were a whoremonger, or Idolater, or a Rayl [...]r, or a drunkard, or the like; the promise appertained not unto him. 1 Cor 6 9, 10, 11. Rev. 21 8. Therefore by Children, he doth not here intend all their Children, both good and bad; for then impenitent persons and true Saints have share and share-like in the heavenly riches; which were blasphemie Rev. 2.9. so to affirme, that such Ismalites, or Edomites (though the seed of Abraham according to the flesh) should have right or interest to the promise or seale thereof; but as this promise is holy, so it appertaineth and is to be applyed only to those who ought to be judged holy persons, Isa. 4.3. in Covenant with God, having the righteousnesse of Jesus Christ imputed unto them: Now that the infants of beleeving parents are in Gods Covenant, and are made righteous by Jesus Christ, is proved ( in the answer Pag. 8. 21, 22, 23, 24, &c. to your first part) and may further appeare unto you by the former considerations, which I have here related, therefore let those premises there, and these here, be discreetly weighed, and then it will evidently appeare, that this promise mentioned (in Act. 2.39.) appertaineth to the infants of beleeving parents, as well as to the parents themselves, though some of the Children of beleeving parents have no greater a share in this gracious promise then the infants of both unbeleeving parents.
Your next words are these; ‘ A R Pag. 1. Pag. 2.In both these wee shall be satisfied if wee looke back into the former part of the Chapter, where when the gifts of the holy Ghost were given forth upon the 120. and they speaking in divers tongues, and the Jewes thereupon, some marveiling, some mocking, and saying, they were full of new wine, ver. 13. Peter hereupon stands up and speaks to the Jewes thus; These men are not drunke as yee suppose, but this is that which is spoken by the Prophet Joel, that in the last day, (sayth God) I will powre out my Spirit [Page 5] upon all flesh, and your sons and daughters shall prophecie, &c. ver. 15, 16, 17. And immediately when he had thus spoken, he preached unto them Jesus Christ, whom they had murthered, and whom though dead and buried, yet God had raised up, and who b [...]ing by the right hand of God exalted, and having received of his Father the promise of the holy Ghost, had shed forth this which they did see and heare, ver. 33. As if Peter should have sayd to the Jewes thus; Wee are not filled with Wine as yee suppose, but are filled with the Spirit, promised to our fathers long since, that should be powred forth in these our dayes, and that their sonnes and their daughters should prophecie, which is now fulfilled upon us their sonnes and daughters, and may be also powred out upon you and your Children, to make you all prophecie and speake with tongues as we doe: for you and your Children are all the sonnes and daughters of the Jewes, &c.’
I answer. All which you have sayd here, is able to give no satisfaction, concerning the matter in hand; for as much as (though you have cited some verses which you thought would make for your advantage) yet you have omitted, ver. 21. which is most materiall and pertinent to our present purpose. Moreover, you have not done well in taking upon you to be the Apostle Peters spokesman (or interpreter of his meaning) before you had minded his Speech better, then it appeareth you have done; for we reade not that the Apostle Peter told them, that they and their Children should (or might) all propheci [...], and sp [...]ake with tongues (as he and some others did) much lesse doth he yeeld such a fained reason (to wit) because they were the sonnes and daughters of the Jewes, &c. as you would import he did; which doth not sound according to truth. But this indeed you ought to have minded that (in the Text alledged) there is something else of greater weight and consequence, then the bare prophe [...]ying or speaking with tongues See Act. 2 39. compared with ver. 21., for whereas the Apostle saith, [The] promise] he speaketh of that which is generall to every beleever, both young and old The truth of this appeareth from the expresse words of the holy Ghost? Act 2 39. The promise is to [you] and to [you Children] and to [ [...]ll] that are afar off [even as many as the Lord our God shall call] But to speak with tongues and prophecie, is not common to every beleever. Therefore this promise (which appertaineth generally to [all] Saints) is something else then the bare prophecying, or speaking with tongues. Wee know that God can make open wicked men to prophecie, and the Beasts of the feild to speake with tongues, without giving them any promise of Eternall life [as may appeare [Page 6] unto you by the storie of Balaam and his asse Numb. 22. & 23. & 24. & 31.8.] whom wee must not therefore ranke with the sonnes and daughters Jude 11. Rev. 2.14. (mentioned in Joel Joel. 2.28.) or with the holy Children (mentioned in Act. 2.39.) for then by the same Rule, false Prophets, and unreasonable creatures must be baptized; which to think would be very absurd. Wherefore it evidently appeareth, that this promise is a promise of something else then a bare prophecying, or speaking with tongues.
Consider (I pray you) that Eternall life is that which appertaineth to beleevers onely Joh. 3.36., and is distributed to every one of them Ioh., 58. Ioh. 10.28, [...]0., but so is not Prophecying, or speaking with tongues 1 Cor. 12.28, 29, 30.. This promise of Eternall life was made to Adam, and all the members of Gods visible Church then See Gen. 3. compared with Cap 4.16. & Cap. 5., and established with Abraham and his seed in their Generations Gen. 17.7.; and this heavenly and Evangelicall promise, is here repeated by Peter Act. 2.21., and applyed to all beleevers and their seed Ver. 39..
And though wee should be furnished with the externall gifts of the holy Gh [...]st; and evidently perceive the devills to be subject unto us, through the name of Christ, and see Sathan fall downe as lightning from heaven; at the sight whereof we might have cause to rejoyce! yet wee have more cause of joy, that our names are written in the Lambs book of life Luk. 10.17, 18, 19, 20..
This eternall life, is a life above all lives, and to be desired above all things in the world, and the promise of this eternall life, Peter applyeth to beleeving men, and women, and their holy seed. And though in the same promise is included divers things, which God distributeth unto some of his Saints, and not to other some, yet the chiefe thing promised is life and salvation through Jesus Christ (whereof all Saints are partakers) without which all the prophecies and tongues in the world will availe us nothing.
And though the infants of beleevers be not capable to prophecie, or speake with tongues, yet I doubt not but they are holy 1 Cor. 7.14.. Jeremiah Ier. 1.5. and John Baptist, were sanctified by the holy Spirit [in the wombe Luke 1.15.] and seeing that beleevers have the like precious faith 2 Pet. 1.1., they have also the like precious priviledges Rev. 22.14. 1 Cor. 12.12, 13. Eph. 2.13. & 3.6.8. Rom 10.12..
Whereas you say, Pag. 2. lin. 24. So then by this time wee may see what is meant by the promise (to wit) the gift of the holy Ghost.
I answer; It cannot appeare any thing at all the more for this your exposition, neither doth it yet appeare that you understand the meaning of the holy Ghost in this place; for if you did, I thinke you could distinguish between the externall gifts of the holy Ghost, [Page 7] and the promise of eternall life. Consider therefore how that Peters application of the promise] is a reason which he yeeldeth of his former speech; and you (saith he) shall rec [...]ive the gift of the holy Ghost: [for] (or because) the promise is to you, and to your Childrens &c. What promise is that? Even the promise of salvation and redemption, spoken of in Joel 2.32. And it shall come to passe, that whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord, shall be delivered: for in mount Zion, and in Jerusalem shall be deliverance, as the Lord hath said and in the remnant whom the Lord shall call. Compare with this the words of Peter. [...]ct. 2.21.39. and it will evidently appeare that this promise (spoken of in Act. 2. ver. 39.) is the promise of salvation. Joel sayth, And it shall come to passe, that whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord, shall be delivered Ioel 2.32.: And Peter rehearsing this promise) sayth, ( Act. 2. ver. 21.) And it shall come to passe, that whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord, shall be saved. Act. 2.39. Joel (in application of the promise) sayth; For in mount Zion, Rom. 10.13. and in Jerusalem shall be deliverance, as the Lord hath said, and in the remnant whom the Lord shall call Peter (in application of the promise) sayth, (to those Converts which were pricked in their hearts and asked counsell of the Apostles what they should doe) The promise (sayth he) is to you and to your Children, and to all that are afar off, even as many as the Lord our God shall call.
I beseech you, weigh the Sentences; He doth not say; Whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord, shall prophecie and speak with tongues: This is not [the] medicine which was applyed to heale the wounded-broken-hearted-soules, converted at his Sermon: But he speaketh of that which is of a higher nature, he applyeth a more effectuall and speciall medicine unto them, a more singular cordiall: Whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. And this is that which the Apostle Paul so much insisteth upon, Rom. 10. where in the relation, interpretation, application, and prosecution of (his text in) Deut. 30.12, 13, 14. he sheweth wherein the weight of the Saints glory and happines consisteth, Rom. 10. ver. 6. Rom. 10. ver. 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13. The righteousnes of faith (sayth he) speaketh on this wise: Say not in thine heart, Who shall a [...]cend into heaven? that is, to bring [Christ downe] from above: ver. 7. Or who shall descend into the deepe? (that is) to bring [up Christ.] againe from the dead: ver. 8. But what sayth it? The word is nigh thee even in thy mouth, and in thine heart, (that is) the word of faith which wee preach: ver. 9. That if thou shalt confesse [Page 8] with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt beleeve in thine heart, that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be [saved:] ver. 10. For with the heart man beleeveth unto righteousnes, and with the mouth Confession is made unto [salvation:] ver. 11. For the Scripture sayth, Whosoever beleeveth on him [shall not be ashamed: 1 Pet. 2.6, 7. Isa. 28.16. ] ver. 12. For there is no difference between the Jew, and the Greeke: for the same Lord over all is [rich] unto all that call upon him. And in ver. 13. he sheweth further wherein this riches consisteth; For (sayth he) whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.
In consideration of these things, we may safely conclude; that the promise mentioned in Act. 2.39. is the same promise mentioned in Joel 2.32. & Act. 2.21. & Rom. 10.13. Even the promise of eternall life and salvation by Jesus Christ our Lord.
But peradventure it will seeme strange unto some, that the infants of beleevers should be thought to be in the state of salvation, or to have the righteousnes of faith, or to be confessors of Jesus Christ, or beleevers, or invocaters of his name, considering that they cannot manifest the same actually in their own persons. But wee ought to note, that all these things are theirs by imputation; it is imputed unto them as if they had done the same in their own persons. Wherefore the Lord gave them the signe Gen. 17.11. and seale Rom. 4.11. of the righteousnesse of faith, which doth really demonstrate unto us, that the infants of beleevers, have the righteousnes of faith imputatively; otherwise the Lord would not have given them such a signe, whereby to distinguish them from those who were not in Covenant with him, and had not this righteousnes upon them. And touching their confession of Christ, all the Jewes infants, as they grew up to be capable, were to confesse Christ; according to this saying of the righteousnes of faith, which spake on this wise Rom. 10.6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13.; Say not, who shall ascend into heaven, to bring Christ downe from above, &c. And seeing God usually giveth names unto persons according to their nature, state, and condition Gen. 22.28. Rev. 3.12. & 11.8., the infants of the beleeving Jewes having the name of Jewes rightly attributed unto them, they were Jewes (that is, Confessors) though they could not actually confesse: and the like may be sayd for their invocation (or calling upon the name of God;) So it appeareth that the infants of the Jewes had such a holy state and condition upon them, that the visible imputation Heb. 7.9, 10. of holy actions, was conferred upon them, though they could not act the same. And the very like may be said concerning the infants of beleeving parents now; And [Page 9] seeing that salvation appertaineth to the infants of beleevers Luk. 18.15, 16, 17., the righteousnes of faith is imputed unto them Mat. 16.16.; and therefore they ought to receive the signe and seale of the same righteousnes; for we are to account that Jesus Christ (our righteousnes) is a Saviour [in a speciall manner] unto all those who ought to be judged righteous persons in Covenant with him; and ought not to be accounted to have the guilt of originall sinne, but that they have it pardoned and done away through him.
But the infants of beleeving parents ought to be judged righteous persons in Covenant with Christ, and ought not to be esteemed to have the guilt of originall sinne; but that they have it pardoned, and done away through him, (as hath been proved before.)
Therefore wee are to account that Jesus Christ (our righteousnes) is a Saviour unto them in a speciall manner, See Mat. 1.21. as well as to their parents.
It is certaine, that the rarest Saint in the world, though he professe and confesse never so much, yet he (being one of Adams posteritie) hath originall sinne from the houre of his birth, to the time of his death, yea and before his birth, he was conceived in sinne; So David sayth of himselfe, Loe in iniquitie, (was I painfully brought forth) and in sin my mother conceived me, Psal. 51.5. But herein consisteth the Saints happines, that all their sinnes are remitted Psal. 32.1, 2. Rom. 4.6. through Jesus Christ; so that the Lord will not remember their sins, nor impute the same unto them; he counteth them not guiltie; he saveth his people from their sinnes; therefore is he called Jesus Mat. 1.21.; So David sayth, that with Jehovah is bountifull mercy, and plentifull redemption. And he will redeem Israel out of all his iniquities. Psal. 130.7, 8. Now whereas it is said, He shall save [his people] from their sinnes; He will redeem [Israel] out of [all] his iniquities. Hereby is meant, all the sinnes of all his people (in Covenant with him) both young and old, both great and small. So David sayth, Psal. 115.12, 13, 14, 15. The Lord hath been mindfull, of us, he will blesse us, he will blesse the house of Israel: He will blesse the house of Aaron: He will blesse them that feare the Lord; both small and great. The Lord shall increase you more and more, you and your children. You are blessed of the Lord, which hath made Heaven and Earth. And so (in Isa. 44.3.) the Lord sayth to Israel, I will powre my Spirit upon thy seed, and my blessing upon thine off-spring. And (in Isa. 45.25.) In the Lord shall [all] the seed of Israel be justified, and shall glory. By [all] the seed of Israel, he doth [Page 10] not mean Apostates, for they are not counted for the seed Rom. 9.8.; but this justification, and glorifi [...]ation, is promised onely to those that abide in the Lord Jesus Joh. 15.4, 5.6.10.; and so continue in his Church; But the seed of the faithfull [in their infancie:] cannot justly be sayd to depart from Christ, to aberate from his Commandements; to Apostate or degenerate from that h avenly state, wherein the Lord of his mercy hath planted them; therefore they are (as well in infancie as after) to be accounted holy, [...]p [...]i [...]uall, and i [...] the new Covenant, in the very promise of Eternall life, and freed from the wrath of God and curses of the law, and under grace and mercy through Jesus Christ our Lord; therefore it is apparent, that the Lord imputeth them righteous though him; so then they are righteous by imputation; they are believers and Co [...]fessors imputatively, yea, and all the graces of God are theirs by imputation; and this favour and benediction, is not onely extended to the infants of the beleeving Jewes Jer. 30.20., but also [...]o the infants of the b [...]leeving Gentiles; There is [no d fference Rom. 10 12.] (sayth the Apostle Paul) their riches are equall, they are all on in Christ Gal. 3.28.; God is their God, and Christ is their Saviour in a speciall manner; He justifieth the circumcision and uncircumcision by his righteousnes Rom. 4.8.; This righteous servant justifieth many Isa. 53.11.; He pardoneth the iniquities of all that abide 1 Ioh. 3, 5, 6. in his Covenant.
And seeing that the beleeving Jewes, and the beleeving Gentiles, have equall priviledges Isa. 56.: As the infants of the beleeving J [...]wes were, and are in the Covenant of God with their parents Gen. 17.7. Psal. 11. [...].; so are the infants of beleeving Gentiles Exod. 12.48. Rom. 11.12.15, 16.17 20.23, 24.; for, Jesus Christ is the same to day as he was yesterday, and so is he for ever Heb. 13.8.. God is the same God over all, and therefore rich unto all that call upon him Rom. 10 12 And seeing he is the same God, rich unto all that call upon him. Beleeving Gentiles have the same priviledges for their seed, as the beleeving Jewes had and have for their seed; so that though their infants are all sinners Rom 5.12.13, 14. &c. originally, yet by the free grace of God they are justifica Ver. 20.21.; their transgression is forgiven, and their sinne is covered, and therefore they are all blessed, both small and great Psal. 115.13, buds Isa. 65.23. and blossoms. Blessed Jer. 1. Psal. 22.10, 11 & Mar. 10.13 14.15, 16. Rev. 14. [...]3. Psal. 100.5. 2 Sam 12.23. in their conception; blessed in their birth, blessed in their life, and blessed at their death; remaining still [in the Covenant,] branches Psal. 80.1.1 [...] of Gods holy Vine. In the Lord shall all this blessed seed of Israel be justified, and shall glory: Note, he doth not limit it to [some] onely, but extendeth it to [all] not one person of them is exempted; for, though they be all sinners by nature, yet by grace they are saved, not of themselves, [Page 11] but it is the gift of God, who hath said, as he liveth, that he desireth not the de [...]th of a sinner; neither shall the sonne die for the fathers iniquitie, but every one shall beare his own iniquitie Ezek. 18.. Shall every one beare his owne iniquitie? Then the iniquitie of the righteous parents (that is remitted) is not visibly imputed to any of their children, [in their infancie.] Therefore those infants are to be accounted righteous; For the m r [...]y of Jehovah is from everlasting to everlasting, upon them that feare him, and his righteousnes unto childrens children, to such as keep his Covenant, &c. Psal. 103.17, 18.
For to say, that the sinne of the parent that is remitted, is imputed to his childe [that never sinned actually,] is an arguing that the sonne shall die for the father; yea, and for the sinnes of the righteous father! A flat contradiction both of the Scripture, and Reason it selfe.
But it may be, some will say, that the best beleevers on earth doe sin daily; yea and that in their best actions; Shall all these sinnes be remitted, and not be imputed, considering, that sinne is daily committed by them?
Ans. If they sinne, they have an Advocate with the Father, Jesus Chr [...]st the righteous 1 Ioh. 2.1, 2.; and through him, the beleeving parents, who die d [...]i [...]y unto s [...]nne; have their sinnes so quelled, and crushed, that there is no power in the same whereby to condemne them; for as the Brazen Serpent was lifted up in the Wildernes, so is J [...]sus Christ lifted up for them Ioh. 3.14, 15., so that the fiery Messengers of Sathan, though they sting them, yet cannot destroy their soules; and this being remitted to the par [...]nts, & to all beleevers, shall not be imputed to them; because still upon the renewing of sinne, they renew their repentance, and so doe cut the cords of sinne, by godly sorrow 2 Cor 7.10, 11.; But a wicked person that is not penitent, hath the iniquities of his [fathers] imputed unto him; and his mothers sinne is not blotted out; all this is remembred with the Lord continually Psal. 109 14, 15., and laid upon the sinner that is not justified by Jesus Christ; But the infants of beleevers (as hath been observed before) are from under the guilt of originall sinne; their parents sinne is not imputed unto them; but both the originall sinne and actuall sinne is fully remitted; and the infants cannot be taxed with actuall sinne; they are cleare, they never acted sinne. Wherefore by all this it appeareth that the Lord spake not in vaine, when he bid the parents; choose life, that both they and their seed might live; for though God visiteth the iniquities of the fathers upon the children to the third and fourth generation of those that [...]te him, yet he sheweth mercy to thousands of those that love him and keep his Commandements Exod. 20.5, 6.
Seeing then it is so apparent that the infants of beleevers are freely justified and saved by J [...]sus Christ through his righteousnesse, they are under this promise mentioned by Peter, Act. 2.39. And therefore are to have Baptisme (the seale of the same promise) administred upon them. And this conclusion is agreeable to your own position, A. R. second part, pag. 6. lin. 37, 38, 39. (which is,) that that which availeth to justification, doth (according to the rule) availe to Baptisme, &c.
Whereas you further say Pag. 2. lin. [...]0., that by children are meant sonnes and daughters, which [should] prophecie. This I denie not; But that it is onely meant of them, I doe deny; for, all are not Prophets 1 Cor. 12.29. Jeremia was not a Prophet till God called him. And though he was not set about the work, till he was capable to understand, and apprehend Ier. 1.6.10, 11, 12, 17, 18., yet he was sanctified in the wombe, and therefore the promise appertained unto him then, before he could prophecie; even so the promise is really made to the infants of the faithfull, though they can neither prophecie, nor speake with tongues. Wherefore it appeareth (by what hath been said in answer unto you) that your argument is quite overthrowne, and the drift thereof hath no weight in it to edifie the soule, nor any strength to prove what you undertooke Pag. 2. lin. 21., (namely) that by children, no infants are meant in this place of Acts 2.39.
And although it be said, that the promise is to their children, yet you deny that the Text speaketh of their children in Covenant Line 41., by saying, that this objection (that these children were in Covenant) hath no colour of footing in the Text; for proofe whereof you bring your own former speeches Line 42., and adde for further demonstration, saying Pag. 3. lin. 1.2, 3, 4, 5., that first the promise is made equally to them, and to their children, and to them that are afar off. But these which are afar off, are not within the Covenant by the promise untill they beleeve the same.
To which I answer; that if it be not meant of their children in Covenant, then is it meant of their children out of Covenant! But you should know, that those who are out of Covenant, are not within the promise of life and salvation! None have right unto the tree of Life, but those that are in Covenant with God Rev. 21.7, 8. & 22.14, 15., and those that abide not in Christ, they have no part in him or his Ioh. 15.6.. But the infants of beleevers are in Christ, and in the promise; and God is faithfull 1 Thes. 5.24., and therefore will not breake his promise with those whom he hath effectually called to the fellowship of his Sonne Jesus Christ.
And it appeareth by the Apostle Peters words, that these children [Page 13] (mentioned in Act. 2.39.) were such whom in visibilitie the Lord had so called in Christ Jesus; for the Apostle speaketh of them in the time present, The promise [is] to you (sayth he) and to your children: but when he speaketh of those afar off, he hath relation wholly to the future time, saying, and to all that are afar off, even as many as the Lord our God [shall] call. And so by this he shewed that God would be a God unto all those whom he so calleth.
Now this calling, I doe not understand to be a bare publication of the Gospel, or generall invitation, which appertaineth unto all Mar. 15.15. 2 Tim. 1.9.; but such a calling which is appropriated unto those whom the Lord accepteth in the Covenant of the Gospel, and fellowship with his Sonne Jesus Christ. That the infants of beleevers have fellowship with Jesus Christ, is evident; Suffer them, sayth Christ, to come unto mee, and forbid them not, for of such is the kingdome of heaven Luk. 18.15, 16, 17.. Seeing then that they are declared to be in Jesus Christ, who is made a Isa. 42, 6, 7. Covenant to the people; they are not out of Covenant, no more then the infants of Abraham, to whom the Lord spake, saying, I will be thy God, and the God of thy seed, &c. Thou shalt keep my Covenant therefore, thou and thy seed after thee in their generations Gen. 17.10..
By all this it appeareth, that wee have no ground to deny that the Scripture speaketh of their children in Covenant, neither are we to dreame that the promise appertaineth to all sorts, or is visibly made equally to visible beleevers, and visible unbeleevers also; for though in Gods secret account, visible unbeleevers may be accounted as visible beleevers are, and have the promise reserved for them by God in the secret intention and unalterable resolution of his sacred Majestie, who will afterward manifest it visibly to appertaine unto them in his appointed time; yet (these unbeleevers) the mean while [in our account, and in their own account,] are not to be esteemed heires of the promise, or elect vessels of mercy, so long as they are not in the Covenant; for none are to be esteemed as the children of life, but those that are visibly in Jesus Christ; for whose sake life is promised to those that choose life, and also to their seed Deut. 29.2..
Secondly (you say) If they were in the Covenant, Pag. 3. line 6. by having this promise made to them, then were they of the new Covenant and Church of the Gospel, for there were no other people to be accounted in Covenant with God, save those which be of this Church, but those were not of this Church, but they were afterwards added thereunto, (as appeares ver. 41.) [Page 14] and therefore were not of it before, and consequently notwithstanding the promise, being so to them and their children yet neither they nor their children were of the Covenant nor Church, untill they did beleeve, although they were Jewes, and so the children of faithfull Abraham.
Ans. Here, I think, you are mistaken, for you would inferre that these were not in the new Covenant, before they were baptized and added to the particular Church; but then by the same rule, wee may think, th [...]t the Apostles baptized and admitted into Church-fellowship, [...] those who were out of the new Covenant, and that those Converts (mentioned in Act. 2.39.) were out of the new Covenant, when they ha [...] gladly received the Word, for as touching their Baptisme, and audition to the Church, the Scripture denoteth the same, as distinct from the rest which went before. But you should know, [...] that none ought to be baptized before they are in Covenant with God; Wherefore if these aforesaid, were not in Covenant with God, before they were baptized and added, as aforesaid, then they were first added, and were afterward baptized, and afterward entered into Covenant with God, which disorderly proceeding is not according to the Rule of Jesus Christ. [...]
Moreover, If it be admitted, that persons must be first added to the particular Church, before they are to be baptized (which thing I dare not affirme.) But suppose it were so, yet (I say) it cannot be proved that persons are not in the new Covenant, till they are joyned to the particular Church, for all those that are out of the new Covenant, are not fit matter for it. But that these Converts (mentioned in Act. 2.) were in the new Covenant before they were baptiz [...]d, is apparent by their conversion and repentance; and that the blessed promise of God in the free pardon of their sinnes, was rightly applyed unto them, and their seed, and this is the new Covenant, That God will be our God, See Gen. 17.7. Rev. 21.3. and wee shall be his people, and that he will be mercifull unto us, in forgiving us all our iniquities, &c. Heb. 8.10, 11, 12. And so David sayth, O bl [...]ss [...]d is he whose transgr [...]ssion is pardoned, and whose sinne is covered. O, blessed is the man, to whom the Lord imputeth not sinne. Psal. 32.1, 2. And Paul explaineth it to be a Righteousnesse imputed [without workes] Rom. 4.6. And that this righteousnes of faith is visibly imputed to the infants of beleevers (as hath been heretofore) is cleare from Act. 2.39. compared with other Scriptures, and therefore I conclude, they are beleevers imputatively, and in the new Covenant, and ought to be baptized.
Now that persons are in the promise or new Covenant visibly before they have faith, I suppose, no well informed Christian will affirme. But to say, that true visible beleevers, though unbaptized, are not in the new Covenant, till they be baptized and added, as before specified, it sheweth a great deale of ignorance, (at the best) in him that so affirmeth.
NExt, you say, Their second Argument is from those places which speak [...] of baptizing whole housholds.
To which I answer. It is certaine that divers places of Scripture speake of baptizing whole housholds. And it would argue weaknes and presumption in us to affirme that there were no infants in those famili [...]s, except wee could prove the same; which if there were none, it maketh nothing against the baptizing of infants. I hope we are not ignorant (at least wee are admonished not to be ignorant) that God baptized the children of Israel in the Sea; 1 Cor. 10 1, 2. in which act he really declared who are the right subjects of Baptisme, namely, Beleeving parents, and their infants with them, Jewes and Prosolytes; such as were the right subjects of Circumcision Gen. 7.9.14. Exod. 12.48, 49.: And if wee doe discreetly weigh the great and generall Commission of Jesus Christ (given when he ascended upon high) it will give great light to this point; for it declareth that all Nations were commanded to be made Disciples and those that were made Disciples of Christ, he commanded to be baptized, so soone as it appeared that the Application of the Gospel appertained unto them; Goe, (sayth Christ) teach all Nations, baptizing them, &c Mat. 28.18.. Goe yee into all the world, and preach the Gospel to every creature; He that beleeveth and is baptized, shall be saved; and he that beleeveth not, shall be damned Mar. 16.15, 16.. Now I hope you will not denie infants to be part of the Nations, or to be part of the number of Creatures spoken of here, for whom an immortall state is prepared; for it is a sure truth, that they are reasonable creatures, and comprehended in these words [Every Creature.] Consider then how that the purest infants of the holiest parents are by nature the children of wrath, Conceived in sinne, and brought forth in iniquitie, and have Originall sinne cleaving unto them till their change come, (I mean, till the time of their death or dissolution) and are by nature enemies against God, so deeply stained with sinne, that nothing in the world is effectuall to clense them therefrom Psal. 49 7, 8, 9., but the crimson bloud of their crucified Saviour; naturall corruption from their conception, Rev. 1.5. is inherent [Page 16] in them, and cannot be subdued but by the free grace of God. Now to say, that God hath not ordained sufficiēt means Mr Spil [...]ury s [...]h, [...]h [...]t the W [...] of God shews that he hath elected p [...]rsons to the means as well as to the end. being the way unto the s [...]e. And that was the Adoption of sonnes, and to be call [...] & justified [...]y beleeving in Iesus Christ. See his Treatise of Ba [...]. pag 3. lin. 41, 42, 43, 44. for their recovery, is in effect to cast them all downe to hell, and so to hodwinke [...]he eyes of Charitie, (and s [...] to place them with dog [...] and whoremongers without) or else to judge they are saved without the means and that they so enter into the kingdome of [...]aven, even without Ch ist! without sait [...]! without [...]lin [...]s! [...]ea without r [...]generation! which to affirme is contrary unto the Scripture; for Christ J sus is the onely way, and doore of enterance to God the Father. He is the ladder of life, by which all the Saints must ascend unto their mansion-houses. Christ is the onely light, who giveth light unto all that abide in him. Who being the brightn [...]s of his Fathers glory, and the expr [...]sse Image of his person, freely distributeth those gifts which he hath freely received of his Father, and doth not in the least lessen the Saints priviledges, but in his rich mercy bestoweth his rich gifts upon his Saints for their good and benefit, though by nature they are rebellious unto him. Thou hast (sayth David) received gifts for men, yea for the rebellious also, that the Lord God might dwell among them Psal. 68.18.: for as much then as the Lord Jesus hath received gifts for the rebellious, that God might dwell amongst them, and that the infants of beleevers are rebellious by nature; Surely God never ordained (though they die in their infancie) that they should be saved without the gifts there spoken of, which are necessary for them, and therefore we must confesse, that they are the creatures, comprehended in the generall Commission, given by Jesus Christ, when he ascended up on high, when he said, Goe teach all nations, baptizing them, &c. Goe p [...]ach the Gospel to every creature. He that beleeveth and is baptized, shall be saved, &c. Hereby is meant that the generall offer of the Go p [...]l should be tendred to all, and that those rebellious persons who were cōtent to subj ct themselves unto the yoke of Jesus Christ, shou [...]d have the Go [...]l app [...]yed unto them, and also the seale of the Cov [...]nant thereof; and so all bel [...]eving parents, and their infants, though reb [...]llious by nature, should all receive the same precious pri [...]il [...]ges and p [...]rogatives as were granted to Abraham and his infa [...]ts in whom the Lord did Evangelically declare that all the families of the earth should be blessed Gen. 12.3. Gal. 3.8, 9.; Gen. 17. Exod. 12.48. and [...]o this Christ Jesus alluded when he applyed the Gospel to Zacheus his familie, house or houshold, saying, This day is salvation come to this house, for so much as he also is the sonne of Abraham: For the Sonne of man is come to seeke and to save [Page 17] that which was lost Luk 19, 9, 10.. And this was written for our sakes Rom. 4.23, 24.; To the intent that wee should know that every believer is the childe of Abraham Gal. 3.7. & that every beleeving parent, hath the same precious priviledges, as Isaac had Gen. 17. Isa 56.; and his Infants the same precious priviledges, as Isaacs infants had Isa. 22.23, 24 Psal. 112.1, 2., who though they were by nature the Children of wrath, yet by grace they were the Children of God, in his Covenant Gen. 17.7., and his Church Exod. 12 48.; Children of the promise, counted for the l [...]d Rom. 9.8. Gen. [...]1.1 [...]., and called by his name.
Whereas you say, because there may be infants in the houshold, that thence they conclude, that infants may be baptized.
I ans. I never did heare any so conclude, from this bare argument (or may be) which you have here specified.
But to this argument you make answer, that there might be no infants there.
To which I reply, that there might be infants there; for who should controle (or forbid) the parents from keeping their owne Children, as well in infancie, as after?
Whereas you say, your Negative is as good as their Affirmative; What affirmative doe you mean? and who are the persons you here intend? If you meane the bare conclusion from infants being in the houshold, that therefore infants may be baptized; I think such an Affirmative is somewhat like your Negative, though it be not the same; but peradventure those [some others] you mention besides Seperates, were the authors hereof.
But to make your Negative as good [and more probable] then their Affirmative, which you say is without any proofe, you adde these words, For it is said, Act. 18 8. That Crispus the chiefe Ruler of the Synagogue, beleeved on the Lord, with all his houshold, and that many of the Corinthians hearing it, beleeved and were baptized. And it is said of the Gaoler, who was baptized and all his, Act. 16.32. That Paul and Sylas first preached the Word unto him, and to all that were in his house. And in the 33. verse, it is said, that he with all his houshold beleeved in God. So then (say you) it is plaine, that they first beleeved, and then were baptized; and although it be barely spoken of Pauls bapti [...]ing the houshold of Stephanus, 1 Cor. 1.16. And of the baptizing of Lydia and her houshold, Act. 16.15. yet it cannot reasonably be imagined but that he did baptize these according to the Commission, and as he did baptize the Gaoler and his house, which was first preaching to them, and bringing him and all his house to the faith, as is evident by the Text; [Page 18] and those other places which are more silent, must be expounded and understo [...]d by this which is more plaine, and not this by those.
To which I answer, that all this which you have here rehearsed, doth not prove the thing for which you brought it (to wit) that your Negative is as good and more probable then their Affirmative; I pray you, tell me, Doth any of these Scriptures tell you that there was no Infants in these families? or that (according to your former Conclusion) it is more probable, there was none, then that there was any? Surely such a thing cannot be gathered from any tittle of Scripture, or necessary consequence therefrom; neither doe these Scriptures, alledged by you, nor your following Conclusion from thence, which you have here set downe, contradict the Baptisme of Infants in the least, wherfore it will not serve your turne, to vindicate what you have said before in opposition of the truth.
That which we ought seriously to minde, is that the infants of beleeving parents, are blessed with their faithfull parents Isa. 65.23.. Their iniquities are forgiven, and their sinnes are covered Psal. 32.1, 2., and the Lord imputeth righteousnes unto them [without workes Rom. 4.6.] (as hath been proved before See pag. 3.4.6 to pag. 14. See pag. 15, 16, 17..) Wherefore wee may safely conclude, that all those infants which were then in these families, or any other (if they were the infants of one or both beleeving parents) the application of the Gospel belonged unto them, and therefore the Apostles in preaching life and salvation (and applying the promises) unto the parents, did also apply the promises unto their infants, according to the practise of God himselfe, who did not visibly seperate between the beleeving parents and their infants, but graciously accepted of them in his Covenant; And when he preached the Gospel to the parents, never did exclude, but ever did include their infants with them. And to the intent that all b [...]leeving parents might be incouraged to trust in him and relie upon him for the accomplishment of his gracious promises, which he made unto them and their Infants. The holy and blessed God repeated the same divers times, yea, and sundry times, at one and the same instant; as in Gen. 17. I will (sayth God to Abraham) make my Covenant between me and thee, and thou shalt be a father of a multitude of Nations, &c Gen. 17.2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8. See also ver. 19.21.. And I will establish my Covenant between me and thee, and thy seed after thee in their generations, for an everlasting Covenant. To be a God unto thee, and to thy seed after thee, and (againe he sayth) I will be their God. Note here how often in this one place and at this one time, he repeateth [Page 19] his Covenant, hereby to take away all doubts and suspicious objections, (which might happen (through Sathans temptations) to arise in the hearts of any of his p [...]ople, against the large extent and sufficiency of the same Covenant,) he bindeth it up with weighty words, and sentences of great consequence; yea and for further confirmation of his peoples faith (in beleeving the firmenesse of his promises, and the largenesse of his Covenant) he annexed a visible signe and seale thereof, to the intent that they might not forget his Covenant: And as beleeving Gentiles and their infants were taken into Covenant with God then, so they were to submit unto his ordinances, amongst which this same Circumcision (the signe of his Covenant Gen. 17.11., and seale of the righteousnesse of faith Rom. 4.11.) was one, which was given unto them to observe throughout their generations: for this see Gen. 17.10, 11, 12, 13, 14. And in Exod. 12.48 49. The Lord there declareth unto his people Israel, saying; And when a stranger shall sojourne with thee, and will keep the Passeover to the Lord, let all his males be circum [...]ised, and then let him come neer and keep it, and he shall be as one that is borne in the Land; for no uncircumcised person shall eat thereof. One law shall be to him that is home-borne, and unto the stranger that sojourneth among you. By this wee may see, that the Proselytes and their seed, had equall precious priviledges with the Jewes, and their seed. And so the Jewes infants and the infants of beleeving Gentiles then were not as those who were without God in the world, but were joynt-heires of the same precious promises, they had visible right, by vertue of the Covenant, to all the ordinances of God, then present, or now to come, and were to be partakers thereof, as they had capabilitie to receive the same, even according to the requiring of the Scripture. There is much then to be considered in this, that the infants of beleevers were admitted to be members of the visible Church (and to receive the signe and seale of the righteousnesse of faith, together with other priviledges) before Christ was manifested in the flesh; for Jesus Christ came not to take any priviledges from them, but gave them as great (if not greater) in stead thereof. Let us not thinke that he came into the world to take from them the types, and to bereave them both of substances and types; But rather let us conclude, that for as much as the Sonne of God (whose delight was with the sonnes of men Prov. 8.31., before he was made the sonne of man) is wisdome and truth it selfe, he came not to deceive the least members of his beloved Spouse, of the least happines [Page 20] or bl [...]ssednesse, which they formerly by right rec [...]ived and enjoyed from him. Now it was a blessedness [...] unto Gods peop e for the Lord to gave unto them outward visible signes, for the confirmation of their faith. But Circumcision of Infants, was an outward visible sig [...]e given un [...]o his people from God, for the confi [...]mation [...]f their faith G [...]n [...]7.11. R [...]m. [...].11.: Therefore it was a blessedness [...] unto them to enjoy it, amongst other blessings, and blessed priviledges.
It be [...]ng then a bless [...]dnes for the infants of beleevers to be admitted m [...]mbers of Gods visible Church, and so to have (by vertue of his Covenant) a visible right to all Gods ordinances, and to partake of them, according as they were capable (I mean in respect of a naturall capabilitie) if the same privil [...]dges are not granted (by God) to the g [...]neratio [...] of the faithfull now, it seemeth that God unloadeth his people of the blessings which he hath formerly bestowed upon them, which to affirme is contrary to the Scripture, Psal. 68.19. where David speaking of the gifts which Christ should give unto the R [...]belli [...]us, sayth, Bl ssed be the Lord, who daily loadeth us with bl [...]ssings, even the God of our salvation, Selah. Seeing then that it was such a bless [...]dness [...] for the beleeving parents, to have their infants in Gods Covenant with themselves, and to receive the signe thereof, for confirmation of their faith, and seeing that God daily loadeth his people with bl [...]ssings, then surely it cannot reasonably be imagined that God hath unloaded his people of these excellent blessings, for as much as he is alwayes one and the same. Seeing then that beleeving Jewes and Gentiles, and their infants joyntly, had this blessednes, they have the same blessednes now; their priviledges are not lessened by the comming of Christ; for he came not for any such intent and purpose, but he came to confirm the promises made with the fathers: therefore was Jesus Christ a Minister of the Circumcision for the truth of God, and so to confirme the promises made with the fathers Rom. 15.8, 9, 10, 11, 12., by fu [...]filling them; So all the promises in him are yea and Amen. And this was done also, that the Gentiles might glorifie God for his m [...]rci [...]; as it is written, For this cause I will confesse to thee among th [...] Gentiles, and [...]ng unto thy Name. And again he sayth, Rejoyce ye [...] G [...]tiles with his people. And againe; Praise Jehovah all yee Gentiles. Laud him all yee p [...]ple; for his mercy is mightie towards us, and the faithfuln [...]sse of Jehova [...] e [...]ureth for ever. Psal. 117. And againe Esay [...]s sayth, There shall be a root of Jesse, and he that shall rise to reigne o [...]er the Gentiles, and in him shall the Gentiles trust. And David saith [Page 21] in Psal. 22 28, 29 31. All the ends of the earth shall remember, and turne to Jehovah, and all families of the Heathens shall do worship before th [...]e, for to Jeho [...]ah partaines the kingd [...]me; and he is Ruler among the Na [...]ions, &c. A s [...]ed shall serve him, it shall be accounted to the Lord f [...]r a generation. Observe how the Scriptures here doe set forth the excellent ben [...]fits which appertain to a [...] the Saints in generall, and to the holy families in particular, under the flourishing time of the Gospel. Here is great occasion for the [...]aints to glorifi [...], to magnifie, to confesse, to praise, and to laud the great God of heaven and earth, who hath so far magnified his word, so strongly confirmed his promises made unto the fathers, and hath so largely extended his Gospel-pri [...]iledges unto them, and to their seed: Their seed are in the blessing; It shall (sayth David) be accounted unto the Lord for a generation. Weigh these sentences, and compare the same with Gen. 17 10 where the Lord sayd unto Abraham, Thou shalt keepe my Covenant, thou and thy seed after thee in their generations. And so it is sayd here in Psal. 22. that a seed shall serve him. Now to serve him indeed, is to keep his Covenant, and those that keep his Covenant are obedient to his lawes and ordinances, which he prescribeth; And as Abraham and his seed then were accounted of before the Lord, so are the beleeving Gentiles & their seed now; they are counted before the Lord for a generation: for time was when they were not accounted before the Lord for a generation, no reckoning was made of the Nations, they were without Christ, Eph. 2.11, 12. being aliens from the Common-wealth of Israel, and strangers from the Covenants of promise, having no hope, and without God in the world; (mistake me not, I doe not say, that the beleeving Gentiles (or Proselytes) or their infants were without Christ, or without God in the world, when God took them in his Covenant, be it far from me so to thinke! for these visible Saints were no further off then the beleeving Jewes See Gen. 17.10, 11, 12, 13, 14. Exod. 12.48.;) But the Apostle declareth that such aliens as were then without God in the world; Now God of his rich mercy hath called them unto him by repentance; and now God calling them his people, who were not his people, and m [...]king them of Lyons, Lambs, bringing them into subjection to his lawes, and to the obedience of his faith, they are holy and spirituall, 1 Cor. 7.14. and accounted as precious as Abraham and his infants were; for these Gentiles, who sometimes were far off, are made nigh by the bloud of Christ; Eph. 2.13, 14. And he hath accepted of them joyntly into his service, giving them the blessing of Abraham Gen. 12.3. Gal. 3.8.14. and his posteritie, [Page 22] accounting of them before him, as a holy generation Psal. 22.30. 1 Cor. 7.14. 1 Pet. 2.9. Rev. 1.5, 6. Isa. 19.18. &c.; Whereas before they were visibly of no account, of no estimation in the sight of God, or his people. But God of his rich mercy made them rich, yea (in generall) equally rich with the Jewes in respect both of externall and internall precious priviledges. The same God over all, (sayth the Apostle) is rich unto all that call upon him Rom 20.12. Rev. 22.14.; their riches are not lessened (or diminished) one jot, they are equailized with the riches of the Jewes; let them be bond or free, male or female, they are all one in Christ Gal. 3.28., Abrahams seed; like Zacheus Ver. 29. Luk. 19., and heires according to promise Gal. 3.29., fellow-heires, and of the same body, and partakers of his promise by the Gospel Eph 3.6.: The children of the promis [...] as Isaac was Gal 4 28., Blessed with their faithfull father Abraham Gal. 3.9.: grafted into the same stocke, and olive tree and root, from whence the unbeleeving Jewes for unbeliefe were cut off Rom. 11.19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24.; and these beleevers the Apostle concludeth are blessed by God the Father with all spirituall blessings in heavenly places in Christ Eph. 1.3.; and therefore I see no reason why the beleeving parents now (though Gentiles) should not have the like precious priviledges for their seed in infancie as their brethren and Countrimen had in former time for their seed Gen. 17.11, 12, 13. Exod. 12.48. in infancie; Yea, considering that the infants of beleevers now are able to doe, as good, great, faithfull, and acceptable service, as the infants of beleevers in the time of the Law; and that these are as capable of Baptisme [this passive Ordinance,] as those were of Circumcisio [...] [that passive Ordinance,] which was no more passive then this, and was the forerunner of this; and both that and this being in one general [...] institution, and one and the same in effect Col. 2 11, 12; we may safely beleeve and justly conclude, that the Saints infants ought to be baptized; as formerly they were Circumcised; yea, and for as much as the Apostles themselves (speaking generally of baptizing whole housholds Act. 16.15. 1 Cor 1 16.33;) never once make mention of the exempting of any of their infants; (though it be a matter of so great concernment,) how then shall we reject them? And considering that in the Scripture, by the speech of an house, familie, or houshold, infants are also implyed therein Gen. 17.23.9 10.12. & 30.25.30. & 45.10 11.18, 19 & 46 5, 6, 7. Exod. 1.1. Num. 3.15.39 Psal. 115.12, 13, 14. Luk. 19.9. Prov 31.15. 1 Tim. 5.8., (and seeing Baptisme is come in the roome of Circumcision.) If infants should not have been baptized, as formerly they were circum [...]ised, sure the Apostles, in speaking generally of baptizing housholds, would not (without exception of infants) have used such tearmes as are set downe in the old and new Testament, to include infants. Considering that then the Apostles [Page 23] had a just occasion to exclude their infants in expresse words, if any such thing should have been done. If holy infants should have been thrust out from being members of the visible Church, and from having their spirituall priviledges, as they have had heretofore; Surely, we should have found some tittle of it in the New Testament; but there is not the least shew of it, from whence wee may draw any just consequence, for dismissing them from being members of the visible Church of Christ Mr, Spilsbery saith it is a truth that the Church of the New Testament consisteth both of Jewes and Gentiles, and admits of all that beleeve and rejects none. And for the Gentiles Infants being in the same body as well as the Jews infants, this (saith he) I beleeve both alike. For this see his treatise of bapt. p. 11., and having their spirituall priviledges, as they have had heretofore.
Consider throughly, the words of Peter, how at the very preaching the Gospel of Repentance to the parents, in the application thereof, he did not barre out, but expresly mentioneth their children; and if wee doe but seriously weigh the Text, and compare it with other places of Scripture, which set forth the blessednes of the children with the parents, we may well conceive that it is meant of holy infants (as hath been formerly observed:) And as I plead for none to be baptized before they doe beleeve, so I plead for none to have the Gospel applyed unto them, before they have faith by imputation, and that is to be judged by some visible rule out of Gods Word; But, the infants of beleevers have faith by imputatiō (as is proved before) therefore (in this consideration) they are beleevers, holy, and spirituall 1 Cor. 7.14., and therefore the Gospel may be lawfully applyed unto them Mar. 10, 13, 16. Mat. 19.13, 14, 15. Luk. 18.15, 16, 17 See Luk. 1.76.; and What letteth water, that these may not be baptized, which have received the holy Spirit as well as wee Acts 10.47.; As for actuall profession, or verball demonstration of faith, God hath not required the children of beleevers to performe in their owne persons, in the time of their infancie; which thing though they are not able to doe, yet they are in the faith of Christ, and shall certainly be saved, though they die in their infancie; for God will be no more wanting unto them, then to their parents Isa. 22.24. Heb. 13.8..
It is to be minded, that God (baptizing 1 Cor. 10.1, 2 many families Ex. Ps. 77.17, 19, 20) did not exempt such children from the parents, but baptized those persons that passed through the Sea, both men, women, and children, young and old. And so in the middest of their afflictions, by this Oracle, gave these faithfull Heb. 11.29. persons a glimpse of that which should be in the dayes of the Messias, where one element, and passive ordinance, should be generall for all his precious Saints, both young and old. So the Apostles baptizing many families, did not omit their infants; neither can wee finde in all the New Testament, that ever the [Page 24] infants of the faithfull are exempted, in expresse words, nor can it be gathered by necessary consequence. The Apostle Peter maketh the Baptisme in the Arke equivolent with our Baptisme now 1 Pet 3.20, 21.; And Paul declared that he would not have the beleeving Corinthians ignorant 1 Cor. 10.1, 2, that God baptized his Church then, which consisted of many families, in which there were many infants, who were the approoved subjects of Circumcision Exod. 12.48. Jos. 5.2, 5, 7., and of that Baptisme then; And therfore Baptisme now, being a [generall] ordinance, [yea and alwayes [more generall] in the administration, then Circumcision ever was] yea, and it being given to all the visible members of Christs body Mat. 28.19, Mar. 16.16., (amongst whom the infants of beleeving parents are no small number Zach. 8.5. Luke 18.15, 16, 17. Isa. 22.24.,) they ought to be baptized, both male, and female, thereby to set forth the excellent benefits which they have by Christ.
A. R.A Third [argument] of theirs (say you) is from 1 Cor. 7.14. where it is said, Else were your Children uncleane, but now are they holy: Pag. 3. l. 39, to pag. 4. l. 3. Whence (you say) they thus reason; If the Children of beleeving parents be holy, (that is to say, in the new Covenant) then they may have the seales of the Covenant, and be baptized. To which I adde this argument, both for explanation, and confirmation of the former.
All those persons whom wee ought to judge to have the invisible Seale (even the holy Spirit of promise, Eph. 1.13.) ought to be esteemed spiritually holy, and in the new Covenant, and ought to be baptized Act. 10.47. Mat. 28.18, 19 Mar. 16.15, 16, Act. 10.47. But the infants of (one or both) beleeving parents, ought to be esteemed to have the invisible Seale, even the holy Spirit of promise 1 Cor. 7.13, 14. Exod. 12.48. Luke 18.15, 16, 17. John. 3.5. A. R., 1 Cor. 7.13, 14. Therefore the infants of (one or both) beleeving parents, ought to be judged spiritually holy, and in the new Covenant, and ought to be baptized.
Your Reasons that they are not in the new Covenant, are
Pag. 4. l. 22, 23. Pag 4 l. 3, 4, 5. to l. 13.First, Because there is now but one Covenant on foot, which is a covenant of grace and salvation.
Secondly, Because there is but one manner of entering and being in that Covenant.
Thirdly, That there is but one holinesse now acceptable with God, which is inward, spirituall, &c.
To which I answer, that the like you may say of the members of the visible Church, which doe actually and verbally professe faith. As if you should say thus unto them; There is but one new Covenant [Page 25] now on foot, therefore you (beleevers) are not in it.
This reason is threed-bare.
Secondly, There is but one manner of entering and being in that Covenant, therefore you are not of that Covenant! This is as poor as the other.
Thirdly, Because there is no holinesse accepted with God, but that which is inward, spirituall, and in truth &c. Therefore you beleevers are not in the new Covenant, nor ought to be baptized! Is not this mad kind of reasoning? But to performe that which you promised, you should have proved, that the infants of beleevers are not spiritually holy, nor never did, or can enter in the new covenant, and then I would have said, you had done somewhat like to that you tooke upon you to doe, but instead of taking awa [...] [...]he position, that infants are holy and in the new covenant, you tell us, that there is but one covenant; the manner of entering into it and abiding in it but one; the holinesse now acceptable with God to be but one; To which I further answer, that though a person be not holy [internally,] nor under the new covenant [in Gods secret acount] yet [in our acount] he is to be esteemed to be in the new covenant. An hypocrite may make a glorious shew, yea and seeme in outward acts of obedience to goe further then a true Saint, 1 Cor. 13. He may give his goods to the poore and his body to be burned, and yet want love.
Ob. But peradventure you will aske how then we must judge of an hypocrite?
An. Surely, as the faithfull Disciples of Christ judged of Judas; Judas had, a Saint-ship, an Apostle-ship, and a Deacon-ship Mat. 10.1, 2, 4, 16. Matk. 3.14.19. & 6.7, 12, 13. Luke 9.1.10 Iohn. 12.4.5, 6 & 13.29., Symon Magus also had an [outward] Saint-ship Act. 8.12.13 upon him; An hypocrite (or saint outwardly) (I say) must be judged to be as a [true] Saint is, till he be discovered to us; for though God know the heart, yet wee doe not, though he see invisibly, we cannot; We must judge of invisible things, by visible demonstrations. Some men may creep in, and make a [faire] shew outwardly for a while, yea and a great while, and yet be hypocrites, but tell they are discovered to be evill, what man can poynt them out, and say from his own knowledge that they are not under the new covenant.
A persō that offers to joyn himself to a particular Church of Christ, and [not only by his verball confession, but by his life and conversation] apeareth unto them to be an out-side Christian, (they knowing [Page 26] nothing by him but good) if they refuse him, it is their sinne; though all which he doth (outwardly) is fained.
A humane creature though he have the wisdom & knowledg of Angels, yet can he not know what is in man, none (I say) knoweth this but only the man Christ; wherefore it is apparent that though none are by us to be esteemed spiritually holy but those that are outwardly in the same new covenant in which the visible Church is; yet all the members therein ought so to be estemed, till they are seen to degenerate.
And moreover, I would have you to know, that God doth not only accept of our inward performances, but of our very words, yea of all externall holy performances, in his worship and service, if they be done according to his will; so David saith, L [...] the [words of my mouth] and the meditations of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight Psal. 19.14.; So that though all our worship and service unto God, ought to be spirituall, and done in spirit, and in truth, yet, God hath not bound us to doe it only internally, Holinesse both inward and outward is accepted of God. and not externally also; yea, for as much as he hath made us bodies, as well as soules and spirits, therefore he doth require outward performances of us, as well as inward Mat. 28.20. Rev. 1.3.11. Zach. 14.16, 17, 18, 19. Luke 22.19, 20, but when his saints are not capable; God then doth accept of them neverthelesse, and imputeth Christ righteousnesse unto them notwithstanding their naturall weaknesse; Let them (while they are capable) keep themselves unsported, and doe that which God requireth, and then (when they are no more capable to know or do any spirituall action) they are still not only knowne of God, 1 Cor. 5.3. & 6.1, 2, 3, 4, 5 20. & 16.1.2. Act. 1.26. & 2.42. Iam 2.18. but beloved of Christ, and sanctified by the holy Sprit; for though they cannot apprehend Gods working in them, yet God can tell how he worketh in them, and saveth them [by the imputation of Christs righteousnesse Ps. 3 2.2. Rom. 4.6.;] And after this manner doth God worke in the Infants of beleevers: So long as they are not capable, he doth not require them to act but to suffer, as holy infants in former time suffered, not only the administration of his passive ordinance Gen. 17.14, 23 Ios of circomcision, but also death Ex. 1.22. Act. 7.19. 1 Sam. 22.19. A. R. Pag. 4. l. 13. to l. 24. it selfe (for his sake) from the hands of Gods enimies.
But your inference from your foregoing reasons is; That if beleevers childeren be in the covenant, and have this true holinesse, then all the childeren of beleeving parents must be saved, as well old childeren as young, for age doth not make them cease from being their childeren. But all the childeren of beleevers are not saved, no not of faithfull Abraham [Page 27] himselfe, according to that known sentence of the Prophet Isaiah. 10.21. Repeated by Saint Paul Romans. 9.27. Though the number of the childeren of Israel be as the sand of the sea, yet but a remnant of them shall be saved: Therefore the childeren of beleevers are not in the covenant now on foot, nor ought to be baptized.
To which I Ans. That beleevers children are in the covenant, is true; but that [all] the childeren of [all] beleevers are in the covenant, is not true, but all their holy infants are, and ought so to be judged, & accounted euen in the state of salvation, as wel as the greatest verball professors of the faith of Christ, and all these infants of beleeving parents that live till they come to yeares of discretion, are still to be acounted holy and spirituall, except they apostate.
Now though the Scripture declareth that a remnant shall be saved, yet we are directed, by the rule of Gods Word, to judge, that beleeving parents, and their seed that doe not degenerate, are of this remnant. But the childeren of beleevers in their infancie have not power actually to degenerate from the righteous steps of their holy parents. But ould childeren may possibly. So Ishmael [when he was an infant] was not a mocker neither was Cain [in his infancie] a murtherer: but when they came to yeares, and acted these wickednesses, they were for the same cast out, the one from communion with the familie of Adam Gen.; the other from the familie of Abraham Gen. 21.9.10..
And as you reason here against beleevers infants being in the new Covenant, because you know not absolutely whether they shall be saved. So you may reason against the parents themselves, though they are members of the visible Church, and also as well plead against every verball professor, that is, a visible member of the same body.
Thus, All you which seem to be beleevers, are a people which have indeed taken upon you the profession of the great name of God, and have given up your selves unto him, to walke in all his wayes, and say, you have taken hold of Gods Covenant, and have covenanted together to become an entire body, City, House, Temple, Garden, Vineyard, &c. unto God, whom you suppose to be your builder and planter, &c. So you thinke your selves to be his holy people, his bride by marriage, his peculiar treasure, in covenant with him, &c, But alas! you are much deceived, you thinke your selves to be in a holy and happie estate, in Covenant with God, and that you have right to his Ordinances, but it is not so. For, then [Page 28] it will follow, That if you beleevers [members of this visible Church] be in the Covenant, and have this true holinesse, then every member of you must be saved as well old as young, &c. But all the members of the visible Church are not saved [no, not of the Christian Church in the Apostles time, for divers of them perished, as Judas Iscareot, [ one of the Lambs 12 Apostles] and Simon Magus: Therfore, though you profess faith, you are not in the Covenant now on foot, nor ought to be baptised.
If this be a good and sufficient ground, or reason, to prove the parents not to be in the new Covenant, nor to be baptized, then the same reason is of force, against the infants of beleevers, to prove them also not to be in the new Covenant, nor to be baptized. But this is very weak, against such parents, Therefore it is of no force, against their infants.
Seeing it is so, you may plainly perceive that I have just ground to except against your conclusiō, Pag. 4 l. 22, 23 that because all the children of beleevers are not saved, Therefore the infants of beleevers are not in the Covenant now on foot, nor ought to be baptized.
Such an excuse as this might as well have served informer time for the children of Israel, that they might not onely have neglected Circumcision, but also, all other Ordinances: But such arguing bringeth large liberty tending to Athisme, destruction, and ruination of the foundation of Christian Religion.
Rom. 3.1, 2, 3, 4.But what saith Paul, (when he declareth that the Jewes had the Oracles of God committed unto them) what if some did not believe, shall their unbeliefe make the faith of God of none effect, God forbid, yea, let God be true, and every man a lyar, &c.
The Apostasie of Cain, could not hurt Adam, nor hinder Abel from eternall life. For though Cain and his seed perished, yet God was still good unto his Church, unto Israel, to those that were of an upright heart.
Furthermore, for to maintain errour, you bring errour, false things, to prove a falshood, (like two false witnesses that stand one for another,) for, to prove your own false affirmation, that infants are not in the Covenant outwardly, nor have that holinesse whereby to be admitted now to the outward ordinance of baptisme, as infants were then to Circumcision in the time of the Law, and state of the Jews.
You say, That the state or Church of the Jews, were under the old Covenant and Law, Pag. 4. l. 29. and stood not by faith and circumcision of the heart, (as this Church of the Gospel doth) but stood meerly upon nature and circumcision [Page 29] of the flesh, and accordingly had their outward and fiderall holinesse, and outward cleansings, all which are abolished with that state, and no such holinesse or distinction is now between any persons in the world, as (you say) shall be further declared by and by.
To which I answer, That the Church of the Jews were in the old Covenant and Law, is true, But that they stood not by faith and circumcision of the heart, as this Church of the Gospel doth, but stood meerly upon nature and circumcision of the flesh, is not true, for the Church of the Jewes had the new covenant Mr. Spilsbery granteth the Covenant made with Abraham, and the Covenant now to be the same in substance. See his treatise, pag. 8 line. 10. that was confirmed to Abraham Gen. 17. Gal. 3.16, 17. before, of God in Christ, which covenant the Law which was foure hundred and thirty yeares after could not disanull that it should make the promise of none effect*.
The Jewes were Gods holy speciall Deut. 7.6. and peculiar & 26.18.19. people, who were not constituted of a visible mixt multitude of (prophane persons, and holy beleevers and Infidels,) good and bad together & 29.18. & 32.9.12. Esay. 5.1, 2., but were a people called & 41.1, 2. & 43.1.7. Mat. 12.2.13., and separated Ps. 135.4. & 148.14. & 125.2. Deut. 33.29. & 14.1, 2 from other Nations, God brought them out of Egypt Ex. 12.41.42, and baptized them in the cloud, and in the sea 1 Cor. 10.1, 2 and went before them, by day in a pillar of cloud, and by night in a pillar of fire Ex. 13.21, 22, and at the great and victorious deliverance which they had over the Egyptians, they beleeved his Words, and sang his praise Ex 15.1. Ps. 106.12., then God led them through the wildernesse Ex. 15.22., and made the bitter waters sweet for them ver. 25., that they might trust in him who healed them v. 26.; and he fed them with Manna, which neither they nor their fathers knew, to the intent that they might know, that man could not live by bread only, but by every word of God Deut. 8.3., and he made the flinty rock a fountain of waters Ps. 114.8. Num. 20.8.11, that they thereby might quench their thirst: Yea, The Lord came from mount Synay, and rose up from Seir, unto them, he shined forth from mount Paran, and he came with ten thousands of his Saints, from his right hand went a fiery Law, yea, he loved the people Deut 33.2, 3, they were therefore to trust stedfastly in God, the sword of their excellencie ver, 29., and to look continually for eternall life of him, and cleave unto him & 10.20. who was their life and the length of their dayes & 30.19, 20., whom they were commanded to fear and to love, and to serve, with all their heart, and with all their soule Deut. 10.12., so the Lord was with them, & they with him, and as he had commanded them, so they were still to be a holy people to the Lord their God, even as he was holy Levit. 11.44. & 19.2. & 20.7..
By all which it appeares that there was a manifest difference put between them and the prophane of the world, as is between Christ and Antichrist.
In brief, as their Church was the Church of Christ See Cant. and the Covenant Rev. 21.3. which they had Gal. 3.16, 17. the Covenant of Christ, so the Commandement Deut. 30.11.12, 13, 14. Rom. 10.6, 7, 8, 9, 10. (or word) which was not hid from them was the Gospel, (which they were not to enquire after, as though it were some strange thing afar off, or beyond the seas, &c. for it was nigh unto them, in their mouth and in their heart, that they might doe it) even the Gospel of Christ, the same word of faith which Paul preached; yea, further they had not onely the Gospel of Christ, but Christ himselfe, his presence, in a speciall manner amongst them, though he were not then manifested in the flesh. Esay. 63 9.
Wherefore I would have you to consider, and revoke those rash speeches, that this heavenly society and blessed fraternity, stood not by faith but meerly upon nature and circumcision of the flesh.
It is an infidelious opinion to judge them to be Infidels (in the Jewes state) whom God did so call and separate, which had his Oracles and Ordinances, whom he called his holy people, his chosen Deut. 10.15. and peculiar people Cap. 14.2., his beloved ones Cap 7.7.8., to whose seed he promised life as to themselves Cap. 30.19.20 whose hearts he promised to circumcise, as also the hearts of their seed Deut 30.6. (as he hath promised to his people in the last dayes;) which thing, circumcision of the flesh was to teach them, it being the signe Gen 17.11. and seal Rom. 4 11. Col. 2.11, 12. of the righteousnesse of faith, as baptisme is now. And this you may minde also, that though the rebellious seed of Abraham (according to the flesh) were rejected Esay. 2.6.9, yet the strangers that joyned to the Lord were still received Esay 56.3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8., wherefore this is a plain evidence, that they stood by the grace and life of God and Christ, and circumcision of the heart, for the cause why God rejected some of the circumcised seed of Abraham according to the flesh, was, because they were uncircumcised in heart Ier. 9.25, 26., and therefore the Lord threatned to visite them (and did visit them) with the uncircumcised in flesh.
Wherefore it appeareth, that without faith and circumcision of the heart they could not stand at all.
And the Scripture saith, that the unbeleeving Jewes were cut off for unbeliefe, and that those that stand doe stand by faith, and therefore are admonished not to be high minded but fear Rom. 11.20., and take heed v 21. and continue in the beautifulnesse of God v. 22., and that the unbeleeving Jewes also if they abide not in unbeliefe, shall be grafted in again v. 23..
Wherefore it appeareth, that as unbeliefe was the cause why the unbeleeving Jewes were cut off from the olive tree, whereon they [Page 31] were, so unbeliefe was the bar, which kept them off, for if they abide not in unbeliefe, they shall be grafted in again; and this proveth that their standing was never to be otherwise but by faith and circumcision of the heart.
Neither are we to thinke, that the giving of the Law at mount Sinai, or the ceremonies which the Jewes then had to lead them to Christ, or any of Gods Oracles being committed unto them, or any persons groundlesse departing from the State, doth argue that the constitution of the same Church was, as you would have it taken to be; Neither did their circumcision of the flesh argue that they stood not by faith, and circumcision of the heart, no more then the outward baptisme doth now argue, that the Saints now, stand not by faith, and the inward baptisme of the heart and spirit, but meerly upon nature and baptisme of the flesh.
But you should know; that as it is not possible to please God now without faith Heb. 11.6., no more was it then Psal. 50.18.. In the time of the Law, God abhorred his own Ordinances if they were not done in faith Isa. 1.13, 14..
And as faith gave Abraham the denomination of Gods friend, (the righteousnesse of which faith, Circumcision was a seal Rom. 4.11.;) so none were ever esteemed as the holy people, the sonnes and daughters and friends of God, but those that were made nigh unto him by the promise of Christ, and by faith, and circumcision of the heart.
And you should know, that the Jewes had not outward spirituall holinesse visibly imputed unto them meerly because they were the children of Abraham, but because Abraham their Father and they his children were the children of God, and their childrens children were in Covenant, and so they were the children of the promise as Isaack was, and blessed with their Father Abraham.
And this may further appeare unto you, because when any of the seed of Abraham (according to the flesh) did degenerate, their rejection was not for (or because) that they were the children of Abraham; but because they had taken upon them the image of Satan, and so degenerated from the steps of Abraham, and thereby became the children of Belial.
And as we may say concerning these Hebrews, so we may say concerning the Heathens, when any of the Gentiles, (or Heathens) became Prosolites, their childeren that were at yeares of discretion were not to be circumcised, unlesse they were willing to enter into [Page 32] covenant with God, and to take upon them the Lords yoake, and fight under his banner; Howbeit, whether they were circumcised or not, they were still the Prosolytes children, according to the flesh.
But concerning the infants of the Prosolytes, there was no questioning of them, they were to be circumcised (being in the covenant with their parents,) and yet not circumcised because they were their childeren by nature, but because they were in the same covenant with their holy parents, and so they were the childeren of God by his free Grace.
And the Scripture doth evidently declare that none were to be admitted into the Church of the Jewes, but believing Hebrews, and Prosolytes, and their holy seed. By all this it apeareth that the members of the Jewes state had a spirituall holinesse upon them, and stood no otherwise but by faith, and circumcision of the heart. And were not as those who were neither beleeving Jewes, nor Prosolytes; Aliens from the Common-wealth of Israel, without hope, without God in the world, without Christ, and strangers from the covenants of promise. But the Church of the Jewes, (the Lor [...]s peculiar people) were made nigh unto God by the bloo [...] of Jesus Christ, which was then to be shed; and is now shed for the remission of their sins, and their reconciliation to God the father, and his blessed spirit.
And whereas you say that the state or Church of the Jews is abollished.
I tell you, I am not bound to beleeve that God abollished his Chu [...]ch state whereof David, Solomon, Hezekias, Josias, and the holy Prophets and righteous men were members, such a Church at the constitution whereof there was no prophane person, to be admitted, or any root beating gall or wormwood to be suffered, but if you thinke that God changed the state in the daies of the Messias his manifestation in the flesh, and made it more glorious, Even as the Moone is said to be changed when shee hath run her course, but remaineth still the same Moone, though more glorious then before, this I would rather beleeve then that.
And touching your speech of the abolishing of the other things. If you mean an abolishing of all the beggarly rudiments, taking away the Elimentish part of some Ordinances, and planting other materialls in stead thereof; then I grant it; But be sure that you stick to this, that Christ came not to deceive the Infants of beleeving [Page 33] parents, to take away the substance of the Ordinances, but rather the yoakes which cleaved thereunto; which circumstantiall things, he nayled to his Crosse, in token that those who rightly and truely enjoyed them before, were now benefited without them, and were to have, through a generall distribution, an equall proportionable share, and right, to whatsoever came in stead thereof.
Now let us consider, that if the infants of beleevers, (members of the Church of the Jews) were not then aliens from the Common wealth of Israel, nor without hope, nor without God in the world. They were not then without Christ, neither were they Strangers from the Covenants of Promise Eph. 2.12..
But the Infants of beleevers (who were members of the Church of the Jewes,) were not aliens from the Common wealth of Israel Gen. 17.7. Deut. 29.10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15.18. Exod. 12.48, 49., nor without hope, nor without God in the world.
Therefore such holy Infants were not then without Christ, neither were they strangers from the covenants of promise.
Now, for as much as the Infants of beleevers were not without Christ, nor aliens from the Common wealth of Israel, nor strangers from the Covenants of promise, nor without hope, nor without God in the world. They were such as were made nigh by the bloud of Christ See Eph 2.13., whose bloud was then to be shed, and is powred out for them; and therefore we may safely conclude, that the holy infants are not loosers by his coming. And therefore [seeing the New Covenant is not abolished] it evidently appeareth that the Infants of beleevers now are in the new Covenant, because the Infants of beleevers were in the same New Covenant before. And this agreeth with the words of the Apostle Paul, 1 Cor. 7.14. Else were your children uncleane, but now are they holy; for the Apostle there speaketh to beleevers, and of a holinesse in relation to their faith, and to the covenant they were in.
And though you said, the old Covenant is abolished, yet you grant that the New covenant is not abolished but remaineth; Wherefore you must of necessitie be driven to grant also, that the infants of beleevers are in the new Covenant, because they were of it before, and the New covenant remaineth permanent.
Thus having taken away the foundation of your Arguments which you brought (against holy Infants being in the Covenant) you may justly expect, that all which is builded upon the same sandy foundation, will fall to the ground.
Pag. 4. li. 37.Your next words are these which follow; There being the new covenant now on foote, which is a covenant of grace and salvation, and which brings certaine salvation to all those that rightly enter into it, and which is onely by faith. Hence it is said, Act. 2.47. That the Lord added to the Church daily such as should be saved.
Ans. That the new Covenant is now on foot, and that it is the covenant of grace, and salvation, and brings it to all those which rightly enter into it in deed and in truth, is not by me denied. And that the enterance is onely by faith, is very true. But mind this, that there is an externall right, and an internall right. We [finite creatures] must judge of the tr [...]e by the fruit Mat. 12.33. Luke 6.44., of the faith by the workes Jam. 2.18, 19; Judas had no internall right, for he was a devill Joh. 6.70, 71 inwardly, yet he had an externall right, for he was a Saint outwardly Act. 1.17.; But so long as he was not known to be a wicked man, but still made a great outward shew of holinesse, they were to judge him righteous; But when he manifested evill fruits, of treachery and hypocrisie, then they were to alter their former charitable opinion of him; And though he had (not onely an outward Saintship, but also) an Apostle-ship, and a Deaconship before; yet when he Apostated, that man who was before to be accounted a Saint and an Angel on earth, was afterward to be esteemed as a devill. And so the like may be said concerning other wicked men. Psal 41.9, 10. Psal. 69.25, 26, 27, 28. Set thou in office over him the wicked one (saith holy David Psal. 109.6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, [20.]) and let the Adversary stand at his right hand. When he shall be judged, let him be condemned: and let his prayer become sinne. Let his dayes be few, and another take his office. [Act. 1.20.] Let his children be fatherlesse, and his wife a widow. Let his children be continually vagabonds, and begge. Let them seeke their bread also out of their desolate places. Let the extortioner catch all that he hath: and let the stranger spoyle his labour. Let there be none to extend mercy unto him: neither let there be any to favour his fatherlesse-children. Let his posteritie be appointed to cutting off; & in the generation next after, let his name be wiped out: Let the iniquitie of his [fathers] be remembred of Jehovah; and let not the sinne of his mother be wiped out. Let them be before Jehovah continually; that he may cut off the memorie of them from the earth, &c.
Now that the Lord added to his Church daily such as should be saved, is certaine; but here we are to note, that this Church in Jerusalem, was a visible particular Church. And that (as far as men could judge) all those were to be saved that in outward appearance were rightly added to the same, or to any other particular Church of [Page 35] the same constitution; And though the Lord added to his Church daily such as should be saved; yet wee are not to determine that all that joyned to a particular Church were saved, yea though they were added rightly according to order, in an externall way. Judas was of the visible Church, yea of that Church whereof these were members, and yet wee will not say that he is saved. Persons may be saved which are of no visible particular Church; And persons may be of a true visible particular Church of Christ, and yet Apostate; and not be saved, any more then Judas, who fell finally, as other reprobates doe, though never so eminent in the Church. Howbeit, we will not say that any fall away, from the grace of Gods secret election, but from an outward sanctification, it is possible that elected persons may for a time fall; yet not without great sinne, no more then the temporary falling away of the incestuous person in the Church of Corinth, and others also, which the Scripture maketh mention of, who were the deare Saints of God, yet (for a time) fell from their stedfastnesse.
But now I will examine your reasons what they are, whereby you say Pag. 4. lin. 41 Pag. 5. lin. 1, 2, That the holinesse of children here, is not meant of any holinesse in relation to any Church-covenant.
First, (say you Pag. 5. lin. 3. to lin. 9.,) That which is an effect of regeneration, is not brought to passe by generation (though the parents be holy) but to be of the covenant or kingdome, is the proper effect of regeneration, Joh. 3.3. without which none can see it (much lesse be of it) or enter into it; therefore it cannot be brought to passe by generation, though the parents are holy.
Ans. That regeneration is brought to passe by generation, I will not affirme; The infants of beleevers are regenerated [before they are borne] this you cannot justly deny; for Jeremie and John Baptist were sanctified in the wombe; and the priviledges of beleevers are alike precious; Not that it commeth by the means of their naturall birth, or generation after the flesh; but by the Spirit of regeneration; howbeit, it is a certaine truth, that the Saints generation, doth not hinder regeneration [in any of them:] Generation doth not worke regeneration, but generation causeth distinctiō of persons, that what was one in the root, is become more in the branches; or what was one in such a branch growing on such a roote, bringeth forth other branches, Abrahams holy action was Levies by imputation. See Heb. 7.9. or (as it were) little sprigges, who are in a growing condition (or in a way of thriving) so long as they are borne up and receive nourishment [Page 36] from the roote. And this division, or distinction, by way of derivation, doth not simply make qualities contra-distinct and opposit one to the other, or break the conjunction or contraction between them, or take away the vertue of the roote from them. For Abrahams act of obedience which he did before Levi was an infant, was imputed unto Levi afterward, which act was an act of obedience, even a fruit of faith, which cannot be without the Spirit.
Now when Levi was borne, should they have sayd, that he was an unregenerated Infant? Nay, rather it may be thought that they esteemed as well of Levi (in his infancie) as Eve did of Seth in his infanci [...], when Seth was borne, shee did not say, God hath sent mo [...] a young Heathen (or Canite) (though the seed of Caine was hers by generation) but (saith shee) The Lord hath sent mee [another seed] in stead of [Abel] whom Caine slew. Marke now, shee did not say, in stead of Caine, or in stead of Caines infants, (which did indeed spring naturally from Adams loynes,) but in stead of [Abel] (saith shee,) Therefore (I say) it is apparent, that (though generation did not worke regeneration yet) shee beleeved in God, and had so much faith, [...] to put a reall difference between Apostates, and those who were not Apostated, but were spiritually holy: And in that it is said that Seth was in stead of Abel, it is a plaine Argument, that as Abel was in the Covenant, and as Abel was a member of the Church, so was Seth, according to his name, so was he set (or appointed) instead of Abel; for the saying imports that he took the roome of Abel, as when one plant is removed out of a fruitfull soyle, and another planted in stead thereof.
And seeing God refuseth not the bodies of his Saints, but accepteth of them in his gracious Covenant (though they are generated persons) it plainly argueth that generation doth not hinder regeneration. And therefore it appeareth that this your reason (concerning generation and regeneration) is of no force against the holy Children spoken of in 1 Cor. 7.14. but rathe [...] maketh for them, as shall be further made to appeare. And all which you have said here doth not prove that the holinesse of children there, is not meant of any holines in relation to any Church-Covenant, which is the thing for which you brought it.
The Infants of beleevers are visibly holy in relation to faith, and the holy Covenant. The unbeleeving yoak-fellowes abiding with their be le [...] ving yoak fellowes, are sanctified by them for this end; Else were their [Page 37] Children uncleane, but now are they holy. So sayth the holy Apostle Paul, (1 Cor. 7.14.) Your children are holy, that is to say, the children of you beleevers, (in Covenant with your God) they are the children of the Covenant, differing from those children that are unholy and out of the Covenant.
But against this you argue, that what is an effect of regeneration, is not brought to passe by generation (though the parents be holy.) And I suppose, that those Merit-mongers (keeping still to their principles) may beleeve the contrary, I meane such Merit-mongers, who (against the Gospel of free-grace) do labour vehemently to shut out all beleevers infants from the new Jerusalem, Rev. 22.14, 15. and so doe in their conceptions rank them with dogs and whoremongers without, and judge them not to be in the Covenant, or regenerated (because they have not a naturall capabilitie, to discerne, apprehend, and both actually & verbally professe faith, in their own persons;) yea, they judge all infants to be visibly in one condition (and out of the Covenant in visibilitie) without putting any visible distinction between the Infants of the Church, and the Infants out of the Church. But if that which is an effect of regeneration, were to be brought to passe by generation, they might with some colour of truth, ranke them all in one visible estate, (considering that they are all generated.) And then there had been no weight in the Apostles speech concerning this matter; But we are to know that the Apostle had good reason for what he sayd; The Master of spirits was his instructor, whose words are not to be wrested and perverted, and so made of none effect, but are discreetly to be observed, and faithfully obeyed. And though some doe despise the Lords vessells of small quantitie, even holy infants, the young Olive plants of beleeving parents, esteeming them unregenerated, yet wee are taught to esteeme highly of them, and to honour them as the precious Saints, whom the most high God hath regenerated, and seperated to himselfe, as his peculiar treasure, who are justified, and sanctified, and saved by him; and therefore ought to be sealed unto him by Baptisme, as such holy Infants in the time of the Law were sealed unto him by Circumcision.
And you your selfe doe grant, that to be of the Covenant or Kingdome, is the proper effect of regeneration, Joh 3.3. without which none can see it, (much lesse be of it.)
Consider what you say; for here you must confesse, that (seeing all that see the kingdom of God are regenerated) either the Infants [Page 36] [...] [Page 37] [...] [Page 38] of beleevers (which die in their infancie) are regenerated, or else that they shall never see the Kingdome of God, much lesse be of it; But Christ hath testified that the kingdome of heaven consisteth of such, and therefore wee may safely conclude, that though they die in their infancie, yet they shall see the kingdome of God; and therefore it appeareth, that they are regenerated.
What will you say now, in answer to your argument; seeing it maketh not against holy infants, but for them? Surely you will denie that they have any of the effects of regeneration, or else you will denie your owne argument! or the Scripture of God, (which declareth that they are in covenant,) or else confesse, that the infants of beleevers are to be accounted holy persons, in covenant with God, and heires of his heavenly Kingdome, according as the holy Scripture teacheth us: one of these you will doe, if silence prevent you not.
Moreover, I know not how you take the beeing in the Covenant or Kingdome; there is a two-fold beeing therein, to wit, externall, and internall, outward, and inward; visible, and invisible, (as I observed before, concerning persons enterance into the Church.)
Act. 8.13. Simon Magus beleeved, and was rightly baptized with the outward Baptisme, therefore by consequence, he was visibly in the Covenant, even outwardly, and externally; He was an elected Saint, so far as men could or were to judg then at that present time, though his heart was not upright in the sight of God; and therefore he was not of Gods Kingdome, nor in the new Covenant in Gods secret account, nor regenerated, no more then Judas Iscariot, though the Apostles themselves esteemed never so highly of him. But the Infants of beleevers are visibly in the Covenant. And wee are to judge all that are in the Covenant visibly, to be elected, regenerated, sanctified, heires of righteousnesse, children of God, and of his heavenly Kingdome, till they appeare unto us, either by some visible demonstration of their owne, or evident manifestation of others, or testification of Gods, not to be that which before wee were to judge them to be.
O minde this well, that Secret things belong unto the Lord our God, Deut. 29.29. but those things which are revealed, belong unto us and to our Children for ever.
Secondly, (say you Pag. 5. lin. 9. to lin. 19.) Contradictions cannot be the effect of one and the selfe-same Covenant, in one and the selfe-same respect; but for one parent to be a beleever, that is, of the Church, when the other parent is not, to produce a holy seed, (that is) in the Covenant, 1 Cor. 7.14. And for the other parents, to be one a Jew, and the other a Babylonian; the one a member of the Church, the other not, to produce an unholy seed (that is) out of the Covenant, and to be put away, both wife and all borne by her; as Ezra 10.3. (you say) is a contradiction in one and the selfe-same respect. Therefore it cannot be the effect of one and the selfe-same Covenant.
Ans. That is a contradiction which is opposed to a contrary thing, as light is to darknesse. And that is an effect which floweth from a Cause or ground.
The ground why God gave Abraham the signe and seale of his righteousnesse, was Abrahams faith, in beleeving Gods Covenant; For Abraham had first the Covenant, and faith to lay hold upon it, and afterward the seale thereof. The ground why Abraham did administer Circumcision (Gods holy signe and seale of the righteousnesse of his faith) was faith, in beleeving the firmenesse of Gods promise, Rom. 4.11. and the effectuall power and efficacie of the Ordinance of Circumcision; which (Circumcision) had the denomination of the Covenant it self Gen. 17.10., because it was a signe thereof. Ver. 11. I say, Abrahams action of Circumcision was done in faith, otherwise it had been sinne unto him Rom. 14.23.. But he added unto his faith this vertue, (this effect of the New covenant) to yeeld obedience unto God, in performance of this holy Ordinance upon his infants, according to Gods appointment.
Baptisme (being come in the roome of Circumcision) though it be more generall, yet it hath an equivolence with Circumcision; Col. 2.11, 12. Wherefore (it being not contradictory thereunto, but sealing up one and the same Covenant of life.) As Circumcision was to be administred upon the infants of beleevers in former time, so Baptime is to be administred upon the infants of beleevers now.
Now though every contradiction, argueth a difference, yet every difference, maketh not a contradiction. But to restraine (or lessen) the priviledges of the Saints (under the Gospel) is not onely to make one Covenant contradictory to another, but also the New covenant contradictory to it selfe, which is not of a fading nature, but of a flourishing nature, and hath flourished, (and doth flourish) more under the Gospel, then it did under the Law.
Wherefore if you doe conceive, that 1 Cor. 7.14. is of a lesser extent then Ezra 10.3. you are mistaken; but if you will say. 1 Cor. 7.14. is of a larger extent. Wherefore have you brought Ezra 10.3. to unfold it? Except it be to prove forcibly hereby (against your selfe,) how that all beleevers infants generally of what Nation soever, have greater priviledges now, since Christs death, then they have had heretofore.
As for the second part of your Argument (considering that it wanteth explanation one way, and proofe another way) it will not stand you in any stead, to prove what you would have it prove, (to wit) that the holinesse spoken of (1 Cor. 7.14.) is not a holinesse in relation to any Church-Covenant.
Indeed, if you had set it downe thus; That for one parent to be a beleever, and the other an unbeleever, to produce a holy seed in covenant, and the same parents remaining in the same estate without alteration, to bring forth an unholy seed, and out of the Covenant; is a contradiction in one and the selfe-same respect. Or thus. For one parent to be a beleever, and another parent to be an unbeleever, to produce a holy seed. And for the like parents in the same respects, to produce an unholy seed, is a contradiction in one and the selfe-same respect. If you had reasoned thus, and so proved it, then you had done somewhat like to your undertakings, but in speaking generally of parents, in covenant, and out of covenant, without noting in particular, the difference that was between these sanctified & unbeleeving wives (mentioned in 1 Cor. 7.14) and those unbeleeving wives (mentioned in Ezra 10.3.) (who were not then sanctified to beleevers for that purpose) you even loose your selfe.
But you say, it is a contradiction in one and the selfe-same respects, and have not explaned nor declared what it is a contradiction of; whether of the New covenant, or of the old covenant, or of both covenants: Therefore declare plainly, what covenant you thinke this divorcement in Ezra to be an effect of? Was it an effect of the New covenant, or of the old? you may know, that neither covenants did allow them to marry those cursed persons. You ought also to minde, that one Israelite might be divorced from another Israelite, in the time of the Law; and this precept was granted and written them by Moses, (Deut. 24.1.) for the hardnes of their hearts, (Mat. 10.5.) But this (in Ezra 10.) was not a bare grant, but an absolute command; not barely permitted (or granted) unto them, for the hardnesse [Page 41] of their hearts, there is more in it then so. For those wicked persons in whom they formerly took delight, they were forceably to put away, & it was not left to their libertie, whether they would put them away or no, but it was an injunction layd upon them, under penaltie of Gods curse; for they perceived Gods heavie wrath was hanging over their heads, ready to seaze upon them, unlesse there were some speedy redresse.
And it evidently appeareth, that you have not well read (or considered) the Scripture, for if you had, you would soone have seen a great and weightie reason, pressing these sonnes of God to put away these daughters of men, and those unholy children borne of them, for they (in uniting themselvs thus unto them) had made thē selves one with them; yea, they had made themselves one with the abhominable Nations (as appeareth by Ezra 9.1 compared with Deut. 7.26.) An accursed thing, like the accursed thing; And did not seperate themselves from the people of these Lands, doing according to their abhominations.
And therefore there was a speciall cause why the children of those Idolaters, (in Ezra. 10.3.) should be put away, They were not visibly holy; the wives were not sanctified unto them, to bring forth a visible holy seed. The holy seed was mixed: But the Apostle saith to the beleevers, in 1 Cor. 7, 13, 14, 15. That the unbeleeving husband is sanctified by the wife, and the unbeleeving wife is sanctified by the husband; Else were your children uncleane, but now are they holy. But if the unbeleeving depart, let him depart. A brother or a sister is not under bondage in such cases, but God hath called us to peace.
Now wee are to take the holinesse and unholinesse, to be a holinesse and unholinesse in reference to visibilitie; for those that were holy visibly, might be unholy invisibly; and those that were unholy, invisibly, might be holy visibly. But the Saints of God were not to judge any holy, except they had cause so to doe, and ground of perswasion arising from some visible demonstration, either from God, or from men, according to the direction of the Word. The visible holinesse of these holy children of beleevers, here specified, arose from their visible being in covenant & from the sanctification of the unbeleeving yoak-fellows to their beleeving yoak-fellows. The spirituall uncleannes or unholines w ch the unholy children had, was in reference to visibilitie; & so when he speaketh of holy children, proceeding frō a sanctified wife, he hath reference to visibility; the unbeleevers are sanctified to the beleevers, [Page 42] els were the children unclean, but now are they holy; to wit, in visibilitie; for the ground of the childrens visible holinesse was, first, from the parents being visibly in covenant; Secondly, from the infants being his children, against whom there was no exceptions, they being conceived by such a wife, who did not depart from him; and therfore the children are visibly holy; Thus when the Vines are visibly of the Vine of Sodome and of the feilds of Gomorrha, the grapes are visibly the grapes of gall, and their clusters are bitter Deut. 32.32.; but when the wife is visibly as a fruitfull Vine by the house-side of him that feareth the Lord, the children are (to be estemed) as Olive plants Psa. 128.3.4.
A. R.Thirdly, (say you Pag 5. lin. 19. to lin. 35.) It appeares from the Jewish Church-state, from whence this successive holinesse and beeing in the Covenant is concluded to come. The Prosolyte that was to be brought in, was to circumcise all his males, Exod. 12.48. Where wee may conclude, that his females were included in that time in the males, there beeing (say you) no other ordinance of admission for them; Whence (you say) it will follow, that if the Jewes Church-state, from whence (you affirme) this succession of beeing in the Covenant is derived) doth not admit in any consideration of any lawfull beeing of parents, the one a member of the Church, the other not, to produce a seed within the old Covenant, that then such a thing under the new Covenant, cannot be concluded to proceed from that rule, but (you affirme) the former is true from the ground before layd, and that therefore the later is also true, and if not from that rule, then from none, But not from that by consequence of the former argument, therefore from none.
Ans. This is set downe obscurely, You say Lin. 19, 20, 21., It appeares from the Jewish state, from whence this successive holinesse and beeing in the Covenant is concluded to come? What successive holinesse? and what beeing? and what Covenant doe you here meane? and who are they that make this conclusion?
It hath been proved before, that the people of Israel had two Covenants See before pag. 39., one established with Abraham Gen 17., another long after at Mount Sinai Gal. 3.17.; But for Confirmation of your speech, you say Lin. 21, 22, 23.; The Prosolyte that was to be brought in, was to circumcise all his males, Exod. 12.48. Where wee may conclude, that his females were included in that time in the males, there beeing (say you) no other ordinance of admission for them.
Ans. You spake before of a successive holinesse: But what holines was this which the Prosolytes had, that were never on the Church [Page 43] before? Was this a successive holinesse? Surely this doth not import any other holinesse, but what is by faith in Christ; Wherefore you may see that you have not rightly applied this place of Scripture to prove your successive holines: It was faith professed by the parent that brought in his seed with him; it was not his beeing circumcised, but his beliefe, which was alwayes to goe before, even as faith now is to goe before Baptisme, and to be professed before a man, or his seed, is to be admitted to the ordinance of Baptisme. Now the Prosolytes were to circumcise all their males. But wee doe not reade that the Lord did command the Prosolites to put away their unbeleeving wives, they being married unto them before, (even when they were Heathens) but they might still retaine them, and have children by them, capable of the ordinance of Circumcision. Whereas you speak of admission, I thinke you meane admission to the Passeover, for they made themselves one with the people of God, by beleeving the promises of God, which thing they were to doe before they were circumcised, and circumcision was administred afterwards, for the sealing and confirming of that faith before professed.
Now how you understand, that the females were included in the males. I know not.
Whether doe you meane in his male children, or some other males?
If you say, they were included in his male children; Then I put the case, that he had no males; how then? were his females included in the males that were not?!
But your speech, (in charitie) may have this construction, That seeing the Lord did command the Prosolyte to circumcise his male children, that very command did intimate that his female children were in the Covenant, and according to their capabilitie to assent to Gods ordinance, that it was good & holy, though they were not to receive it, yet had a right to whatsoever came in stead thereof. And this beeing not to be received by them actively, it must needs be construed that they were implyed imputatively: This then was a great priviledge; for without this imputative holinesse, they could not be numbered Isa. 4 3. among the living in Jerusalem, but rather counted among the uncircumcised Philistians, neither could they without this imputativenesse be admitted to receive the Lords Passeover Exod. 12.43, 44.47.? which was a figure of our blessed Saviour Jesus Christ our Passeover, which is sacrificed for us 1 Cor. 5.7..
But from hence you collect a supposition, and upon your supposition you ground a position, Your position is, That if the Jewes Church state (from whence (you would have us take notice that you say) this succession and beeing in the covenant is derived) doth not admit in any consideration of any lawfull beeing of parents, the one a member of the Church, the other not to produce a seed within the old Covenant, your position (grounded upon this supposition) is, that then such a thing under the new Covenant, cannot be concluded to proceed from that rule.
Now, it would be knowne, what you meane by parents, whether you meane any parents whatsoever! or but some onely; for it doth not follow, that because some were not admitted, that therefore no unbeleevers were allowed to abide with their beleeving yoak-fellowes, for producing of a holy seed in Covenant.
But let us see what proofe you have, upon which you ground your supposition and perswasion.
The former is true (say you) from the ground before layd, and therefore the latter is also true.
To which I answer; I know not (in particular) what ground you here meane! but this may suffice that what you have before layd, is answered fully before.
But because you thinke the former to be true, therefore you conclude, the later is also true; and (further you say) if not from that rule, then from none; But not from that by consequence of the former argument, therefore from none.
Now, I know not what you meane by these words, Doe you meane that the former, and later of this your argument is true, from that Rule, and if not from that Rule, then from none; but not from that, by consequence of the former Argument, therefore from none!
Surely you are out here, on either side! Neither do I know what Rule you mean, nor what, nor whose Argument you mean: Doe you mean by that Rule, a Rule of Scripture; or only some position grounded upon Scripture; you should know that Ezra 10 3. will not beare out your position, neither will any tittle of Scripture else; for though the Jewes were to put away these wives there mentioned, yet it doth not follow (as you would inferre) that therefore the Church of the Jewes allowed not in any consideration, of any lawfull being of some parents (the one a member of the Church, the other not, to produce a holy seed within the old Covenant,) (though they allowed not of other some.) And therefore your Argument, both suppositive and positiv [...], [Page 45] together with the ground, is fallen to the ground, and maketh nothing against holy Infants beeing visibly in the Covenant with their beleeving parents.
You should know that it is evill to make any Conclusion, [from any Scripture] which is not concluded thereby, or included therein.
But that the Jewes Church state allowed in no consideration of no lawfull beeing together of parents, the one a member of the Church, the other not, [to produce a holy seed in Covenant;] is not concluded thereby, nor included therein; therefore it is evill to make such a Conclusion therefrom.
But if you meane by Rule, the Rule of Scripture, 1 Cor. 7.14. or Exod. 12.48. You may know, that all this maketh nothing for your purpose neither; but is also directly against you.
Now whereas you lay downe, a positive argument, [to confirme your former speeches,] and crosse the same, by saying, and if not from that rule, then from none, but not from that, &c. therefore from none.
I suppose it is some over-sight; Wherefore, I intend not to wade any further to finde out the depth of it, till I see an explanation thereof from you.
But in the meane time, I will give you my conceptions further, concerning Exod. 12.48 (which is the Scripture cited here by you) and so leave it to your consideration.
God commanded the Prosolyte, to Circumcise all his males, Exod. 12.48. (to wit) all his male Infants (and all those males in his house, who in sincere affection, did desire the ordinance of Circumcision) though his wife (the mother of those Infants) were neither Jew nor Prosolyte. And his male Infants [which he had by that woman] were (of necessitie) to be circumcised [in their infancie] and not to be reckoned without, but within the Church of Israel. Exod. 12.48. For we reade that the Lord commanded him to circumcise all his males; but did not injoyne him to put away his wife, (which he had before his Conversion) though shee were no beleever.
Mariage being honourable amongst all men, Heb. 13.8. Shall wee thinke they were to breake it? An honourable mariage according to Gods ordinance, dissolved without any just cause, or waightie ground, was a derogating from the first institution thereof; and such a thing which we never read, that God commanded or allowed the Prosolytes to doe; though their wives could not be perswaded to become Prosolytes.
Mat. 5.31, 32. & 19.8, 9.Yea, and though Christ himselfe (in some case) doth allow that a man may put away his wife; and Paul declareth the same in effect, when he sayth, If the unbeleever will not abide; a brother or a sister is not under bondage in such cases (but God hath called us unto peace.)
Yea, and although such a divorce, doth not argue a hard-heartednesse in the partie offended, nor was condemned (but allowed of) in Christs time (though it were done after the manner of Moses) yet touching other divorces, Mar. 10.5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 which proceeded from a hard-heartednesse, Christ did not allow of such, but sayth, from the beginning it was not so Mat. 19.8..
And therefore wee are not to imagine, that the Lord did command or injoyne the Prosolytes (in the time of the Law) to breake the bond of matrimony; by dissolving that mariage which once was honourable, neither ought we to thinke, that the conversion, or faith of the one parent, made the mariage which before was honourable, any more the dishonourable; and if it did not, then wee may lawfully conclude, that they needed not to be maried over againe, or seperated the one from the other by divorcement, so long as the unbeleevers were content to abide with their beleeving yoak-fellowes, but that they were rather to remaine together in love and amitie, and bring forth a holy seed in Covenant, such a seed who were in their infancie to be ranked with the Israelites holy infants. So for the Prosolytes to claime the priviledges of the Jewes holy off-spring for his owne Infants, though borne of an unbeleever, was no sinne in him, nor contradiction of the new Covenant of God, but the effect of one and the selfe-same Covenant, he being commanded to circumcise them, even all his male Infants, in which you your selfe grant that the females were included in that time.
Now I conceive, that if any of the Prosolytes daughters at his entrance in, did refuse to come in, shee could not be compelled violently, but was still, as shee remained so to be esteemed without, and numbered not amongst the living in Jerusalem, but the dead in Palestina. And therefore by the same rule, if any of his male children, (who were at yeares of discretion) would not be content to come in with his father, as his father was to reckon him among the uncircumcised, so was he not to circumcise him, nor compell him to be circumcised, till he submitted voluntarily; yet if this Prosolyte had male infants, borne of her that was sanctified to him, though she did not sanctifie him, he was to circumcise them, and to rank his holy [Page 47] infants (both male and female) among the circumcised Salemites; and to put such a reall difference between them and his disobedient children; as between holy and prophane, as between members of the Church, and not of the Church; as between circumcised Israelites, and uncircumcised Philistines.
And so the holy Apostle Paul, 1 Cor. 7.14. teacheth all beleevers to esteem such Children holy; and directly opposite to those Children, whose unbeleeving parents are not so much as sanctified to any beleever, for procreating a holy seed: and therefore the Infants of one, or both beleeving parents, are to be esteemed holy; and it is a sinne to rank them with those infants, whose parents are not any one of them in Covenant with God, or at least so to be esteemed; for wee have nothing to doe with secret things, which belong only unto God; but things revealed wee are to look into, and so to judge of the tree by the fruit; and in doing thus, we shall not doe amisse, or commit sin, because we so judge, though things fall out afterward contrary to our former expectation, since those persons declare themselves otherwise then before they did; or that God discover them unto us to be otherwise, then wee were formerly to esteeme them.
But to this objection, Pag. 5. lin. 34 A. R. That they are here termed holy, and are so to be esteemed. You answer.
Pag. 5. lin. 36, 37, 38. That so were the unbeleeving Jewes, when they were broken off, Rom. 11.16. and so is the unbeleeving wife in this place; yet neither of these are to be baptized for their being tearmed holy; and therefore not Children for their being here tearmed holy.
To which I answer, that you doe not observe the scope of the Apostles words, for he would not have us to judge, that those are holy in visibilitie, who are visibly Apostated, and are cut off; for the Apostle speaking of the Apostate Jewes, sayth, What shall their receiving be but life from the dead Vers. 15.? For (sayth he) if the first fruits be holy, so is the whole lump; and if the root be holy; so are the branches Vers. 26.. Intimating, that those branches are visibly holy, which abide in the Vine, and Olive tree, and receive nourishment from, and are borne up of the root; Ver. 17. And the Apostle declareth that those unbeleeving Jewes were broken off, and were not then partaker of that benefit which the beleeving Gentiles had, by being grafted in (in stead of the Jewes) and so made partaker of the root and fatnesse of the Olive tree: Ver. 18. yea, & further, the Apostle declareth the cause of the Jews cutting off, namely, unbeliefe; Through unbeliefe they are broken off; Ver. 19. and therefore [Page 48] he exhorteth the beleeving Gentiles not to be high-minded, Ver. 20. but to feare; Ver. 21. and to take heed, and to behold the bountifulnes, and severitie of God: Toward them which have fallen; Ver. 22. Severitie; but (sayth he) towards thee bountifulnes, if thou cōtinue in his bountifulnes; or els thou shalt be cut off. And they also, Ver. 23. if they abide not still in unbelief, shalbe grafted in: for God is able to graft them in. So then it appeareth that the Apostle doth teach us, that their abiding on the Olive tree, doth demonstrate them to be holy, (in the appearance of men.) Howbeit, those are holy, (in the sight of God) who shall be saved, though they are not (knowne unto men to be) holy, but ought to be esteemed unholy in visibilitie. So the incestuous person of the Church of Corinth, (when he was cut off from them) was by the Church to be esteemed unholy, in visibilitie; but afterward, when he repented, he was then to be esteemed holy by those persons who formerly (and rightly according to visibilitie) esteemed him unholy, even at the time when he fell from his steadfastnesse. And so it is sayd, Isa. 4.3. that he that is left in mount Sion, and in Jerusalem, shall be called holy, even every one that is written amongst the living in Jerusalem: So it appeareth, that till we see them to be of the number of those, who are in mount Sion, and in Jerusalem, wee are not to esteeme them holy: What they are in Gods secret account, his sacred Majestie knoweth; but the revealed will of God hath directed us, not to call those visibly holy, who are visibly unholy, (as all visible unbeleevers are,) nor are we to esteeme those unholy outwardly, who are outwardly holy (as all visible beleevers are) for the Apostle putteth a difference between branch and branch; between visible beleevers, and visible unbeleevers; as we must doe between the members of the visible Church, and those that Apostate therefrom, and are cut off.
But the holy children of beleevers (in their infancie) cannot justly be said to Apostate from God or to degenerate frō that heavenly state, and holy olive tree, in which they are by faith ingrafted, and therefore well might the Apostle teach us, that we are to esteem them holy.
Whereas you say, so is the unbeleeving wife in this place.
I Ans. It is not so, The Apostle sayth not, that the unbeleeving wife of the beleever is holy, but sanctified, but he declareth that the children are holy.
And as for the baptizing of such branches (that are broken off before they are grafted in againe, or the unbeleeving wife, before shee be a beleever) we plead not; but alledge the contrary; for they are [Page 49] not visibly holy, as you would inferre, but they are unholy in visibilitie, and are not to be esteemed as written among the living in Jerusalem, but as dead in sins and trespasses, till they repent, and beleeve, and live thereby; and so the Apostle sayth, Rom. 11.15. What shall the receiving of the unbeleeving Jewes be, but life from the dead; But so long as they are spiritually dead, they are not to be esteemed holy, nor reckoned among the living in Jerusalem Rev. 22.15.. For as such unbeleevers were not meet to be members of the visible Church, in the time of the Law, no more are they meet to be members of the visible Church, in the time of the Gospel; for as the Church of God, both was, and is a spirituall holy Church, so it hath refused (and doth and ought to refuse) all those persons that a [...]e not living stones, holy, and spirituall; for holinesse (sayth David) becometh thine house, O Lord, for ever. Psal. 103.5.
Next, you rehearse a question, What holinesse it here meant to the Children?
To which you answer, That it is not that holinesse that accompanieth faith: and such holinesse onely is available to the admittance into the state of the Gospel, and to have right to Baptisme.
To which I answer, that it is to be taken for that holinesse that accompanieth faith, and therefore it is available to admit them into the state of the Gospel, and giveth them visible right to Baptisme; and this may appeare unto you from the Apostles testimony, which declareth that if one of the parents be a beleever, the children are holy, different from those uncleane children whose parents are neither holy, nor sanctified to the holy, to produce a holy seed; and therefore I conclude, that we are to account the Infants of beleevers to have that holines upon them, which accompanieth faith, and giveth them visible right to Baptisme; & they are to be judged to be of the number of Gods elect, as really, as those, are to be judged, who professe faith, and manifest obedience in their owne persons.
And it is further to be minded, that visible Saints, who make a verball profession, and walke holily in outward appearance, though we cannot infallibly tell whether they have faith or no, they are to be baptized, And we are not to dreame that wee can discerne internally in men, seeing God only knoweth the heart, and no man knoweth the things of a man, save the spirit of a man that is in him; yet where we see a holy verball profession, and a life and conversation annexed thereunto, and correspondent therewith, outwardly, though the inward qualifications be not according to the requiring of the Word, [Page 50] yet wee are to judge them to have that internall true holinesse, without which no man shall see the Lord, and also that the Lord hath admitted them into the fellowship of his Son Jesus, and into the state of his Gospel, and that they are as lively precious stones, as living fruitfull plants, and therefore are to be accounted to have as much right to Baptisme, as he that manifesteth more holinesse. So it is said of Simon magus, Acts 8.13. that he also beleeved, and was baptized, and yet afterwards when he manifested evill fruits, Peter said unto him Ver. 21.22.23. Note though Simon Magus was in the gall of bitternesse, and in the bond of iniquitie, yet he was sayd before to beleeve, and was baptized; And now since, Peter biddeth him repent, &c. Which doth plainly shew, that Peter knew not then but that he might be saved., Thou hast neither part nor lot in this matter; for thine heart is not right in the sight of God. Repent, &c. for I perceive that thou art in the gall of bitternesse, and in the bond of iniquitie. And therefore we are to baptize those whom we are to judg to have holines internally, though in Gods sight they have it not; That is to say, Those that have holinesse outwardly, are to be admitted into the outward visible state, and are to have the outward Baptisme; they being to be judged to have the inward graces; as the holy children of beleevers have in visibilitie, and so are to be esteemed in the judgement of charitie; which thinketh no evill. But what is the reason why you thinke, that the holinesse ascribed by the Apostle to the children of beleevers, is not that holines that accompanieth faith; Is it because they cannot work? Is it so indeed?! I tell you, that the Scripture teacheth us, that those that are of the faith, (though they cannot work) the same are the children of Abraham Gal. 3.7., and that the children of the promise are counted for the seed Gal. 4.28., and that Isack was a childe of promise in his infancie Ver. 28, 29, 30, 31.; And that faith and works are different things Rom. 4.2.4.; And therefore though the holy children of beleevers cannot work yet the Lord imputeth righteousnesse unto them Psal. 32.1, 2. Rom. 4.6. Gen. 17.11. Rom. 4.11. without works; And yet we are to minde Phil. 2.12., that the Lord would not have his people to cease from working and to be idle, so long as they are able to worke. But when they have neither will, skill, nor abilitie, (as many a visible Saint that is in years may want, and yet be no Covenant-breaker) then the Lord accepteth of them, and imputeth his righteousnesse unto them, as if they had done all the holy workes which ever were done in the world, by any, who were imputed righteous. God is a wise God, and knoweth that his Saints can doe nothing without him, nor act further then they have capabilitie, therefore in his mercie he exacteth no more. Good in his wisdome knew that the Infants of beleevers were capable of passive Ordinances, and therefore he instituted the same to be imposed upon them, and administred unto them; But as for active ordinances which they [Page 51] could not performe, nor had naturall capabilitie to doe, God did not require it at their hands, no more then he did require the Proselytes females to be circumcised, who (as you say) were implyed in the males. And this doth in no way eclipse the Glorie of Christs mediatorship, but advanceth the free Grace of God, and the righteousnesse of Christ, far above all the works in the world. But to affirme that the infants of beleevers have not the true holines, w ch accompanieth faith, is (in a manner) to darken the Glorious Sunne of Righteousnesse, and the light of his Gospel, with a meritorious smoake of corrupt doctrine, arising out of the bottomlesse pit of sorie mans deceiptfull heart.
But let us heare what you say further for confirmation of your affirmation.
True it is, that in the time of the Law, and state of the Jewes, A. R. Pag. 6. lin. 5. and old Covenant, there were some fiderally, and outwardly holy, and outwardly uncleane, and then all men, yea, all things in the world, were distinguished by this kinde of holinesse: So the uncircumcised were then unholy, and they of the Circumcision holy, and might not accompanie with the other, Act. 11.3. And accordingly had they their outward washings and purifications, for these their outward pollutions: all which were but typicall things, and all these and such like distinctions are now abolished with that State, and quite taken away out of the world by the comming of Christ; and this is evident by Peters vision, Act. 10.11. &c. expounded by himselfe in the 28. verse, where he sayth, That God had shewed him, that he should not call any man polluted or uncleane: Whence it is cleare, that now all men in the world are as cleane as the Circumcised, and those as polluted in the Gospel-sense as any other; for now all are as one and alike in Christ Jesus, as may appeare by these Texts, Rom. 10.11. Col. 3.11. Gal. 3.28. & 5.6. And as none then without this legall and outward holinesse, ought to partake of those legall performances and worship, nor be admitted thereunto, without being first circumcised in the flesh, and so made legally holy, Exod. 12.48. So now none are acceptable, or ought to partake of the Gospel, worship and ordinances, without the Circumcision of Christ, which is of the heart and spirit, Col. 2.11. Rom. 2.28, 29. And thi [...] [...]ward spirituall truth, was typified by that outward fleshly shadow: Hence therefore I will conclude, that the Apostle meant no such kinde of holinesse in this place, for the beleevers children to have. Nor is there any such kinde of holinesse now in the world amongst men, nor is this or any other kinde of holinesse (save onely that true holinesse that accompanies the new creature) available to Baptisme.
To which I Answer. All this which you have said here, maketh nothing against the infants of beleeving parents, forasmuch as they are declared to be holy now under the Gospel. 1 Cor. 7.14.
The cessation of the ceremonies of the old law, pleadeth their divine right to whatsoever came in stead thereof, considering that Christ came not to impoverish them, but to inrich them; If he tooke away any ordinance from them, which was typicall, he left them that which is substantiall; And the like we may say, concerning the outward holinesse ceremoniall, which had still relation to the covenant and Church of God; which if it were taken from them, shall we thinke they were left so naked, and bare, that they had not as substantiall holinesse, as they had before; God doth not doe by holy men, as theeves do by honest men; even strip them of their ornaments, and so leave them to shift for themselves, and get other where they can. But our heavenly Father, careth for all his children in a speciall maner, both for great and small, for young as well as old. He taketh nothing from them, which he knoweth is profitable to them, or beneficiall for them; but giveth them as great, if not greater in stead thereof; If he know they have a necessitie of it, it is his will and pleasure they should not be debarred from it. And therefore seeing baptisme is come in stead of circumcision; as holy infants then were to be circumcised, so holy infants are now to be baptised; And as God declared unto Abraham, saying, that such infants must needs Gen. 17.13. be circumcised; so we may know (that baptisme being come in the roome of circumcision) such infants must needs be baptised. And therefore as holy infants then had need of a Saviour to come, and therefore were circumcised, in token that Christ was theirs; so holy infants now have need of Christ come, and therefore are to be baptised in token that Christ is theirs also.
And may the circumcised accompanie now with the uncircomcised▪ yea surely; and this is a great plea for holy infants being in covenant, and doth really signifie, that it is a visible spirituall holinesse which differenceth them now from heathen infants; cōsidering that God never taketh from his people any thing w ch differenceth them from other people, but he leaveth them the substance of that type, w ch substance doth difference them spiritually now; Therefore the Lord calleth his people (now under the Gospel) to come out from among the Idolatrous heathens, and to seperate themselves, and not to touch the uncleane thing, 2 Cor. 6.17, 18. and promiseth that he will be a Father [Page 53] unto them, and that they shall be his sons and daughters; That is to say, that as he was a father to the families of the Jewes, who were seperated from strangers, so likewise is he a Father to the families of the seperated Gentiles, who obey his voyce; and as God did gratiously accept of the infants of beleevers, who were seperated from Idolaters then; so doth he accept of the infants of beleevers, who are seperated from Idollaters now; I will, saith he, be a father unto you. Now he that is a father Isa. 22.21. to the Inhabitants of Jerusalem, and the house of Judah, he Ver. 24. beareth the holy off-spring, & the blessed Issue; even all the glorious vessels of small quantitie. Despise not therefore the infants of beleevers, for though in quantitie they are small, yet in quality, they are excellent, therfore suffer the little infants to come unto Christ, Luk 18.16. and forbid them not, for of such is the Kingdome of Heaven. And therefore considering that they have that holinesse, which acompanieth faith, and are in the state of the Gospel, they have right to baptisme, as the holy infants of the Jewes (in the time of the law) had right to circumcision.
And true it is that in the time of the Law, there were some fiderally and outwardly holy This is to be understood of a ceremoniall holines, for the members of the visible Church now, are outwardly holy (that is to say) in visibilitie, without which wee ought not to esteem them holy inwardly.. But they were members of the Church; And it doth not argue, that (because they had ceremoniall holinesse) therefore they were not spirituall in visibilitie; the contrary rather appeareth from what hath been before observed. Againe, you should consider, Lev. 5.3, 4, 5. that there were some who were spiritually cleane, and yet in respect of bodily diseases were uncleane; for we are not to thinke that every one that were defiled in their bodies, by touching of dead folks, or uncleane persons, that had issues, or leprosie, (or the like) were therefore defiled in their soules, or rent thereby out of the Covenant, or that they ceased therefore to be visible members of the Church: No surely; Lev. 4. & 5. & 6. But yet we are to know, that those who did any of these things presumptuously were guilty, so that nothing could purifie thē without repentance, yea, when any sinned but ignorantly, & knowing it, neglected to bring their trespasse offering, their sin was increased, & they were to beare their iniquitie, for remission wherof, more was required then before; yea, if a person were outwardly polluted accidentally (though he did not defile himselfe by any act of his,) he was to be cleansed according to the law of God Lev. 14. [...]., which thing if he did not endeavour to doe, it was his sinne, and surely it could not then be taken away by any outward washing, without repentance, See Lev. 17.16 and labouring to doe that which he should have done before; which ceremoniall cleansings and purifications, [Page 54] were to lead them to Christ, who was then to be manifested in the flesh, and a Saviour to save them from their sinnes, which the bloud of bulls, and goats, and outward washings could not doe away Heb. 10.4.; no more then the outward Baptisme, and the Lords Supper, (Gods holy and blessed Ordinances) will take away our sinnes now; for Christs bloud is onely effectuall for this purpose Rev. 2.5. Heb. 10.5. & 8.14.; he is the Lambe of God which taketh away the sinnes of the world. Joh. 1.29.
But our chiefe poynt is not here about ceremoniall circumstantiall shadowes; for we all grant, that the ceremonies of the old law are ceased.
And to argue that (because they were then subject to legall pollution, and some of them had it,) that therefore they had not the inward and spirituall cleannesse, is a vaine and groundlesse thing so to thinke; for the Good Lord was mercifull unto every one that prepared his heart to seek the Lord, the Lord God of his Fathers, though he were not cleansed according to the purification of the Sanctuary; 2 Chro. 30.18, 19. They had not time to purifie themselves, yet they did eat of the Passeover. that is, though he had not that outward purification which you speak of.
And their purifications and washings (w ch you mention Pag. 6. lin. 11.) they were to teach them the benefit w ch they had and were to have spiritually by Jesus Christ. Their circumcision of the flesh Gen. 17.10, 11. Rom. 4.11. also, was to teach them the Circumcision of the heart Deut. 10.16.; all which circumstantiall Ordinances, though they are ceased, yet we have the substance of them in other Ordinances, and that outwardly.
And further, it is to be minded (concerning the people of Israel) that their conformitie unto the Lawes of God, did really demonstrate unto men, that they were spiritually holy; and so now the conformitie of Gods people, to the Lawes of God, doth give sufficient demonstration of their holinesse in the sight of men, whereby they are to judge them to be communicable persons in a spirituall way.
And though the uncircumcised were then unholy, (as you speak Pag. 6. lin. 9.) yet they were such uncircumcised, who were not to be judged circumcised in their hearts; and though persons then were circumcised both in heart, and flesh, and did yeeld universall obedience to Gods commands, See Lev. 14.8. yet through some accident they might have a kinde of ceremoniall defilement, and yet retaine their visible holinesse still.
You should also mind, that the people of Israel (after the Law was given in Mount Sinai) many of them, were uncircumcised in flesh Josh. 5.5., yet they were (at the time of their uncircumcision) a holy, peculiar people unto God, and none were like unto them Deut. 7.6. & 26.18, 19. & 33.29., and therefore your alledging that there was a difference between the circumcised, and [Page 55] the uncircumcised, and that the circumcised Israelites might not then companie with the uncircumcised Heathens, is of no force against this truth, even, that the Infants of beleevers have that holinesse which accompanieth faith; Some uncircū cised persons might be accompanied with, and some Circumc [...]sed persons might not be accompanied with. for though circumcised persons were not to accompany with the uncircumcised, yet it was meant of those uncircumcised persons, who were aliens from the common-wealth of Israel, and strangers from the Covenants of promise; and not of those who were then members of the Church of God; and therefore it was not meant of all uncircumcised persons; for then the parents should not have kept company with their Infants, before they were circumcised, but were to deliver them to other uncircumcised persons, to keep till the eight day, wherein they were circumcised; And then the uncircumcised beleeving Gentiles were not to be circumcised, by the circumcised, but by the uncircumcised: Which to dreame, is meere foolishnesse; and therefore it appeareth that your Collections have no footing against holy infants.
To the poynt then; Seeing that the Infants of beleevers, though uncircumcised, might be accompanied with (in the time of their uncircumcision) and that by the circumcised: It evidently sheweth, that there was a great difference between them, and the heathen Infants of uncircumcised unbeleevers. And seeing the uncircum [...]ised infants of beleevers, might be lawfully accompanied with, and were different then from unbeleevers, it is apparēt that they were holy then, though uncircumcised. And seeing that beleevers infants (though uncircumcised) were holy in the time of the Law, and distinguished by their holinesse from the Infants of unbeleevers; and seeing that Jesus Christ is still one, and the same; and that the ceremoniall holines is ceased; it plainly argueth, that when the Apostle Paul [...]aketh (in 1 Cor. 7.14.) of the holy children of beleevers, had by a sanctified wife; he meaneth such a holines which is not ceased, but remaineth permanent, and doth visibly demonstrate those persons who have it, to have right to Baptisme.
And as Circumcision did not give faith to the Infants of the Church, nor adde the Infants of the Church to the Church, (no more then any other person) but rather confirme them in it. So Baptisme now, doth not bring regeneration (or faith) unto such, (or unto any other persons) as many fondly imagine, neither doth it adde them to the Church, but rather confirme them therein.
Touching Peters vision, which you mention Pag. 6. lin. 15., that God shewed him, that he should not call any man polluted or uncleane.
It is good to understand in what sense it is spoken; for wee may rightly ca [...]l all the visible members of Antichrist polluted, let them be what they will be, high or low, great or small; though they have, and usurpe the ordinances of God, yet they are polluted persons so long as they remaine in that estate; (even as the Apostates in the time of the Law, though they usurped circumcision, and other Ordinances, yet they were polluted persons) and these remaining in that sinfull estate, they are not cleane, neither legally nor evangelically.
To your inference Lin. 8., (from Act. 10.13.) I answer, That in the Gospel sense; those that are seperated from Idolatry, and those that are Idolaters, are not all one in Christ Jesus; for how can any be sayd to be in Christ, so long as they are visibly out of Christ? Wherefore it is to be understood, that as the wicked, of whatsoever Nation, degree, or sex they be, Rom. 2.8, 9. Rev. 22.15. are all one out of Christ; so, on the contrary, the Saints of God, of whatsoever Nation, degree, or sex they be, are all one in Christ, Rom. Gal. 3.28. & 5.6.
And this sheweth us to put a visible distinction between those who are visibly holy, and those that are not. But the infant [...] of beleevers, are visibly holy (as hath been proved before) and therefore wee are to judge them in Christ, and one with him, members of his mysticall body, and different from those who are not visibly holy, but are out of the Covenant.
Whereas you say Pag. 6. li. 25, 26, 27., that so now none are acceptable, or ought to partake of the Gospel, worship, and ordinances, without the Circumcision of Christ, which is of the heart and Spirit.
I answer, That one ought to be baptised, before they are circumcised, or washed spiritually in the heart, (at least so far as may be discerned by men) neither ought any to presume without the inward, and outward Baptisme, to lay hands upon the rest of the holy institutions of God, which properly and peculiarly are tyed to the Church. And the Proselytes, or beleeving Gentiles in the time of the Law, before they were circumcised in the flesh, they were to be circumcised in their hearts; and before they did partake of the Passeover, (a figure of Christs body) they and their holy seed were to be Exod. 12.48. circumcised in flesh, as well as in heart; which participation in the Ordinances then, was not to be limitted onely to the outward fleshly shadow, no more then our partaking of Baptisme, or the Lords Supper [Page 57] now, ought to be onely limitted to the outward elements, of Water, Bread, and Wine. But as for the Infants of beleevers, they ought to be judged to have the circumcision of Christ, which is of the heart and Spirit, (as hath been formerly proved, and shall be further shewed,) and therefore it is apparent, that they are acceptable, and may lawfully have the Ordinance of Baptisme imposed upon them; for they being proved to be members of the visible Church of Christ, it appeareth, that they are to be judged in Christ, and new creatures, and that therefore the true holinesse accompanieth them, And this being so, what then will follow, but that according to your owne confession, they have right to Baptisme.
Further you say; If it be objected, that in respect of Justification, Pag. 6. lin. 3 [...] it availeth nothing, but to Baptisme it may.
To this you Answer Lin. 37. to Pag. 7., That that which availeth to Justification and salvation, doth according to the Rule, onely availe to Baptisme; for if thou beleevest with all thy heart, thou art justified, Act. 13.39. and shalt be saved, Act. 16.31. and mayest be baptized upon the same, and no other grounds, Act. 8.37.
To which I Answer; As is the objection, so is your answer, without distinction: for there is a difference between justification in the sight of God, and justification in the sight of men; By the Word persons must be justified, and by the Word they must be condemned. All those persons who are outwardly holy, may be justified in the sight and apprehension of men, & ought to be baptized upon this ground, though their heart (knowne onely to God) be (like the heart of Simon Magus) not upright in the sight of God. But the holy Word of God, is our Rule whereby we are to judge both beleevers and their infants (now under the Gospel) to be in covenant, regenerated, sanctified, and adopted unto God; the children of the promise in their infancie (as the infants of beleevers were in former time.) And upon this very ground, the Infants of beleevers now may lawfully be baptized, as the infants of beleevers (who were members of the Church in the time of the Law) were lawfully circumcised.
To the objection Pag. 7. lin. 1, 2., That all that were baptized by the Apostles themselves, were not saved, &c. You answer.
And say Lin. 3. to lin. 15. you doe grant, that all baptized by the Apostles were not saved, and yet deny the consequence, by distinguishing between the rule, by which they are to be baptized, (which is infallible) and the judgements of men, who are failable, and may be deceived in applying this rule; but it follows not, but that the rule being of God, is still as infallible as God himselfe [Page 58] is; for all that beleeve, shall be saved (which is true as God himselfe is true) yet all who are judged by beleevers to beleeve, doe not beleeve, and therefore are not saved. This failing then here is not in the rule, but in their judgements, who are but men, and can judge onely in the outward appearance, (by their f uits yee shall know them) Mat. 7.16 And cannot judge as God, who onely knoweth the heart, 1 Sam. 16.17. Jer 17.10.
Ans. Though this by construction, may be without contradiction, yet it may have a little further explanation, thus:
That though the Saints doe judge by the infallible rule, concerning persons, yet if they alter their judgement, according as the persons alter, they sinn [...] not in the alteration of their opinion, because the infallible rule doth still guide their judgements: As for instance:
The infallible rule, doth direct our judgements to looke upon all the members of the visible Church, to be in the state of salvation; So the Disciples of Christ esteemed highly of Judas, as indeed the infallible rule directed them; but when once he discovered himselfe not to be that in [...]ff [...]ct, which before he was in appearance, then they were directed by the infallible rule, to alter their judgements without faile.
Further: in stead of these words; Yet all who are judged by beleevers to beleeve, To judge of persons according to the infallible Rule, is righteous judgement; in which the judgers must lay aside all partialitie. doe not beleeve; It may be construed thus; That all who are rightly judged (or ought to be judged) by beleevers to beleeve, doe not beleeve; For there is a difference, between what persons do, and what they should, or ought to doe. And persons judging as they ought, though their judgement is alterable, yet as the Rule is not failable, neither is their judgement by it sinfull; but righteous, holy, just, and lawfull judgement.
This being construed thus, and so taken, I assent thereunto.
But as for your following inference, I abhorre, and detest from my very soule.
Your words are these: ‘ A. R. Pag. 7. li. 15. to lin. 25.But in the baptizing of infants, the case is far otherwise, yea, quite contrary, who will or can faile in judging an infant to be an infant; the fayling therefore here is in the Rule it selfe, and so the fault and sinne in the appointer of such a deceivable Rule: This therefore cannot be of God, who is truth it selfe, but must be of man; For let God be true, and every man a lyar. And when doth he shew himselfe more vainly to be so, then when he goeth about to set his p [...]sts by Gods posts; and when he teacheth for doctrines, his owne vaine and lying traditions, such as this is.’
Ans. Groundlesse positions and false inferences there from, are frequent with you; your words import, that in the baptizing of infants, because none can faile in judging an infant to be an infant, that therefore the layling is in the Rule it selfe; and therefore you conclude, it cannot be of God, but of man, a vaine tradition!
The like might be sayd of the Circumcision of infants, in the time of the Law, that because they could not faile in their judgements, in judging infants to be infants, that therefore the circumcision of infants was not of God, but of man, a vaine tradition! and the rule was not infallible!
But you may know, that for beleevers to impose the signe Gen. 17.11. and seal Rom. 4.11. of the righteousnesse of faith, upon their children (in their infanci [...]) was good, lawfull, & warrantable Exod. 12.48. Baptisme is to us as Circumcis [...]on was to the Jewes., directed by the infallible rule of Gods Word; which rule was never yet abrogated; therefore it standeth in force, and is not a vaine tradition; and seeing God himselfe administred Baptisme upon infants, before the Law was given in Mount Sinai; how dare you say, it is not of God?
Next after this, you cast your eye upon an Author, A. R. whom you See Pag 7. lin. 25, 26. call, A l [...]arned and able Author of our times; whose expression (you say) you cannot but take notice of.
Ans. It may be, you call him learned, and able, because (as you say) he confesseth himselfe unconvinced of the lawfulnesse of the Baptisme of infants, by demonstration of Scripture for it. And yet he taketh the Baptisme of infants to be one of the most reverend, generall, and uncontrouled traditions which the Church hath, and which he would no lesse doubt of, then the Creed to be Apostolicall.
And upon this beliefe and confession of his, you Paraphrase In lin. 31. to Pag. 8., saying, No more would I doubt thereof, if I could be convinced by any demonstration of Scripture for it: But seeing demonstration of Scripture, neither to us is, nor by him can be produced for it, I doe and must remaine still unconvinced with him, and must needs take it to be a meere humane device.
To which I answer, That the doubting conscience cannot be satisfied, unlesse God doe it by his Word, or Spirit, but if the Lord doe open your eyes, and give you sight to apprehend, and comprehend this light, then in it you shall see clearly this truth, even the lawfulnesse of the Baptisme of holy infants. But if God doe not by his Spirit open your heart, the tongue of men and Angels cannot convince you, but you must still remaine unconvinced. But how can you expect [Page 60] that this Author (whom you call M r. Daniel Rogers) should produce Scripture for the Baptisme of Infants, while he is (as he saith himself) unconvinced of it by demonstratiō of Scripture, except you did expect that he should have played the hypocrite, & so have gon against his Conscience; you should know, that Whatsoever is not of faith is sin.
And it doth not argue (as you infer) that (because no demonstration of Scripture is brought by him) that therefore none at all is brought to you, by those who are convinced of it by the authoritie of Scripture. This cannot be true which you affirme, considering the many Scriptures which you acknowledge have been alledged for to prove the Baptisme of infants; The demonstration whereof hath been sufficiently shewed unto you, and therefore if you take it not for satisfaction, you may remaine unsatisfied, and still unconvinced, (though convicted) with your alledged Author, and take it (or rather mistake it) (as you esteem it) for a meere humane device.
But further you say; ‘ A. R. Pag. 8.Nor is this Author alone, in deeming the Baptisme of infants a traditions, for many of the Ancients with him have so declared it.’
Origen calleth it a Ceremony or Tradition of the Church. In Levit. hom. 8. in Epist. ad Rom. lib. 5.
Augustine calleth it a Common Custome of the Church. De baptismo contra Dona. lib. 4. cap. 23. Et de Genesi ad literam. lib. 10. cap. 23.
To which, I say, that things may be traditionall, and c [...]mmonly, and customarily practised, and yet have sufficient ground and warrant in the Scripture.
Origen.But in citing Origen, you doe not tell us, what he sayth in the same Epistle, (to wit) that the Church received Baptisme of infants from the Apostles.
Augustine.And in citing Augustine, you doe not declare what he sayth ( in contra Donatist. lib. 4. cap. 23, 24.) that the Baptisme of Infants was not derived from the authoritie of man, or Counsels, but from the tradition or doctrine of the Apostles.
But next of all you say, Erasmus Lin. 9, lib. 4. de Ratione Concio, sayth, that they are not to be condemned that doubt whether Childrens Baptisme were ordained by the Apostles, &c.
To which I answer; No more will I condemne those who in weaknesse doe doubt of the Baptisme of Infants, but rather pittie them, and pray for them, and labour, (as the Apostle biddeth us [Page 61] concerning those that are fallen through infirmitie) To restore them with the spirit of meeknesse. But when their sinne cometh to such a height, The obstinate, though ignorant, are to be rejected, when they reject the truth. that they resist the truth, and run on wilfully, and blasphemously, with a leaprous headines, and that against the Scripture, and the very light, and law of reason, and will not heare good Counsell, nor receive wholsome instruction; then they are not to be borne with, but condemned.
Whereas you say further, that Ekius Lin. 12. calleth (the Baptisme of Infants) a Commandement and ordinance of man; In Echiridion.
I answer, You should know, that it is a Commandement, and ordinance of God, In the Scripture.
Whereas you produce the Papists Lin. 15., and the Authoritie of Counsells Lin. 23: (to jump with you, and your first learned Author, cited by you, against the Baptisme of Infants,) to prove it not to be warranted in the Word, but grounded upon tradition, and not upon the Scripture.
I answer; It evidently appeareth, that these your erronious conceptions, and peremptory conclusions, are builded upon a sandy foundation. I pray you, tell me; How can they beleeve a thing by Scripture, that judge the Fathers above the Scripture?
And as you thus bring humane unsufficient Testimony, to prove the Baptisme of Infants, to be a humane invention; so you doe the like in labouring to make knowne the time when it was invented, a meere dreame! and vaine conceipt of your owne! a thing farre above your reach! And you would by your humane Authors, beare your Auditors in hand, as if the Baptisme of infants, were invented some hundreds of yeares after Christ; which is neither certaine, probable, nor possible; and yet you cite other humane Authors for it, whose historicall relations (as you have set them downe) have no bottom upon truth, and therfore are to no purpose against the Baptisme of holy Infants. And therefore your citing them, maketh nothing for your purpose neither. But you ought rather in this to mount above humane testimony, and leave these your two cited Authors to reconcile themselves;) Goe to the Law, and to the Testimony Isa. 8.29., (for whatsoever is not according to that, hath no light in it) and there see what time the baptisme of infants was administred; I thinke that Circumcision of infāts was not invented, nor administred before the Baptisme of infants. As for the time of the invention thereof, I will not intermeddle, or take upon me to determine at this time; forasmuch as it is sufficient for us to know, that God is the Author and instituter of it; the administration whereof was in the Cloud, and in the Sea, not long after the Israelites came out of the Land of Aegypt, But it was before the Law was [Page 62] given in Mount Sinai many hundred yeares before Jesus Christ was manifested in the flesh; and therefore your new account is too short a weapon to undermine Gods holy administration of Baptisme upon his Redeemed ones; 1 Cor. 10.1, 2. Such as the Israelites were, whom he brought out of the Land of Aegypt, and baptised in the Cloud, and in the Sea.
Further, you cite more humane Authors, (to speak your pleasure) against the baptisme of infants, as if it were thrust upon the world Pag 8. lin. 37., under colour, and pretence; foysted Pag. 9 li. 1, 2. in (say you) like all other Antichristian devices, have their cloakes and holy pretences.)
I answer; These are rude words, and words that wee may rather admire at, then imbrace, considering what little ground you have to speake them, and how violently you have wringed them from humane testimony, builded also upon mistakings of humane Authors. Have you no more feare of God in you, then upon such sleight grounds, so publickly to breake out, and that in such unseemly tearmes, against the Baptisme of Infants, Gods holy and blessed Ordinance? Now surely, you are not to be justified, but condemned in your presuming thus to affirme, what you cannot prove; and labouring sacrilegiously to take away the visible badge of Christianitie from Christian Infants. Consider what a dangerous thing it is to diminish from Gods Word; Rev. 22.19. He that taketh away therefrom, God shall take away his part out of the booke of life, &c. And with this consider also what ground you have had, for your evill perswasion, unjust calumniation, and sinfull affirmation. You should know, that the Baptisme of Infants was not brought into the world by man, much lesse was it thrust upon the world, under colour, and pretence, and Antichristian-like, foysted in, (as you unjustly affirme) but God in his love, and mercy, and bountifull liberalitie, brought it into the world, amongst other priviledges, for his Elects sake, & did not thrust it upō the world, (as you speake) but ordained it in an orderly way, to be imposed upon his Church and People; whose visible holinesse gave them right unto it; And he did not bring it under colour, and pretence, as the Anabaptists doe their Baptisme, in administring Baptisme upon People, and then telling them, it is right, and afterward that it is wrong, (and that they must therefore be baptized againe, by them in another manner,) and so after they have been baptized by them againe and againe, they after a while are restlesse againe and unsatisfied, because he who baptized them, was unbaptized himselfe upon their own grounds, Nor can they beleeve there is any baptized [Page 63] rightly in the world. And so they know not upon their owne grounds, what to doe, or how to practise any Ordinance of the New Testament.
These their Baptismes (I may say) are rather to be accounted as thrustings, colourable pretences, and foystings, (and the like,) then the Baptisme of holy Infants, which was brought into the world by the Wonderfull Counseller, whose mightie power is to be magnified in all his noble acts; who saved Noah and his familie in the Arke, (when all the world of unbeleevers, both yong & old, perished with the Floud Gen. 7.;) Which figure answereth the baptisme that now is 1 Pet. 3.20, 21.; who baptized the Children of Israel in the Cloud, and in the Sea 1 Cor. 10.1, 2.; When Pharoah and his H [...]st were overwhelmed with the mighty waters Exod. 14.28.; who (according to his blessed promise Deut. 18.15., made unto his People) sent his blessed Sonne Jesus Christ, (our Emanuel Mat. 1. & 2.) into the world, to beare our sinnes, and to suffer death for us, and put an end to our iniquities; Who was buried, and rose againe the third day, according to the Scriptures 1 Cor. 15.4.; And at his Ascension into the bosome of his blessed Father, he gave Commission to his Disciples, to teach all Nations Mat. 28.19. and to preach the Gospel to every creature Mar. 16.15, 16.; and to baptize those who were to be esteemed in the state of salvation; Who (when his earthly tabernacle dwelt amongst us) declared that the kingdome of heaven consisteth of such holy infants Luke 18.17., for whom he prayed earnestly Joh. 17.20, 21, 24., upō whom he layd his own holy hands Mat. 19.15., pronouncing them blessed with his owne mouth Mar. 10.16.. Wherefore you shew your selfe very ignorant, and exceeding presumptuous, that dare (with open face in the view of the world,) so far to deny Christ, (in a manner,) as to say that his Ordinance of Baptisme, (administred upon holy Infants,) is such a thing, which (by a supposed helpe of fraile man) you have declared it to be.
Consider further, how that although all these Antient Fathers whom you have cited, were on your side. And though you should cite many more, in Antiquitie far surpassing the other, yet all is vaine w ch you doe, yea, properly vanitie without the Scripture, and as it is to no edification, so it will give no satisfaction, or information to the [...]oubting soul, or make any thing for strengthening your errour; (though it may harden you and other seduced in it) but it will be a means rather to adde griefe, and vexation to your spi [...]it, at the day when you must give up your account, for all your idle words, vaine actions, & hard speeches, when it will be little available to sly to [Page 64] these mountaines to hide you from the wrath of the Lambe; whose word shall judge these fathers whom you have cited, by which they shall be justified or condemned; when they shall not judge it, or condemne it, (as Hereticks formerly have done,) but be judged by it.
I have not told you that Auxertius, (one of the Arians Sectaries, with his adherents, (who denied the persons in the blessed Triniti [...], and deni [...]d the Godhead of Jesus Christ,) was one of the first that denied the baptisme of Infants.
And that Pelagius the Heriticke was a patron of this opinion of yours. Whom Augustine and others of the Antient Fathers, have opposed by the Scriptures, and condemned for heresie, as justly they might; for then it may be you would say, that Augustine was an Hereticke himselfe as well as the rest, and therefore the citing of him (or any such as he was) can make nothing for our present purpose, in clee [...]ing the case in cōtroversie; for indeed, after this manner, did M r. Smith (the Anabaptist,) answer M r. Clifton, who was his opposite and overthrew his errours.
But indeed I desire that all things may be tryed by the touchstone of the Word of God, which is the onely rule for every divine action, which directeth us to hold fast that which is good, and to judge of persons and causes accordingly.
Th [...]rfore I desire that what hath bin spoken already in answer to your severall objections, and what hath been also gathered from the word of tru [...]h (in vindication of this truth, of the baptisme of holy Infants) may be observed.
It hath been declared how the promise is made to all beleevers Infants, as really, as to themselves, or any of their children See before in Pag. 3. to Pag. 15..
It hath been proved, that the generall institution of Jesus Christ, is no maner of way l [...]sse generall Pag. 15. to pag. 24. then circumcision, but more generall in respect of the parties upon whom it is to be administred.
It hath been minded Pag. 24. to pag. 64., how that the Infants of beleevers were holy, & members of the visible Church in the time of the Law, and that neither the cessation of the ceremonies of the old Law, nor any thing else, which can be alledged, doth argue that they have not still the t [...]ue [...]linesse which giveth them visible right to Baptisme. But seeing the dispensation of Gods gifts, and the distribution of his graces, are multip [...]yed under the G [...]spel, wee are still to esteem the young Olive pla [...]ts of beleeving parent [...] to be holy, as well as the stock or branches upon which they grow. And it being so, we may conclude, that [Page 65] they have right to holy Baptisme, as their holy parents have. And to debar the holy infants of beleevers from Baptisme, is to reject them, and so (in a manner) it is a rejection of their holy parents; a means of their discouragement; a weakning of their faith; a discomforting of their hearts; yea, and discouragement to others.
But Truth overcommeth all things, it is great, and will prevaile against all that oppose it.
Thus having answered directly to what hath been set downe by you, I proceed to the next.
Your next words are these: ‘But now to the Question; A. R. Pag. 9. lin. 21. What is meant by the holinesse which children are sayd to have, 1 Cor. 7.14. In answer whereto, I shall shew onely what I conceive it to be, and then leave it to the judgement of the wise.’
Answer. If you mean the holy children of beleeving parents, (spoken of 1 Cor. 7.14.) Let us heare what you say.
I say then it is onely such a holinesse, A. R. Lin. 25. as is opposite to some kinde of uncleannesse, which I take to be this, as if when they are sayd to be holy, it is no more then to say, they are not uncleane, (to wit) no Bastards.
To which I answer; That you are greatly mistaken herein, There is no such restriction in the Scripture, as you conceive, and would gather from thence; for it is apparent, that when the Apostle sayth to Beleevers (1 Cor. 7.14.) Else were your children uncleane; he meaneth here such an uncleannesse, 2 Cor. 6. which he speaketh of in 2 Cor. 6.17. Which uncleannesse, the Saints are bidden not to touch; I will dwell in them, and walke in them; Ver. 16. Ver. 17. Ver. 18. The Apostle speaketh to the same people, useth the same Scripture-phrase, in applying the precious promises. And doth in no way exclude, but include their posteritie. For confirmation whereof, see the practise of Peter in Act. 2.39. and I will be their God, and they shall be my people. Wherefore come out from amongst them, and be yee separated, sayth the Lord, and touch not the [uncleane] thing, And I will be a father unto you, and yee shall be my sonnes and daughters, sayth the Lord God Almightie.
Observe here, how that this uncleannesse is directly opposed to the holinesse which those have who are in covenant with God; who alwayes did put a difference between the holy and prophane, between the infants of the world, and the infants of the Church. And so the Apostle (speaking in the Scripture language,) calleth the children of Beleevers holy: Else were your children uncleane, (saith he,) but now are they holy, 1 Cor. 7.14. Else were your children bastards (say you) but now are they no bastards. This, you conceive, is the meaning of that Scripture: But you should minde, that the Proselytes in the time of the Law, and the beleeving parents in the time of the Gospel, [Page 66] who were formerly unbeleevers, Heb. 13.4. were not all bastards: and legittimacie is not a thing peculiar to beleevers but unbeleevers may have it. But when the Apostle speaketh of a holinesse, which the children of beleevers have, it is that which is peculiar unto the Saints of God, and not common to Infidells, who are without God in the world, and not to be communicated with.
You should minde, that the Apostle speaketh in the heavenly language of Canaan, in the Scriptures ordinary phrase; giving the beleevers infants such a stile, w ch the holy Spirit of God hath given them; (according as it is plentifully manifested in the Scriptures of God,) and which he hath not given and granted unto unbeleevers infants. There is no place of Scripture, which declareth them to be holy: Wherefore wee may conclude, that there is a great deale of difference between the infants of beleevers, and the infants of unbeleevers; and that the uncleannesse of the one, Rev. 22.11. 1 Cor 6.14. is opposed to the holines of the other, as darknesse, is opposed unto light. As Idolaters, are (sayd to be) opposed to those that are seperated from them Ver. 15, 16, 17, 18.. And so the Jewes (seperated from Idolaters) were all holy, both young and old, and Gods seperated peculiar people Deut 29.10. & 14.1, 2.; The Lord was their God, and they were his people, and he dwelt in the middest of them Levit. 26.11, 12., and sanctified them unto himselfe Exod. 31.13. Psal. 135.4., and gave unto them his blessed Oracles Rom. 3.2., and holy Ordinances: yea, and the Gentiles also, who had like precious faith with the Jewes, were then made partakers of the like precious priviledges with them; which extended unto their infants Exod. 12.48., as well as to the infants of the Jewes. Therefore as the infants of the Jewes were holy, so were the infants of the Proselytes, (or belee [...]ing Gentiles.)
And forasmuch as the distribution of Gods gifts (under the Gospel) are larger, then they were under the Law; the infants of beleevers now, Ephe. 3.5, 6. have the same spirituall priviledges, as the infants of beleevers had th [...]n; and have the same precious holinesse, which is available to B [...]ptisme; and therefore we may conclude, that when Christ came to die for their sinnes, he came not to destroy their soul [...]s, and so to r [...]b them, to p [...]yle them, to make them spirituall bank [...]outs, to take from them his righteou [...]ness, and leave them to be clothed with their own righteousnes; But surely, wee may rather conclude, that Christ [as he was once himselfe an infant, of a beleeving par [...]nt, according to the flesh] so he loveth the infants of beleevers, Luk. 2.7.16. & 18.17. because [Page 67] they are Subjects of his kingdome. And as he suffered for them, so he doth not onely come unto them, but cast his garment of righteousnesse over them, and dwell with them, and abide in them; Isa. 22.21. and is a father unto them, as he was to the Inhabitants of Judah and Jerusalem. Our God is a God of truth, and therefore he will not deceive his p [...]ople, nor break his Covenant which he hath made with them; which Covenant is to his Saints thus; I will be a God unto thee, and to thy seed Gen. 17.7.; I will be their God Ver. 8.: So sayth the Spirit of Truth, who will not, (nor cannot) lye; Who for strengthening of his peoples faith, and encreasing of their comfort, that their hearts in loving him, might be enlarged, and their joy in delighting in him might be full; he did command a visible signe and seale of the rig [...]t [...] ousnesse of faith, to be imposed upon them, and upon their seed, whose G [...]d he had testified himselfe to be.
Now those persons to whom God is a God, they are blessed in a speciall manner Psal. 33.12., and he is a father unto them Esa. 9.6.; and those persons to whom God is a God, and a Father, are seperated from Idolaters, and are a holy 1 Cor. 7.14. 2 Cor. 6.17. peculiar people unto him, directly opposed to those who are uncleane Rev. 22.11.15 Isa. 52.11. Rev. 21.7, 8., and out of the Covenant. But God is a God, and a Father to the infants of beleeving parents now, as he was formerly; [for his holy Covenant is sure] and therefore such infants, (even the holy off spring, and blessed issue of the blessed) are all the sonnes, & daughters of God; and are to be accounted amongst the number of seperated Saints, in covenant with him; for he hath promised to be a God and a father unto the beleeving Gentiles (2 Cor. 6.18.) as he was unto the beleeving Jewes, (Gen. 17.7. Jer. 31.1.) Concerning whom the Lord sayth, Their children shall be as aforetime, Jer. 30.20. Jer. 30.20. whose holinesse is directly opposed to the Idolatry, of those Idolaters, which the Lord commandeth his blessed Saints to sep [...]rate from, and is quite contrary to this uncleannesse, which unbeleevers, and their infants have; who though they are not bastards, yet they are unholy, because they are out of the Covenant, and God is not their God, nor father, to hallow thē, as he is to the holy children of beleeving Gentiles, and as he was to the holy children of the Jewes, in covenant with him.
Thus the Contents of your exposition being not right, wee may justly conceive, that all the Scripture which you bring to confirme it, will be wrong in the application; and your grounds false. But let us heare further what you say.
A. R. Lin. 29. A. R. Lin. 30. And I will shew my ground by my thus opening the Text.
The believing Corinthians both men and women, married and single, do joyne in a Letter to the Apostle for resolution of many of their doubts touching their severall conditions, this appeares in the first verse, and thence to the 12 and their doubts in this particular, and which he answers in the five verses following, seemes to be this in effect, as if they should thus write; we being borne anew, and made the Sonnes and Daughters of God [...]y Faith in Jesus Christ: and being made holy by his spirit, and taken into Communion and fellowship with Jesus Christ, and his Saints in light, from an estate of darkenesse and death, from being Idolaters, and Children of th [...] Devill, have very uncomfortable cohabitation and felloship with our wives and husbands, remaining still in their naturall and blind condition, so farre different from the estate into which we are now brought: Surely our holy God that bids us touch no uncleane thing, doth not allow us thus to do: And wee f [...]are least wee have done very ill in continuing thus so long, for our Marriage wee cannot thinke but it was dissolved when wee first beleeved: And wee ought then to have put away our wives as the Jewes di [...] their strange wives; and unto this the Apostle begins his answer in the 12. verse thus; And unto the rest (to wit, of your doubts) speak I, not the Lord, If any Brother have a wife that beleeveth not, if she be content to dwell with him, let him not put her away, And the woman that hath a husband that beleeveth not, if he be pleased to dwell with her, let her not leave him: for the unbeleeving husband is sanctified to the wife, and the unbeleeving wife is sanctified to the beleeving husband, else were your Children uncleane, but now they are holy.
As if the Apostle should have said to them thus, you Corinthians do doubt of your co [...]abitation with your unbeleeving married yoke-mates, of [...]hic [...] t [...]re is no cau [...]e, for to the pure all things are pure (that is, all l [...]ull [...]) (namely, whatsoever is lawfull in nature or civill use) is [...] to the beleever, and yet even those things are impure to the imp [...]e, or u [...]bel [...]ving, for even their mindes and consciences are defiled, Tit. 1.15. But to the Bel [...]ever, all things are pure, (that is, as I have alrea [...]y said) all lawfull things, for things that are unlawfull in themselves c [...]t be sanctified by [...]e faith of a tru [...] B [...]lee [...]er, no not to his use; but m [...]t be l [...]f [...] and [...] as si [...]full and wi [...]k [...]d, which if your cohabitation wer [...] such as you i [...] w [...]ak [...]sse iudge, then [...]as n [...]t your marriage lawfull at the first, then it is not lawfull nor sanctified to y [...]u now, as you judge it is not, and then are your children uncleane: But if your marriage were at fi [...]st lawfull, then your Cohabitations now with your [...]oke-mates is likewise [Page 69] lawfull, and then also sanctified to you now by your beleeving, else were your children uncleane (that is) unlawfully begotten and Bastards, but now are they holy (that is) Legitimate and no Bastards.
Ans. Here hath been many words to little purpose, as appeareth by your own Conclusion; for the Tenour of all is, that which you have affirmed before Pa [...]. 9. lin. 26, 27., which is your Conclusion now P [...]. 10 lin. 31, 32.. As if the Apostle should say, Else were your Children unlawfully begotten, and bastards, but now are they legitimate, and no bastards; A very poore collection, or rather restriction of the Apostles words! But that this restriction is in the Text, wee must take it upon your bare word; for you have brought no Scripture, which any way cleareth this your Affirmation. But it hath been proved before, that the Apostle meaneth a religious holinesse; a holinesse in relation to faith, and to the holy Covenant of God; in which C [...]venant, b [...]l [...]evers & their infants are now, under the Gospel. And this may further appeare unto you by these Considerations.
First, That the Apostle (in this place of Scripture) speaketh not of all infants, but onely of the infants of beleeving parents in Co [...]enant; for he doth not say to unbeleevers, that their children are holy, neither doth he direct his speech unto any unbeleever, but unto beleevers; wherefore this principally concerneth beleevers, that they might know the privioidges, which appertaine unto them and their seed, according to the covenant of God, G [...]n. 17.7, 8. which declareth that God will be their God.
Secondly, The Apostle doth not say that the [unbele [...]vi [...]] [...] band or wife sanctifieth the [beleeving] husband or wife, but the [...] leeving wife is sanctified in the beleeving husband, and the unbeleeving husband in the beleeving wife; (that is to say, in consideration that [...]e is h [...] sanctified yoak-fellow;) Where wee are to note, that though the unbeleeving wife have a priviledge to be sanctified in her beleeving husband, yet not to sanctifie her beleeving husband; nor hath the unbeleeving husband, any priviledge to sanctified is (beleeving) wife. Nor doth it need (in this case) for beleevers are holy without them; though their unbeleeving yoak-fellowes are not sanctified without them.
Thirdly, Wee are to note from the Apostles words, Else were your children uncleane, but now are they holy: That because the unbeleeving [Page 70] wife is sanctified to the beleeving husband, or the unbeleeving husband to the beleeving wife, therefore the children are holy, else not.
Fourthly, We are to take notice that the cause of the sanctification of the unbeleeving wives (or that which made them to be so sanctified) was two things.
Frist, Their abiding.
And Secondly, Because their yoak-fellowes were beleevers, if her yoak-fellow be a beleever else she cannot be so sanctified to the beleever, for that that is not, cannot be said to be.
Fifthly, The Ap [...]stle treateth of holinesse; which wee are to take for that excellent spirituall holinesse, which becometh the Lords House, even such a holinesse which Abraham and his infants had. Which holinesse giveth the persons who have it, visible right to the covenant of Grace, and scales thereof. The Apostle speaketh of holinesse, and doth no way lesson it, and therefore considering what the infants of bel evers have been, & what Christ hath done for them, wee may well understand that the holinesse which they have now, is a holin [...]ss [...] in relation to the covenant and Church of God.
Sixthly, It evidently appeareth from the Apostles words, that wee may safely cōclude, that such children (spoken of here) are different from heathens; for the unbeleeving wife had not that priviledge to bring forth such a holy seed unto a heathen. And so the like may be said for the unbeleeving husband, that he could not beget a holy seed of her that was an unbeleeving wife, but it is peculiarly bound up in the beleeving yok [...]fellow. Therfore the childeren of one (or both) beleeving parents are h [...]ly indeed, taking the Scripture in the largest extent.
Seventhly, If the Apostle had said to the beleevers, that their children were unholy, neverthelesse, you might still have made su [...]h a collection, as you have here, (to wit) that he meaneth t [...]at they are no Bastards, but legitimate; for the legitimate children, whose parents are neither of them beleevers, are unholy; and yet they have your holinesse (to wit) that which evidenceth them to be no Bastards. Wherefore that the Apostle Paul me [...]neth such a holinesse, which you speake of we may not in reason conclude; but the contrarie, as hath been observed before, (na [...]ely) that the Ap [...]stl [...] meaneth a holinesse directly opposite to th [...] [...] spoken of 2 Cor. 6.17. And also in this place, 1 C [...]. 7.14. When he saith, Else were your children unclean, but now are [...]. But you (in giving the sence according to your sence, or understanding) [Page 71] say it is thus; Else were your children Bastards, but now are they no Bastards!
And further you say; ‘And that this is the genuine sence of this place, A. R. Pag. 10. lin. 33. may further and clearly appeare by the generall scope of the Apostle in the 20, 21, 22, 23. verses following in the same Chapter, where he after he had resolved the married Beleevers not to depart from their lawfull yoke-mates, he then in these verses exhorts Servants and all others, to abide likewise in the lawfull callings wherein they were before their Conversion, and seemeth to tell them in effect thus much; That their being converted to the faith, did in no wise release them from any lawfull Covenants and civill duties in their severall relations wherein they stood before, but bound them to a more due performance of all such obligements towards all men, but in poynt of Religion and worship of God, therein they were not to be in subjection to any, save onely to Jesus Christ, who had therefore bought them with a price.’
Ans. All which you have sayd here, maketh nothing for your purpose, for vindication, illustration, or confirmation of your strange restriction of the Apostles words; but rather maketh against you, for as much as the Apostle desireth every beleever to abide in the same calling wherein he was called. So that the beleeving married persons had no need to put away their unbeleeving yoak-fellowes, for as much as the Lord allowed them to abide together, and that the unbeleeving yoak-fellowes were so sanctified for producing a holy seed; Else were your children uncleane, (sayth the Apostle) but now are they holy. But you pretend that you gathered your interpretation (Else were your children Bastards, &c.) from the generall scope of the Apostle in the 20, 21, 22, 23. verses following of the same Chapter.
The words therefore I will repeat at large, because you shall see that here is nothing in these verses, which you pretend, or by which you have any occasion to urge what you doe.
Ver. 20. Let every man abide in the same calling wherein he was called. Ver. 21. Art thou called being a servant, care not for it? but if thou mayest be made free, use it rather. Ver. 22. For he that is called in the Lord, being a servant, is the Lords freeman: Likewise also he that is called being free, is Christs servant. Ver. 23. Yee are bought with a price, be not yee the servants of men.
Now consider what ground you had to build such an affirmation, that the Apostle in speaking of holinesse, (1 Cor. 7.14.) doth not meane a holinesse in relation to faith, and that where he sayth, Else [Page 72] were your children uncleane, but now are they holy; he meaneth, else were your children bastards, but now are they no bastards!
What title of Scripture is here to warrant these your vaine conceipts, in thus opposing holy infants? Or upon what reason doe you ground these unreasonable collections? Is it because the Apostle sayth, that the called of the Lord, are the Lords freemen, the Lords servants, & are bought with a price? Surely, this maketh nothing against holy infants being in Covenant; for they are bought with the same price. Christ came not to damnifie them, but to dignifie them; not to make them loosers, but gainers. And all this is wrought by him, in whom is all fullnesse, and no emptinesse; riches and no povertie; life, and no death; He it is that came to give himselfe a ransome for them.
But you would inferre, that because beleevers are exhorted by Paul to performe their civill Covenants, and lawfull Contracts which they have made with men, that therfore it appeareth that the gloss which you gave upon the Apostles words, 1 Cor. 7.14. is a true interpretation. What weight is in your words? let any one that hath sence and reason judge; For the like might have been objected in the time of the Law, against the infants of the Church then, whom the Lord did call and sanctifie, and cause to approach neere unto him; that because the parents, and others, were to performe their Conditions and bargains, which they made each with other (or with strangers) not changing, Psal. 15.4. or going from their word, though it were to their hindrance, that therefore their holy infants then had no more holinesse then a meer l [...]gittimacie, nor were different from the infants of Heathens, and Infidells.
Were it not foolishnesse thus to thinke? [much more to affirme] yea, surely! and therefore such affirmations of yours, are to be taken for sensles imaginations, and vaine conceptions, not worthy to be uttered to any [much lesse unto many.] Neither should they (at this time) have been mentioned heer, but to manifest the vanitie thereof, That reasonable creatures may not be deluded, by such unreasonable collections, and false inferences; But may examine what they receive before they receive it; and embrace nothing but what is agreeable to the Rule of Truth.
Further you say;
A. R. Pag. 11. at lin. 5. to lin. 23. And this may likewise appeare in Mal. 2.14, 15. where the Spirit of God by the Prophet sheweth the reasons why their offerings were no more accepted, because (saith he) God hath been witnesse between thee and the wife of thy youth (that is his first wife then living) against whom [Page 73] thou hast dealt treacherously, yet shee is thy companion, and the wife of thy Covenant, and did not he make one, yet had he aboundance of the Spirit, and wherefore one in that he sought a godly or holy seed, therefore keepe your selves in spirit, and let none trespasse against the wife of his youth: In which words it plainly appeareth that the scope of the place is, that those Children which are generated by one man and one woman lawfully married, are a godly or holy seed, and those that are generated otherwise, are not so but Bastards. And the reason of this holinesse ariseth not here from any relation they had to the Jewish State, nor from any Church Covenant, but meerly from Gods first Institution of Marriage in the Creation, and his then providing one woman for one man, and which therefore is of Ʋniversall concernment to all man-kinde, by the Law of Creation.
Ans. Herein you pervert the Scripture, and bring such Conclusions therefrom, which are not included therein.
Whereas you say, it is his first wife then living; I aske you why not his second Jacob had 2 wives, Leah and Rachell; the one was elder then the other, and one was married before the other: But the children which he had by thē, as also those by Billa and Zilpah, were all holy in their infancie, and so are the Infants of beleevers, a godly and holy seed; and all other Infants are otherwise, whether legitimate, or illegitimate. wife then living? If you will limit it onely to the first wife, then it seems by your speech that he might deale treacherously with the other, and beare no blame for it. But you should know, that these Jewes, to whom the Lord speaketh, were taught to follow the righteous steps of their holy parents, and not to deale treacherously with any of their wives.
You say, that the scope of this place in Mal. 2.14, 15. is, That those Children which are generated by one man, and one woman, lawfully married, are a godly, or holy seed, and those that are generated otherwise are not so, but Bastards. But that this is the scope of the place, wee must take upon your bare word, (or else choose,) for Scripture to prove it you have none. But (by these your speeches) it seemeth that you would have us to beleeve, that godlines & holines of children dependeth upō the parents lawfull generating of them. And so by this it will follow, that all the legitimate Infidells in the world are godly and holy, both young and old; which is very strange, and absurd, and overthroweth the Scriptures, which declareth that there hath been alwayes a difference between the holy and prophane, between beleevers and Infidells, between the Infants of the Church, and the Infants out of the Church; one sort being called, the children of God, the other, the children of men.
Againe, This speech of yours in saying that the children of one man, and one woman lawfully married, are a godly and holy seed; and those that are generated otherwise, are not so but Bastards. It doth [Page 74] imply that then all legitimated persons shall be saved, and that no Bastards shall be saved. And so out of your owne mouth (for ought you know) you bring a heavie censure, and sentence of condemnation against your selfe; for it seemeth by your words, that your owne assurance of salvation, must rest meerly upon humane testimony; for you know not whether you are legitimate, or no, but by the testimony of your parents, which if they were not lawfully married at the time of your begetting, then where is your godlines and holines? You have it not at all upon your own grounds; howsoever, at the best, I thinke you will say, that you have it not from your owne knowledge, but by humane testimony.
But (for your comfort) you should consider, that in a religious respect, a Bastard, if he be a Convert, must not be rejected, as a castaway; for although his father and his mother sinned in his procreation, yet their sinne shall not be imputed unto him; neither will the Lord reject him any whit the more for his being unlawfully begottē.
Yea, though beleeving parents should (through temptation,) derogate from Gods institution, by begetting children contrary to Gods Law, yet we will not say, but as there is repentance & forgivenesse for the parents returning unto God, so the beleeving parents may have hope (from the Scripture, that sweet fountaine of consolation) that God will not impute that their sinne unto their children, who never sinned actually, but will receive them to mercy with themselves.
So Davids childe, which he had by the wife of Ʋriah the Hittite, though it was unlawfully begotten (contrary to Gods institution in Paradise) yet it doth evidently appeare, that we have no ground to say, that the infant was out of Gods covenant, any more then David was. David repented, and his sinne was forgiven him, and his childe was cleane, both in a civill, and religious respect; the which cannot justly be sayd of any infant, whose parents are both of them unbeleevers, though they are lawfull husband and wife, and the childe legitimate; yet the parents (being neither of them in the Covenant) were not to esteem any of their Infants to be godly, or holy, neither from 1 Cor. 7.14. nor from any other Scripture.
In consideration whereof it doth appeare, that there is a reall difference between the infants of the godly, and the infants of the wick [...]d; and that the holinesse which differenceth them, is a spirituall holinesse; For in respect of legitimaci [...], some of the infants of unbeleevers had the preheminence, when some of the infants of beleevers had it [Page 75] not, and yet the infants of beleevers (whether legitimate, as Isaac, or illegitimate, as (Pharez) were in respect of their religious sanctification, the onely infants, whom God accepted of visibly in his Covenant: But as for the others, which were out of the Covenant, God rejected them, whether they were legitimate, or illegitimate; So then, it appeareth that it is the holy Covenant, which demonstrateth the children of beleevers to be holy and members of the visible Church, as the holy infants were in formed time.
By this you may see, how you are deceived, both in mistaking, and mis-construing the words of the Apostle, 1 Cor. 7.14. and misunderstanding, and perverting the words of the Prophet, Mal. 2.14, 15.
Your next words are these; ‘ In the same sense is the Apostle to be taken, Heb. 13 4. where he saith, Marriage is honourable in all, and the Bed undefiled, but Whoremongers and Adulterers God will judge.’
If Marriage be honourable in all, and the Bed undefiled; then the issue of that Bed must needs be undefiled (that is) cleane and holy; as [...]n the other side, the issue of all unlawfull conjunctions are uncleane, illegitimate, and Bastards. Now this holinesse and unholinesse of Children, proceedeth not from the holinesse or unholinesse of the Parents; But from the lawfull or unlawfull conjunction of the Parents in the begetting of their Children, for the Apostle in this place speakes of all men universally.
That the Apostle speaketh of all men universally in Heb. 13.4. when he saith, that Marriage is honourable amongst all is (in a sense) true; but that he speaketh of all men universally in Cor. 7.14. is not true in any sense; for (the Apostle Paul in 1 Cor. 7.14. speaking to the members of the Church, of that which principally concerned them) he groundeth his speech concerning the holinesse of children, and sanctification of the unbeleever (to that use) upon the faith of one of the parents, that if one of the parents be a beleever, though the other parent be an unbeleever, the Children are holy, that is to say, they are under the holy Covenant; And so it necessarily implyeth, that if neither parents are beleevers, the children are unholy, that is, they are not born holy, nor under the holy Covenant. For it was faith that made the beleevers y [...]k-mate to be so sanctified to him, as the Apostle speaketh, Because he was a beleever, the Infidell was sanctified to him; For to an unbeleever shee could not be sanctified, but unto a beleever, And therfore the children of those beleevers were holy, [Page 76] because one of the parents was a beleever, and this faith (so sanctifying the unbeleeving yoak-mates to this end, and use) made the children holy; which cannot be sayd of an infant, whose parents are neither of them beleevers; though his parents were honourably married, and the bed undefiled in his procreation, but he is unholy, ungodly and out of the Covenant, neither of his parents being holy, nor any of them sanctified then in themselves, nor sanctified in (by, or to) a beleever, for producing a holy seed, spoken of in 1 Cor. 7.14.
But you goe on still, and say, that ‘ A. R. Pag. 11. li. 34.It seems that the holines here of the children, ariseth not from the faith or holines of the parents, but meerly from the lawfull marriage and conjunction of the parents in begetting their Children.’
Lin. 38. It is even so.
Ans. Is it even so? How is it even so? Doth the holines of the holy children (spoken of in 1 Cor. 7.14. arise meerly from the lawfull marriage, &c? How prove you this? Who revealed this unto you? Belike you thinke your bare affirmation (it is even so) is sufficient proofe; It may be, you will say, that Pharez and Zarah were ungodly and unholy, Gen. 38.16, 17, 24, 25, 26, 29, 30. and out of the Covenant, because their parents had not lawfull marriage at their conjunction in begetting of them: And also that Davids illegitimate Infant was ungodly and unholy & out of the covenant, because he was not lawfully married to Bersheba, 2 Sam. 11.4, 5. before he had begotten him. For surely if the godlines & holinesse of the Infants of the faithfull arise meerly from the lawfull marriage and conjunction of the parents in their begetting, then all the infants of the faithfull, (whose parents have not lawfull marriage in their begetting) are not holy, nor godly. But seeing the infants of the world, whose parents were married to each other, in their begetting were (though born legitimate,) yet not borne holy, (that is to say) not under the holy Covenant: And seeing that Davids infant was in the Covenant, though he was illegitimate, 2 Sam. 11.27. & 12.16, 17.23 (which thing might be sayd of other illegitimated Infants of the Church then.) It plainly argueth, that there is a great gulfe, between the holy infants of the Church (spoken of in 1 Cor. 7.14.) and the infants of the world, whose parents are ungodly, and out of the Covenant. And also it is clearly seen, that you fowly misse it, in saying that the holinesse ariseth meerly from the lawfull marriage and conjunction of the parents in begetting their children. In all which speeches, you still crosse your selfe, in what you have set downe, in the fourth Page of your Booke See A.R. his second Book, pag. 4., where [Page 77] you enter upon this particular, concerning 1 Cor. 7.14. For there you affirme (in opposing Infants holinesse.)
First, That there is [now] but one Covenant on foot, &c.
Secondly, That there is but one manner of entering and being therein.
And thirdly, That there is but one holinesse [now] acceptable with God, &c. Consider what you sayd there, and that w ch the Apostle declareth here (in 1 Cor. 7 14.) That the children of beleevers are holy [now] under the Gospel. [Now] are they holy (sayth he) and so judge your selfe in reason, whether you doe not wrong the Scripture, [and your selfe also unreasonably] in making this one holinesse to be a meer legitimacie, proceeding meerly from the parents lawfull conjunction in matrimony.
But let us see what further reasons you can give for maintenance of this your opinion.
Ans. Here you grant, that the Apostle saith, the beleevers ought not to put away their unbeleeving yoak-mates; This maketh directly against you; for it doth demonstrate that the children of beleevers are holy, as the holy children of the Jewes were; which children were not to be put away, whose visible holinesse gave the beleeving Jewes a sufficient ground to administer Circumcision upon them in their infancie, And so Baptism being unto us, as that was to them; the holy children of beleevers are to have this, as they had that. For these are holy now, and have right to this, as those were holy then, and had right to the other.
And the Apostle Paul, when he exhorteth the beleeving parents, not to depart from their unbeleeving yoak fellowes, he yeeldeth this reason, (what ere he implies; 1 Cor. 7.14:) For the unbeleeving husband is sanctified to the wife, and the unbeleeving wife is sanctified to the husband; and for confirmation of this reason (or these reasons) of his, he saith further, Or else were your children uncleane, but now are they holy; so that the holinesse of the children, is the main argument which proved that their unbeleeving yoak-fellowes were sanctified, and so might be retained, and not put away.
Next you say; A. R. Pag. 12. li. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. ‘And this he backs with a double reason:’
First, Because their unbeleeving yoak-mates were sanctified to their use.
Secondly, Because their Children, begotten in that state, are legitimate and holy.
Ans. That the unbeleeving yoak-mates of the beleevers, were sanctified to their use, is true; But this is not all, They were sanctified to them for this use, the male to beget, and the femal [...] to conceive, and bring forth, a holy seed; or else were your children uncleane, (sayth the Apostle) but now are they holy. And that their children begotten in the state of matrimony, are both legitimate and holy, is very true; keepe to this, and then you keepe to the truth; Their children begotten in that estate, are legitimate and holy. If then they are legitimate and holy, as your selfe doe confesse here, why will you seek to debarre them from the priviledges of the holy Covenant? Surely this speech of yours (being cōsidered & compared with your former) you can object nothing now against them (except you crosse your self) but that they may, yea, and ought to be Baptized. But yet I would have you to mind, that it is not their legitimacie, or illegitimacie, which can debar them from Baptisme, or admit them to it; but it is their visible holinesse, which giveth them visible right to Baptisme. And this is according to your former speeches, in this your Treatise; Where you affirme, That there is but one holinesse now acceptable with God Pag. 4. lin. 8.; and such a holinesse is available to Baptisme Pag. 6. li. 2, 3., according to tha Rule Lin. 38..
Next you say; ‘ A. R. Pag. 12. lin. 6.On the other side, If they were not so lawfully married to them, then these three conclusions would follow.’
First, They would not be sanctified to them.
Secondly, Their children would be unclean, and Bastards.
Thirdly, They might and ought to put them away.
Ans. These three Conclusions (you say) would follow, if they were not [so lawfully married] unto them. Here is a threefold injunction, implyed in these three words [so] [lawfully] [married] And these you have put as a preparative to your three Conclusions; all which are laid downe ambiguously.
I doubt not but the unbeleeving yoak-fellowes of the beleevers, were sanctified to them; but this is not all, their servants might be sanctified unto them, and all lawfull things; but their yoak-fellowes were sanctified unto [...]hem, for this end and use, for producing a holy seed, as I sayd before *. And the reason was because one of them (being [Page 79] a beleever) sanctified the other; If all the legitimate Children in the world, have the holines spoken of in 1 Cor. 7.14. Then all the legitimated Children whose parents are neither of them beleevers, are holy: and then it will follow, that unbeleeving yoak mates sanctifie their unbeleeving yoak-mates; But this is not to be thought, for it maketh the Apostle Pauls words of none effect, where he bindeth it onely in the beleever, and doth not tell us, that the unbeleever sanctifieth the beleever, or unbeleever, but [the beleever] sanctifieth the unbeleever. And this doth forcibly prove the holinesse (in 1 Cor 7.14.) to be another thing then a meer legitimacy; for it proves it to be a peculiar thing unto beleevers, but matrimony is not peculiar to beleeving parents, no more then legitimacy is peculiar to their Infants; others have the same as well as they. the unbeleever was sanctified, in, by, or to the beleever, for this very end, of generating children unto him, or rather unto God; So that the beleever sanctifi [...]d the unbeleever. Which thing could not, nor cannot be said of the unbeleevers, that they sanctifi [...], or that their yoak-fellowes are sanctified in them; for they indeed are sanctified in themselves. But by your reasoning, Paul might as well have said, that the beleever is sanctified to the unbeleever, as to the beleever; But so to say, is a turning of the Apostles testimony up-side-downe. And [...] doubt not but the beleevers children (begotten in that estate of matrimony) were legitimate. But the holinesse is not taken simply from the lawfull marriage, but in resp [...]ct to the Covenant of Grace, and Chu [...]ch of God, they being borne members of the same, as hath been proved before; Having the holinesse and righteousnesse of Christ imputed unto them. And seeing that beleevers holy chil [...]ren had the like priviledges, as Isaacs holy children had; therefore, as those children of Isaac were in the Covenant; So were the holy children of beleevers in the time of the Law, and so are these now in the time of the Gospel. They are even in the holy Covenant of God and so are hallowed with their parents, by the same God who made their parents holy; the root is holy, and so are the branches, the first fruits are holy, and so is the whole lump. And upon this ground, doth the Apostle Paul prove, that the Corinthians might lawfully keep their unbeleeving yok-mates; because that Else their children were unclean, but now are they holy; because that one of them was a beleeving parent in Covenant; for that is the reason both of the holinesse of the children, and of the lawfull retaining of the unbeleeving yoak mates.
Whereas you say, secondly, Their children would be uncleane, Lin. 9, 10. and bastards.
Thirdly, They might and ought to put them away.
How doe you prove this, that they might and ought to put them away!? I thinke they might and ought to keepe their owne Infants, though illegitimated, Bastards; Yea, and in some considerations to keep their wives. So David according to the Law of God, kept his illegitimate infant; and did not put away the wife who bare [Page 80] it, but still retained her, and had a holy and elected seed, by her.
See Mr. Henry Ainsworth his Answer to the Anabaptists Dialog. pa. 95.So M r. Ainsworth answereth this Objection of the Anabaptists, by proving unto them, that mis-begotten children, and Bastards were not to be put away in respect of civill use; for (sayth he) who should nourish, or bring them up, rather then their owne parents? 2 Sam. 11.4, 5. & 12.14, 15, &c.
Moreover, If unbeleevers cannot be sanctified to beget, or conceive, a holy seed, except they be yoked unto beleevers, as you here grant, (by your words) in saying, that See A. R. Pag. 12. lin. 19. [[ that which is sanctified to a beleever, being unsanctified to an unbeleever, must needs be sanctified unto him by his beleeving. And so the meaning (of the translations whether by or to See A. R. lin. 16:) is all one, and may be thus expressed; That the unbeleeving wife is sanctified unto the beleeving husband, by, or through his beleeving]] Then it will follow (by your owne confession) that though an unbeleever be in the state of matrimony, yet (except it be with a beleever,) the unbeleever cannot procreate such a holy seed To wit] not borne visibly holy in the holy Covenant, as the Infants of beleevers are., spoken of in 1 Cor. 7 14. And so this argueth, that there is a great and manifest difference [in respect of holinesse] between the infants of beleevers, and the infants of Infidells; And that this holinesse proceedeth not meerly (according to your former inferences Pag. 11. lin. 36, 37, 38. Lin. 14, 15.) from a lawfull conjunction, in respect of Matrimony, which is honourable to all; Neither doth the unbeleevers being sanctified, come simply by being in the honourable state of Marriage, (which those have who are not so sanctified) but because she (or he) is coupled in marriage with such a beleever Keep still to this [that the unbeleeving yoak-fellow may be sanctifi [...]d to her (or his) beleeving yoak-fellow, but not to any unbeleever;] And then there will be some more hope, that you will be drawn out of your Anti podobaptisticall errours, for (as I sayd before) this doth shew, that those children whose parents are neither of them beleevers, are not holy, nor sanctified, by their birth, from any ground appearing, in 1 Cor. 7.14. or any other Scripture.
Moreover, I know none that pleadeth that the unbeleeving wife of the beleever, should be admitted to Baptisme, and Church-fellowship with her beleeving husband. And yet shee is sanctified unto him, in the enjoyment of her, to bring forth a holy seed; and therefore is (in this respect) far different from his cattell, and beasts, with whom he may not so unite himselfe; they are not so sanctified to him, as to bring forth a holy seed; but his wife is: which difference you doe not set downe, when you say See A R. Pag. 12. lin. 21, 22, 23., that shee is no otherwise sanctified [Page 81] then servants, and his cattell, and beasts. But you should have minded, that the Beasts are sanctified to him, as beasts, the servants, as servants, and the unbeleeving wife, is sanctified in him, (to him, or by him,) as a wife. But touching the children, they are holy, under the holy Covenant; as hath been formerly observed, and proved, and shall be further cleared. A. R. Pag. 12. li. 27, 28. A. R.
To another Question which you call an Objection; Whether the Children of beleevers have no more priviledge, then the children of Heathens, Turkes, and Infidells: You say Lin. 29., ‘In respect of the Covenant of Grace and Salvation none at all.’
Ans. If by their children heer, you meane their infants, then I absolutely affirme and will prove, that the infants of beleevers have more priviledge then the infants of unbeleeving Heathens, in respect of the Covenant of grace, and salvation; for God hath testified to Abraham Gen. 17.7. Jer, 30.22. Ezek. 37.27. Heb. 8.10., saying, I will be a God unto thee, and to thy seed after thee. And this is the new Covenant of grace, and of salvation, That God will be our God, and wee shall be his people: Which Covenant is not made unto the wicked and their off-spring, to Turkes, and Heathens, who are without God in the world. Rev. 21.3. Nor have they any ground to hope for the salvation of their infants; for true hope is grounded upon some promise of God, which they are destitute of; 2 Cor. 6.16.18. and where God hath made no promise, who can expert performance? Touching secret things, they belong unto the Lord our God, but things revealed, appertaine to us and our children Deut. 29.27. for ever,
And whereas you say Pag. 12. lin. 30., It commeth not by any naturall Birth, but by the worke of the Spirit; for the Spirit bloweth where it listeth, Joh. 3.7, 8. And God is no respecter of persons: But in every Nation, he that feareth God and worketh righteousnesse, is accepted of him, Act. 10.34, 35.
I answer; As the Saints generation doth not hinder their regeneration, so their naturall birth, doth not hinder the birth of the Spirit; for the Spirit bloweth where it listeth; John 3.8. And yet the sound thereof may be heard by the testimonies of Scripture; w ch declareth that the Spirit of God is in all that are his, and he hath wrought upon some of the infants of beleevers miraculously, before they were born; and God loveth all his Saints, without respect of persons God hath promised to circumcise our heart, and the heart of our seed: and this is the work of the Spirit.; yea, he respecteth the poorest of their infants, before the infants of the world, w ch are without, though they are never so rich. In every nation he that feareth God, and worketh righteousnesse, is accepted with him, Act. 10.34, 35.
And as those infants (in the time of the Law) whom he claimed visibly for his own in speciall, were not then to be judged destitute of his Spirit; no more are such holy infants now; for as Gods Spirit is the Spirit of promise, so God is alwayes as good as his word.
Whereas you say See A. R. Pag. 12. lin. 34., In respect of the means of salvation, their priviledge in having beleeving parents, is far more then those that have not; because beleeving parents may be a means to bring their Children to the knowledge and faith of J [...]sus Christ, and so be instruments of their salvation, as Sain [...] Paul saith here; The beleeving husband may save his unbeleeving wife.
I answer; If by children here, you meane infants, if this be all the priviledge you will afford them, I thanke you for nothing! But it is well they are not at your finding; for indeed this measure of yours is somewhat scant.
If they die in their infancie, how shall their parents bring them to the knowledge and faith of Jesus Christ? yea, how shall they beleeve that they goe to heaven, if they had not some warrant to beleeve, that the worke of regeneration was wrought in them before? If the righteousnesse of Jesus Christ, and the graces of his holy Spirit were not imputed unto them before? Psal. 6.5. In death there is no remembrance of God; in the grave who shall praise him? But the Comforter (which would not have beleeving parents mourne, 1 Thes. 4.13. as those which have no hope) hath informed them, that he is the Circumciser of their heart, and of the heart of their seed Deut. 30.6.; a plain evidence, that they love, and know him, or rather are beloved and knowne of him; He that loved them in their life, will not forsake them in their death; For the dead which die in the Lord are fully blessed, yea, saith the Spirit, for they rest from their labours, and their workes doe follow them Rev. 14.13..
But by your words it appeareth, that you judge the infants of beleevers, and Infidells, all alike.
Yea, the Infidell servants, which serve beleevers (if these your words be true,) have a greater priviledge then the Infants of beleevers; for the servants are capable of instruction, (in respect of a naturall capabilitie) but the Infants are not.
Now if you will still grant, that the Infants of beleevers, (though they die in their infancie) have a greater priviledge, then the infants of unbeleev [...]rs, then you must also grant, that that their priviledge resteth in something else, besides the bare publication of the Gospel, which they are not in their infancie capable of.
And you should not have over-topped them so far as to say, that because beleeving parents may be a means to bring their children to the knowledge, and faith of Jesus Christ, that therefore they have no more priviledges, then the unbeleeving wife; As if this were the greatest priviledge which beleevers infants have, which unbeleevers themselves may have, Mark. 16.15. But you should rather have reasoned thus:
Beleeving parents may publish the Gospel to their unbeleeving servants, & unbeleeving wives & to all other unbeleevers, but they may, yea, & ought to apply it to their infants See Mar. 16.16. Luk. 1.76, 77, 78, 79. as well as to themselves & also to all those whom they are to esteem in the state of salvation; he that hath faith thus to do is a Christian; he that hath not so much faith, but refuseth to apply the Gospel so, the Lord be mercifull to his soule! by giving him repentance, and remission of his sinne.
All godly parents [ [...]ike faithfull Abraham] were to teach their children the way of life, both what things were, and what things signified ( Gen. 19.17.19. Josh. 4.21.24.) and to declare unto them the goodnesse of God in the land of the living; yea, to hide nothing from them, which might be profitable to them, or beneficia [...]l for them. But as they grew up to be capable of knowledge, the parents were (as before mentally, so now) verbally, to apply the promises unto themselves, and their children, &c. Psal. 78.1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8. And surely this is one cause why the Land mourns, & why the Lord smiteth the earth with cursing, Mal. 4.5, 6. because the heart of the parents are not linked to their Infants. This part of good Elias and John Baptists minist [...]ry, doth not worke upon them. And how can it worke upon them so long as they continue in their sinnes and so wrap themselves, and their off-spring, in many mischiefes and miseries, and doe not choose life, (the thing that pleaseth God,) but refuse it, and follow the wayes of the strange woman, whose wayes are wayes of death, and whose steps reach downe to hell.
And surely, I may well say unto you, that those are Physicians of no value who in stead of curing them, doe kill them, and in stead of preserving them, doe poysen, harden, corrupt, and pervert them, with such damnable doctrine, w ch so violently possesseth them, that they thinke the Infants of beleevers have no priviledge at all in respect of the Covenant of grace; no more then the children of Turkes and Heathens, who are unholy. A dangerous doctrine! and to be abhorred, detested, and witnessed against, by those that feare the God of heaven, [Page 84] [...] [Page 85] [...] [Page 84] and desire to make a difference between the precious and the vile, against all such Mongrell opposites, who by speech, and writing, (contrary to the Tenour of the whole Scripture) do labour to rank all infants in one condition! Thus coupling light and darknesse, God and Belial, the beleever and the Infidell together! But woe unto them, may we say, (as sayth the Prophet Isaiah, Isa. 10.1.) which decre [...] unrighteous decrees, and write grievousnesse, which they have prescribed. Thus drawing Isa. 5.18. iniquitie with the cords of vanitie, and sinne as it were with a cart-rope. Woe Ver. 20. unto them that call evill good, and good evill; that put darknesse for light, and light for darknesse; bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter.
Psal. 73.1. Yet surely God is good unto Israel, (may wee say) to those that are pure in heart. The Lord hath been mindfull of us; He will blesse us. He will blesse the house of Israel (saith that sweet singer of Israel) He will blesse the house of Aaron: Psal. 115.12, 13, 14, 15. He will blesse those that feare the Lord, with small and great. The Lord shall increase you more and more, you and your children. You are blessed of the Lord, who hath made the heaven and the earth.
NExt See A. R. Pag. 12. lin. 40. Pag. 13. li. 1, 2. Pag. 13. l. 3. you say, The fourth Scripture is, That which speakes of Christs commanding little Children to be brought unto him, and sayd; That of such is the kingdome of God. Hence (you say) therefore some reason; The kingdome of God belongeth to little Children, why not the Seales?
I Ans. If by these [some] you mean the people of the Seperation; then (I say) you have not set it downe according to our expression: It is too generally laid downe; We say the kingdome of heaven belongeth to the Infants of beleevers: and we doe not barely question, why not the seales? But we set it downe affirmatively, that the seales doe belong to the infants of beleeving parents. But for as much as our poynt is particularly concerning the Baptisme of infants; I intend to proceed directly to the matter in hand, and answer your trifling objections by the way as I trace you.
Mat. 28.19. Mat. 16.16.First, It is to be minded, that Baptisme is one of the priviledges of Christs Church, which is his house and kingdome.
Secondly, It is also to be minded, that Jesus Christ, the eternall Sonne of God, and Lord of Glory, and of all administrations, and giver of every good and perfect gift, when he sayth, Suffer the little Children to come unto me, Mar. 10.14. Mat. 19.14. &c. For of such is the kingdome of heaven. He doth hereby apply the Gospel unto them. I say, It is Gospel [Page 85] which he speaketh here. [] Where the kingdome is, ther's the Gospel. Get the kingdome, thou hast God, and Gospel, and all. And so wee are to understand that [with the kingdome] the infants of beleevers have the Gospel of the kingdome also appertaining unto them, together with the priviledges thereof.
It being so, the Argument lieth thus;
Those persons to whom the Gospel may lawfully be applyed, to those Baptisme doth of right belong, and upon them it must be administred, Mar. 16.16. Mat. 28.19.
But the Gospel may lawfully be applyed to Beleevers infants, Isa. 22.24 Jer. 30.20.22. Mat. 19.13, 14. Mar. 10.13, 14, 15, 16. Luk. 18.15, 16, 17. & 19.9, 10. Gen. 17.7, 8.11.13, 14. Rev. 21.3. & 22.14. Infants Baptisme, Jure Divino.
Therefore Baptisme doth of right belong unto them, and must be administred upon them.
The first and second part of this Argument, being thus expressed, and also proved by the Scriptures, cited for Confirmation thereof; the Conclusion is true and certaine; and may further appeare so to be, by what hath been said in this Treatise, (where the poynt hath been handled) and may be further evinced, by taking away whatsoever else you can object against the same.
And now let us heare your Answer:
First, A. R. Pag. 13. lin. 5. That if Infants have right to one of the seales (if I may so call them) then to both; to the Supper as well as to Baptisme.
To which I reply, That this objection is impertinent. The Infants of beleevers (the Lords blessed Saints) have right both to Baptisme, and the Lords Supp [...]r; Mar. 10.14.16 1 Cor. 7.14. as the infants of beleevers in the time of the Law, had right to Circumcision, and the Passeover; and wee are to minde, that although persons were not (nor could not be capable In respect of a naturall capabilitie.) at all times to receive the Ordinances, yet they had right unto them then, and so persons now have right to those heavenly things, which they are not capable to receive; So wee know that divers Saints (though in yeares) have right to the preaching of the Word; yet have not capabilitie In case of deafnesse, or other defects in nature. (at all times) to conceive what is taught▪ Wherefore your arguing (that if Infants have right to one of Gods Ordinances, they have right to both) hath no weight in it against Infants right to Baptisme.
Your next words are, that ‘Here (they say) not to the Supper, A. R. Lin. 8, 9. untill they be able to examine themselves, which is required of all that receive the supper.’
Answer. If by [they,] you mean those of the Seperation; And if [Page 86] by infants, you mean their infants; I answer then, that wee affirme no such thing, as you would [...]ather upon us Lin. 5., (that holy infants have no right to the Supper!) for we know they have a right unto it, though they want capabilitie to partake of it; The Lords supper being an active Ordinance [there is more required then a bare suffering,] for there is an acting required of the partakers thereof; Mat. 26.26. Take, eate, doe this in remembrance of me Luk. 22.19., &c. But Baptisme, [being a passive ordinance] the partie upon whom it is imposed, is not required, [actually] to doe it, The Lords supper is active, & Baptisme passive, in referēce to the receivers thereof. but onely to suffer it to be done.
So the infants of beleevers in the time of the Law, had right both to Circumcision, and the Passeover; yet Circumcision they might receive, (when they were not capable to partake of the Passeover,) because that (as hath been formerly minded) there was an activenesse required of the partaker in partaking, and at administration of the Passeover, but onely a meer suffering, (by the subject) when Circumcision was imposed upon him. So that holy infants now are as capable to receive Baptisme, as the infants in former time were to receive Circumcision; and these are as capable to receive the Supper now, as those infants were to receive the Passeover then. Wherefore seeing there was no reason to keepe those infants from being Circumcised, though they could not partake of the Passeover, (having right unto both.) Therefore there is no just reason can be given to debarre such holy infants from Baptisme now, though they cannot partake of the Supper; yet they have right both to Baptisme and the Supp [...]r.
It may be you will say, that all that had right to the Passeover, were not to be kept from it, but to partake of it at the time of administration; and that all who have right to the supper, are to partake of it when it is administred, &c.
Ans. No; not so; for persons might have just occasions, which might justly hinder them from the Passeover, and yet they had right unto the Passeover; As when they were uncleane, or in a journey, yet they had still a right unto the Passeover, (though they were not at that time to partake of it.) And if they were driven from the societie of the Saints, they had still right unto the ordinances, though they could not come to enjoy them. So if persons were sicke, wee will not say, that the Passeover was to be infused in them, against their stomack; yet had they a right thereto, though they could not partake thereof.
When the Children of Israel were in Aegypt, Exod. 12.11. they were commanded to eat the Passeover, with their loynes girded, their shooes on their feete, and their staves in their hands, and to eat it in hast, for it was the Lords Passeover; and though every member of the Congregation, had right thereto Exod. 12.47., yet we will not say, they were to partake thereof, when they could not, for the causes before specified, or the like occasions.
And as it may be said concerning comming to the Passeover then, so it may be said of communicating in the Lords Supper now, that all that have right thereto, are not commanded to partake thereof.
And those Saints then that could not partake of the Passeover, did not (and these that cannot partake of the supper, doe not) sinne in not partaking thereof; and therefore these are not commanded or injoyned by God to partake of the Supper (for God requireth not impossibilities of us,) neither are we commanded (or injoyned) to administer it unto them; but circumcision was commanded to be administred upō, & unto the other; therfore it appeareth that though they were not capable [actually] to receive the Passeover, yet seeing they were still the Saints of God, they had right thereunto.
And the like may be sayd concerning all the holy infants of the Church now; and concerning the ordinances now, which are in stead of the ordinances then, and in effect the same. Though the Infants of Beleevers, have right to the Supper, yet have they not capabilitie to receive it, and therefore it must not be administred unto them; but Baptisme [that passive Ordinance] may, because there is required no actuall doing of the receiver, but a suffering, for the water in Baptisme is not to be drunken by them, nor to be infused into them, but imposed upon them.
Moreover, Concerning their not having the Supper, A. R. you have answered your selfe, in answering them, when you say Pag. 13. lin. 10, 11, 12, 13, 14., That Examination (in respect of the Supper) is required onely of men of yeares, not of infants, who are not able to performe it.
Further you tell us, That if your Author, nor memory faile you, Children were admitted as well to the Supper, as to Baptisme, for many yeares in time past, (and over against in the margent of the page Page 13. at lin. 15. you name Parker on the Crosse.)
Ans. Indeed you may suspect your memory, if you take your imagination to be your memory. And you may expect, that your Author can stand you in little stead, in opposing the Baptisme of Infants; [Page 88] A good object may faile a bad subject; and so your Author may faile you, especially, he being neither an Author, nor upholder of your errour, which you labour by all meanes to uphold.
Next you say; ‘ A. R. Lin. 17, 18, 19And why not to the one as well as to the other, seeing the same reasons are alike in both, and will center into one, if fully prosecuted?’
I Answer, This is but a begging of the Question, I have told you why not to the one, as well as to the other, Because they are capable of the one (in respect of a naturall capabilitie) but not of the other. And therefore I deny that the reasons are alike in both; or will center into one, though [never] so fully prosecuted.
Wheras you further oppose infants Baptisme, saying, that Pag 13. li. 21, 22. no Infant is required by God, in Scripture, to beleeve, or to repent, or to be baptized by any man, &c.
The Infants of beleevers are not impenitent,I Answer. That this your speech is ambiguous, and abominable, and you may know, that we stand not for the Baptizing of Infidells, or those in whose hearts wee cannot rightly judge the foundation of repentance to be layd. For God hath not required such to be baptized, no more then he did command such to be circumcised in the time of the Law. And you should know, that faith is the gift of God, & so also is repentance; and though the Saints of God are not required to manifest their faith and repentance actually, so long as they cannot act; yet for to say, that therefore they have not faith and r [...]p [...]ntance, or that wee are not to judge them to have the gifts and graces of the Spirit, because they cannot act, is a meer idle toy! and frivolous foppery. But if you will say, that though the infants of beleevers cannot manifest faith and repentance, no more then Isaac could (who was a childe of promise in his infancie) yet they are to be judged to have faith and repentance notwithstanding. Then you will agree with us in this truth. But if you will say, you deny it, and will not assent unto it, and that therefore the infants of beleevers, ought not to be baptized; Then I tell you, you have your answer long agoe.
Christian Infants (sayth M r. Ainsworth In his Censure upon the Anaba [...]tists Dia [...]g. pa. 70. lin. 19.) Have the grace they speak [...] [...]f, repentance, faith, regeneration, &c. Though not actually, or by way of declaration to others; yet they have (through the worke of the Spirit) the seed and beginning of faith, virtually and by way of inclination, so that they a [...]e not wholly destitute of faith, regeneration, &c. though it be a thing hid, and unknowne unto us, after what manner the Lord worketh these in them. E [...]cles. 11.5.
Which M r. Ainsworth doth further prove, thus In the same page, lin. 27. to page 71.;
If Infants naturally are some wayes capable of Adams sinne, and so of unbeliefe, disobedience, transgression, &c. Then Christian Infants supernaturally, and by grace, are some wayes capable of Christs righteousnesse, and so of faith, obedience, sanctification, &c. But Infants are capable of the former evills by Adam: therefore they are capable of the later good things by Christ.
That they are capable [...]f the former, he proved (in his treating of originall sinne) from divers Scriptures, as Psal: 51. John 3. Rom. 5. &c. The consequence, to wit that infants are capable of the later good things by Christ, he proveth thus See his book page 71. lin. 8..
First, Because the first Adam was a figure of the second Adam, Christ; So that as the sinne of the first Adam, his fault, disobedience, and death for it, came on all his Children, both by imputation, and infection, or corruption of nature; So the righteousnesse and obedience of Christ, cometh on all his Children, both by imputation, and renewing of nature, unto life and salvation; as the Apostle compareth them, Rom. 5.12.15, 16, 17, 18, 19.21.
Secondly, Because Infants ( being (by Adam) sinners, Children of wrath, &c.) m [...]st be borne againe of the Spirit, or else they cannot see the kingdome of God, Joh. 3.3.5 6. But the Christian Infants, dying in infancie, shall see the kingdome of God, and not be damned, (as the Adversaries grant. The old Anabaptists doe grāt, that childrē (dying in their infanci [...]) shall see the Kingdom of God. But some now (that stand against the Baptisme of Infants) say, They are all in the state of damnation; Others (that withstand Infants Baptisme) say, They know not how to judge of them; But I say, by the Scripture, Wee are to judge the infants of beleevers, to be in the state of salvation, [...]nd those of them that die in their infancie, are not damned, but saved: And as for other Infants (even the infants of the wicked) we have nothing to doe to judge them within, but without.) Therefore by Christs doctrine, they are borne againe of the Spirit: and so must needs (in some measure) have repentance, faith, and holines, without which there is no regeneration.
Againe, That Infants have the faith, and love of God in them: And regeneration in their measure is thus proved;
They to whom God giveth the signe and seale of righteousnesse by faith, and of regeneration, they have faith and regeneration [ for God giveth no lying figne, he sealeth no vaine (or false) Covenants.]
But God gave to Infants Circumcision, which was the signe and seale of the righteousnesse of faith, and regeneration. Gen. 17.12. Rom. 4.11. & 2.28, 29. Colos. 2.11.
Therefore Infants had (and consequently now have) faith and regeneration, though not in the crop of harvest by declaration; yet in the bud and beginnings of all Christian graces.
They that deny this reason, must either make God the Author of a lying signe, and seale of the Covenant to Abraham, and his Infants; or they must hold, that infants had those graces then, but not now; both which are wicked and absurd to affirme; Or they must say, that Circumcision was not the signe and seale of the righteousnesse of faith, and then they openly contradict th [...] Scripture, Rom. 4.11.
Moreover, As the Apostle in Rom. 5. compareth our naturall estate in Adam, and our spirituall estate in Christ, so may wee, in this case.
If wee cannot justly object against Gods worke in nature, but doe beleeve that our Infants are [reasonable creatures] and are borne [ not bruit beasts, but men] though actually they can manifest no reason, or understanding more then beasts ( yea, a young Lambe knoweth and discerneth his damme sooner then an Infant knoweth his Mother;) then neither can wee justly object against Gods worke in grace, but are to beleeve, that our Infants are sanctified creatures, and are borne beleevers, not Infidells, though outwardly they can manifest no faith, or sanctification unto us.
And why should it be thought incredible, that God should worke faith in Infants? If it be because wee know not, or perceive not how it can be; let us consider, that we know not the way of our naturall birth, and other earthly things, Eccles. 11.5. Joh. 3.8. How then can wee know heavenly things?
If we make question of the power of God; nothing is unpossible with him. He made all things of nothing; He can make the dumbe beast speak with mans voyce, Numb. 22. He can make the babe [ in the mothers wombe,] to be affected and leap for joy, at the voyce of the words spoken to the mother, Luk. 1.44. And can he not also work grace, faith, and holines in Infants? Hath Sathan power by sinne, to infect, and corrupt Infants, (as is before proved) and shall not God have power to clense from corruption, and make them holy? If wee mak [...] doubt of the [will] of God herein, behold wee have [his promises,] to restore [our losses] in Adam, by his graces in Christ, ( as he sheweth in Rom 5.) That he will circumcise our heart, and the heart of our seed to love him, Deut. 30.6. Wee have the seale of his promise, in giving Circumcision to Infants, to signifie and seale the righteousnesse of faith, Rom. 4 11. Gen. 17. And wee have assurance of all his promises, and of that to Abraham and his seed in particular, to be confirmed unto us (not abrogated or lessened) by Christ, 2 Cor. 1.20. Luk. 1.72, 73. Gal. 3.14. &c. Wherefore they are but a faithlesse and crooked generation, [Page 91] that notwithstanding all that God hath spoken and done in this kinde, doe deny this grace of Christ to the Infants of his people, and the seale, or confirmation of this grace by Baptisme now, as it was by Circumcision of old.
Next you say; ‘Secondly, A. R. This reason is grounded upon a great mistake of the sense of the Text; for the words are not unto them belongs the Kingdome, but of such is the Kingdome, (that is) of none else, but of such, as the next words which follow in these Texts, doe manifestly declare; for in Luk. 18.17. Mat. 10.15. In both places, where Christ had said, Suffer little Children to come unto me, for of such is the Kingdome of God. He presently confirmes it in the next words, thus; Verily, I say unto you, whosoever shall not receive the kingdome of God as a little childe shall not enter therein. As also in Mat. 18.34. Christ speaking to his Disciples, sayth, Except yee be converted, and become as little children, yee shall not enter into the Kingdome of heaven; Whosoever therefore shall humble himselfe as this little childe, the same is the greatest in the Kingdome of heaven. Whereby it is evident, that when Christ sayth, of such is the Kingdome of heaven, his meaning is not of them, nor of such as them in age, nor understanding, 1 Cor. 14.20. But of such as them in humilitie, and such like qualifications.’
Ans. If you mean heer, that the Seperates do ground their reason upō a great mistake, of the sense of the Text, in saying, that the Kingdome of God belongeth to the Infants, and therefore Baptisme. Then to your impertinent & confused answer, or groundlesse aspersion. I reply.
First, That it is not sufficient to say, that the reason is grounded upon a mistake, unlesse it be so, which if it be not so, then you are mistaken your selfe (and that greatly) both in the reason, and in the sense of the Text also, in charging us with a great mistake, when it is not grounded upon any mistake, much lesse upon a great mistake, and least of all upon a great mistake of the sense of the Text, as you unjustly speake; and therefore your charge is but a treble evill surmise, a meer supposition of that which is not; and this may evidently appeare to be true, because out of Christs owne words, wee may gather that the Kingdome of heaven belongeth to the holy Infants; for, sayth he, of such is the Kingdome of heaven.
Secondly, Wee doe not say, that the words are in expresse tearmes, unto [them] belongs the Kingdome, (you shall not father this upon us,) but of [such] is the Kingdome of God, and yet notwithstanding [Page 92] the sense is rightly taken, according to the Text, that the Kingdome of heaven belongeth unto the infants, and therefore you cannot justly charge our reason to be impertinent, or to be grounded upon any mistake at all, much lesse a mistake of the Text; So then it appeareth that the mistake is not ours, but yours; seeing you mistake your selfe, and us, and Christ, and all.
Thirdly, I doe not know your meaning, when you rehearse Christs words, Of such is the Kingdome of heaven, and say (that is) of none else, but of such, You should know that the Kingdome of heaven belongeth to those that are past infancie, as well as to Infants, Aged persons are of the Kingdome of heaven as well as such children. If you denie this, you will denie your own enterance into the Kingdome, or else say you are an infant, which thing I suppose you will not doe. But the drift of your interpretation is to prove, that when Christ sayth, Of such, he meaneth such, and none el [...]e but such [& therefore no Infants] For so it appeareth by your words afterwards, when you say, Christs meaning: [not of them, nor of such as them in yeares nor understanding;] a meer non-sense conclusion; and your ground is, Because Christ sayth [of such] and doth not say [of them;] But herein you erre, and are mistaken in the word such; and your inferences therefrom, are not according to truth; which may appeare thus; As for Instance;
When Paul sayth, Rom 1.32. Those that do such things are worthy of death, he m [...]aneth those things before specified in the same Chapter.Suppose a person should come to you, and before divers persons charge you, saying, Such persons who doe such things as you doe, are worthy to be condemned. I suppose the accusation toucheth your own particular person, as much as any other, and that so you will confesse, and take it as meant of you.
But if upon examination of the accuser, you shall find him to faulter, & say, that therefore he meant not you, nor any such thing w ch you doe, &c. would you not count him a knave, or a foole or a lyar?
Againe, He that should come and say, Such an argument or arguments as you bring here are good, and full of wisdome, and abound in sense! you would heare h [...]m patiently, and partly, (if not fully) approve of his speech. But if he should draw a consequence from his former words, and say, that therefore (he meaneth) your arguments are evill, and full of foolishnesse and abound with nonsence! and that in saying such arguments were good, he doth not mean that your argumēts are good at all, nor such as yours, in such a respect, but in respect of such, or such a thing. Would not you begin to wonder at him, and to count him a madman? an idiote? a [Page 93] foole? or a lyar? or one that setteth himselfe on set purpose to cavill, or quarrell?
Apply this to your selfe, for even so is your owne argument, or objection here against Infants; And therefore I hope I may tell you (without giving you any occasion of offence,) that as your vindication unto that person before specified, would be, that your Arguments are such as those which are so answerable to them, that they are such, and that therefore his arguing can make nothing against your Arguments. So I (in answer to you) may say, that the infants which Christ tooke up in his armes, are the same with those who are so answerable to them, that they are such; for reason teacheth us to know, that those infants then in Christs armes are such as they then were, & not otherwise then they then were; and so now reason teacheth us, that reasonable creatures are as like unto themselves as those to whom they are compared, and that those to whom they are compared rightly, are not more like themselves, then themselves are like themselves, and therefore apply all this to our present purpose, and then wee may see the unreasonableness [...], and perversenesse, crookednesse and foolishnesse, of those who will so wrest Christs words, as if when he sayth, Of such is the kingdome of heaven, he meaneth not them, but excludeth them and such as them, and onely includeth some others who are for qualifications like them.
And therefore now (M r. A. R.) I challenge you, [and all that take your part in opposing Infants] to bring me one instance in all the Scripture, where persons are spoken of, and where it is sayd of such, that the persons with whom they are compared, & to whom such a thing is applyed, are not included or comprehended in the word, such, as well as those who are compared with them. In the mean time, till you shew such an instance, [whic [...] thing you can never doe] I must still rest in the mind of Christ, that he meaneth them as well as any, & includeth them as well as the rest, and doth not exclude them, but include them, in these words, Suffer the little Children to come unto me, &c. for of such is th [...] kingdom [...] of heaven.
Fourthly, If Christ had sayd, Of [them] [...]s the kingdome of heaven, and had not sayd, Of [such] is the kingdome, &c. Then you might have had more colour, for to limit, and restraine the Scripture as you doe. And then you would object; thus,
Yea, It is true Christ as he was God, knew all things, & therfore he (knowing thē to be elected) saith in particular, Of them is the kingdom, &c. But [Page 94] it doth not follow, that therefore such as they are of it, and therfore we cannot say, that any other beleevers infants are of the kingdome of heaven besides them. But heer you may see, that this blocketh up your objections, considering that Christ sayth, Of [such] is the kingdome, &c. And that the word [such] is of a larger extent, then the word [them] and includeth them also, as hath been observed before.
Fifthly, If the next words after (both in Luk. 18. and Mar. 10.) doe confirme the former, (as you confesse,) then it still argueth, that the reason is invincible; and therefore neither you, nor all the men in the world, can overthrow it. It was firme before, and it being (by your own confession) confirmed in the next words after, then it is not contradicted there, as you have contradicted it here, and therfore judge your selfe, whether you have not bestowed labour in vaine, in thus opposing holy Infants. For these Texts doe prove still, that as infants are of the kingdome, so they are not destitute of the graces of the Spirit, without which none are capable Subjects of the Kingdome. Wherefore heer is sufficient demonstration of Infants conversion, humiliation, regeneration, and great estimation, which they have with Jesus Christ, whose word is to be taken, and not refused, it being spirit, and life, and truth, and so directly opposed to your erronious affirmations, that it quite overthroweth your unsound collections, in your violent opposition of holy infants.
Sixthly, You speake very untruly, and doe abuse and wrong the Scripture exceedingly, by inferring from the premises, That when Christ sayth, Of such is the kingdome of heaven, His meaning is not of them, nor of such as them in age nor understanding. For Christ as he speaketh of them, so he meaneth them, (though he doe not shut out aged persons, that are in respect of holinesse, such as those holy infants then were, or such as these holy infants now are) and he meaneth [such] properly, both in yeares & understanding as may appeare by the scope of the place, where it is sayd, that Christ commanded to suffer them to come unto him; and declareth the reason (namely) because they are Subjects of his kingdome; for of such is the kingdome of heaven (sayth he.) And when he cometh to teach a further lesson, he applyeth it also to persons of yeares, that they should learne to receive the kingdome of heaven, like them, and to be converted, and to cast away all pride, and to humble themselves: All which graces (the fruits of regeneration) the Infants of beleevers are not destitute of, for as much as they are regenerated, they have the seed, and beginning of all Christian graces, as hath been proved before.
Now, that Christ meaneth these infants, when he sayth, Of such is the kingdome, is cleare in the Text, and may partly appeare unto you from the former Considerations. But for further confirmation of the premises, let us minde the scope of the place, and examine the Scriptures cited. In which is expresly declared.
First, That [the Infants] were [brought] unto Christ, Luk. 18.15.
Secondly, The persons intent in bringing them (or the reasons why they brought them) was, [that Christ should put his hands on them, and pray] Mat. 19.13.
Thirdly, When Jesus saw that the Disciples rebuked those which brought them, he was [much] displeased, Mar. 10.13, 14.
Fourthly, And he [called] them unto him, Luk. 18.16.
Fifthly, Wee are discreetly to observe, Christs two-fold charge, given unto his Disciples, In these words, (1.) Suffer the [little] Children to come unto me,] (2.) [and forbid them not,] (Mar. 10.14.) Mat. 19.14.
Sixthly, Wee are, heedfully, to minde the reason, (which Christ rendereth for this) which is expressed, in these words, [For of such is the kingdome of God,] Mar. 10.14. Luk. 18.16.
Seventhly, Christs addition, or confirmation of his former speech, or the use (which Christs Disciples should make concerning themselves) is not to be forgotten; Verily, I say unto you, whosoever shall not receive the kingdome of God as a little childe, he shall in no wise enter therein, Mar. 10.15. Luk. 18.17.
Eighthly, Wee are to minde Christs act to these Infants; which was three-fold; (1.) [He] took] them] up] in] his] armes,] and (2.) [Put] his] hands] upon them;] and (3.) [Blessed them,] Mat. 19.15. Mar. 10.16.
All which doth give us sufficient warrant to esteeme highly of them, and of all those who are like them in every respect. Therefore I desire you to weigh these things distinctly, and discreetly, and then, I hope, it will evidently appeare unto you, that you are mistaken in your meaning, and have done very evill, (though you meant never so well) in saying that Christs meaning is not of them, nor of such as them in age, &c.
For indeed, you may as well say, that those were not Infants whom Christ took up in his armes, and that he did not lay his hands upon them, nor blessed them, nor such as them, in age, and understanding. But surely, if the Scripture in speaking of such persons, [Page 96] doe not exclude the persons spoken of, then wee have no reason to exclude these infants here specified, but to know that Christ Jesus, who was once an infant, and like other infants, both in age, and understanding In respect of his humane nature., he includeth the infants, & those like unto them both in age and understanding; when he saith, Of such is the kingdom of heaven.
Consider how that the infants Not aged persons like Infants. were brought unto Christ; The intent of those that brought them was good, and their act, in bringing them, was pleasing unto God. The truth of this may appeare, by observing the declaration of their intention; and likewise Christs great displeasure, or offence given by and taken at his Disciples, because they rebuked those that brought them; He was much displeased (sayth the Holy Ghost by Mark, Mark. 10.13, 14.) which declareth an agmentation, or aggravation of his displeasure: The noting of which, maketh still for clearing the case in controversie; and may serve for further satisfaction of the doubting soule, that by Sathans deceit, Isa. 53.11. is apt to thinke, that this righteous servant through his knowledge doth not justifie many Infants, as well as others. Christs double charge unto his Disciples, that the holy infants should have free accesse and admittance unto him, without any let or hindrance, by any; and Christs forcible reason for it, (namely) for (or because) of such is the kingdom of heaven, &c. And then, Christs acts concerning these infants, [that he took them up in his armes, and put his hands upon them, and blessed them] doth further declare, the strength and sufficiencie of mine, (and the weaknesse and insufficiencie of your) interpretation.
Seventhly, As without Christs minde, you have taken upon you to deliver Christs meaning, contrary to his owne expressions, manifestations, and commissions; so you cite, 1 Cor. 14.20. for confirmation of your strange restriction of Christs declaration concerning the Infants. As if Paul were a Patron of this your fond opinion; but I tell you, in this you are much deceived also, and doe erre (and as I in charitie judge) doe not know the Scriptures. It was no part of Pauls doctrine, to speake of holy infants as you doe, he telleth us, they are holy 1 Cor 7.14.. And this his exhortation (in 1 Cor. 14.20.) maketh nothing for you against holy infants; for Paul doth not speake unto Infants, when he sayth, Brethren, Be not children in understanding, howbeit, in malice be yee children, but in understanding be men. Now who knoweth not but that those Saints, who are capable to act, are to performe acts of obedience unto God: when those Saints, [Page 97] who are not capable to act, are not bounnd so to doe; For (as hath been declared before) God requireth actuall obedience of his people, [so far as they can act] & no further; and so Pauls speech is, not to binde us to impossibilies, but to teach us (who have capabilitie) to exercise the same, to the uttermost of our power, in searching after the mycries of Christ, & in treasuring up those divine truths, w ch are taught us by his Spirit. And this maketh nothing against holy Infants being in the Covenant, or kingdome, no more then it maketh against those aged Saints, who (in respect of a naturall capabilitie) are like children, and know no more then Infants know, nor doe no more then infants doe, and yet doe as much as God requireth; and in respect of a spirituall capabilitie, are like those Saints, who are capable to act, & doe act according to the same; and yet those who want that capabilitie, whether Christian infants, or other Saints, though the graces of Gods Spirit doe not appeare in them, in the blossome, or fruit, yet have they still the sap, and seed of all Christian graces in them.
Even as a man, or childe, which hath not the use or exercise of reason, must not be judged to be an unreasonable creature, & wholly destitute of reason, but a reasonable creature; So these (precious Saints) before specified, though they have not the use and exercise of the graces of Gods Spirit, and cannot shew forth the same in the fruit, or outward manifestation, yet they are not to be esteemed ungracious (or destitute of Gods grace,) but gracious Saints. And though they be in understanding like children, yet (in respect of their capablenesse of the Spirit) they are to be esteemed as precious as any men on earth, and wee are not to judge otherwise, but that they shall be glorified, and made equall with the Angels, and be the sonnes of God in heaven.
Now your citation of Pauls words (1 Cor. 14.20. Be not children in understanding, &c. to confirme what you inferred and collected from Christs words concerning Infants,) doth imply, that you doe judge that all those who are like those Infants in yeares or understanding, are not of the kingdome of heaven. And this your interpretation bringeth in three absurdities.
First, It directly contradicteth Christs words which he spake concerning them, and checketh him in his actions which he did to them, upon them, and for them; and so you make the words, and actions of Christ, both vaine and frivolous.
Secondly, Your speech implyeth, that Beleevers infants are not [Page 98] of the kingdome of God; and so their minoritie hindereth their salvation, (if they die in their infancie;) and this striketh at the fundamentall principles of Gods free love unto them in Christ Jesus.
Thirdly, In (implying, that none are of the kingdome of heaven, who are like Infants in understanding,) Here I thinke you bring in a heavie censure against your selfe; for (I suppose) as you know not how soone your life shall be taken from you, the like you may say for your understanding; and when your understanding is taken away (which may be done, and yet you may live many yeares after) how doe you differ in understanding then from a childe; Surely you are then in understanding like a childe, little babe, or infant; and how then (by your owne exposition) will you answer the Apostle, Be not children in understanding. Surely at the time when you will want both will, skill, and abilitie to act any more then they, what are you differing from them, and wherein will your understanding exceed theirs?
Surely in consideration of these things, you will grant, that old men, and others, that are the true Saints of God, may be like children [in understanding] and yet not breake their Covenant. And in this declining or declined condition, an aged Saint may (in this respect) be sayd to be as destitute of understanding, as the youngest babe of a beleeving parent. And he may be sayd to be still capable of the Spirit (without being brought in any other covenant then he was in before) though he be not capable to [doe] any spirituall action, by way of manifestation, but God must doe all in him.
Now though there be no difference between these two, in respect of spiritualitie, yet in some respects there is a difference; The Infant is [in nature] growing upwards, or in an inclining condition, & hath the seed of Christian graces in him; the aged Saint before specified, is in a declining condition; the leaves of the tree are fallen, no fruit appeareth, yet the spirituall sap remaineth, &c. And the consideration of this doth teach us, not to despise any of the Lords vessells, either the infants for their minoritie, or the old men for their antiquitie, or the middle-aged for their bodily imbecilitie, but to esteem of thē as they are, (according as the blessed spirit of God doth teach us, in his sacred Word) though through imperfection, or defection of naturall abilitie, they cannot actually and verbally manifest the fruits of their sanctification, but are even as Children [in understanding;].
By this glimpse, you may see, that the Apostles words (in 1 Cor. 14.20. when he exhorteth us, Not to be children in understanding) will not beare out your childish construction of the words of Christ, whereby you would have us judge that he excluded infants; All which is evill in you so to think, much more to speake, and worst of all, in that you would boulster up your opinions by Pauls words, in 1 Cor. 14.20! Which maketh nothing at all for your present purpose, in your restriction and mis-application of Christs words, where you thinke (through the help of Paul (1 Cor. 14.20.) to get some advantage, or plea, to keep back the holy infants of beleevers from the spirituall blessings, which Christ Jesus hath testified appertaineth unto them, which you thinke did not appertaine to those Infants, which Christ took up in his armes, and layd his hands upon, and blessed; And why doe you thus conceive? Because it is sayd of [such] & not of [them.] But this word such, will evidently appear, (being duly weighed by the Scripture) to be of a larger extent then the word them, and so to include all them, especially, considering that in all those places of Scripture where the word such is used, there is no exemption, either of the thing to which such is equalized, or coupled; for such implyeth the same in nature, and condition, &c.
So when Paul writeth to Philemon (Philem 9, 10.) concerning Onessimus, he sayth, Yet for loves sake I rather beseech thee, being [such a one as Paul the aged.] He meaneth himselfe: and when John sayth, Blessed and happie is he that hath part in the first resurrection; for on such the second death shall have no power, &c. Rev. 20.6. He meaneth by [such] those persons who have part in the first resurrection. The word [such,] being a generall word, includeth them all. And when Nehemiah sayth, ( Nehe. 6.11.) Should [such] a man as I fly; He meaneth himselfe as much as any other man.
And so when David sayth, Psal. 103.17, 18. The mercy of the Lord is from everlasting to everlasting, upon them that feare him, and his righteousnesse unto childrens children [unto such as keep his Covenant] He meaneth those that keep his Covenant, for this mercy was promised to Abraham, and his seed; who were to keep his covenant, by doing his commands. So God said to Abraham, Thou shalt keep my Covenant, [Therefore] thou and thy seed, &c. Gen. 17. And the keeping [Page 100] of his Covenant, consisted then, and consisteth now in the Saints yeelding all obedience unto him, according to their capabilitie. And thus it appeareth that when David sayth to [such] as keep his Covenant, he meaneth all [those] that keep his Covenant.
Divers other testimonies of Scripture concerning persons and things, where this word such is mentioned, might be produced, w ch doth still include, both the former & the later, in the specification thereof, But this may suffice, for in the mouth of two or three witnesses every thing is established. This still giveth us more ground to beleeve that when Christ (in his Gospel) sayth (concerning infants) of such is the kingdome, &c. He meaneth those who are such in every respect; and as it is contrary to reason, so it is contrary to the Scripture, to thinke that the infants in his speech were not implyed & included, if not principally intended.
Lastly, Whereas you say, it is meant of such as them in humilitie, and such like qualifications; I know not from what conception you ground your speech, if not from this consideration, that the infants mentioned heer (in Christs Gospel) have humilitie, and such like qualifications; You should know, that although like, is not alwayes the same, yet the same is the same, & is as like unto it selfe, as that w ch is like it in every respect, and therfore Christs speech of Infants, (when he sayth, Of such is the kingdome, &c.) implyeth the infants [as well as other Saints, who are like them in understanding, though they differ in yeares.] I say, Christs speech is not bound up from them, nor from any other Saints, though they are like them in every respect. And if they have humilitie, (according to your own grant) then you may know also that God will not reject them. He hath promised to give grace to the humble (Jam. 4.6.) To save them (Job 22.29.) To uphold them, (Pro. 29.23.) And to dwell in them, (Isa. 57.15.) and sanctifie them, and renovate them by his Spirit. And seeing they have humilitie, Christ is in them and they in him, and therefore they are new creatures; and the 2 Cor. 5.17. holinesse which accompanieth them (by your own grant) giveth them right to Baptisme. And these new creatures have new created spirits, Deut. 30.6. to whom is united the Spirit of the Creator Isa. 44.3., and ( Christ by him) quickneth whom he will, Joh. 5.21. which Spirit maketh intercession for them, when they cannot intercede for themselves.
All which priviledges the infants of beleevers have, and though they cannot manifest the same actually, yet we may conclude that [Page 101] eternall life is theirs, and the second death shall have no power over them; Rev. 20.6. they are blessed and happie, having part in the first resurrection; for theirs is the kingdome of heaven; and therefore it appeareth that they are given for an heritage unto Jesus Christ, who is the way, and the truth, the resurrection, and the life, and their Physician, the graces of whose good Spirit, which is infused in them, they cannot be said to refuse, or to reject his kingdome, or any of those good things, which are distributed unto them. If the kingdome of heaven should not appertaine unto the infants of beleeving parents, as it hath done heretofore, then the Scripture is not fulfilled, which sayth, that their children shall be as aforetime; but the Scripture is true, as God himselfe is true, and therefore your words cannot be true. God took the infants of beleevers into covenant with him formerly, and admitted them to be members of his visible Church then, and he caused a visible signe Gen. 17.11., and seale Rom. 4.11., of his covenant, & his righteousnesse of faith to be imposed upon them then, and he declared from time to time his deare love, and his tender affection w ch he had towards them, and therefore they are as holy as they were, and shall be as holy as they are. Christ is a father 2 Cor. 6.18. unto the beleeving Gentiles, as he was unto the beleeving Jewes; and he is the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever; And therefore as the infants of beleeving Jewes Gen. 17. & Gentiles Exod. 12.48. were received with their beleeving parents into the Church of God in former time; So the infants of the beleeving Jewes and Gentiles, are received with their beleeving parents into the Church of God now; and as the other had Circumcision, so these are to have Baptisme, it being given to all the members of Christs visible Church Mat. 28.19., amongst whom they are a part Mat. 10.14.. And this is according to what is written in the Scripture of God; for thus sayth the Lord, Their children shall be as aforetime, and their Congregation shall be established before me, &c. Jer. 30.20.
Wherefore now let us see who can give one instance, or tittle of Scripture, for the dismission of their membership, or for barring them from any spirituall priviledge (now under the Gospel) which they are capable off, and in particular this of Baptisme, seeing it is so generally distributed by the Lord of all administrations, and appertaineth to all Saints. Indeed if Christ Jesus had not been much Mar. 10.14. displeased with his Disciples for such a thing, and if he had not declared that the kingdom of heaven appertaineth to them, and had not given a command, that they should be admitted unto him, or if he had not taken them up in his armes, and layd his hands upon them, and blessed Ver. 16. them, [Page 102] but had despised these, and put them from him, and justified his Disciples in their rebuking of them, or if he had given the bringers of them a check, [...] [...]5.26. as he did to the Cananitish woman; or if he had given the least touch of holy Infants supplantation, then you might have had some matter to work upon, in this your sacrilegious opposition of holy infants. But you have no tittle of Scripture to beare you out, all the Scripture from the beginning of Genesis to the end of the Revelation, maketh against you; and therefore wee may conclude against you, that the Infants of beleevers are, (now, as the Infants of beleevers were, in former time,) even subjects of Gods kingdome Luke 18.16., members of his Church Gen. 17., glorious branches, young sucking-sprigs of his noble Vine Psal. 80.11., holy plants & 128.3., proceeding from those Olive trees, w ch are planted in the house of the Lord, and are said to flourish in the Courts of our God & 92.13.; And what man shall root them out, without rooting out himselfe: Jesus hath honoured them greatly, and what shall be done unto those whom the King of heaven delighteth to honour? That the Lord Jesus Christ greatly delighteth to honour the Infants of beleevers, Mat. 18.2.3. & 19.13, 14, 15. Mar. 10.13, 14, 15, 16. Luk. 18.15, 16, 17. is apparently seen in these Scriptures, where Christ Jesus [now in the time of the Gospel] honoureth them so much by his words and actions. And this is that which that heavenly Prophet Isaiah (being carried by the holy Spirit of God) spake of long before, Our God, (that Father of mercies, and God of all comfort and consolation,) declared prophetically and oraculously, by Isaiah, the continuation of his truth unto beleevers, and their Infants, now under the Gospel; prophesying of Christ and of Christians, Isa. 22.21. thus; He shall be a father to the Inhabitants of Jerusalem, 22. and to the house of Judah; And the key of the house of David will I lay upon his shoulder, so he shall open, and none shall shut, 23. and he shall shut, and none shall open; And I will fasten him as a naile in a sure place. 24. And he shall be for a glorious throne unto his fathers house. And they shall hang upon him all the glory of his fathers house, the off-spring and the issue, all vessels of small quantitie, from the vessels of cups, even to all the vessels of slagons, Isa. 22.21, 22, 23, 24.
First, It is here to be observed, that Christ Jesus is called here a Father, ver. 21. He shall be a Father, (sayth he.) So [in Isa. 9.6.] he is called the everlasting Father. Now he that is a father, must be a father of some, & wheras he is called an everlasting father, it sheweth that he is (as the Apostle sayth) the same, yesterday, to day, & for ever Heb. 13.8..
Secondly, It is declared, to whom he is a father (namely) to the Inhabitants of Jerusalem, and to the house of Judah. Now the Inhabitants [Page 103] of Jerusalem, and the house of Judah, were the Lords Saints, in covenant with him, his Church and people, of whom he had declared that Christ Jesus their Saviour should come; and these, Christ Jesus was said to be a father unto, even to the Church of the Jewes, both young and old, parents and children; and salvation was said to be of the Jewes Joh. 4.22.; Their advantage was much every manner of way, first, because the Oracles of God were Rom. 3.1, 2. (through Christ) cōmitted unto thē; The God of their fathers Exod. 15.2. was their father Jer. 31.9., and was as a nursing Num. 11.12. father unto them; And the same God is a father now unto the beleeving Jewes and Gentiles, as largely every way as he was then 2 Cor. 6.18.; The same God over all, was Psal. 86.5., and is, rich Rom. 10.12. unto all that call upon him; And though some doe not beleeve, it maketh not the faith of God of none effect no more then the infidelitie of some persons then, for God was still good unto Israel, [his faithfull Jewes and Proselytes,] that were of an upright heart, and so he is now.
Thirdly, It is said, And the key of the house of David, Isa. 22. ver. 22. will I lay upon his shoulder, so he shall open, and none shall shut, and he shall shut, and none shall open. And the very same with this, is applyed unto Christ Jesus, as is mentioned, in Rev. 3.7. These things sayth he that is holy, he that is true, he that hath the key of David, that openeth, and no man shutteth, and shutteth, and no man openeth, &c. Thus through his knowledge this righteous servant is made able to justifie many; & 53.11. to open to whom he will, and to shut out whom he will; but he shutteth not out the infants of beleevers; for he declared, Of such is the kingdome of God.
Fourthly, He sayth, I will fasten him as a nayle in a sure place; Note here, he is said to be fastned as a nayle in a sure place;] A nayle in a sure place, is such a thing, upon which other things have dependance, so that if the nayle fall, all those things fall which are upon it; But if the nayle be sure, all those things which hang thereon, are still upheld by the strength thereof. Now the Lord Jesus Christ is this nayle, and he is strong, and powerfull, he is perfect, and pure, no sinne or brittlenesse, was found in him, he was capable to beare the burden that was put upon him, and able to beare it. Yea, and much more doth it appeare, in that he is fastned as a nayle in a sure The safenes of holy infants consisteth in the surenes of Jesus Christ; Hee is unto them, as the sure place is unto him, whose choyse burden shall not be taken downe, till the time appointed of the Father, place, his humanitie is in heaven, and there it is seated and united with his divinitie, and there is his place of rest, and abiding, he is at the right hand of God, bearing us, and yet thinketh not himselfe over-burdened; he is able to beare, and doth beare all his holy vessels, both [Page 104] great, and small; even the off-spring, and the issue, the vessels of small quantitie; so that it is as possible to pluck God out of heaven, as to take away his former favours, which he hath extended (and doth extend) towards the faithfull, and their seed; Isa. 59.21. As for me, this is my Covenant which I will make with them, saith the Lord, the spirit, that is upon thee, and the words, that I have put in thy mouth, shall not depart out of [Thy mouth] nor out of the month of [thy seed] nor out of the mouth of [thy seeds-seed,] saith the Lord, from henceforth and for ever.
Fifthly, It is said, And he shall be for [a glorious throne] unto his fathers house; that is, a resting place, and a place of Judgement Psal. 122.5., & Justice, Righteousnesse is the girdle of his loynes, and faithfulnesse, the girdle of his reines Isa. 11.4.. And this is Christ Jesus our Lord, who doth all things by his own power, & resteth not upon any humane thing, but only upon his own divinitie, in whose name we ought to doe all which we doe; Mat. 18.20. and he hath promised, upon the same, to be in the middest of us, to ratifie those divine actions, which proceed from our sincere affections; And as he hath promised the tree of life Rev. 2.7. and hidden Manna 17., and morning starre 28., (even his own selfe 24.16. & 3.21.) unto us, so hath he promised to grant us to sit with him in his throne.
Now he is not sayd to be for a glorious throne unto any, but unto his fathers house, there is this glorious throne set in the middest of this heavenly Regiment, in the middest of his Temple, there is Jesus as a throne or seate; Revel. 4.6.8. yea, further in the middest of the throne, and round about the throne, there are also the foure animalls (said to be) which are full of eyes before and behinde, and rest not neither day nor night, crying, Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almightie, which was, and is, and is to come.
Isa. 22. ver. 24.Sixthly, It is sayd further, And they shall hang upon him all the glory of his fathers house; Here is a weightie sentence, full of substance. This glorious throne, and holy nayle, which is fastned so surely, is done for no sleight intent, but it is for great purpose, (namely) to beare all the glo [...]ie of his fathers house: It is his fathers pleasure to exercise him, in bearing our glory, which is his glory, our brightnesse, which is his brightnesse; (for indeed wee have no comelinesse but from him, and we cannot beare our selves, but he must beare us,) wee are the burden, and he is our upholder; he dependeth upon that which will not faile him, and we depend upon him, which will not faile us.
And this Angelicall patron, hath taught the Inhabitants of Jerusalem, and the house of Judah, (even his Church) to fasten upon him, all the glory of his fathers-house. It is then an Ordinance from heaven, that [Page 105] we shall so do, as he hath sayd; And this institution therefore being not of man, but of God, it will stand, and it being an injunction laid upon us all, that wee must (both young and old) have dependencie upon this nayle, even the Lord Jesus, wee must doe so. Now if wee take this word [shall] prophetically, it being also a declaration of what should happen, (though it now be historicall to us) wee may still see the fulfilling of it, in Mat. 19.13. Mar. 10.13. Luk. 18.15. where the Inhabitants of Jerusalem, and the house of Judah brought their children unto Christ, and he took them up and bare them in his armes; A reall signe of his love unto them indeed; And his Saints now doe esteem their Infants, blessed in Jesus Christ, and doe depend upon him, that he will circumcise their hearts, and the heart of their seed, (to love him more, and more,) according to his gracious promise; Deut. 30.6. And this is that which this Propheticall and Documentall sentence teacheth us, when it sayth, They shall hang (or cause to relie, or depend) upon him, all the glorie of his fathers house; The least glorie must not be left out, but all must be brought in, and layd upon him. He is the object, upon whom they must fix their eyes; He is the nayle, upon which they must fasten them; for so is his Command, Mar. 10.14. Suffer the little children to come unto me, and forbid them not, for of such is the kingdome of God. As if he should say; They are the burden which I must beare, because they are part of the furniture of my fathers kingdome. And those whom the father giveth me, I will not cast away. It is not the will of your heavenly father, that any of these little ones should perish Mar. 18.1. Joh. 21.15.. They are Israelites, the lambs of my pasture, & I am the Shepheard of Israel, and will in no wise cast them away. He sayd, Surely they are my people, children that will not lie, so he was their Saviour; In all their affliction he was afflicted; Isa. 63.8, 9. And as I (being the Angel of Gods presence) saved them, and in my love and in my pittie redeemed them, and bare them up in mine armes all the dayes of old, so will I beare them now; Therefore, suffer the little children to come unto me, and forbid them not, for of such is the kingdome of God.
Wherefore let all those who oppose holy infants know, that they thus far, are enemies unto the Gospel, and so doe sinne against God exceedingly, in labouring to cast out these who are the glorie of our fathers house. But the holy Prophet Isaiah sayth, that upon all the glorie, there shall be a covering Isa. 4.5.. Now Infants being part of the glorie, there is a covering upon them, and this covering, 59.21. is by the Spirit of the Lord, for verification whereof, see the Evangel. Mat. 19.14 Luk. 18.15, 16 [Page 106] where Christ sayth, Of such is the kingdome of heaven, (Mark. 10.14. Of such is the kingdome of God. And he tooke them up in his armes, and put his hands upon them, and blessed them. (Ver. 15.) And by this it may appeare, that all beleeving parents have ground to cast their infants upon the Lord Jesus Christ, and for them to depend upon him, who is as a nayle fastened in a sure place.
And whereas it is sayd, [All the glorie,] Wee are taught not to leave out any of the glorie, least by abridging (or debarring) our Infants of their priviledges, wee leave out some of the glorie, (if not the chiefest part) and so highly disobey Gods Institution, in leaving out his ordinances, and his people, which are the glory of his house. It is to be minded, that this word [all,] is agreeable to the words of Christ, when he sayth, Of such is the kingdome of heaven; for this word [such,] (as hath been observed See before in pag. 92, 93. 99. 100.) is of a large extent, and includeth them also, they being the glory of the Fathers house; So in Malachy, the seed of the godly are called, a godly seed, Mal. 2.14. and in 1 Cor. 7.14. they are tearmed holy children. God greatly delighteth in them, and they are a glorie unto his Church; Wherefore they are dignified with names accordingly.
And moreover, Christ being set forth as a nayle unto these holy vessells, it doth signifie unto us, that these must be put upon him which have not a naturall capablenesse, the holy off-spring, and blessed issue, the vessells in Gods temple must be fastened upon Not but that they are of the Temple, or mē bers of the Church, but for more comelines, & honour, and eminencie, safetie, glorie, and dignitie, they were appointed to be set on high (by the Inhabitants of Jerusalem, & the house of Judah) upō him, who is as a nayle fastened in a sure place. him by others.
If we compare the 17 th of Genesis with this, it will give light to the poynt; for there the parents were commanded to circumcise their children, which was unto them a signe and seale of the righteousnesse of the same faith which Abraham had, and so it was a token that they belonged unto the Lord. And Baptisme [being unto us as Circumcision was unto them,] wee therefore baptize our infants, as they circumcized theirs; and thereby doe confirme them unto Christ, as they confirmed theirs. And because he claimeth these holy vessells of small quantitie, we therefore dedicate them unto him, according as God commanded the Children of Israel concerning theirs, and so we put them upon the Lord Jesus Christ; and they are his peculiar treasure, and he beareth them, and approveth of our practise in bringing them unto him, it being according to his Commandement, who is as faithful in his house as Moses, and is worthy of more glory then Moses Heb. 3.3., inasmuch as he who buildeth the house, is worthy of more honour then [Page 107] the house. Now in this house, there the Lord hath ordained his vessels of small quantitie to abide, who are the off-spring, and the issue, and the glorie thereof. And they may well be called so, for God calleth and counteth them so. And also where this glorie is, there is still hope, and it is, and may (in reason) be expected, that as they come to be capable, so they will manifest actually the fruits of Gods Spirit; and as they are children of light, and inlightned, so they will set it forth, to the glory of the father of lights; And as glorious starres in eminencie, shew forth their excellencie, in the bright firmament of that heavenly Jerusalem, wherein they are planted, and placed, and will be also a meanes to encrease it, not onely by grafting in those farre remote, but also by propagation, (or multiplication) of persons within themselves. As Moses (that good Christian, who was like unto Christ) sayth, Deut. 1.11. The Lord make you a thousand times so many as you be. Which speech is not to be limited to an addition of persons, unto them from out of the world, but it is meant that they should increase amongst themselves, and so multiply; even as a tree, which (though it have grafts) yet groweth into many branches, which branches are not grafted in, but spring therefrom and grow thereupon. Now where this glorie is not, there is a want of it, yea, and a great want, I may say indeed! And why? Because that the Church then is (in expectation, according to the ordinarie course of nature) in a decaying condition. I say, the Church is readie to decay, that is to say, to be lessened more, and more, in this terrestriall habitacle; for it is appointed unto men once to die, and when they are dead, they are gone, and leave the remnant, or none behind them.
But holy infants being in the Church, and members, of the same, they are a glory unto it, and it may well be expected, (according to the ordinary course of nature) that they will out-live the other, and so succeed them after their decease, and so the celestiall glorie of the fathers will shine in the children, (according to the minde of God) in this terrestriall world.
Now where this glorie is missing, (so that the generations in the Church doe passe away, and none are borne to succeed,) there is a want in that respect, and so consequently, the supply thereof is to be desired; which if it be made up, then it is a glory, an honour, a rejoycing unto them. So that though this hope deferred, maketh the heart sicke, yet the desire comming is as a tree of life, Pro. 13.12. a reviving unto them.
Look upon the first Church that was on earth, Adam and Eve, see whether they were not comforted in bringing forth children to God; and what hope had they of the continuance of the Church on earth, if it were not by promulgation of children to their celestiall Father. After Abel was slain, and Cain cast out, God sent Seth, in stead of Abel; Gen. 4.25, 26. and this thing Eve did acknowledge, and this was a great comfort unto them. And thus Eve, the mother of us all, was like unto Rachel and Leah, who built the house of Israel; And how was this? Even by bringing forth a holy seed unto God, and bringing them up in his feare. And this made all the People, and the Elders of Israel, Ruth 4.11, 12. to say unto Boze, (upon his wedding day;) The Lord make the woman that is come into thine house, like Rachel, and like Leah, which two did build the house of Israel! And doe thou worthily in Ephratah, and be famous in Bethlem. And let thy house be like the house of Pharez (whom Tamar bare unto Judah) of the [seed] which the Lord shall give thee of this young woman.
Note here, that the holy seed, the off-spring, & the issue, are materialls for building the Lords house, they are the comfort of Israel, & the glorie of Gods holy house, and kingdome. But where there is no off-spring, no issue, then there is not that joy, that gladnesse, that glory, that expectation of succession, as would be, if there were children. Wherefore the Lord for comforting his people Israel, Isa. 29.22, 23. sayth in the 29 th of Isaiah, ver. 22, 23. Thus sayth the Lord, who redeemed Abraham, concerning the house of Jacob; Jacob shall not now be ashamed, neither shall his face now wax pale. Ver. 23. But when he seeth his children, the work of mine hands in the middest of him, they shall sanctifie my Name, and sanctifie the holy One of Jacob, and shall feare the God of Israel. Ver. 24. They also that erred in spirit, shall come to understanding; and they that murmured, Jer. 30.20. shall learne doctrine. And in the 30 th Chapter of Jeremiah, Ver. 20. God sayth, their children shall be as aforetime, and their Congregation shall be established before me, &c. And in the 31. Chapter of Jeremiah, Jer. 31.15, 16, 17. Ver. 15, 16, 17. Thus sayth the Lord, (to Rahel, which wept for her children (from two years old and under, (( Mat. 1.16, 17, 18.)) and refused to be comforted, because they were not) Refraine thy voyce from weeping, and thine eyes from teares: for thy work shall be rewarded, sayth the Lord, and they shall come againe from the land of the enemie. Ver. 17. And there is hope in thine end, sayth the Lord, that thy children shall come againe unto their own border.
Take notice heer, how the Lord comforted his people, and spake [Page 109] comfortably to Jerusalem; And he is the same unto his people, as he hath been heretofore; His comfort is not lessened, but is extended to all Saints, from the least unto the greatest, from the youngest to the eldest. God never lesseneth his glorie nor his excellencie, Psal. 68.19. w ch he communicateth to his people, but daily increaseth his blessings, and multiplieth his benefits towards them and theirs, and increaseth their glory, & doth not, nor never did, diminish it from them, or their infants. And therefore experience teacheth us, that the infants of the Saints are the glory of the fathers house, as heretofore they have bin.
Seeing then it is so cleare, that the infants of beleevers are the glory of the fathers house, they (being of his houshold) must have the priviledges of the house, according to the appointment of the housholder; and what is appointed for such vessells of honour, and of glory? Surely these holy vessells of the Lords sanctuary, they being beleevers, and Disciples of Christ, being hallowed by the holy Ghost, ought to be baptized; See Mat. 28.19. Mark. 16.16.
Seventhly, It is declared, what this glory is, and wherein this glory consisteth, or what must be put upon Christ, what glorious things, even the off-spring, and the issue, (sayth he) that is to say, their seed, or children; for they are the off-spring, and the issue, as may appeare by these Scriptures; [ Job 5.25. Isa. 21.8. & 48.19. & 61.9. & 65.23. Rev. 22.16. Gen. 48.5, 6.] And this is according to what the Apostle declareth in 1 Cor. 7.14. that the children of beleevers, (male, or female,) the off-spring, and the issue, are a holy seed.
Now this off-spring, and issue, hath dependency upon Jesus Christ, and he beareth them, and will beare them, Rom. 8.30. and blesse them in bearing them, and justifie them in blessing them, and sanctifie them in justifying them, and glorifie them in sanctifying them; He is all in all, in them, and for them, and to them; Their glory, is the glory of his Fathers house, and they are the glory thereof, as hath been shewed before. Wherefore let all Christian parents, as they love Christ, in procreation of their children, dedicate their holy off-spring, and blessed issue, unto God, and lay them upon the Lord Jesus Christ, and say unto him, Save us thy people, (both great & small, Psal. 28.9.) and blesse thine inheritance, gather them, and lift them up for ever.
Eighthly, Further, this holy off-spring, and blessed issue, which is the glory of the house of the God of all glory and power, (who is the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ) are called vessells of small quantitie; vessells of small quantie, are used to be set upon nayles sometimes for [Page 110] show, for safetie and conveniencie, glory and decency. Now Jesus Christ is as a nayle, the off-spring, and the issue, are the vessells of small quantitie, and these holy vessells of small quantitie, Jesus Christ is said to beare; yea, and to beare them all, [all] vessells of small quantitie, (sayth the Text.) Wherefore wee have no ground to cast away any of them, or omit the least of these vessells, though they are but of [small] quantitie.
Some peradventure will think, that because the infants of beleevers are vessells of [small] quantitie, that therefore they are [no vessells,] or vessels of [no] quantitie, or vessels of contempt, or disgrace, or such in whom there is no glory spiritually, or such concerning whom they cannot judge, or such in whom the seed of Gods grace is not to be esteemed to be. But let them know, that they doe violent injurie unto Jesus Christ, and doe exceedingly eclipse the glorie of his Mediatorship; For as the smallest vessells in the Lords Temple, in the time of the Law, were as holy as the greater, though they could not containe so much; So the Infants of beleevers, (who are the Lords vessells) are as holy, as those Saints who are past their minoritie, though they being Infants, through tendernes of yeares, cannot containe, or receive, what the others (who are aged) can; yet are they as precious in Christs estimation, and have his holinesse upon them, as aged Saints have. There was a great difference They differed in the quantitie, not in the qualitie. Zach. 4.20., in the time of the Law, between the spoones, flaggons, and cups, in the Temple; and the censers, seas, and potts: and yet they were all holy, both great and small: and so were the Jewes, both young and old, great and small, Infants and aged persons they were all holy ecclesiastically, and all the Lords holy vessels; and we are not to have such sacrilegious thoughts, as to thinke God doth refuse the infants of beleevers, though they are vessells of small quantitie.
The Boules before the Altar were counted very glorious, when it is taken for such an excellent thing, for the potts in the Lords house, to be like unto them. If then the potts in the Lords house, spiritually are, (in these last dayes, and flourishing times of the Gospell In respect that there is and hath been [both by the sight of the eye, & hearing of the eare] (and in divers other respects) most of God, of Christ, and of the Holy Spirit, manifested in these last dayes.) like the boules before the Altar; What are the boules before the Altar? What are the cups? What are the flaggons? The Lord in numbering up his holy vessells of small quantitie, [even the holy off-spring, and the blessed issue,] calleth them by the name of cups and flaggons, and calleth them the glory of his house. All which doth set forth the excellency of the Infants of beleevers, their great holinesse, and high [Page 111] estimation with Jesus Christ. Compare with this the Historicall Relations of Christ, concerning infants in the Gospel; and there the fulling of this Prophecie will appeare to be; for there they brought infants to him, that he should put his hands on them, and pray; and he approved of their act Mat. 19.13., yea, and gave free admittance for the infants to come unto him, and charged that none should interrupt the bringers, by forbidding them; because of such is the kingdome of heaven Mar. 10 14. Luk. 18.17.; and he took them up in his armes, and put his hands upon them, and blessed them Mar. 10.15..
But to this you answer; ‘ First, That all this is not baptizing them; for Christ baptized not, A. R. Pag. 14. lin. 3, 4, 5. Joh. 4.2. And therefore this place seemes not at all to prove the baptizing of Infants.’
Ans. The holy Ghost fell upon Cornelius, and his friends, Act. 10.44. at Peters preaching, though all this was not baptizing them with water; yet (they being baptized by the holy Ghost) who could forbid water that they should not be baptized, which had received the holy Ghost as well as Ver. 47. others; So the infants which Christ took up in his armes, he layd his hands upon, and blessed, Christ did more for holy Infants, then baptize them with water. and declared that the Kingdome of God belonged unto them; Of such is the Kingdome of heaven (sayth he) & Christ had declared, that without the Spirit, persons could not enter into the Kingdome of God. But these infants were subjects of his Kingdome, (according to the doctrine of Christ) and therefore they had the Spirit; and seeing the infants of beleevers are as they were, they have the Kingdome, the Gospel, the Spirit, and the graces of the Spirit, and all, and therefore they may lawfully be baptized, and therefore these places have not onely a semblance in them, but also a substantiall ground for the baptizing of the infants of the faithfull; It being not various in the least, from any of Gods institutions, but every manner of way agreeable to the same. And though then neither Christ, nor his Spirit, baptized with the Baptisme of water, but instrumentally, yet those that have Christ, and the Spirit, have the inward Baptisme, and so are to have the outward Baptisme; but the infants of beleevers, have Christ and the Spirit, (for they have the Kingdome, which cannot be without the Spirit) therefore the infants of beleevers are to have the outward Baptisme; As hath been proved before, and even now, and shall be further cleared afterwards.
Next you say;
Secondly, Let them that please doe as here Christ did, A. R. yet much rather [Page 112] let us all learne the lesson which Christ here taught, A. R. without which wee cannot be saved. But wee quite perverting Christs meaning, doe in another sense become little children: for some at first had no sooner hence sounded out this tune in our eares, that the Kingdome of heaven belongs to little children, and therefore Baptisme: But wee all presently, like little children, dance after this pipe, as though our heads were lighter then our heeles: and in the meane time loose the true sense, the marrow and fatnesse of these Texts which so much doe concerne us.
And thus it is not onely in these Texts, but in many more, in so much that wee through this our childish (if not brutish) following the heard of Interpreters from humane authoritie, rather take many grosse errours for undeniable principles, then once open our eyes to see and receive the truth upon Gods own bare word, that wee might beleeve, and so be saved out of this quick-sand of delusions: And indeed how can wee beleeve, giving and receiving honour thus one of another, and seek not that honour that commeth of God alone: As Christ tells us, Joh. 12.44.
To which I answer, That those may rightly doe as Christ here did, who are heires of the Kingdome whereof Christ is King. But before [you] do as Christ here did (take that counsell which you give unto others) learne the lesson which Christ hath here taught, without which, (you say) you cannot be saved. And seeing that the kingdome of heaven consisteth of the infants of beleevers, wee may safely beleeve, and justly conclude, that though they are little in quantitie, yet they are great in qualitie, and most precious in the eyes of the Lord.
And surely we have need of humilitie, to teach us, not to be so proud, as to despise the day of [ small Zech. 4.10. things.] It is not the way to be happie, to despise those that are happie, though they have not attained to such a measure, as to confesse, or expresse, by verball relations, or visible demonstrations, Gods work upon their soules. And I tell you further, If you hold on in your errours, in withstanding holy infants, and doe not repent of this your evill, you cannot rightly doe as Christ here did, nor learne the lesson w ch Christ here taught, (and so upon your own ground cannot be saved) but doe come under the censure (which you have here set downe Pag. 14. lin. 8, 9.) of quite perverting Christs meaning, &c. and loosing the true sense, marrow, and fatnesse of these Texts, which so much concerne us: An evident proofe of this appeareth in your interpretation of the Scripture (in the Gospel which speaketh of infants) which you would not have to be meant of those Infants, nor of such as them in age or understanding, but of [Page 113] others, who are such as them in humilitie, and such like qualifications. So that you tying your self unto this restriction In Pag. 13. lin. 26, 27. 38, 39, 40, 41., have indeed lost the marrow, and gnawne upon the bone, bitten on the barke in stead of the pith, the shell in stead of the kernell.
And thus you have done, not onely in these Texts, but in many more, as doth evidently appeare, in these your Childish Treatises of Baptisme.
And if your humane Authors have made you childish, and brutish, be no more so; If you have followed them in stead of the Word, as it so appeareth by your citing them, in your Childish Treatises, and building upon their mistakings; Repent then, and sinne no more; Open your eyes, & see the truth; Take hold of the promises (if it be possible) that you may be saved out of this your quick-sand of delusions.
As for the objections w ch you call scattering objections Pag 14. lin. 24, 25., which (you say) you have met withall; As they are set downe by you, some of them may well be said to be scattering. In the first objection, (in the inference) you speak of ordinances Lin. 29. in generall, w ch must be esteemed the Ordinances of Jesus Christ, by whom soever, or on whom soever they are administred. But heer you have not told us, what Ordinances are to be esteemed so. But in answering Lin. 33. it, you labour to discover the weaknesse of the Objection, which is without distinction; and you would inferre, as though the objecters meant by ordinances, acts meerly; for so you say Pag. 15. lin. 9., this objection imports, that had but the Idolatrous Corinthians taken bread and wine, and broken it, and divided it among their dogs and swine, yet this should have been the ordinance of Christ, if it must remaine his by whom soever, or on whom soever it is administred; And so you demand Lin. 15. (upon this) whether the Apostle received any such ordinance, &c? And at length you deny it to be the minde, commandement, or ordinance of Christ at all, and therefore you conclude, That for any to call such actions his ordinances, can be no lesse then blasphemie against the Son of God.
To which, I say, that if he who framed this objection, meaneth that the ordinances of Christ, are the ordinances of Christ, then we are not to understand that he meaneth heer by ordinances, meer naturall acts, as giving bread and wine to dogs and swine, he hath not so expressed it; and therefore, though you denied your own inference, or swinish insinuation, yet you could not justly charge him with blasphemie against the Son of God in this particular; But rather those may be charged with blasphemie, who denie the ordinances [Page 114] of Christ, to be the ordinances of Christ. And indeed I thinke reason should teach you, that the ordinances of Christ, are the ordinances of Christ; for as every thing is the same with it selfe, so every ordinance of Christ is the same with it selfe.
But (next you say;) ‘ Obj. They will reply, that bread and wine received by any in such a manner, and water sprinkled in the Name of the Father, &c. are his ordinances, and therefore whosoever hath these, hath his ordinance.’
Ans. I thinke this your accusation, is a meer surmise, or groundlesse supposition. You say, They will thus reply; Who are they that will thus reply? I thinke you have no opposite, in withstanding this, except it be such as your selfe. This may well be called scattering; for it is the nature of chaffe, and stubble, to be scattered by the winde; and indeed, I thinke that this objection (which you make to be a reply of others) is your owne (if the truth were knowne.) And you might have saved your labour in bringing such frivolous toyes. For you know, that our poynt is not cōcerning eating bread, or drinking wine, or sprinkling water, as they are meerly naturall acts, but as they are divine ordinances. Now to say that the eating of bread, and drinking wine, and sprinkling water, [as they are meerly naturall acts] are divine ordinances, and that therefore whosoever hath these, hath his ordinances, is very absurd. I never did heare it proceed out of any ones mouth, nor read in any book, besides your own. I conceive then that you might have saved your labour, and not made answer where there is no opposition, but have kept your Bartholomew-babies for Bartholomew-faire, unless you could have proved them to be the Kings Subjects, as the children of six moneths old are, whom you have (familiarly Pag 16. lin. 1. by a Supposition Lin. 2.) equalized Lin. 15. with them in your answer. But herein also you are deceived in your judgement, it being a very childish and babish comparison; For you might know (if you have the use of your senses) that Bartholomew-babies [of the best sort] are unsensible, but [the meanest children] (of six moneths old) are reasonable creatures, and therefore it appeareth that your unsensible comparisons are unseasonable at this time.
But the next objection being sound, you cannot answer, but in labouring to turne it away, discover how deeply you are drenched in deceivable errours, and vaine conceits.
The objection or position is, that ‘It is said (1 Cor. 10.1, 2.) of the children of Israel, that they were [Page 115] all baptized in the cloud, and in the sea; there being young children, as well as men of yeares.’
Your answer unto this is as followeth:
The Text is, that they were all baptized unto Moses in the cloud, A. R. Pag. 16. li. 23. and in the sea: But our question is not of baptizing unto Moses, but of baptizing unto Christ, by being dipped or buried in water by the similitude of his death, according to the institution of Christ: Thus were not these Israelites baptized, for they were in the cloud, and in the sea dry, nor was baptisme then instituted; Thus then is the sence of the place; That no enjoying of any outward priviledge, as Baptisme, or the Lords Supper, without true faith, companied with obedience, will now save us any more then the many outward priviledges & visible signes of Gods presence, and the great outward deliverances which the Lord by the hand of Moses afforded and wrought for the Israelites, in bringing them through the sea, in defending and guiding them in the Wildernesse; by the cloud did exempt and save them from Gods Judgements; for notwithstanding their enjoying all these outward favours, many of them perished in the Wildernesse for their sinnes and disobedience; which S t Paul sets out as examples unto us; and therefore here by way of allusion compareth their outward priviledges, to the outward priviledges and ordinances of the New Testament; Even as S t Peter in like manner figuratively speaketh of the Arke, 1 Pet. 3.20, 21. When once the long suffering of God, waited in the dayes of Noah, while the Arke was preparing, wherein few, that is, eight soules were saved by water; the like figure whereunto Baptisme doth now also save us, by the resurrection of Jesus Christ.
These then being onely figures and allusions, cannot serve at all to prove the poynt in hand.
The Reply.
That the Text doth declare they were all baptized unto Moses in the cloud, and in the sea, is cleare, 1 Cor. 10.1, 2. And this place doth make directly against particular parts of your Judgement; as your denying the Baptisme of Infants to be lawfull, affirming it to be onely a meer device and tradition of men, brought into the world for politick and by-ends See A. R. his first booke, in the Epistle to the Reader.. Now here you may see who brought it into the world; I will not say God did it for politick or by-ends; for then I should be like the Serpent, which would have perswaded Eve that God [for such by-ends] did forbid them to eat of the tree of knowledge of Good and evill; thereby to possesse them with this, as though God envied their happie estate. But wee know that Gods love [Page 116] is not self-love, his end was alwayes to doe his people good at their later end; and by the baptizing of them in the cloud and the sea, he did prophetically demonstrate what should be in the dayes of the Messias; and herein aymed not onely at his owne glory, but at his peoples comfort.
See A. R. his Vanitie of Childish Baptisme, pag. 9.Secondly, This place maketh against your Judgement, in your holding and seeking to maintaine a necessitie of plunging the whole man in water in the ordinance of Baptisme; for the Apostle sayth, They were all baptized in the cloud, and in the sea; But wee will not say, that they were plunged in water (or over-whelmed with the water of the Sea;) for then they would have been like unto the Aegyptians; for the Aegyptians were served after this manner Exod. 14.27, 28.. Neither will wee affirme (as you doe,) that the Israelites were in the cloud and in the sea dry, without declaring what drines we meane; for though they went upon dry ground, and the waters were a wall unto them; on the right hand, and on the left Ver. 22, 23., yet wee may collect from the Scriptures, that they were baptized 1 Cor. 10.1, 2. Exod. 14.19. Psal 77.15, 16 17, 18, 19, 20. with water out of the Cloud (or Sea.)
But this Text you labour to shift off, by telling us, that your question is not of baptizing unto Moses, but of baptizing unto Christ, by being dipped or buried in water, &c.
And by this it appeareth that you think this Baptisme which the Children of Israel received, was not the Baptisme of, (or unto) Christ, but meerly a Baptisme unto Moses. But you should know that Moses was not such a one as you take him to be; for he was faithfull in all his house, and brought no innovations into Gods Church. The Evangelicall Ordinances and Oracles then, were the things of God; If then they were the things of God; Gods Sonne, who was alwayes God with God, was then the owner thereof, and he being the Angel of Gods presence Isa. 63.8, 9., who was with them in the cloud, and in the sea, when they were Baptized Exod. 14, 19., wee may safely conclude, that the Baptisme was his, as well as the rest of the Oracles and Ordinances. And you should know, that though the manner of [Baptising] then unto Moses, and now unto Christ, differeth in Circumstances, yet the [Baptisme] is one and the same in substance, and therefore the Apostle Paul telleth us, they were all [Baptized] in the cloud, and in the sea 1 Cor. 10.2.; and he putteth no other differences between the two Baptismes, but that the one is as the other. And therefore when we speake of that Baptisme, wee cannot but speake of the Baptisme [Page 117] of Christ Understand heer, that I speake of the Baptisme of water; for Christ is said (by his authoritie) to Baptise with water, as well as with the holy Ghost & fire; and so the baptisme of water is his, whether before or after his ascension.; for as the Baptisme of Christ, is not the Baptisme of John, yet the Baptisme of John, was the Baptisme of Christ. So though the Baptisme of Christ is not the Baptisme of Moses, yet the Baptisme of Moses was the Baptisme of Christ; For Moses was faithfull in all his house as a servant (for a testimony of those things which were to be spoken afterwards) but Christ as a Sonne, who was counted worthy of more glory then Moses; for he was the builder of the house; and therefore is worthy of more honour then the house Heb. 3.2, 3.. And seeing they were all baptized unto Moses (who was commended for his faithfulnesse Ver. 5.) there is no just reason can be given to debarre the infants of beleevers from Baptisme now, or from being baptized unto Christ, seeing Christ is worthy of more glory th [...]n Moses; and that the Sonnes Ver. 6. priviledges are no lesse (but more) then the servants.
But you bring in exceptions against the baptisme then, and so labour to make a disparitie between the baptisme then in the cloud and sea, and this baptisme now; for you say, They were not dipt, and then yeeld this reason; for they were in the cloud, and in the sea drie. But I would know of you, how long they were drie? Surely they might be watered, and yet not be dipt! There is a Medium between being dipt, and being dry. Wee reade that the children of Isreal were baptised 1 Cor. 10.2., but wee doe not reade, that they were overwhelmed, (as the Aegyptians were Exod. 14.28..) But by this it appeareth, that the Scripture is of no value unto you, unlesse it will agree with your fond opinions; for you would argue, that because they were not dipped; therefore they were not baptised, at least, not according to Christs institution.
And afterwards you say, Nor was Baptisme then instituted. So you have answered your selfe, though it be after a writhen manner; If Baptisme were not then instituted, how could that Baptisme be according to the institution of Christ? though they were dipt never so much! I hope you will not say, that dipping, or plunging, maketh Baptisme any more to be of Christs institution? For then you will say, that the Aegyptians were baptized according to Christs institution, and not the Israelites. But you should know, t [...]at the Israelites were not baptized contrary to Christs institution; The Angel of Gods presence was with his people then, in the cloud and in the sea, He was the Instituter.
Consider then (I pray you) what want was there of any thing needfull unto Baptisme?
[Page 118] Ob. 1. Did they want an Instituter?
Ans. They had him with them in the sea.
Ob. 2. Did they want an Administrater?
Ans. The Instituter could doe it, or appoint it to be done by some other besides himselfe; But they were all baptized (sayth Paul) therefore I conclude, that seeing they had the Administration, it was not without an Administrator.
Ob. 3. Did they want the Element?
Ans. They had water enough in the cloud, and if that had been too little, there was more in the sea; and if the Angel of Gods presence (their present companion) had seen it good, they should have been dipped, and should have had as great a quantitie of the Element in Baptisme, as the Aegyptians had without it.
Ob. 4. Did they want subjects?
Ans. They were the subjects themselves, and right subjects wee may say; for they were such who were in Gods covenant; of which Circumcision (the seale Rom. 4.11. of the righteousnesse of faith) was a signe Gen. 17.11..
This being rightly minded, it may refute your former opinion (to wit) that the Baptisme of infants cannot be of God, but of man, a vaine, and lying tradition Pag. 7. lin. 18. 19. 22., thrust upon the world under colour; foysted in like Antichristian devices.
Now sure if it were not of God, but of man, you will tell us what man invented it. Seeing you have presumed to be so bold to goe thus far, I pray you (if you can) goe a little further, and tell us who invented it; you cited divers humane Authors Pag. 7.8, 9., w ch were since Christ, but sure they were not the inventers thereof, for heer you may see it was administred long before they were borne, many hundreds of yeares; and so your new account commeth too short to prove the Baptisme of infants to be invented since Christ, for as much as this of Moses undermineth that your sandie conception. Who invented it then? I pray you tell me, for sure you can tell! at least you thinke so, otherwise you would not have termed it as you doe. Moses did not invent it, he was faithfull over his Masters house as a servant, bringing nothing into the worship and service of God, but what was appointed by God; neither would he, or God suffer such a thing to be acted, and to goe unreproved; except it were according to Gods appointment. Neither would the Apostle have called it Baptisme, as he doth in 1 Cor. 10.1, 2. had it been an invention of man, and not an institution, or an action of Gods. But you (your selfe) have granted it [Page 119] to be a priviledge unto them; then sure you must by this confesse it was no invention of man, but the Lords doings, though it be marvellous in your eyes; and therefore seeing that the children of Israel (in the cloud, and in the sea) had baptisme conferred upon them by divine right; it was not a humane invention, nor diabolicall institution (according to your former affirmation) but an Evangelicall Administration.
Next you take upon you to give the sense of the place, but you varie from it; you tell us, that no enjoyning of any outward priviledge, as Baptisme, or the Lords Supper, will now save us, without true faith, accompanied with obedience; and I tell you, that I also affirme the same.
But when you should declare that our Baptisme cannot save us without faith, no more then their Baptisme could save them, you varie from the poynt in particular, and speake in generall of their many outward priviledges; and when you come to particulars, you mind their bringing through the sea for one, their defence and guidance in the Wildernesse by the cloud for another; but you omit their Baptisme, the maine thing which you should keepe to at this time, and so you run on, and would turne Pauls particular testimonie, into a generall; whereas Paul doth speake in particular, and telleth us, that they were baptized.
And at length you come to Peter, and take upon you to tell us the manner of his speech, how he compareth the Baptisme of the Arke, with the Baptisme now, and sayth, the like figure Baptisme doth now also save us; and so you tell us, that these being onely figures and allusions, can prove nothing to the poynt in hand. Thus now you have cast off both the Baptismes of the New and Old Testament; for the Apostle Peter speaketh of the Baptisme of Noah, and of the Baptisme now, and sayth, this is a like figure to that, and you tell us, they are figures, and allusions; but I thinke you mean delusions; for you say, they serve not at all to prove the poynt in hand.
But as for this Answer of yours, it is one and the same with that in the Anabaptists Dialog. For there they tell us; ‘ 1. That Moses did not at all wash them with water in the cloud and sea. 2. That this of Moses is called Baptisme by comparison, as Noahs Arke is called the figure of the Baptisme that saveth us: for as the Arke saved those in it from drowning: so the Israelites were all under the cloud, and in the sea, and therein baptized or safegarded from destruction of their enemies. 3. That it pleased the Holy Ghost to [say] they were baptized [Page 120] in the sea and cloud, because the sea and cloud was their safetie, as Noahs Arke was: And as Christ sayth, they are baptized that suffer for his sake: So there is as much warrant to enjoyne Infants to suffer persecution, because it is called Baptisme; as to baptisme them, because the cloud and sea is called Baptisme.’
To this M r. Ainsworth sayth In his booke called A censure upon the Anabaptists Dialog pa. 99.; Let them consider Exod. 14.24.25. compared with Psal. 77.16, 17. &c. And they may see there was water enough in the cloud: and they will not say (I thinke) that there was no water in the sea. All outward baptizing or washing, must be with water, or some other liquor. If they were not baptized with water, what other liquor were they baptized in? Not with bloud, as in the baptisme of suffering death for Christs sake, which they impertinently mention. Not with wine or strong drinke; for they found none such in the Wildernesse. If they can shew nothing but water to baptize them in, l [...]t them deny no more (for shame) that they were baptized with water. God spake to our fathers by the Prophets at sundry times (or in [...] sundry parts, as it were by peice-meale) as the Apostle teacheth, Heb. 1.1. By Moses he shewed how the cloud removed from before Israel, and stood behinde them, (as they passed through the Sea) and gave them light, but was darknesse to the Aegyptians: and from the fiery cloudy pillar the Lord looking, troubled the Aegyptians, and took off their Chariot wheeles, that they drave them heavily, Exod. 14.19, 20.24, 25. This being briefly and obscurely told by Moses, God after by Asaph another Prophet, sheweth the manner of it, how not onely the waters of the Sea saw the Lord, when they fled and parted; but the clouds also from above powred out water when they rained; the skies sent out a sound by thunder, &c. Thus the ground being softned with the raine, occasioned the Chariot wheeles of the Aegyptians (sticking in the mire) to fall off, and hinder their pursuit: Psal. 77.16. &c. After this the Apostle ( taught by Gods Spirit) manifesteth the mysterie which before was kept secret, namely, how this passage under the cloud ( which rained) and through the sea, was a baptisme to the Israelites: even as Christian mens washings in rivers or vessels, was a baptisme to them. And as the Manna which Israel eat, and water from the rock which they dranke, was the same spirituall meat and drinke, which wee have signified by bread and wine in the Lords Supper, so their washing in the cloud and sea, and our washing in vessels or rivers, is spiritually the same baptisme: from hence we gather the baptizing of our Infants by two Arguments:] 1. All our fathers ( sayth Paul) were baptized [Page 121] in the cloud and sea: therefore (say wee) Infants; for seeing there was no other baptisme but that in the cloud and sea, such of our fathers as then were Infants, were at that time baptized, or else many of our fathers ( even all the infants of many thousand families) were never baptized: which is contrary to the Apostles doctrine. And if Infants had baptisme under Moses, it cannot be denied them under Christ.
2. In that the Apostle teacheth us, that the extraordinary and temporary sacraments (or seales of salvation) which Israel had, were the substance and truth which wee now have, though Moses doth not so expresse: It followeth upon like ground, that their ordinary seales, namely, Circumcision, and the Passeover, were the same in truth and substance with baptisme, and the Lords Supper, which wee now have, and being the same; As Infants had Circumcision then, so they are to have baptisme now.
Secondly, Whereas they say that of Moses was called baptisme by comparison, as if it were not properly baptisme: they swarve from the right way: it was as truly and properly baptisme to them, as ours is to us, though the manner of administration differ: even as their Manna and water were as truly and properly the Sacrament of Christs body and bloud to them, as bread and wine in the Lords Supper are to us. Otherwise the Apostle should not say truly, that they were the same. 1 Cor. 10.3, 4.
Thirdly, Noahs Arke is not called the figure of baptisme, as these corrupters of Scripture tell us: but baptisme ( sayth the Apostle) is a like figure (or antitype) 1 Pet. 3.21. So that the saving by water of eight then in the Arke, was a type or figure: and the saving of a few now by water in baptisme, is an antitype, or like figure; both of them figuring salvation by the death of Christ.
Fourthly, Neither doe these men set downe the reason fully and rightly, why they are sayd to be baptized, (namely,) because the cloud and sea was their safetie, as Noahs Arke was,) for though it may in some sense be granted, that these were their safetie, as baptisme is our safetie, (for it is said to save us, 1 Pet. 3.21.) yet properly they are sayd to be baptized in the cloud and sea, because they were in them sacramentally washed from their sinnes, and planted together in the likenesse of his death, buriall, and resurrection, as wee are now by baptisme, Rom. 6.3, 4, 5.
The cloud served them for three uses:
1. To protect and keep them safe, Isa. 4.5.6.
[Page 122]2. To guide them in the way that they should goe, Numb. 9.17 &c. Exod. 14.21. And these two were ordinary.
3. To baptize them by powring downe water, and this was extraordinary, and but one time in the red Sea, for ought wee finde. And in this respect Paul sayth, they were baptized in it.
Fifthly, Their last speech of injoyning infants to suffer persecution, as well as to baptize them, is spoken with a wry mouth: for as we injoyne not Infants to be baptized, though we baptize them; so can wee not enjoyne them to suffer persecution. But this wee say and know, as Infants are baptized into Christ, so oftentimes they suffer persecution for Christ, being with their parents afflicted, imprisoned, banished, &c. yea, and bereaved of life it selfe, so that they have even the baptisme of bloud or martyrdome also.
Thus you may see, that there hath been (long agoe) a large and sufficient Answer made unto this Answer of the Anabaptists of old, which is even one and the same with yours.
Thus much for reply to your Answer to the third objection.
As touching the fourth & fifth objection (the charitable construction being set aside) I except against them both; but especially the fourth; that the outward baptisme is not needful to him that hath the Pag. 17. lin. 8. other. And so for the fifth objection Lin. 19., which is, that Baptisme is nothing, (though it may beare a charitable construction) yet if any conceive Baptisme is nothing, as it is an ordinance of God, they erre. Neither doe I know any one amongst all the Seperation, that holdeth Baptisme to be nothing, but they reverence it as an ordinance of God.
It is true [as you have granted in answering hereof Lin. 26. Christian Reader, See Mr. Henry Barow, one of the three Martyrs (in Q Elizabeths time,) his discovery of the false Church; for there he treateth on this particular poynt at large, and reproveth the scholasticall partie, who did labour to perswade the Queen, that seeing her Majestie had the inward Baptisme, and had done many works of mercy and piet [...]e that therfore shee might rest her selfe satisfied, whether shee had the outward baptisme or no: On the other hand, the Romanist [...] said, that shee must count the Church of Rome a true Church, or else denie her Baptisme: But these were deceived, and did not consider, how that Gods ordinance is his ordinance, though in the depth of Apostacie. See the Ans. to your fi [...]st Treatise.] That in some sence Baptisme is nothing; even no more was Circumcision in former time yet as it was Gods holy ordinance, it was to be regarded as a thing of great concernment, and was not worne out then; though in the middest of Antichristianisme, or Apostasie; So Baptisme now being no lesse durable, though more generall then Circumcision was, nor lesse honourable, it ought not to be rejected but regarded, and the reverent receivers of it respected, and the contemners of it reproved and condemned.
Take notice heer how that in pursuing after these scattering Objections In Pag. 14, 15. 17., you have strangely varied from the poynt concerning Infants, and [Page 123] so have shot at rovers. Therefore I would have you (for order sake) to observe what hath been set downe by me to prove the lawfulnesse of the Baptisme of holy Infants, (against all your objections which you have set downe, unto this period) all which I leave to the consideration of you, and the observation others, and so proceed to answer the next which followeth.
BƲt (say you) Pag. 18. at lin. 2. their fifth and maine [Argument] is yet behinde: from the Covenant which God made with Abraham and his seed, Gen. 17. And hence (you say) thus they reason.
As the Covenant and promises were made to Abraham, (being a faithfull man) and his seed, and thereupon all his seed were circumcised in the time of the Law, so the same Covenant and promises are made to them, being beleevers and their seed: And therefore their seed may now upon the same ground be baptized.
Ans. You have set downe an argument on your opposites part, but you have not declared (in particular) whose it is, whether you mean that the Seperates, or those some others, or other Churches, which you specifie (in your first part, and the beginning of this your second part) are the Authors hereof.
But whosoever the Authors are, you call this their maine argument, and it may be you count it so, because it is generally layd downe, and undistinguished; and I tell you, though the matter may be the Seperates, yet the forme is not, but rather your own; for it is Anabaptisticall to infer, that because the covenant and promises were made to Abrahams seed before the Law, that thereupon all his seed were circumcised in the time of the Law; if by [all] you mean all his seed by generation after the flesh; for then it will follow, that all Ismaelites, and Edomites, were circumcised, and all other Apostates of Abrahams seed by generation, besides the rest of his seed: But wee doe affirme, and will prove, that as Abraham had no command to Circumcise all Nations (or seeds, or any Apostate whatsoever, though the off-spring of his body) but those that were the seed in covenant with God Gen. 17.11.; so the Saints of God, which continued in that estate wherein God had set Abraham, were to circumcise none but such as they were; yea, in this respect, the infants of the Proselytes were preferred before the infants of the Apostate seed of Abraham; and therefore you may see that wee are far from affirming that any Apostate that sprung from the loynes of Abraham, [(was, much lesse that all were)] to be circumcised; for [Page 124] Apostates whether they were of Abrahams loynes or not, they were all visibly in a bad condition, and not to have the signe (or seale) of Gods covenant put upon them; And those who were not Apostates, whether Jewes or Proselytes, they were all visibly in a good condition, and were to have the signe and seale of Gods covenant administred upon them, and were different, and quite contrary to the Apostates.
By true Iewes and Proselytes and true Christians, I mean visible Saints.Therefore (to keep to the matter in hand) the Argument for the Infants of beleevers lieth thus; That as all the infants of the true Jewes and Proselytes were to have the seale of Gods covenant put upon them then, so all the infants of those who are true Christians, ought to have the seale of Gods Covenant put upon them now.
See Gal. 3.17, 18. and compare herewith the words of Peter, Act. 2.39. The promise is unto you, & to your children, &c.And seeing the Covenant was (confirmed of God in Christ foure hundred and thirtie yeares before the Law) and was established with Abraham, and all his seed, who did not degenerate, and thereupon they were all to be sealed unto him (as his peculiar treasure) with that signe (or token of his covenant) which he had appointed then. It followeth that now the same covenant is confirmed of God in Christ, and made sure unto all faithfull parents, and all their seed, who doe not degenerate, and therefore they may all be sealed unto God, (as his peculiar treasure) with the signe (or token of his covenant) which he hath appointed now.
It followeth also that [ Baptisme being the seale of one and the same Covenant, which Circumcision was a seale of;] it ought to be administred upon the infants of beleevers now, as circumcision was formerly; because that the infants of beleevers being formerly in the new Covenant, of which Circumcision was a signe, are not rent out of it by the coming of Christ, but confirmed in it; for Christ is no changeling, and therefore Baptisme being now the seale of the same Covenant, it admitteth of the same subjects, and it being not more particular, but more generall then Circumcision, and to be administred upon male and female, it appertaineth to the Infants of beleevers, both male and female. And this is according to that teaching Oracle, which God did in the cloud, and in the sea, in which the whole body of the Israelites were baptized, both male and female.
Pag. 18.But you say, That neither Abraham nor his seed were circumcised, because the Covenant was made with h [...]m: and your reason is, because the Covenant was made with him above twentie yeares before Circumcision was instituted. And yet all this time neither Abraham nor his seed were circumcised; neither had he or any of his seed ever been circumcised, for [Page 125] his being in the covenant, had not the Lord afterwards expresly commanded the same.
To which I answer, that though they were not circumcised so soone as they were in the covenant, neither commanded to be circumcised then, yet if Abraham had not been in the covenant, neither he nor his infants could have received the ordinance of Circumcision, the signe of the covenant, according to Gods appointment. See Gen. 17. But beleevers and their seed that came after, were not to omit circumcision; for if they did they brake the covenant. Exod. 4.24, 25, 26. Now Abraham & his seed by vertue of Gods covenant, were bound to yeeld obedience to God, and to walke in all his wayes, as God revealed himselfe unto them: So that when once Circumcision was instituted, it was not to be omitted.
Next Pag. 18. at lin. 17. you say; ‘Nor was that covenant made with Abraham and his seed, A. R. meerly for his being a faithfull man (for then should it have been made with Noah being a faithfull man) but for his being such a faithfull man, whom the Lord pleased to choose, and set out as a patterne to all beleevers, Rom. 4.23, 24. and to be a father of many Nations, Rom. 4 17, 18. And in whose seed all the Nations in the world should be blessed, Act. 5.25. & 13.23. (to wit) in Christ, who was to come of his flesh.’
Ans. The same new covenant that was made with Abraham, was made also with Noah; wherefore as Abraham is called the father of many Nations, so Noah is called the heire of justice, which is by faith; Heb. 11.7. Such a faithfull man as Abraham was, such a faithfull man was Noah; yea, chosen of God, and a patterne to all beleevers which should come after him.
Now whereas you say, that the Lord was pleased to choose Abraham, and set him out as a patterne to all beleevers; I suppose you meane all those beleevers which came after him, not those that were dead before he was borne; So Noah was a patterne to Abraham, not Abraham a patterne to Noah.
And it is sure that Abraham was a father of many Nations, and so was Noah; and that not onely according to the flesh, but also spiritually; He was a father of many Nations according to the flesh, because he was the father of Abraham See Luk. 3., who was the father of many nations according to the flesh. Spiritually, Noah was the heire of Justice, and Abrahams father, as Abraham is sayd to be our father, and the father of all those who walke in his steps. And seeing that Christ came of Abraham, and Abraham of Noah, therefore Christ came of Noah, so that [Page 126] it may be sayd (in this respect) of Noah, as of Abraham, that in his seed (which is Christ) all the Nations of the earth are blessed.
Further you say Pag. 18. at lin. 24.; ‘ A. R.Therefore although the Covenant and promises were made to Abraham and his seed, yet the consequence will not follow, that the covenant is likewise made with all beleevers and their seed; for beleevers onely are the seed, and the seed onely, and none of them a father in the Gospel sence, nor any other save onely Abraham, to whom and his seed the covenant and promises are made.’
Ans. That the covenant and promises were made to Abraham and his seed, you cannot denie; that the Proselytes and their seed were heires of the same covenant, as well as Abraham and his seed, the Scriptures are cleare, Gen. 17.9.12. Exod. 12.48. Isa. 56. So when Zacheus beleeved, and so became the sonne of Abraham, he had the same priviledges which Abraham had, namely, that the same time salvation was come to his house Luk. 19 8, 9.. Therefore seeing that he was the sonne of Abraham, his infants were in the covenant of Abraham. And this is according to what the Apostle sayth, Gal. 4.28. Now wee brethren, as Isaac was, are the children of promise; if now the brethren are, as Isaac was, then their Infants are as Isaacs infants were, and are to have the same priviledges of the covenant as Isaacs infants had; But the former is true, from the Apostles Testimony, and therefore the latter is true also. And therefore [ Baptisme being one of the priviledges of the covenant of God [which they are as capable of as of circumcision] they ought to be baptized, as Isaacs infants were to be circumcised.
And seeing the same Covenant which was made with Abraham, was made with Isaac and his seed, and that beleevers are (as Isaac was) the children of promise. The consequence then, that the covenant is likewise made unto all beleeving parents, and their holy seed, is very true.
Whereas you tell us that Beleevers onely are the seed, and the seed onely, and none of them a father in the Gospel sence, nor any other save onely Abraham. I tell you, that if Abraham had not been a beleever, he could not have been the seed, much lesse a father spiritually unto those who walke in his steps; neither could Isaac the childe of promise have been as he was.
2. Though Christ is the root of David Rev. 5.5., yet he is also the off-spring of David Rev. 22.16.; so is he the root, and the off-spring, the father Joh. 8.58. and the sonne of Abraham Mat. 1.1.; so that Abraham was Christs seed spiritually, as all the Proselytes were, and in this respect Abraham is our brother.
But you tell us, Beleevers onely are the seed, and the seed onely, and none of them a father in the Gospel sence, save onely Abraham; but you should know, that Noah was Abrahams father, both spiritually and temporally, and a beleever, and so were the holy Patriarkes before him, therefore they were the seed, and yet wee will not say they were the onely seed in the largest extent, for I thinke that all the Saints which are, or have been are not yet the onely seed, for there are no doubt many yet to come. Now if by the onely seed, and the seed onely, you mean that God never accepted of any seed, but such as they were spiritually. I grant the same; that such are the seed indeed and in truth; and such a one was Isaac in his infancie, and such are the Infants of beleevers now, as those infants which Christ took up in his armes, Mar. 10.16. and layd his hands upon and blessed. And though the infants are not fathers, but faithfull children of the faithfull, yet they have the blessing of Abraham, which lighted upon Isaac in his infancie; and those that are blessed with faithfull Abraham, are the seed of Abraham, and children of the promise; but the infants of beleevers are blessed with faithfull Abraham, therefore they are the children of the promise.
Moreover, You should not be ignorant, that Enoch, Noah, S [...]m, Abraham, Isaac, and divers others, were fathers spiritually. But you would have Abraham to be the onely father; for you say, None of them is a father in the Gospel sence, save onely Abraham; so that you exclude all beleevers from the beginning unto this present, (yea, to the end of the world) from being fathers any of them in the Gospel sence; But you should know, that all beleeving fathers, who have holy children, are fathers in the Gospel sence; and as they are holy, so are their infants, who have no more childrē, then Isaac had in his infancie, yet seeing they are heires of the Covenant, w ch was made with Abraham, they have his blessing. So Paul termeth the children of beleevers holy 1 Cor. 7.14.; and so Peter sayth, The promise is unto you, and to your children, &c. which implyeth fathers; and surely I thinke this is Gospel sence, Act. [...].39. if not Gospel it selfe.
Further you say; ‘Wherefore to affirme that every beleever hath now the same Covenant and promises made to him and his seed, A. R. Pag. 18. at lin. 30. as Abraham had to him and his seed, is very absurd: and is all one as to say, that now every beleever by his beleeving doth immediately become a father of the faithfull as well as Abraham.’
To which I answer as before, that beleevers are in the same Covenant, [Page 128] and therefore both they & their seed, have the same priviledges of the Covenant, as the Proselytes and their seed had in former time. And you should know, that Abraham was not the father of Noah; but Noah was the father of Abraham, and he was before Abraham, and therefore was not onely the father of Abraham, but also the father of all beleevers after him spiritually. Now though Abraham was not the father of so many beleevers as Noah was father of; yet Abraham had the same priviledges in respect of the new covenant as Noah had: Abraham sojourned in the land of Canan as a stranger, but his seed did inherite it, yet the promise of salvation was equally made both to him and his seed, as it is to us and our seed. So Jacob, though he was not the father of so many beleevers w c• Abraham was father of, yet had he the same priviledges, (in respect of the new covenant) as Abraham had. I will not say, that Abraham had the same outward temporall priviledges w ch Noah had; for Noah was the father of all Nations according to the flesh, though not the father of Caine, or those before him; neither will I say, that Jacob, or Isaac had the same outward temporall priviledges in every respect as Abraham had, for Abraham was the father of the Ismaelites and Edomit [...]s after the flesh: And yet this doth not prove, that every beleever upon his beleeving, doth become a father of the faithfull; no more then Isaac, who was a father of the faithfull as well as Abraham.
And seeing your demand Lin. 35., Where any seed are, [if] all be fathers is grounded upon an [if] or supposition, that all are fathers; let it be a supposition still, and so (upon this ground) when you bring supp [...]s [...] tions (without distinctions) builded upon your own imagination [...], and prosecuted with such groundlesse cavillations, you may expect that your building will fall to the ground, as this doth.
Lin. 36, 37, 38, 39.To your affirmation, That their seed, and their seeds-seed are all members of the Church, and to be accounted faithfull, and so to be all fathers of the faithfull as well as Abraham, from generation to generation to the worlds end.
I answer, That the infants of the faithfull, are all members of the Church; and they are not to be accounted unfaithfull, though they die in their infancie; And seeing Gods kingdome belongeth unto them, though they have no children, [...]or are fathers of the faithfull [...] Abrahams was, yet they have the same precious priviledges, as Abrahams infants had; So that they are to be esteemed, now, t [...] be the sons of God, and yet it is not manifested wha [...] they shall be, when their terrestriall bodies (being made like the glorious body of their sweet Saviour) shall [...] celestially in the kingdome of Eterni [...].
Next you would make us beleeve, that you will expresse your selfe [Page 129] more plainly, Lin. 40. (and in the intrim you promise this truth) That there is now no difference between any circumcision or uncircumcision, Pag. 19. lin. 1, 2. Jew or Gentile, bond or free, male or female, but all are one in Christ Jesus, Gal. 3.28.
And to this I answer, that Gal. 3.28. doth not prove, that you have performed what you promised, and called a truth; for as you have layd it downe, it is an untruth, namely, that there is no difference between [any] Circumcision, or uncircumcision, &c. In this you have done evill, and in fathering it upon the Apostle Paul, you have done worse; for Paul is no patron of this opinion, it was no part of his doctrine, that there is no difference between [any] Circumcision, or uncircumcision, &c. But he putteth a manifest difference between Circumcision of the heart, and Circumcision of the flesh; as also between Jew and Jew, namely, he that is a Jew outwardly onely, Rom 2.28, 29. and he that is a Jew inwardly; as also he putteth a difference between Gentile and Gentile, namely, an unbeleeving Gentile, and a beleeving Gentile. So that Paul maketh the beleeving Gentiles, and the beleeving Jewes, all one in Christ, and not beleevers and unbeleevers all one in Christ, for he applieth his speech to the Saints onely. So that it appeareth you have quitemistaken the Apostle, yea, there is no Scripture which will beare you out in this your absurd affirmation.
And now I will come to what you call your plaine expression, which is that; ‘If every beleever by his beleeving doth become a father of the faithfull as well as Abraham, A. R. Pag. 19. at lin. 3. then it must be at the very instant of his beleeving that he doth become a father of the faithfull as well as Abraham, and if so, where then will be any children to all these fathers; for none can be children before they be faithfull; and also at the same instant cease to be chil [...]en, and become fathers, which implyes a flat contradiction, and then how [...]an Abraham himselfe be father of all beleevers, Rom. 4.11, 12.’
Answ. Who doth affirme, that every beleever doth immediately become a father? That which you say implyeth a flat contradiction, Pag 19. lin. 7. I thinke is builded but upon a supposition of your owne, Isaacs fatherhood made him not cease to be Abrahams child, no more then our fatherhood doth make us cease to be his Children. as if they should affirme, that beleevers upon their beleeving, at the same instant cease to be children, and become fathers! And then upon this you aske how Abraham himselfe can then be father of all beleevers? Which interrogation of yours implyeth rather a flat contradiction of the Scriptures of God; as if Abraham was not both sonne and father.
1. A sonne of Noah he was, as wee are the sonnes of Abraham by [Page 130] faith in Christ. 2. A father of the faithfull he was also: So that Abraham was both a sonne and a father.
You doe not explaine your selfe Lin. 9., when you aske how Abraham himselfe then can be father of all beleevers? for you may know, that Noah was father of more beleevers then Abraham, & Noah himselfe was a beleever before Abraham, And if Abraham was not his father, then he was not a father of all beleevers who went before him.
But it may be you meane, by all beleevers, all that came after Abraham, and walked in his steps; for if you mean by all bel [...]evers, all that ever have been, are, or shall be, then by your owne ground, there were no beleevers before Abraham was a father, or else you must confesse, that Abraham was not a father of them. But the [...]e were beleevers before Abraham was borne, and b [...]leevers there were, and are after him, therefore Abraham was, and is, both a father of some beleevers, and a childe of other beleevers, as wee are the children of him, if wee derogate not from his steps; and are the fathers of our posteritie (after the flesh) who doe not aberate from Gods commandements.
Next you say; ‘Or how can the promise be sure unto all the seed, if beleevers childr [...]n be the seed, for they will not affirme that all their children are saved. But this is affirmed of all the seed to whom the promise is made, Rom. 4.16. Heb. 6.16, 17.’
Ans. You thinke if beleevers children be the seed, the promise cannot be sure to all the seed! and why is this? your reason is, for th y will affirme, that all their children are not saved. But if this be a sufficient reason to prove infants not to be in the promise, then it will prove that their parents are not in the promise, nor any other, and so upon this ground you must baptize none at all, nor judge any to be in the promise, though they professe faith never so much, sith that many who are members, and make a verball profession, and ought to be baptized by Christs rule, fall back, like Judas Iscariot, and Simon Magus.
But you should rather have questioned thus (according to truth) how can the promise be sure to all the seed, if beleevers infants be not in the promise?
And surely, wee are not to argue so perversly, and foolishly, that because [some] beleevers children are not saved, (since they rent themselves out of the promise) that therefore [no] beleevers children, o [...] that their infants are not in the state of salvation, and that the promise [Page 131] appertaineth not unto them; for this will not stand with true sense or reason, nor with the Apostles Testimonie, when he sayth, Rom. 3.1, 2, 3. That the Jewes advantage was much every manner of way, and that the unbeliefe of some, did not make the faith of God without effect. So that the Apostle himselfe answereth your objection; for the promise is still su [...]e unto all that abide in Gods Covenant.
And seeing the infants of beleeving parents doe abide in Gods covenant, they are part of all the holy seed, and therefore it evidently appeareth, that the promise appertaineth unto them, as hath been proved before; and this doth as really appertaine unto them, as to those who professe faith, and those that deny this, doe in a manner make the faith of God of none effect, and so make the Author thereof a lyar.
But let such despisers of the children of promise, wonder and perish, without the promise, rather then that the Infants which God hath given to beleeving parents, should not be counted for the seed, within the promise.
But next you say; ‘Now then, if the promise be sure unto all the seed unto whom it is made, A. R. and all beleevers, and onely all beleevers the promise is sure to: Then all beleevers, and onely all beleevers are the seed unto whom the promise is made, and then none of Abrahams own naturall seed, nor the naturall seed of any other in the world, are to be accounted the seed, unto whom the promise and covenant is made, untill they beleeve, Rom. 9.7, 8. Rom. 4.13, 14 Gal. 3 7.9.’
Ans. It is a sure truth, that the promise is sure to all the seed to whom it is made, and it is made to the faithfull, and their seed that doe not degenerate from their steps. But their Infants cannot justly be said to degenerate from the steps of their holy parents, who continue in their righteousnesse; Therefore they are holy, and in the Covenant, and are the children of Abraham. And seeing you have granted that all beleevers, and onely all beleevers are the seed u [...]to whom the promise is made, then all those to whom the promise is made, are the seed, and so are beleevers; but the promise was made unto Abrahams infants, as well as to others: God said unto Abraham, that he would be the [...]r God; and for confirmation of his Covenant, he ordained that the infants should have the signe of his covenant, Gen. 17. the seale of the righteousnesse of his faith in their infancie. And the like may be sayd concerning the Proselytes, and their infants, for God was a God unto them all, [Page 132] both male and female, bond and free. And the like may be sayd now concerning beleevers, and their infants, for Christs love is not lessened since he manifested himselfe in the flesh; He is the same as he was, and will be the same as he is, in this respect; and therefore seeing wee have not one tittle of Scripture for debarring our infants of the priviledges which formerly appertained to the infants of the faithfull, wee ought not so to shut up the kingdom of heaven against them, but ought to beleeve that the blessing of Abraham belongeth to them, as well as to the infants of old; for it is a sure truth, that the promise is sure unto them, and therefore the seale of the promise must be imposed upon them.
Now whereas you say, that none are to be accounted the seed, till they doe beleeve; If by beliefe, you mean beliefe by manifestation, actually, in their own persons; What is this but an arguing against Isaac in his infancie? and a shutting him out (in your conceptions) from being then a childe of promise, and a shutting out of others also, who were as holy as he, & yet could not manifest faith actually in their own persons, no more then he could in his infancie. And so if you mean that none are the seed, untill they do professe faith (as it appeareth you do) is not this to make voyd the promise of God, in shutting out all Abrahams infants, and the infants of all other beleevers, and thus (through their sides) to strike at Christ, who was once an infant like them?
Now the thing which you should mind (but doe not) is that the Covenant was established with Abraham and his seed everlastingly; with his infants, as well as others. And as wee may say concerning Abraham, and his infants, so wee may say concerning the Proselytes and their infants; and the like may be sayd for beleevers, and their infants now, whom you can never prove to be out of Covenant, till they appear to be seeds; and then do your best; but so long as they are not degenerated but remaine the seed, they are to be accounted holy, and within the promises, and covenant of the Gospel. And as for the holy infants, I know not how they can be charged with unbeliefe, or disobedience against any of Gods Commandements, any more then their holy parents, to whom the Lord hath testified, saying, that he sheweth mercy to thousands of generations of those that love him and keepe his Commandements.
Next you say; ‘ A. R. Pag. 19. lin. 21. This then being a most evident truth, it may in no wise be granted, that the covenant is made with all beleevers, as with Abraham, or that [Page 133] the promise is made unto all these, as unto Abraham, or that all these are fathers as Abraham, for all these are the seed, and the only seed and children of Abraham: And those to whom the covenant and promises doe onely belong under the tearme seed.’
Ans. These your words doe imply, that Abraham was not any part of the seed, and that the covenant was not made unto him as he was a beleever, but meerly as he was a father. But when God made his Covenant with him, He did not say, I will be thy God meerly as thou art a father, and the God of thy seed, meerly as they are thy seed, and of thy seeds-seed, meerly as they are thy seeds-seed; but he testifieth that he will be the God of him, and them, though he and they should increase to many persons, yet he would be a God unto them all; as he was a God unto him; God was a God unto Isaac, and he was a God unto Abraham, and he could be no more unto him. What could Abraham have more then God? a greater reward he could not have, then the reward that exceeded all rewards. Now God hath covenanted with his people, that he will be their God, and therefore it appeareth, that the covenant is unto them, as it was unto Abraham; And so it was with the Proselytes, & their seed, as with the Jewes, and their seed.
And though this be a most evident truth, yet you say, it may in no wise be granted, that the Covenant is made with all beleevers as with Abraham; yea though they have the like spirituall priviledges, as Abraham had; yet you resolve, not to grant it, and it is not materiall whether you grant it or no.
Now that they are all fathers, as Abraham was, I will not take upon mee to prove, but this I know, that they are in the same covenant, and have the same spirituall priviledges, w ch Abraham had. As for your affirmatton, that all these are the seed, and the onely seed, and children of Abraham; For explanation, I answer as before, that if Noah was Abrahams father, Abraham was not his father, and therefore Abraham was not the father of all those beleevers that were before he was borne; for Noah (Abrahams father) was a beleever. And to this agrees your owne words, for you say, beleevers are the seed; yea, all beleevers, and onely all beleevers, are the onely seed, and the seed onely, and therefore you may see that Abraham, though he were a father, yet he was part of the seed; for I thinke you will not deny him to be a beleever.
Whereas you say, that if it were otherwise, then must they be comprehended, [Page 134] (Gen. 17.7, 8.) under the tearme thee, and then the rest of the phrase (to wit) and to thy seed, would be in vaine, and superfluous, which to thinke were very irrationall.
I answer, That this which you have sayd will not stand with reason; for you should know, that if the covenant did appertaine to Abrahams s [...]ed, in no wise, as to Abraham, then the rest of the phrase, (to wit) and to thy seed, would be in vaine and superfluous, w ch to thinke would be very irrationall indeed. And the like wee may say concerning Peters application of the promise unto beleevers and their children, that if it is bound up onely in the parents, then Peter might have rested at those expressions concerning the parents particular persons, and onely have sayd thus; Act. 2.39. the promise is unto you, and not have added these words, and to your children.
Abundance of testimonies of sacred Scripture might be cited, where the seed and generation of the faithfull are declared to be in the promise with their parents, but this may suffice which hath been spoken, that wee may not exclude the holy off-spring, and blessed issue of the blessed; but whensoever wee happen upon any such place of Scripture, where the seed is said to be in the blessing with the parents, (especially, considering that the Scripture affecteth brevitie) wee ought then to mind, that if the blessing be bound up from the infants in the parents, then the words are in vaine and sup [...]rfluous, where their children, seed, off-spring, and issue, are mentioned.
But seeing that the promise to the seed, is not vaine nor superfluous, nor ever was, it is irrationall to thinke, that God is not the same God in extending his grace and mercy to the seed of beleevers, as to themselves.
Next you say; ‘ Lin. 32.Put the case it be granted them to be fathers, as they doe desire to be like to Abraham, then must they be fathers of onely such as beleeve, and not untill they beleeve, for according to the tenor of this new Covenant, and in the Gospel sense, Abraham himselfe is father of none other, nor otherwise.’
Ans. Though in some respects we desire to be fathers, as Abraham was, yet far be it from us, to desire to be fathers as he was in every respect. You shall not father such a thing upon us. Wee desire to be fathers as Abraham was (though not in every respect) and it is lawfull for us so to do, yea, our duty, not only to desire it, but to strive to imitate Abraham, in instructing our families, and teaching them the way of life, according as every one of them is capable to receive instruction. [Page 135] But though some of our children doe degenerate, as some of Abrahams children did, yet it maketh not the promise uneffectuall to the rest, no more then it did to the rest of the children of Abraham, who w [...]s a father of them in the Gospel sence; as wee are fathers of the [...]e, our children, who abide in our righteous steps.
And wee are fathers of our own infants, otherwise then wee are of the unbeleeving Jewes and Turkes; for ours wee know are in the cov [...]nant, but the other wee know are not, untill they doe beleeve, But wh [...]n they doe beleeve, then have they as great priviledges for their infants, as Isaac had for his infants, And these are, as those were, and therefore as it was warrantable for those to be sealed then, so is it warrantab [...]e f [...]r these to be sealed now.
But hence you affirme; ‘That Publicans and Harlots may be the seed, A. R. and have as much right to Baptism [...], as any beleevers seed, or as any of Abrahams owne naturall seed; for all and every of these, must first repent, and then be baptized, Act. 2.38.’
Ans. If this be forcible against beleevers infants, it is of force against themselves, and if such a reason could have bin strong against Abrahams infants, then against Abraham himselfe; for the Heathens then might become converts as well as now.
Moreover, I tell you, that it is not to the poynt for us to look what persons may be, or may have right unto, but what persons are, or must be judged to be, and what they have right unto; and therefore this position of yours is very impertinently brought against Infants right to the covenant, or Baptisme, especially considering that the infants of beleevers are neither publicans nor harlots, nor to be ranked with them, or their infants, till the publicans and harlots cease to be so; and God create in them a new spirit, as he doth in the infants of the faithfull; and so circumcise their hearts, and make them new creatures, and give them the same blessing which Christ gave unto the Israelites in [...]ants, whom he took up in his armes, and imposed his hands upon and blessed.
Whereas you further adde, that ‘Ʋpon the same tearmes may any, yea, the most wicked in the world, and their seed be baptized.’
Ans. It is true, that the infants of those who are penitent, and in Gods covenant, though they were formerly wicked, are to be baptized as well as their parents. But note this, that Baptisme is a confirmation [Page 136] of their being in Covenant, as Circumcision was to Abraham, and his infants, and to the Proselytes, and their infants.
Touching your reason for this which you annex Pag. 20. at lin. 4. (to wit) that the partition wall is now broken down, and that the Gospel knows no difference between any; but is to be preached to every creature in the world; and so you cite, Mar. 16.15, 16 Mat. 28.19. Gal 6.15. & 8.29.
I answer, That though the former position be true, yet this reason brought to confirme it is impertinent, considering that the Proselytes, and their infants [in former time] were received into Gods covenant, to whom salvation was not denied then, though Christ were not manifested in the flesh nor the Go [...]p [...]l published unto all Nations, as now since, by Christ it was commanded to be.
And as for the Scriptures cited by you, they make much for beleeving parents, and their infants; for as much as the application of the Gospel appertaineth unto them all. In Mar. 16.15, 16. the Gospel is commanded to be preached unto [every] creature; and it is said, that Whosoever bel [...]eveth and is baptized, shall be saved; and whosoever beleeveth not, shall be damned When Christ sayth, He that beleeveth and is baptized, shall be saved, He no more intendeth to exclude the infants of the faithfull from Baptisme, then from salvation: but those that exclude them from the Coven [...]nt, doe as much as in them lieth, to exclude them from both.. And in Mat. 28.19. Goe make all Nations Disciples (sayth Christ) baptizing them. As if he should say, in former time I bound my selfe to one Nation, and published my name unto them, but now I stretch forth my hands further, that all Nations might be made Disciples, and baptized, as that one nation of the Jewes were made Disciples and circumcised.
Now sure as we cannot justly deny the infants to be creatures, to whom salvation or damnation appertaineth, so we cannot deny but that the Gospel appertaineth unto the infants of beleevers (as well as to their parents) though they die in their infancie, or that the holy infants are Disciples inclusively with their parents, as they have been heretofore.
If then infants are included in the generall Commission (as doubtlesse they are) then they are not to be excluded; but the infants of beleevers are [...]dmitted by God to come into the Church with their parents, according to the anci [...]nt custome, which was very profitable and comfortable, and no dishonour to God, nor discredit to his cause, nor hinderance to his people, but a glory unto his house, they being his pure vessels, which he prized at such a high rate, as to send his onely begotten Sonne into the world to take upon him the nature of them, and to suffer for them, and to make them new creatures, such as are mentioned in Gal. 6.15. which availeth with God, when neither [Page 137] Circumcision, nor uncircumcision doth; therefore they are not excluded from the generall Commission.
Moreover, Christ hath declared them to be his, by blessing them, and testifying that they are of his k [...]ngdome; and seeing then, that they are Christs, they are Abrahams s [...]ed, and heires according to promise, Gal. 8.29. and have interest into this grace wherein they now are, so that they cannot be deprived of their inheritance, no more then those who professe faith, and doe act that which these Infants have not a naturall capablenesse to doe.
As touching your demand Lin 13. (which you say is demanded in coole bloud) how wee doe become Abrahams seed; you have testified what wee will say, Lin. 14, 15. (which may be stood to without danger,) namely, that wee become Abraham seed onely by faith Imputatively.
As for the inference Lin. 15, 16. (which you bring upon it,) that so must our children by the same way; wee grant the same, it is one of our principles; as also, that there is (as you confesse) but one seed, and not more in the sence and acceptation of the Gospell.
Next you say Pag. 20. at lin. 18..
They further reason from the equitie of circumcision thus:
As infants then by Gods allowance, received that seale of the covenant, so by proportion why not this now of Baptisme.
And in answer hereunto you rehearse Lin. 21. Gods commandement to Abraham cōcerning circumcision, and say, That it was both right & equall that Abraham should doe herein as God had commanded him, and it had been sinfull for him to have done otherwise, more or lesse: And so likewise it is right for us to doe as God hath commanded us to doe, and no otherwise.
To which I answer, that Gods divine institutions are full of equitie, and there is no iniquitie in them, nor in any thing which he doth, and God not only allowed but strictly commanded Abraham to circumcise, and without the command (or institution) he was not to put the same in execution. But when once Circumcision [the signe and seale of the righteousnesse of faith] was instituted, then it was to be administred; and this was [...]ight and equall, and allowed o [...] by God.
Now it remaineth for you to prove (if you can) when the substance Mr. Spilsbery granteth, that the matter of Gods worship is not changed at the cōming of Ch [...]ist in the fl [...]sh. See his T [...]t. Bap. pag. [...] lin, 15. of this institution was taken away.
Peradventure you will say, that the institution of Baptisme hath put anullitie to the s [...]al [...].
I answer, That the inlargement of a thing, or taking away of the circumstances, doth not take away the substance or being of it.
Wherefore it appeareth, that the command for sealing of Infants, is not yet abrogated, but remaineth still; and seeing Baptisme was instituted by Christ in stead of circumcision, the infants are to be baptized.
But yet you question Lin. 28., Where the institution for baptizing of infants is? And my answer is, That the Institution for sealing of the infants of the faithfull, was given to Abraham, and Baptisme being in stead of Circumcision, and more generall, and it being now the seale, they are to be baptized, as formerly they were to be circumcised.
But you say Lin. 30., That was to circumcise, not to baptize, that all his males, not his females, that all borne in his house, or bought with money, at eight dayes old.
Ans. All this maketh nothing against the baptizing of Infants; for the signe and seale of the righteousnesse of faith, is not c [...]ased, but the substance thereof continueth, though the outward shadow or element is departed, and delivered unto us (as it were) in another garb. And you granted before, that the females were implyed in the males.
And you ought to know, that the generalitie of the latter Commission above the former, doth plead a specialitie which the Infants have in the latter, as well as in the former.
But you say Lin. 32., If they ground it from this institution, then must they observe it in every thing, for so did Abraham, who had sinned in doing otherwise in any thing.
To this I answer, That we may well ground this, from the institution of that, though we are not tyed to observe that in every thing. The institution for sealing the infants of the faithfull, ought to be observed by us, in every thing, and though God have altered the circumstances, as he hath done in divers other ordinances, (the substance of which wee have now in the ordinances of the Gospel) yet wee must not therefore neglect the substances of them, considering that they are not taken away by the alterations, changing, or taking away of the circumstances.
The Passeover, & the Lords Supper, were all one in substance, though they differed in circumstances; the Baptisme of John, and the Baptisme of Christ were one, though they differed in some circumstances. And the like may be instanced in divers other ordinances, w ch are equivolent and sutable each to other; And therefore it will hold in Circumcision and Baptisme. And so this still pleadeth the divine right which Infants have to the seale now, as they had to the seale then See this treatise, pag. 121. at lin. 7..
Now, that which is not onely permitted (or allowed) but commanded, it is both right and equall it should be observed, Deut. 12.32. [Page 139] But God commanded the outward seale of his Covenant of grace to be imposed upon the infants of his people, Gen 17.11, 12, 13. Rom. 4.11. This commandement in respect of the substance of it, was never yet abrogated or disanulled.
Therefore it is in the substance of it, still to be continued, and it is both right and equall it should be observed.
Next you say?
But heer you should observe, that wee stand not for the baptizing of all Nations, but as they appeare unto us by the rule of the Word to be Disciples. Secondly, Though this be generall, in respect of the subjects, yet it is a particular institution to baptize, as Abrahams was to circumcise.
And now let us heare your answer.
To which I reply; That we do observe that institution, We plead not for the Baptizing of those who are not Disciples, no more then that any were formerly to be circumcised, who were not Disciples; for the institution of circumcision, and of Baptisme, is one and the same, though the circumstances in the severall acts are different, as I shewed before; and infants are as capable to be Disciples now, as they were formerly, and you cannot justly deny, that the infants of beleevers are Disciples.
Now though none were to take a ground for Circumcision from the institution of Baptisme, If Christs Commission for Baptisme, doth not concerne infants at all, but aged persons, as some men dreame, then his dayes are dayes of famine, & not of food, times of poverty, not of plenty, of leannes, not of fa [...]s. Now wee ought to note, that the glory of the first [...]ommission, is included in the second; if then the second be lesse generall then the first, & have swallowed up the former, and yet n t increased, but diminished, then it is like Pharoahs 7 leane eares of corne, and 7 l [...]ane kine, which swallowed up the fat ones. But Christs [...]ōmission is much la [...]ger th [...]n that given to Abraham, and therefore the dreame, that infants a [...]e not in the la [...]ter as well as in the former, is false. yet from Circumcision they might take a ground for Baptisme; not to enlarge the institution of Christ for Baptisme, as if it were lesse generall then the institution of Circumcision, but to shew the largenesse of Circumcision, that thereby wee may confute those that doe seeke to make Baptisme (in reference to the subjects) more streiter (or lesse generall) then circumcision; for circumcision was acted upon the male infants, in which (you confessed) the female infants were included. And I know not how any can with [...]ut sacriledge, rob (or deprive) both the infants of the male, & female kinde, of these holy things, which [Page 140] are so largely distributed since Christs manifestation in the flesh; for considering that infants were once to be commanded to be sealed in their infancie, and are not forbidden in the Scripture, they ought to be sealed: But it was once [...]ommanded, that the infants of beleevers should be sealed in their infa [...]ci [...], and is no where forbidden in the Scripture; therefore the seale of the Covenant ought to be imposed upon them in their infancie.
And seeing you have [...]cknowledged, that the females were included See A. R. pag. 5. lin. 24. in Circumcision, o [...] in the circumcised males; therefore your objection against the positio [...] Pag. 21., (by w [...]y of answer) that Abraham was not forbidden to circumcise his f [...]mal [...]s, is to no purpose, unlesse it be to contradict y [...]ur selfe; for seeing you have granted the f [...]males to be included, they were not exc [...]uded; the [...]efore your comparison heer of the males of Abrahams [...]ast [...], as his cam [...]ls and asses Lin. 7. with Abrahams infants, either male, or female, is not equall; no more then that of the Bartholomew-babies, which you formerly shewed (in pag 16.) But still it appeareth, that our position Pag. 20 l. 40., being builded upon a right foundation, remaineth permanent, for it cannot be shewed, either by expresse command, or necessary consequence, that God hath forbidden the baptizing of holy Infants.
Moreover, Whereas you labour to seeke out what they mean, that affirme, Lin. 13. Infants now [...]re as capable of Baptisme, with all its significations, as infants then were of circumcision.
Ans. I thinke they intend that the infants have not onely a capablenesse, but also a right to receive the ordinance of Baptisme, as the infants of beleevers had not onely a capablenesse, but also a right to the ordinance of Circumcision. And I suppose, if you seek to prove that the infants of beleevers were more capable of Circumcision, and had more right unto it, then the infants of beleevers are now capable of Baptisme, or have right unto it now, you will loose all your labour.
But you (in your answer Pag. 21. lin. 19.) doe affirme, that so all infants in the world are capable of Baptisme, and so all infants from Adam to Abraham were capable of Circumcision. And next, you demand of them why these were not circumcised? You say, They will say, because Circumcision was not then commanded; but as soone as it was commanded, it was done.
But I tell you for answer, That to affi me, that as soone as Circumcision was commanded to be done upon some infants, it was done (or to be done) upon all infants. It is an untruth, as this demand Lin. 20. is [Page 141] your owne, so I doubt not but the answer Lin. 21. compared with lin. 19, 20. thereunto is yours also; for your tenets leadeth you to this, that Abraham might circumcise any Ap [...]state he would, so that he brought them in his house, though they neither feared God, nor reverenced man. I will not say, this is childish, but I am sure it is foolish, and brutish, to have such unreverend thoughts, of the ordinance of Circumcision. But I suppose, that Abraham could be [...]ter understand the minde of God, then those who labour so to debase the ordinance of Circumcision, and the right subjects thereof. As all those doe who affirme, that all the infants in the world, from Adam to Abraham, might have been circumcised, if God had instituted Circum [...]ision then. But this is to bring in the feed of Caine with the seed of Seth, the infants of the idolatrous Heathens, with the infants of Abraham; and so to make a compounded mixture in the Lords Church, which he alwayes laboured to keep from pollution, by sequesterating them from the vile.
Furthermore, You make answer to a position Lin. 26., which is, that God ga [...]e to infants Circumcision, which was a signe and seale of the righteousnesse of faith and regeneration, Gen. 17.11. Rom. 4.11. And we know God giveth no lying signe, nor sealeth a Covenant to any persons that are not therein: Therefore infants are in the Covenant, have faith and regeneration, and so ought to be baptized now, as well as circumcised then.
To this your answer is Lin. 32., That it is true, that God giveth no lying signe, nor sealeth to any persons that they are in the Covenant, when they are not therein.
To which I reply, That I like it well, that you will now confesse this truth.
But it appeareth by your following words Lin. 12, 13, 14., that you take for granted, a thing which you have not proved, as if God declared and made knowne unto Abraham, that Ishmael was not in the Covenant before he was circumcised. And you cite Gen. 17.18, 19, 20, 21. Which Scripture maketh nothing for your purpose; for if you will say, God established his Covenant onely with Isaac, and none other, and all the rest were out of the Covenant, then it will follow, that the rest of Abrahams children, which Abraham had by Keturah, yea, and the Proselytes, and their children, were out of the Covenant, by your ground. But you should consider, that God in establishing his Covenant with Isaac, and setting him out for a singular person, did give Isaac the preheminence; as Sem had above Japhet Gen. 9.27., and Judah (Jacobs [Page 142] fourth sonne) over his eleven brethren Gen. 49.8, 9, 10, 11, 12.; And God establishing the Covenant with Isaac as the root, did establish it unto all those who were of the true Religion, as the branches; but if any departed from Isaacs banner, they deprived themselves of Isaacs blessing.
Now for as much as it was the minde of God, that Ishmael should be circumcised Master Spilsbery granteth, that Ishmael and Esau were by God commanded to bee Circumcised as well as any of the rest of Abrahams seed, Gen. 17.10.13. See his Treat. of Bap. pag. 7. lin. 3, 4, 5 So Iscariot and Magus were commanded to be baptized as well as Peter and Paul., and that circumcision was the signs, and seale of the righteousnesse of faith; It confirmeth it, that in the account of man, he was then to be judged worthy of it, even righteous, and in Gods covenant; for God is not (by your owne confession) the author of a lying signe, nor sealeth to any persons, that they are not in the Covenant, when they are not therein. Now this is in respect of visibilitie And so Mr. Spilsbery further granteth, That though such were rejected as were not elected, this made not the promise of God of none effect to those who stood firme in the Covenant by grace in Christ Jesus, as branches in their root, pag. 17. lin 21, 22.; for Simon Magus had Baptisme (the outward visible seale of the Covenant) and yet we cannot say, that he was ever in Gods secret account in the Covenant: But secret things belong to God.
And till God declared unto Abraham, that Ishmael was not in the Covenant, though he promised to give Isaac never so many priviledges, yet Abraham was not to judge Ishmael to be out of the Covenant, (any mo [...]e then others of his houshold) till God had directed him so to judge.
Againe, I suppose that Ishmael [being come to yeares of discretion] it was sacriledge in him to usurp the ordinance, and a sinne in Abraham to impose the same upon him, except he were in the Covenant (so farre as men were to judge) of which Covenant, this (by your own confession) was no lying signe.
Now though Infants were not capable to resist, or refuse to be circumcised, yet those of elder yeares could, and Ishmael was thirteen yeares of age when he was circumcised. Therefore Ishmael (submitting according as he and the rest of Abrahams familie were taught, (who were at yeares of discretion) was to be esteemed to be in the Covenant.
Moreover, That the children who were [...]ircumcised (according to Gods appointment) were visibly in the Covenant before they were circumcised, is apparent by Gen. 17. ver. 14. God sayth, The uncircumcised man childe, whose flesh of his f [...]re-skin is not circumcised, that soule shall be cut off from his people, he hath broken my Covenant. Which doth plainly argue that he was in the Covenant before, else how could he breake that which he never had? And Abrahams children [Page 143] then could not be sayd to be rent out of the Covenant, w ch they were never in, or rent frō a people, who were never theirs; but we may rather conclude, that as Gods covenant was their covenant, & Gods people their people so God was their God, as he had testified himselfe to be And also I will be their God] That is (sayth Mr. Spilsbery) their God, whom they shall beleeve and obey, upon whom they shall depend for the performance of all that I have promised unto them, by which faith and obedience they shall acknowledge me to be their God. See Spils. Treat. Bap. pag. 12., before they were circumcised; & circumcision was added as a signe, for sealing or confirming of the same thing signified thereby. But wheras God himself calleth circumcision his Covenant Gen. 17.10., meaning expresly a signe of it Ver. 11.; and Paul calleth it a seale of the righteousnes of faith Rom. 4.11.; you say, It was not by God ordained, nor by Abraham understood to be to the persons circumcised, a seale of their being in Covenant, and much lesse of their being in the faith, or regenerated See A. R. Pag 21. l. 37, 38, 39.; & so by this it seemeth, that you would make the words of Paul, and of God himselfe to be false; for you openly contradict them both; as also that which you granted before, (namely,) that God giveth no lying signe, nor sealeth to any persons, that they are in the Covenant, when they are not therein.
Next you say, that Gen. 17.11. and Rom. 4.11. See A. R. must be understood Pag. 22., that the circumcision which Abraham received, both upon himselfe and seed, was to him and them a signe, and seale, that righteousnesse should be, (not by the law or circumcision in the flesh) but by the faith which Abraham had when he was yet uncircumcised: That he should be the father of all those of many Nations, which should afterwards beleeve: and that as faith was imputed unto him for righteousnesse, even so likewise it should be imputed to all beleevers whatsoever, whether they were circumcised or not. And that all these are, and were to be the onely h [...]ires and true seed, to whom the everlasting covenant and promises of life are assuredly made, and doe properly and undoubtedly appertaine, ver. 3.11.12, 13, 14.16 17, 18.22, 23, 24. And therefore (you say) Circumcision never was, nor is any rule for baptizing.
Ans. That the Circumcision which Abraham received, was received by him, is true, but that the circumcision of his seed, was received by him, wanteth explanation; it would stand more with reason to say, that Abraham administred it upon his seed, and that his seed received it; then to say, that Abraham received the circumcision of his seed, [upon himselfe.] Abraham received his owne circumcision upon himselfe, and his seed received their circumcision upon themselves, and so it was to each of them a signe, and seale, not that it was divers sorts of circumcisions, (because it was administred upon divers parties,) but [Page 144] the same ordinance of circumcision which Abraham received upon himselfe, in particular, the same ordinance of circumcision his infants received upon themselves, in particular also.
And if you did but well consider the Texts, Gen. 17.11. & Rom. 4.11. you might see, that it was a signe and seale of the righteousnesse of faith, which went before circumcision.
Consider moreover, what benefit the infants of beleevers [which died in their infancie] had by it; for if you will say, that it was a signe and seale of that righteousnesse which they never were partakers of, (or for ought we know shall never be) then your owne conf [...]ssion will come against you Pag. 21. lin. 31, 32., where you grant, that God giveth no lying signe, &c. Now circumcision was a true signe of that righteousnesse which they had received formerly, and for confirmation of the covenant [which had been] made to them before, and to be further and further manifested, and continued to them. This is cleare from Gen. 17.11.14 & Rom. 4.11. as hath been shewed before.
And therfore you may see, that I plead not that that righteousnesse came by the Law, or Circumcision; for they were righteous before, otherwise they could not have been capable of the seale of righteousnesse.
The righteousnesse sealed, was a righteousness [...] before the seale was fixed. And this righteousness [...] was imputed unto them all, both young and old, great and small, infants and aged persons; It was unto them a signe and seale of righteousnesse, yea, unto the Infants as well as others.
And this righteousnesse which it sealed, was not the righteousnesse of the Law, Deut. 30.12. but the righteousnesse of faith; and the righteousnesse of faith speaketh on this wise; Say not in thine heart, Who shall ascend up into heaven, Rom. 10.6, 7, 8, 9, 10. that i [...], to bring [Christ] downe from above? or who shall descend into the deep that is, to bring up [Christ] againe from the dead? But what sayth it, the Word is nigh thee, &c.
Wherefore it appeareth, that you have not done well, in inferring from the promises, that circumcision is no rule for baptizing you ought rather to have concluded, that it is a rule for baptizing, seeing that circumcision was a Gospel seale, & that the Baptisme which Christ hath instituted, is one and the same with it, a signe of the same thing, a seale of the same Covenant. And therefore though circumcision is not the [onel [...]] [...]ule for baptizing, yet it is a rule, which the Saints of God may strengthen themselves withall, in the administration of Baptisme upon their infants.
Consider further; What circumcision sealed to the infants of beleevers, (that died in their infancie,) what good it did doe them? either it did them good, or hurt. It was a wound, or hurt [in respect of their bodies] but it did not hurt their soules; therfore it was [some] benefit to them; for if it should not, then God gave a thing to hurt their bodies, and to doe no good to their soules. The land of Canaan it sealed not unto them; for they never lived to enjoy it; A fleshly fatherhood, it sealed not unto them; for they died in infancie. What did it seale then? Did it seale nothing?! Wee will not say so; they being the infants of those whose sinnes were forgiven; and they being such which could not act, and therefore not commit actuall sinne. Surely (when all commeth to all) wee must confesse, that this sealed unto them some spirituall thing; for (they having received the wound, and incision, and dying in their infancie) it appeareth, that it sealed not unto them a naturall life, therefore it sealed unto them a spirituall life, and a spirituall place, wherein they shall enjoy that spirituall life; which place, is the heavenly land of Canaan. God did not ayme at the hurt of the infants when he commanded them to be circumcised, but at their good. Wherefore this very hurt of their bodies, did demonstrate some good thing which weighed downe all their former hurt; And therefore seeing that infants received benefit spiritually by circumcision, that benefit came from God; God gave it to the fathers before Moses was borne almost foure hundred yeares Christ said to the Jewes, Moses therfore gave unto you Circumcision, not because it is of Moses, but of the Fathers. See Iohn. 7.22.; And he never intended to take away this beneficiall ordinance from the infants, but to plant as great a one in stead thereof, and make it sure to them, yea, as sure as the promise. Otherwise Christ should be lesse faithfull in his house, then Moses; for Moses was so faithfull, that he durst not (nay, would not) presume to lay such sacrilegious hands upon Circumcision, (Gods holy i [...]stitution) as to bereave infants of circumcision, and disanull it by his old law, which came long after it; yea, the Apostle expressely declareth, that the Law could not disanull the covenant, and wee know it did not disanull the signe and seale of that covenant; neither did Christ ever disanull it, or bereave holy infants of the benefit of it; but did take off the old garment, and put on a new, I mean, changed onely the circumstantiall part of the signe of his covenant, but the substance remained still, though under another element.
And as a man which hath one day, one manner of apparrell, another time, another sute of apparrell, of another colour, and more excellent then the former, is still the same man, though in another habite; so [Page 146] the ordinances of Christ, which are equivolent one with the other, are the same, though the latter excell the former. So the seventh day was the same with the first day of the weeke, as it was a Sabbath, though not as it was [the seventh day,] yet as wee may take a ground for the keeping of [a] Sabbath, from the old Testament, leaving out the circumstance, not tying our selves to [the] seventh day; so wee may take a ground from circumcision, as it was [a] signe and seale of the righteousnesse of faith, whereby wee may be grounded in the administration of Baptisme: And it is seriously to be minded, that Baptisme is not larger then circumcision one way, and lesser another way (I mean lesse generall) but (in every respect) it is as generall, yea, and (in some respects) more generall: As generall, because such males who had right to circumcision, have right to Baptisme: More generall, because circumcision was to be administred onely upon the males; but Baptisme upon males and females. Now to make it more generall, and lesse generall, then circumcision, is a contradiction, and you by no meanes will allow of contradictions, at least you pretend it.
If a Master promise to give his servants such or such a portion in brasse farthings, and above his usuall (or ordinary) custome, give it them in silver, weight, for weight; It is all one. He hath fulfilled his promise, seeing he lesseneth not the summe, and his servants (if they are wise, & know what is good for themselves) will not take exceptions therat, or refuse the same; Even so it is with God and his people, The things which he giveth unto them, are better and better, not worse and worse, larger and larger, not lesser and lesser, and therefore we may apply this to this particular case in hand; and beleeve with David, that God hath magnified his Word above all his Name.Now though Baptisme be greater, and more generall then circumcision, in respect of the subjects, upon whom the same is administred; yet it doth not therefore argue, that Baptisme is the seale of one covenant, and circumcision the seale of another covenant: The River of the Sanctuarie, mentioned in Ez [...]chiel, though it was not so deep in one place, as in another place, yet it was the same River; And a small light and a greater light, is all one and the same light, though the greater seem (in a manner) to swallow up the lesser; So a fire, is still the same fire, though it be increased as much again as it was, fastening upon more fuell, yet it is still one and the same, though much greater then before: So Baptisme, although it be, to be imposed upon the females, and differeth in respect of the act from circumcision, yet it is one and the same in effect, a seale of one and the same covenant; for the enlargement of a thing (as I said before) changeth not the nature of the thing enlarged, but maketh it to include more then it did before.
Whereas it is said, that Infants were then members of the Church Pag 22 l. 12.; and whereas it is demanded, When they were cast out Lin. 12. To this you answer Lin. 13.; ‘ [Page 147] That they were cast out when the Jewes Church-state, Line 15. and old covenant was abrogated by the comming of Christ, and preaching of the Gospel, and planting other Churches, farre different from that of the Jewes in many respects.’
To this I reply; That this which you have said, proveth not at all, that infants were cast out; There is not one tittle of Scripture in all the New or Old Testament to this purpose, that the infants of beleevers are, (or shall be) cast out; Bring me one Instance, if you can, of any one infant of a beleever, that at Christs coming was to be cast out, & then you will say something for their exempting out of the covenant, but as yet you have brought none, neither can you finde any, but many, yea, multitudes of Scripture there are to the contrary, both in the new and old Testament.
But you seem to poynt out the time when the holy infants were cast out of the Church; You tell us, they were cast out when the Jewes Church-state, and old covenant was abrogated by the coming of Christ, and preaching of the Gospel, and planting other Churches, farre different from that of the Jewes in many respects. But alas, you take for granted, a thing which you have not proved, and it is no marvaile indeed, to see the thing that is not probable, to be without proofe. That the Jewes Church-state was abrogated with the old covenant, I am not bound to beleeve, except I see it in Gods Word, much lesse will I grant, that the preaching of the Gospel overthrew the Church-state. But seeing the new Jerusalem hath gates and foundations, Rev. 21. according to the number of the twelve Tribes, and twelve Apostles of the Lambe, and that the Jewes and Gentiles being grafted into one Olive tree, Rom. 11. make up but one Church. I must conclude, that the Church of the Jewes is the Church of the Gentiles; for Christ is not properly the head of two bodies; neither did he come to abrogate the old Church So Mr. Spilsbery sayth, That the Church of God under the old Testament, and that now under the new, for nature are one, in reference to the elect of God, called to the faith, an [...] by th [...] spirit of grace united to Christ, as b [...]anches to thei [...] vi [...]e, and so an holy p [...]ant of Gods plan [...]ing; of wh [...]h indeed the true [...]h [...]rch of God [...]onsists. See his [...]reat. of Bap [...] [...]1. at lin. 14., though he abrogated the old covenant.
But now let us see how farre you would make this Church different, from the Church of Israel; you know, it must be either in matter or in forme, or in both, otherwise, (I suppose) (you will strive without an opposite,) for all Christians generally doe confesse, that they were bound to observe such circumstances, which wee are not bound to observe; but all this did not argue, bu [...] that their Church was fit matter, and a right forme, and the same with the Church of the Gentiles.
But you say A [...] lin. 20., That was corstituted upon nature, and the naturall seed of Abraham; this upon grace, and the spirituall seed of Abraham.
To w ch I answer, That if by nature, you mean corruption as it appeareth you do, then (by your ground) the Church of the Jewes was constituted upon corruption, & was a corrupt Church, a leporous Church, in the very constitution. You think, that the Church of the Jewes in her constitution, (w ch was of Gods building, Isa. 5.1 2, 3. No man ( sayth Mr. Spilsbery will admit of dead plants to be set in his v [...]neyard, or grafted into a stock, but onely su [...]h as are capable to comply with the same, in the sap, and nourishment thereof, to the end it may grow, and bring forth fruit: and so it is with Christ, who comes not short of nature, and therefore he admits not of any dead plants to be set in his spirituall vineyard, or dead members to be joyned to his mysticall body, but onely such as by faith are capable to comply with the head. Neither tooke he for himselfe a compounded body, consisting of both living & dead members, which all are that have not a living principle of grace, &c. For this see his Treat. of Bap. pag. 20. lin. 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14. & consisted all of visible Saints, Deut. 29.18.) to be c [...]rrupt. For the like you said before in your book. p. 4 That they stood meerly upon nature and circumcision of the fl [...]sh & not by faith, and circumcision of the heart. And here you oppose this nature unto grace, & the naturall seed unto the spirituall seed. And thus it appeareth, that you hold neither the matter, nor forme of the Church to be spirituall then, nor the persons graci [...]us, but ungracious, fleshly, and carnall. But the Scripture teacheth us, that they were a holy nation, and a peculiar people unto the Lord their God; and so excellent, that none were like unto them; Great advantage had they every manner of way: Ʋnto them was committed the Oracles of God. And shall wee thinke, that God committed his Oracles to a Church which had a carnall constitution? or that he owned such for his holy peculiar people? God made an everlasting covenant with Abraham, that he would be a God unto him and his seed for ever: And though the Law was added, because of transgression, yet it could not disanull the covenant, and therefore not the Church (or people of the covenant), or the seale of the promise. Now surely, if that the Church had been constituted upon nature corrupted, (such as you have opposed to grace) and upon the naturall, & not upon the spirituall seed See before in this Treatise pag. 29, 30, 31. For there it is answered at large., then there was no difference between the Israelites, and the Heathens; and then was the Church of Israel, no communion of Saints, but a mixt multitude, which to thinke is very erronious, as may appeare by these Scriptures, Exod. 19.5, 6. & 22.31. & 12.48, 49. Num. 9.14 & 15.15. Levit. 19.2. & 20.7, 8. Deut. 7.6. & 14.1, 2. & 26.18, 19. 1 King. 8.53. Deut. 4.20. & 29.10, 11, 12, 13. & 10.15. Psal. 147.14.
But from this your groundlesse affirmation, you would (through an inference) make another disparitie, between the Church of the Jewes; and the Church of the Gentiles: You say, That was therefore termed Israel according to the flesh, and of the circumcision of the flesh, [Page 149] this Israel according to the Spirit, and of the circumcision of the heart, Rom. 8 28.29. Rom. 9.6, 7, 8. Coll. 2.11. And to this I answer, That your speech doth here import, as if none who were Israel according to the flesh, were Israelites according to the spirit: but the Apostle sayth, All are not Israel that are of Israel; He maketh a manifest difference between Israel, the Church of God, and those who were not really Israelites; though they came of Israels loynes according to the flesh. But your speech crosseth the Apostles speech, and tendeth to prove, that all were Israel that were of Israel. But what will you say to the Proselytes, and their seed? Were they Israel according to the fl [...]sh? Surely they were not; therefore they were Israelites according to the spirit? As well as others, who were also Israelites, both according to the spirit, and flesh.
Moreover, None were to be circumcised, externally in the flesh, but those who were in Gods covenant, and were circumcised in heart, so farre as m [...]n could discerne; and those that were in Gods covenant, were Israelites spiritually, and so to be esteemed, even as true members of the Church. So David sayth, Yet surely God is good unto Israel, unto those that are pure in heart. Deut. 30.6. Circumcision of the flesh sealed unto them the circumcision of the heart; and this God promised both to them, and their seed, and then both male, and female, were all one in Christ Exod 12.48, 49. Num. 9.14. & 15.14, 15, 16., and so they are now Gal. 3.28..
As for the Scriptures (Rom. 2.28, 29. Rom. 9.6, 7, 8 Coll. 2.11) w ch you cite, they make nothing for your present purpose; to prove, That that was [onely] called Israel according to the flesh, and the other onely according to the spirit; The one constituted upon that [nature] (which you have opposed to grace) & upon the naturall seed (destitute of the spirit,) the other constituted on grace (without nature,) and the spirituall seed of Abraham (without the naturall seed) Prove this, and then you say something, else it is nothing to your purpose.
But indeed the substance of what you say heer, is answered at large in this Treatise, pag. 29, 30, 31, 32, 33.
And now I will proceed to examine the Scriptures which you have cited heer, for confirmation of these your opinions.
As touching Rom 2.28, 29. there the Apostle declareth who are the true Jewes indeed, (namely) those that are Jewes inwardly; and that the true Circumcision indeed, is that of the heart, in the spirit, not in the letter, whose praise is of God, &c. Now will you reason from this place, that those who were the naturall seed (not degenerating) were [Page 150] not the spirituall seed? and that because God accepted of the infants with their parents, and commanded them to be circumcised, that therefore the Church-state was built upon nature, and not upon Christ! Surely you cannot gather any such thing from the Apostles words, in Rom. 2.28, 29. nor from any other place of Scripture, but rather the contrary. Yea, the Apostle in the following Chapter declareth, that as for the advantage of the Jew, and the profit of circumcision, it was much every manner of way; chiefly because that unto them were committed the Oracles of God: For (sayth he) what if some did not beleeve, shall their unbeliefe make the faith of God without effect? God forbid: And so he concludeth, that both Jewes and Gentiles are justified by faith; Seeing it is one God which shall justifie the circumcision by faith, and the uncircumcision through faith; Doe wee then make voyd the Law through faith? (sayth he) God forbid: yea, wee establish the Law.
And in the fourth Chapter Paul treateth of justification by faith without workes; and expoundeth Davids speech; for whereas David sayth Psal. 32.1, 2., Blessed is the man to whom the Lord imputeth not sinne, and in whose spirit there is no guile. Paul explaineth it thus; Blessed is the man to whom the Lord imputeth [righteousnesse without works:] From which places of Scripture, much may be gathered against those who denie infants to have faith imputatively; for the Apostle declareth that he to whom the Lord imputeth not sinne, is a righteous person.
Now every person is either righteous, or unrighteous; for as righteousnesse is not imputed unto those to whom sinne is imputed, So those whose iniquities are pardoned, and their sinne covered, the Lord (imputing no sinne unto them) he imputeth righteousnesse unto them, [without workes.] and this righteousnesse, is that which justifieth before God. It was faith which was counted unto Abraham for righteousnesse. And so he proceedeth in the 9 th, 10 th, and 11 th verses, to prove, that this blessing, or blessednesse, came not onely upon the circumcision, but also upon the uncircumcision, declaring that Abraham received not circumcision before hee had this blessednesse; wherefore he calleth Circumcision a signe, and seale of the righteousnesse of faith, which he had before he was circumcised; which importeth, that all those who were circumcised then (according to Gods appointment) were (in visibilitie) blessed before, and had this righteousnesse before; even as all those who are baptized, according to Gods appointment, are righteous before, and have (in visible account) the same blessing, w ch those had, who were circumcised, according to the [Page 151] revealed will of God. And he goeth on in the 13, 14, 15. verses, and there telleth us, who are the right heires. And in the 16 th verse, he sayth, that the promise is sure to all the seed, not to that onely which is of the law, but to that also which is of the faith of Abraham, who is the father of us all. And he further sheweth, that this promise ([so shall thy seed be,] and that Abrahams beleeving Gods promise,) was imputed unto him for righteousnesse; and was not written for his sake alone, but for us also, to whom it shall be imputed, if wee beleeve on God.
Touching the other Scripture, Rom. 9.6, 7, 8. Isaac was no mocker, though he were mocked; no persecuter, though persecuted in his infancie. which you alledge to prove your former position, concerning the different constitutions of the Church of the Jewes, and of the Church of the Gentiles, it maketh nothing for your purpose neither, but directly against you; for there wee may see, that though all are not Israel which are of Israel, yet the Word of God taketh effect; according to that in Rom. 3.3.
Ishmaels mocking of Isaac, did not argue, that Isaac was also a mocker.
Isaac remained still a childe of promise, (though an Infant.) But if it be true, (as you would infer) that the state was a state of bondmen, and that an heire, or Lord, differed nothing from a servant of sinne, and if it were constituted, and stood meerly upon nature, and circumcision of the flesh, and not by faith, and circumcision of the heart: it argueth that the Word of God is without effect! that all were Israel that were of Israel! all mockers with Ishmael! prophane persons with Esau! &c. which to thinke, is very erronious; for the word of God hath taken effect, to retaine the holy Infants, and cast out visible prophane persons, and therefore the state wherein they were, was a state of free-men.
God was well pleased with them, and accepted of their sacrifices, and promised unto them, remission of their sinnes through Jesus Christ, who was then to come, and is now come. Therefore I would have you to banish such evill thoughts out of your minde, as if they had a false, corrupt, or carnall, and not a spirituall constitution.
Againe consider, That Church upon whom holy Baptisme was rightly administred, was holy and spirituall.
But holy Baptisme was rightly administred upon the Church of Israel. 1 Cor. 10.1, 2. Psa. 77.16, 17,
Therefore they were a holy spirituall Church, as well as wee.
But peradventure you will say, you mean, that in their Apostacie [Page 152] they pleased not God; and therefore their Church-state which they were in formerly, had a carnall constitution, and was not spirituall.
To which I answer, That the like you may say concerning the Churches now, which you acknowledge to be spirituall. But you should consider, that many are called, but few are chosen: Gods garden may have some plants therein, which possibly may degenerate from their kinde, and become wilde, yet the garden is still the Lords; but the husband-men ought when they discover such, to weed them out. So corruptions began to spring in the Church of Corinth, 2 Cor. 7.11. and they cut downe the tender fruits thereof in time. And God threatned the members of some of the Churches of Asia, [...] Rev. 2. & 3. to execute judgement upon them, if repentance prevented him not.
As for Coll. 2.11. which you have cited, that the Church of Collossia, was circumcised with the circumcision made without hands, in putting off the body of the sinnes of the flesh, by the circumcision of Christ. This implyeth not but that the Jewes and Proselytes, before Christs coming, had circumcision of the flesh, as an outward signe unto them, that the Lord would circumcise their hearts, and the hearts of their seed, to love him more and more, according to his gracious promise. And seeing that the Apostle maketh circumcision heer, the same in effect with our Baptisme, it plainly argueth, that as infants (in former time) were to receive circumcision, so infants now (in their infancie) are to receive Baptisme the seale of the same covenant.
Whereas you say, That was a state of bond men Lin. 23., wherein an heire differed nothing from a servant, this, not of servants Lin. 28., but of sonnes and free-men. I suppose you mean by bond-men, those who were bound-servants to Sathan; and by free-men, those who were set free by Christ: In this respect then you have not done well, in saying that such a one that was made free (in this spirituall respect) differed nothing from those who were visibly bond-slaves of Sathan. Then (it seemes) Isaac differed nothing from a mocker; nor the Proselytes infants, from Heathens and Infidels.
And if you mean, by servants, those who are wicked in the Church, I say, they were to be cast out, as they manifested evill fruits; for though they were in the house a while, and were as children, yet they manifesting themselves afterwards to be servants of sinne, were no longer to abide; but those who are not servants of sinne, are now (as they were then) to abide for ever therein; so Ishmael was in covenant with Isaac, and was circumcised; but when he manifested fruits [Page 153] of unholinesse, out he was cast. And why was this? Gen. 21.9, 10. Not because he was Abrahams sonne, according to the flesh; but because he manifested himselfe afterward to be a servant of sinne, and so degenerated from the righteous steps of Abraham.
Now you ought to know, See before in this Treatise pag. 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 147, 148, 149. that the Church of the Jewes was constituted of free-men, and there was not one sinner to be suffered in that church, but when he was discovered, either he must repent, or be cut off; therefore it plainly argueth, that visible wicked persons, bond-slaves of Sathan, were not to be the matter of that Church; in the first constitution, they were such who in all outward appearance, were not alliens from Gods covenants, or promises, or strangers to God, but were such whom he knew, and owned, and such whom he would acknowledge, as in the kingdome of grace heer, so in the kingdome of glory hereafter.
It may be you thinke thus; That if the Church of Israel were constituted of free-men, why then were many of them manifested afterwards to be wicked? Corah, and his company, a congregation of Rebels, from whom Moses, and the rest were commanded to seperate; famous men, and men of renowne amongst the Israelites, and yet were chiefe in the rebellion; also Nadab and Abihu, offerers of strange fire, and many more, manifested themselves to be evill persons.
Ans. If this be any ground of your prejudicacie against the Church of the Jewes, then let this satisfie you, that these were free-men at first, according to visibilitie, as holy as Judas, or Simon Magus, or Ananias and Saphira; And therefore if it be an argument of a false constitution, for members of a Church of God to fall from their stedfastnesse, then it will follow, that the Church now (under the Gospel) hath not a true constitution, seeing that divers fall from their stedfastnesse, some for a time, like the incestuous person in the Church of Corinth, others, finally, totally, and eternally, like Judas Iscariot, who was one of the Lambs twelve Apostles.
Let this then be the conclusion, that the state may be a state of free-men, though some bond-men appeare in it, and are cast out, as Ishmael the sonne of the bond-woman, was cast out of the state of free-men, wherein the infants of beleevers were admitted, though they were not the seed of Abraham according to the flesh.
And the consideration of this maketh much for the infants of beleevers now, for as much as beleevers (even free-mens) priviledges are much enlarged since Christs manifestation in the flesh. The free-men [Page 154] had this priviledge formerly to bring in their infants, and to difference them from those without: And surely their priviledges are not lessened now: What had the Infants of beleeving parents done, to deserve Excommunication (or casting out of the Church?) If they had don nothing worthy of it (as it is sure they had not) then I may justly conclude, that they were not children of the bond woman, and if not of the bond-woman, then still of the free-woman, and if children of the free-woman, then members of the Church, and if so, then there is no just reason can be given to debarre such holy Infants of their priviledges; amongst which, Baptisme is one, as Circumcision was of old. Christ came not to bring losse and dammage to holy infants; And if it be true, w ch you say, That till Christs coming, an heire (or beleever) differed nothing from a servant. If by a servant, you mean Ishmael, or such as he, who manifested themselves to be servants of sinne, then why was the son of the bond woman cast out, & differenced from the sonne of the free-woman? But indeed you should minde, that Christ came to take the yoake of the Law from the shoulders of beleevers, and so to ease them of that servitude, under which they were; and this doth not impaire the infants of beleevers, no not in the least.
Touching Christs discourse Lin. 30., which you bring to make your affirmations to appeare evident true; It doth evidence, that your affirmations in this particular, are evident false; for Christ sayth no such thing which you faine, that he saith; for he speaketh to those that did derogate from the steps of Abraham, which the beleevers Infants could not justly be said to doe. And Christ doth not say, that the Church of the Jewes was constituted upon nature, flesh, carnalitie, opposite to the spirit; but he sayth, that those that continued in his Word, they then were his Disciples indeed, & should know the truth, and the truth should make them free; (not that the Church, whereof he and his brethren were members, was evilly constituted, because evill persons were in it, or degenerated from it) but that these were members in the Church, which had need to amend, or else to be cast out.
See John 8.Their answer to Christ was, that they were Abrahams seed, and so were free al [...]eadie, and were never in bondage to any man. But in this they said not true; for they had degenerated from the steps of Abraham. And Christ in telling them, that whosoever committeth sinne, is the servant of sinne; did therein declare, that it was no benefit unto any to be of Abrahams seed, if they degenerated from Abrahams steps; for this was a means, (though they were members of the true Church) to make them no m [...]mbers of it, but to be cast out thence; for (so sayth Christ unto them) the servant abideth not in the house for ever. Now by this house, is meant his Church, in which though sinners abide covertly (for a time) yet as they manifest themselves to be corrupt, [Page 155] and levennous, are (or at least ought) to be cast out; Therefore they abide not there for ever; So the Jewes were taught by the ceremony of casting away leaven, to cast out the leaven of sinne, out of their hearts, and out of their families; and also to purge the Church of God, both of sinne, and sinners, so far as they could discerne by the light of Gods Word, But those that were true Saints, were to abide in that true Church-state for ever. So it is said, Psal. 15.5. That such shall never be moved out of Gods Tabernacle, and holy Mountaine. So Christ sayth heer, that the Sonne abideth for ever; If therefore the Sonne make you free, you shall be free indeed. By this freedome, he meant a freedome from condemnation for ever, from the law of sinne, and of death for ever, because he opposeth it to the bondage they were in.
Further, These persons whom Christ reprehended, were not obedient to the new covenant, neither did they regard the commandements of the Law; for the commandement sayth, Thou shalt not kill. But Christ sayd unto them; I know you are Abrahams seed, but yee seek to kill me, because my Word hath no place in you, &c. This wickednesse of theirs, was not warranted, neither by the new, nor old covenant, and therefore they were not allowed in any respect, but condemned. Wherefore it evidently appeareth, that you cannot gather from either of the covenants, that such visible wicked persons, were by God allowed to be in (much lesse the ground of) his Churches constitution after their discovery. These then were not meet to be members of the Church of the Jewes, yea, though they were the children of Abraham (according to the flesh) yet by the new and old covenant, were to be cast out, when the least infant of a faithfull Proselyte, remained still a member of the Common-wealth of Israel, which was the Church of God.
Moreover, Christ did not affirme any such thing (as you would further faine he did,) th [...]t persons by naturall birth, and circumcision of the flesh, were admitted free; for Ishmalites and Edomites, by fleshly generation, were the children of Abraham, yet they were not therefore admitted free-men, till they renounced their parents sinne, and came into the Church. And the infants of wicked parents, were circumcised in Apostacie; yet wee will not say, that therefore they were free; But this wee are to know, that the naturall seed of the faithfull, that were not apostated, or degenerated, were to be accounted the true seed; and all those who were circumcised, Gen. 17.14. according to Gods appointment, were the true seed in covenant with God, and so were made free; when Apostates (though circumcised) were bond-servants to sinne, and [Page 156] were not to be admitted (as they stood in that state of Apostacie) to be members of the Church of the Jewes, as you most fainedly would father upon Christ.
You fain as if Christ should say, that Abrahams nature could produce no other but servants of sinne, &c. But I know not what you meane hereby. I know Abraham was a sinner in the loynes of Adam, yet Adams sinne was not imputed unto him to condemnation; no more was it visibly to Abrahams seed, but as they degenerated from Abrahams steps; for the sinne of Abraham, which he had actually, and originally, was forgiven him in Christ.
And thinke not, that he was destitute of the new covenant, for though the new covenant was before the manifestation of the old covenant in Mount Sinai, yet it was new in respect of perpetuitie, though old in respect of antiquitie; & is set forth in Rev. 4. by the similitude of a Rainbow, in sight like an Emerauld round about the throne of God.
And the Infants of Abraham were never out of the Church-state, till they apostated, & degenerated from the steps of Abraham; If the promises had been made to seeds, as of many, then there had been some ground [...]o beleeve, that visible wicked persons, or persons meerly naturall, destitute of the spirit, were fit matter for the constitution of that Church, and that the seed of Apostates might be circumcised, as well as others. But the promises were made onely to one seed Gal. 3.16., namely, Christ, that is to say, Christs body, which consisteth (or ought to consist) visibly of none but sonnes of God, by faith in Christ. And seeing the promise made to Abraham, and his seed, was not made through the Law, (namely, the old Law) and that this old Law could not disanull the promise, therefore the old covenant could be removed, and yet the promise continue still, to all those subjects to whom it was made.
See A. R. Pag. 24. li. 1, 2. Mat. 1. Luk 3. Isa. 11.But further you would faine, that the flesh spoken of in Gen. 17.13. was Christ, who was to come of their flesh. But you should know, that Christ came of the Tribe of Judah, by liniall descent, and not of the rest of the Tribes, nor of the father- Proselytes, and yet they being circumcised, that covenant of circumcision was in their flesh.
Moreover, Christ himselfe was circumcised [in his infancie Luk. 2.21.,] where was that covenant, if he were the flesh spoken of? The covenant was in his flesh, as well as in the flesh of his brethren. Now by flesh, wee may, and ought to understand, that place from whence the superfluitie of their foreskinne was cut off. Gen. 17.10. Ver. 14. My covenant, sayth he, shall be in [your] flesh; and the uncircumcised man-childe, whose [flesh of [Page 157] his foreskin] is not cut off, the same person shall be cut off, &c.
Againe, If by the flesh, was onely meant Christs naturall body, and by the covenant, onely the circumcision, which Christ was to receive, (and did receive) in his flesh. Then circumcision was abolished, (or at an end) when Christ was circumcised, and none were to be circumcised after him.
Yea, and if he were that flesh, which was to be circumcised; then it will follow, that though none other had been circumcised before or after, they had not broken the covenant.
But God did declare, what the circumcision was, and where it was to be administred, and upon whom: First, It was a cutting off, of the superfluous fore-skinne: Secondly, That it was to be in their flesh, and not in the flesh of others in stead of them. Thirdly, That it was to be administred upon Jewes and Gentiles, that were in the covenant: Gen. 17. Exod. 12.48. And so such persons were by vertue of Gods covenant circumcised, not onely before Christ was circumcised, but also after; and therefore you have not done well to interpret Gen. 17.13. after such a manner, & you have done evill, in faining it, as if it were the speech of Christ, when no such things ever entered into his thoughts.
Whereas you think circumcision was a covenant properly, you should know, that though circumcision had the denomination of Gods covenant Gen. 14.10., yet it was but a signe of it Ver. 11.. The names of things signified (in the Scripture) are given to the signes, which signifie them; So the Lambe was called Gods Passeover Exod. 12.11.; the Rock, Christ 1 Cor. 10.4.; the bread and wine in the Lords Supper, Christs body and bloud, &c. Mat. 26.26. And in this sense, is circumcision called Gods covenant, that is to say, a token, or signe thereof, as God termeth it himselfe in Gen. 17. ver. 11.
As for those which say, that the promise, covenant, election, and faith, belongeth t [...] [all] beleevers children (w ch supposed case you put to shut up all Se [...] A. R. Pag. 25. at lin. 8. your matter) I tell you, that if by all, they mean the godly children of godly parents, then they say true; But that the wicked children of godly parents, have these excellent things belonging unto them, is no article of my faith. When the Apostle Peter sayth to the Jewes; Act. 2.39. The promise is unto (you, and to) [your children,] and to all that are a far off, even as many as the Lord our God shall call. In including the children heer with the parents, his meaning is not to include all beleevers children, but onely those holy ones who abide in their parents righteous steps; which thing holy Infants doe, as before hath been proved at large See pag. 3., they do not degenerate from the righteous steps of their holy [Page 158] parents. And therefore such may be lawfully baptized, for no more in effect is required to Baptisme, then was to circumcision of old; this is, as that was, and these are, as those were: Holy infants were to be circumcised then, and therefore such may be lawfully baptized now.
Next, you See A. R. Pag. 25. li. 19. charge the great Clerkes of our times, with confounding the two Covenants, of the Law and Gospel together. And to this, I say, if by these great clerkes, you mean those who thinke Infants Baptisme to be a meer tradition; Indeed then your accusation may prove true upon them, for such as they doe put no difference between the new covenant, made with Abraham and his seed, and the old covenant and law, which came long after it; but they thinke this new covenant, and the old covenant, to be both one, and doe not rightly understand the nature of them; and therefore the hodge-podge in their teachings, and writings, which you mention Lin. 29., is their owne, as well as any ones else; as also the intermixture of grace and workes, truth and errour; as also the distillation of the spirit of giddinesse into the hearts of their hearers, that they walke indeed (as you speak Lin. 33.) in a circular Maze: And so by confounding Law and Gospel, have laboured to bring you (or rather detaine you) in bondage to sinne.
See A. R. pag. 26. at lin. 10.Next, You would make us beleeve, that you desire that the doctrine of free grace by Jesus Christ, might be set forth distinctly in its native luster, and the spiritualitie thereof in its fulnesse of beautie and glory clearly layd open. Which is indeed a thing to be desired, both in the continuance and encrease thereof. But alas, little doe you thinke (as I in charitie judge) how all your labour in this Treatise, tendeth to the darkening, obscuring, eclipsing, restraining, and limitting of the doctrine of free grace by Jesus Christ, the distinct displaying of whose native luster, though it be never so often done, or the spiritualitie thereof in its fulnesse of beautie and glory, never so clearly layd open before you, yet you cannot see it clearly indeed, so long as you thus hudwinke the eyes of your charitie, and present the blessed babes of beleeving parents, unto you, and your selfe unto them, in such beastly shapes, as you have don throughout your discourse cōcerning them.
You talk freely of free grace, as if it were excellent in your eyes, and that you desire to be satisfied with the fulnes of the beautie thereof; But in the mean while, you would not have us thinke that any part thereof belongeth to the holy infants: But surely (as I sayd before See before in this Treatise, pag. 82.) it is well they are not at your finding; for if they were, it seemeth [Page 159] that you would ( Dives-like) not admit them the least crum which falleth from your Table. But our sweet Saviour Jesus Christ who was once an infant, and is (and alwayes was) the onely begotten Sonne of God, full of grace and truth, hath free grace enough in store for them, and hath displayed the same excellently in its native luster, as is frequently manifested in the Scripture of God. Which thing no doubt you will perceive, when once God openeth your eyes to see how the covenant of mercy is made with beleeving parents, and their seed, that he will be their God, and will accept of them in Christ, (binding them to do nothing above their abilitie) And this free grace of God ariseth from his loving kindnesse, or good will which he hath unto them, and alwayes had; which kinde mind moved him to look upon them with the eye of pittie, and so to take such his chosen ones to himselfe. And this grace may well be said to be free, and why? Because it proceedeth not from workes, but from the love of God in Christ Jesus. The love which is in God, is that which moveth God, (who is love) to love; Because He loved thy fathers, Deut. 4.37. Gen. 17.7, 8. therefore He chose their seed. So the covenant of free grace runs thus; I will be the God of thee, and of thy seed after thee: And he bindeth the holy infants to no action, or any thing which they cannot doe, but giveth them the true blessednesse without works; And therefore though you talke never so long of free grace, and tosse it never so often in your mouth, yet it is no freedome for you, but bondage unto you, so long as you doe (by with-standing holy infants) as it were, snatch their bread, out of their mouths. The ground whereof is your unbeliefe, because you perswade your selfe, that the holy infants are not visibly in the state of salvation, till they actually and verbally expresse faith: As if the beleevers infants [dying in their infancie] were not saved by Christs righteousnesse, imputed unto them without workes. And your own errours (you mention) which like hypocrites twinnes, doe smile and weep stand and fall together, may be justly fathered upon those, who b [...]r [...]e out the infants from the said priviledges which Christ hath bequeathed unto them, as they are selected unto him.
As for the gay Clergie which you mention, Pag. 25. (meaning those of the Church of England, as I suppose) which you now run upon, (as you did at the latter end of your first book,) though it be to little purpose; (for as much as it doth not concerne our poynt in hand,) yet I will tell you what I know, and have found by experience, that they are faine to betake themselves to Anabaptisticall [Page 160] Arguments, both for the maintenance of their state, and retaining of evill persons therein; which indeed ariseth from their grosse mistake of the Historie of the Scripture, thinking (as you doe) that the Church of the Jewes was constituted meerly upon nature and carnalitie, and the like stuffe, never considering that God (from the beginning of the world) alwayes constituted his Church onely of such persons, who in all visible account were faithfull, and holy; And still provided a way and means to purge the Church from corruptions.
Moreover, The parties (formerly specified) in maintenance of their state, have also a fond erronious conceipt, that because they have some of Gods ordinances, therefore they are a true Church; not considering that Gods ordinances may be in a false state, as in Jeroboams whorish Church, (as hath been observed formerly See the Answer to A. R. first part..) Hereupon they are forceably driven, either to confesse the Church of Rome, to be a true Church, or else to maintaine that an unbaptiz [...]d person may baptize. Now if they stand to denie the baptisme in the Church of Rome, they denie their owne Baptisme, which they received successively from thence; which if they doe, (as upon your grounds they are driven thereunto) then how doe you thinke they will raise baptisme, except an unbaptized person baptize another?
Thus you may see into what streits they wrap and ensnare themselves, in taking up such groundlesse Arguments as you bring, and all to justifie themselves in their own way, and to avoyd, and withstand the way of Seperation, which is the onely way of God.
Whereas you bring in the disorders in worship & government, which you say, the Papists have brought in; I tell you, this is a varying from the matter in hand, yet I say, we ought to learne by the same to avoyd them, and all those who seek to ruinate the foundation of Christian Religion, by casting darke shadowes upon the heavenly beauti [...] and glorious excellencie of Christs Kingly, Priestly, and Propheticall office, and eclipse his Mediatorship, as if it were lesse then it was before he was manifested in the flesh. As if he who hath all power both in heaven and in earth, hath not given so much authoritie, as generally and universally to make Disciples, and baptize them; as the Saints of old had to make Disciples and circumcise them; Surely seeing Christ is as faithfull in his house as Moses. As the Gospel of Christ (in former time) was so effectuall and powerfull, as to cause Proselytes (and their seed in their infancie) to have such dignitie (by vertue of Gods covenant) to [Page 161] be circumcised; The Gospel of Christ (being every jot as glorious as it hath been,) is also as effectuall and powerfull now, to dignifie beleevers, and their infants, with the ordinance of Baptisme, and that by vertue of Gods covenant; unto which is annexed Christs institution, which is very generall, yea, more generall then circumcision was of old. And surely if the infants of beleevers had that power, as to become the children of God in their infancie, fellow- heires with the Saints in light, as Isaac was, and all those like him were, and to be coe-heires with Jesus Christ, of the everlasting inheritance, kingdome, and glory, and that before Christs resurrection; Then the infants of beleevers, borne after Christs resurrection, have the like priviledges. But the first is true from the grounds before layd, from their right to the covenant, their being in the covenant, &c. and the unchangeablenesse of the Angel of the covenant, Therefore the latter, that holy infants are still in the covenant, is true also; And this hath been sufficiently proved before.
Touching your Exhortation, how wee should bewaile the great Ap [...]stacie, &c. I say, as the Saints of old did bewaile the great Apostacie of the Israelites, both in faith and worship, Isa. 2.6. who were replenished from the East, and were south-sayers, like the Philistians, and pleased themselves in the children of strangers; So wee ought to bewaile this Apostacie of these now.
Wee have cause to bewaile their ignorance, who pretend holinesse to God, and make a verball profession, drawing neer unto God with their mouthes (like the Apostate Israelites) when their hearts are far from him; pleading for the baptizing of those Infants, whose parents are neither of them beleevers, causing the holy signe to be administred upon their infants in that idolatrous estate; in the partaking whereof, they have no right, any more then the seed of those Apostates of the Israelites, had right to circumcision in former time.
But yet though the Infants were circumcised in that Idolatrous estate, the Prophets worke was to call them to repentance, and if they returned (the manner of their circumcision being repented of) it was as effectuall unto them, as if they had received it in an excellent and holy manner. So those who are baptized in their infancie, in the state of Apostacie, at their conversion are not to be baptized againe; but to repent of the evill of the manner, and not cast away Gods holy institution, but still retaine it, and make a holy use of it, yet they ought not to Idolize it, by preferring it before that which is greater. Though the [Page 162] Temple, Rev. 2.1, 2. and the Altar, and the worshippers, were to be measured, yet the Court without was to be cast out, and not to be measured, because it was given to the Gentiles.
Againe, Whereas you speak of the abrogation of the state of the Jewes. I say, This hath been answered fully before, you should still minde that Jesus Christ came not to undermine or overthrow his kingdome, though it was taken out of the hands of the unbeleeving Jewes, and given unto another people, whom Christ testified, would bring forth fruits of it.
Againe, Whereas you speak of the casting off of Israel, according to the flesh.
I answer, That none were cast off meerly because they were Israelites according to the flesh; and though some were cut off, yet others remained on, and in that state where the Gentiles by faith were planted and placed; as some of the Jewes, through unbeliefe, were cut off, supplanted, and displaced. So the Ap stle Paul sayth, the Jewes some of them (not all of them) were cut off, because of unbeliefe, and the beleeving Gentiles grafted in their stead. As for those that beleeved, their priviledges and prerogatives were still as great, and as large, both to them, and their seed, as they were before. And the like may be sayd concerning the Proselytes. And so your other question is resolved, concerning the bringing in of us Gentiles, and our seed, as acceptable on Gods Altar.
And whereas you question againe; ‘ A. R.Whether the parents, Jew and Gentile, must needs be borne againe of the Spirit, and onely by faith become the seed of Abraham, and heires according to promise, Gal. 3.7.29. Rom. 4.11, 12. And shall their children become the same seed by nature?’
I answer. The birth of the Spirit is very necessary both to young and old, without which they cannot enter into the kingdome of heaven. And I would have you to know, that I plead not that the children of the faithfull become heires of the promise by nature; but by the free grace of God, which passeth all understanding; which is as sufficient for beleevers, and their children now, as formerly.
And these interrogations of yours, are answered at large, you having mentioned the same things before.
Againe, You say; ‘ A. R. Pag. 30. lin. 2. to lin. 10.Neither can any shew any one such promise to any beleever, in all the whole world, and his seed, as was and is to Abraham and his seed, who is [Page 163] therefore the father of us all (to wit) of all beleevers, and onely of beleevers, Jew and Gentile, father and childe, &c. Rom. 4.16. and therefore it is faith, that it might be by grace, to the end the promise might be sure to all the seed; but the promise is sure onely to beleevers; Therefore beleevers onely are the seed of Abraham, to whom the promise and ordinance of the new Testament doe properly appertaine.’
To which I answer, That this hath been answered before already, It hath been proved sufficiently, that the same covenant which was made with Abraham and his seed, is made to beleevers and their seed; & it being a perpetuall covenant, the heires of it are perpetuall heires, even such to whom the promises doe appertaine, as well as unto their deare brethren of old, who are departed in the same faith; and this heavenly order the old Law which was given at Mount Sinai, could not disanull.
And I hope there is no reasonable man, but will condescend unto this, that all those who were to receive the signe and s [...]ale of the righteousnesse of faith, were visibly holy and faithfull; but the Infants of beleevers were, by Gods appointment, to receive the signe, and seale of the righteousnesse of faith; therefore the Infants of beleevers were then (as they are now) visibly holy and faithfull. And Christian Infants are as capable (every way) of the seale now, as the Infants of the Jewes (Gods holy ones) were capable of the seale in former time.
Therefore the Baptisme of the New Testament, doth properly appertaine unto such; and therefore the administration of Baptisme upon them, doth not overthrow the least part of the Gospel of Christ, or any thing of his, much lesse the whole, as you (in your following words) most falsly speake; and therefore the minor of your following argument, being so small, that there is no truth therein; the conclusion builded thereon, (that that Baptisme Pag. 30. l. 15. is Antichristian and abominable) is Antichristian and abominable, as well as your comparisons, specified in your first Book, where you compare the Baptisme of Infants with the abominable Hierarchy. Against which imprecations, I must, and will still, as I have done, maintaine the Baptisme of holy Infants to be just and lawfull, holy and Evangelicall; and ought to be observed, according to the command of Christ, Mat 28.19. M [...]r. 16.16. Of which sufficient hath been spoken before, and more may be according as time and occasion shall be offered.
But your bare affirmations, (without proofe) you take for granted to be very true, and therefore upon this ground, you proceed to make a finall conclusion of your Booke, with this Conclusion; ‘ [Page 164] A. R. His last Conclusion.That the Baptisme of Infants, is the greatest delusion, and a thing of as dangerous consequence, as ever the Man of sinne brought into the world; and therefore the greatest maintainers thereof, are justly to be esteemed the greatest deluders. Wherefo [...]e it is high time for us to look about us, to awaken out of th [...] drunken slumber, and to see how hitherto wee and our fathers have been blindly led, by our blind guides, into this depth of ignorance, and mist of iniquitie, and l [...]t us seek out by what means, and by whom wee are so miserably intosticated, as to stumble and grope for our way, thus even at noone day.’
To which I answer, That it is not materiall or sufficient to say, it is a delusion, except it could be proved to be so; you should know, that it is not a delusion, nor dangerous in the least, much lesse can it be the greatest delusion, and of as dangerous consequence, as ever the Man of sinne brought into the world; as you (without so much as any just consequence) most unjustly conclude; rather wee may conclude, that the greatest with standers of holy Infants Baptisme, are the greatest deluders; Wherefore I may better conclude against you, that you have done very evill in uttering forth such bitter words, against the Baptisme of holy Infants, before you had seen the promises better weighed in the Ballance of the Sanctuary. And why is it? but because you doe not look upon things with a single eye. Yea, your spirituall sight is so darkened, (or rather that naturall reason which is in you,) that in pushing at Gods people, you push against God, who standeth between you and us; though you (rideing upon the insufficiency of your humane testimony, which will not beare you out) see him not, no more then blinde Balaam saw the Angel of Jehovah, that fought against him; But when your eyes are opened, then you shall see your errour, and be inabled to perceive a difference spiritually between the Infants of beleevers, and the Infants of unbeleevers, in respect of a visible state, and reverence the ordinance of Baptisme, administred upon holy Infants, for his sake, who is the Author and Instituter thereof; and no more condemne the generation of the just, who practise the same; and so kick against the prickes, and be a fighter (as you are now) against God. But know, that it is no better then sacriledge, to father Gods holy Institutions upon the Man of sinne.
And seing the signe & seale of the righteousnes of faith, was cōmanded by God to be imposed upon the Infants of beleevers we may justly conclude, That those are deluded by sinne, which say it is a delusion of the Man of sinne; but such prejudicate opinions, as yours are, are the [Page 165] very suggestions of Sathan; for with the same carnall reason did he possesse Eve; & with the like suggestions hath he violently possessed you; this being as bad as that, it not worse; and therefore those who are most active and famous to withstand the Baptisme of holy Infants, are (if you will have it) the greatest and most grossest deluders, at least (and at the best) they are deluded.
And if you will still determine to hold on, as you have done, saying that the Baptisme of Infants is a meer device, and tradition of man, and brought into the world for politick and by-ends, &c. when it is apparently knowne, that God first brought it into the world; and his love is not selfe-love, neither hath he any other ends, but his own glory, and the good of his people. I say, if you hold on in your peremptory conclusion, that it is a delusion of the Man of sinne, and that the greatest maintainers thereof, are justly to be esteemed the greatest deluders. I must (knowing you to be deluded) desire you to awake out of this [your] drunken slumber; and know, that in all these your fond imaginations, & vain conceptions, you have brought forth a meer dream; When you awake (I hope) you will not finde it so.
AND now for conclusion, I desire you seriously to consider the Scriptures, reasons, and arguments brought by mee to vindicate the lawfulnesse of the Baptisme of holy Infants, against whatsoever objections you have heer set downe in opposition of this Truth. And withall take notice (I pray you) how that throughout both these your Treatises against Infants baptisme, you have not brought one Scripture, from whence wee may draw the least consequence for dismissing the holy Infants from being m [...]mbers of Gods visible church, or for k [...]ping them f [...]ō Baptisme ( the visible sign of the new Covenant,) extant now, any more then such holy Infants were exempted in former time from Circumcisiō the visible sign of the new Coven [...]nt) [...]xtant then. But many yea, multi [...]udes of plaine and evident testimonies there are, evidently d [...]claring the excell [...]nt benefits which appertaine unto them in Jesus Christ; Amongst which, Baptisme is one, which though it be externall, and is not effectuall [ [...] i [...] self [...]] to the salvation of any, yet it is a sign (or token) by which God will have all his visible Saints, marked out for the peculiar sheep of his owne pasture.
And [...]f holy Infants were not to be baptized, is holy Infants formerly were to be circumcised before Christ was manifested in the [Page 166] flesh, then it would argue a great weaknes, or imperfection in Christ, eclipsing his Mediatorship, as if he were not so able to make this as profitable unto these (in their infancie) as Circumcision was unto the other (in their infancie) importing as if Christ were not so faithfull in his house, as Moses, and as if Baptisme were of smaller value, and of lesse effect then Circumcision.
But Baptisme is as generall and as effectuall every manner of way as Circumcision, therefore as Circumcision was not worne out from the Infants of beleevers, but was so permanent, that it remained till Christs first coming, and till he took away the Ceremonies of the old Law; so Baptisme hath not, nor shall not be taken away from these, but remaine as permanent with them, till Christ ( who was once an Infant like them) come againe in the Clouds of heaven, with power and great glory, descending with his shouting Troopes of heavenly Hosts; When the heavens from above, and hell from beneath, shall be emptied of those immortall soules and spirits which are therein, when your owne eyes shall behold our Emanuel, either to your glory, or confusion; at which time, all the dead both small and great, Infants as well as others, shall be seen to stand before God to be judged; Then shall there be a seperation between the precious, and the vile, when Jesus Christ, our sweet Saviour, (the very beautie of holinesse, the brightnesse of his Fathers glory, and the expresse image of his person) shall invite the blessed babes of beleeving parents, ( together with the rest of his sheep) to receive the substance of all his ordinances, the accomplishment of all his promises, the enjoyment of that glorious and immortall estate, that ununchangeable and perpetuall supreame inheritance, which shall never be worne out, or taken away, but remaine from everlasting to everlasting.