To the Supreme Authority of ENGLAND, Assembled in PARLIAMENT.
The humble Petition of PHILLIP CHETWIND, Prisoner in Newgate.


THat your Petitioner being the 25. of Decemb. last committed Prisoner to Newgate, by the Right Honourable the Lord Mayor and Court of Aldermen, became an humble Suiter by three severall Addresses to that Honourable Court for inlargement; who expressed a willing readinesse to grant your Petitio­ners desire, but by reason of the Votes of this Honourable House, professe it was not in their power:

IN confidence of your Honours Justice and Mercie, your Pe­titioner is emboldened to become an humble Su [...]ter unto this Honourable House, and doth pray, That

Your Petitioner may be enlarged upon Bayle, to appeare whensoever this Honourable House shall call for him:

And your Petitioner shall pray.

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