The most Heavenly and Christian SPEECH OF The Magnanimous and Victorious King of SVVEDEN, Carolus Gustavus Adolphus on his DEATH-BED. IN His Royal Palace of Gottenburg on the 10 th. of February last, three daies before his most untimely and much lamented death. TOGETHER With his last Advice and Counsel to his Nobles, the Lords of his Privy Council, and the chief Commanders of War for conclu­ding a Peace with the King of Denmark on the Conditions of Honor and Safety, or other­wise for the prosecuting the War with greater Vigor

Faithfully translated out of High-Dutch.

LONDON, Printed for Tho. Vere, at the sign of the Angel without Newgate. 1660.

The last words of the King of Sweden, on his Death­bed, in his royal palace at Gottenburg, before the Lords of his privy Council, on Friday the 10. of February. There being present, Monsier Trelon, Ambassadour of France, Sir George Ayscough, a [...] many other honorable personages.

THe Spirits of his Majesty of Sweden, which, like a how continually bended, found no relaxation, did in the midst of the month of January, bring a feaver on his body, which first confined him to his Chamber, and afterwards to his bed; his late losses, but especially that at Fuenen, kept his mind in a perpetual agitation, and his courage to overcome all difficulties, did so prevaile upon him, that it brought with it the violence of a disease, by denying him the benefit of sleep; his dis­ease which was but a tame Ague at the first, did by degrees become so predominant, that his Doctors of Physick, (the most learned on that side of Europe) began to dispaire of his recovery.

It pleased God that at that time he had called together at Gottenburg, a council of the most apparent of all his Nobility of Sweadland. Provission was there made for carrying on the War with more vigour, against the Emperour, the King of Denmark, and the Marquis of Brandenburgh, there potent Enemies, who had attaqued him in Prussia, Pomerania, and in the Frontiers of Swed­land, and given him a memorial overthrow in the Island of Fue­nen. Queen Mary of England, whose raign was as short, as this King of Swedlands, was oftentime heard to speak in the fits of her deepest Melancholly, that when she was dissected being dead, they should find Calis ingraven in her heart, I forbear to make any address of Application, but certain it is, that at this Council the Lords of Swedland, following the disposition, and constitution of their King did resolve, th [...]t every third man in the Kingdom of Sweden, should put on Armes for the defence and propagation of their Countries Liberties It was resolved that several Regements both of horse and foot, should be formed out of Lapland, Gothland, and Vandals, which on the beginning of the Spring, should like a Tempest come Thundering in, into the [Page 4]desolate Dominions of Powerland, and Prussia, and having redu­ced those places, should carry the war into the heart of the Em­pire.

This was agreeable unto all, and there was no other discourse heard of from Gottenburg, until you come to Stockhalme. In the mean time it pleased God, that the health of the King was every day weaker then other, although he wanted for no encourage­ments. His Commanders were every day to att [...]nd him with their Resolutions; his Physitians with their Cordials, and his Divines with their counsels, but sleep being a stranger to his bo­dy, his body began to be a stranger, and to abandon the acquain­tance of his soul. It is a wonderful thing to consider in how close a twist of respondency that sleep and health are united, although that one of them is the Emblem of death, and the other of Im­mortality.

On Friday Feburary the tenth, his Majesty of Sweden, by the strength of his weakness perceiving the weakness of his strength, and finding nothing perfect in himself, but his Vprightness and his Memory, he commanded that his Councilors, and Lords of Sweden, should be called before him, who accordingly having made their appearance, he did raise himself a little from his bed, and with a countenance more chearful then ordinary, he expressed himself unto them in these words, My Lords, my faithful Councelours, and Deer Allyes.

Many years are not yet passed, since by the guift of my re­nowned kinswoman Queen Christina, the crown of Sweadland, hath been devolved on me, it hath been my indeavour to follow the example of my famous Pre [...]ecessours, which was to enlarge as much as to defend their Dominions; With what successe I made war first in Bremen, and afterwards in Poland, I believe there is no part in the world is ignorant. By the combinations, and se­cret practises of some Enemies neerer home, I was called from thence into Denmark, where havin both the King himself and his Kingdome at my mercy, I granted him peace, and contented with the glory of the Conquest, I remitted to him the fruition of his Kingdoms. But he to require so great a f [...]vour entred pre­sently into a league with the Hollander, and the Emperour to the apparent prejudice of the Crown of Sweden,; This caused me presently to return with my forces to Denmark, being much in­couraged in it by the late Protector of England, had I not been [Page 5]interrupted in my proceedings, by the Fleet of Holland, I had undoubtedly put a good period to that war, and made both the Emperor and the King of Denm [...]rk, to feel the effects of my power; I shall here make no mention of my Cosin, the Marquis of Brandenburg, of whom I expected better things, neither too heavily will I say the misfortune in Pomerania, to the neglect of my Brother Prince Adolphus, yet I must needs say, that I am con­fident the affaires there had been carried more to my honor, and advantage, if he had executed the instructions which I gave him.

That which leaveth the greatest impression of grief upon my soul, is the loss sustained at Fuenen, and the imprisonment of ma­ny of my eminent Commanders now at Gluck [...]tadt, but I hope (my Lord Ambassadour) that the monies promised from your Master the King of France, will be either a speedy ransome for them, or an assistance unto you to force open the gates of Gluckstadt, for their deliverance.

My desire is, that my most deer Lady the Queen, may be Re­gent after me, during the minority of my Son, to whom I do be­seech God to be a father. I leave unto you the management of all affaires, both spiritual and civil, conjuring you to be zealous unto God, dutiful to your Queen, and faithful to one another.

I must commend unto your greatest care, the peace with the King of Denmark, of which already some overtures have been made, but I would have it to be such a peace as may be most ad­vantagious to you, without the least blemmish or tincture of dis­honour. And because we have already found him so uncertain, I would advise you to keep Elsenour, and Cronenburg, as Caution Towns for the performance of his promises.

As for the late renowned Queen of Sweden now at Rome, I have something to speak in relation to her, and her Dowry in great danger, by the ruine of Pomerania, but — Here his spirits fainting away, he sunk down on his bed, but he was immediate­ly recovered by some excellent hot waters, that were administred to him, while his Lords and Councilours that stood round about him, did drink hot watess as well as himself, but it was from the abundance of the teares that did flow from their eyes.

The King after a little pause, having again raised himself, with a serious eye did look upon them all, and observing rain within door, and none without, he seemed to be much discontented at it, and thus again proceeded in his discourse.

I have hitherto spoken to you as a King, I shall now speak to you as a Christian; Death is only terrible to the wicked, and it is not so much the fear of Death, as the sence of hell that is so terri­ble to them, the apprehension of the torment of the one swallows up the terror of the other. Did ever any man on the rack afflict himself, because his Mistress slighted him? did ever man that attai­ned unto vast possessions, and was condemned to dye for blood­shed and Extortion, call for the particulars of his purchase upon the Gallows? The apprehension and horror of being damned (I do not say) will cure all other sadness, but certainly it will swal­low it up, But I who by the mirits of my Redeemer, who by the grace of the Lord Jesus, do believe I shall be saved, I do desire you to consider with me, how great is my joy? how infinite my advantage is by this Exchange? How unspeakable is the glory, and how excellent is the recompence for all the hard Marches, and the sufferings in this world?

My Lords! Take the counsel with you of your dying Prince, let us prepare our selves against changes, always expecting them, that so we be not surprised when they come; Oh death how bitter art thou to a man who hath promised to himself ease and fulness, by his large possessions, and to enjoy it for many years! it was a sad Arrest, that his soul was surprised the first night.

Consider with me, that afflictions are often the occasion of great spiritual advantages; We must not look upon them, as they sit heavy upon us, but as they serve unto Gods ends, and the pur­pose of his eternal providence; When a Prince fights justly, but unsuccessully; Could he but see the reason for which God did so order it, he would find it unreasonable, nay ill, to have it other­wise. If a man could have opened but one of the pages of the Di­vine counsail, and observed the event of Josephs being sold to the Merchants of Amaleck, he might with much reason have dryed up the young mans tears; God esteemeth it one of his glories, to bring good out of evil; And therefore it is but reason that we should leave unto God the Government of his own world, as he himself pleaseth, and that we should patiently wait till the change commeth, and not envy the happiness, and prosperity of our enemies, fret not thy self (saith that kingly Prophet) because of him who prospereth in his ways, because of him who bringeth wicked devices to pass for evil doers at the last, shall be rooted out, but those that weight upon the Lord shal stand like Mount Sion, that cannot be shaken

The Last great trial is Death, for which should we grieve, it would be of all greifes the most unreasonable; For why should we grieve at that which is so absolutely unavoydable? It is not so much to be cared for how long we live, as how well we live, for that life is not best which is the longest, but that which is most vertuous, and honourable: The shortning of our dayes, is an evil, wholy depending upon opinion, let us still be ready for death, and it cannot come too soon, for let us dye young or old, we have still an immortal soul, and do lay down our bodyes onely for a time, as that which was the instrument of our cares and troubles, and the scene of sickness, and disease; Let us not then (my Lords) fear that which riddeth us of all these infirmities, for by fearing it, we shall never the sooner avoid it, but make it more miserable. To dye is natural and necessary, but to dye poorly and basely, is that alone which can make a man miserable. No man can be a slave, but he who feareth pain, or who feareth to dye, to such a man nothing but peaceable times can denote his inclinations, or his duty, he dependeth onely on external things for his felicity, and therefore is no longer well, then during the pleasure of his Enemy, a Theife or a Tyrant.

But blessed is he who willingly resigneth his soul into the hand of God which gave it, as into the hands of a blessed Creator, and Redeemer: O blessed Jesus thou didst dye for me; grant that with joy I may submit to thy Summons, for thou art as well my Advo­cate as my Judge, and camest into the world to save sinners; I ac­knowledg O Lord I am a great sinner, but thy mercies are infi­nite. O God of mercy, and Father of all comfort, look upon the sadness, and the sorrowes of thy servant; my sins lye heavy up­on me, and press me sore, by reason of thy hot displeasure. My af­fflictions seem to be without comfort, because they are the punish­ments of my sins; My sins have caused my sorrow, yet my sorrow doth not cure my sins; and unless thou, O Lord, for thy own sake, and meerly because thou art good, art pleased to pitty me, I shall be left forlorn, and as much without remedy as without comfort, Lord therefore pitty me; I deny my self, and wholy depend on thee, and on the blood and merits of my redeemer: Let thy grace refresh my spirit, thy comforts support me, and thy mercies pardon me, for thou art g [...]od and gracious, and I throw my self upon thy mercies. Suffer me not to let go my hold, and do thou with me, as seemeth good in thine own eyes. Thou art in finitely [Page 8]more merciful then I can be miserable; O Lord make me the ob­ject of thy mercies as well in my death, as in my life; And if even in this hour shall be pleased to remove me from this vale of mise­ry, when my poor soul shall go out of the prison of this body, may it be received by Angels, and preserved from the horror and surprizal of evil spirits, and be laid up in the bosome of our Lord, until the day of thy second comming, when it shall be reunited to the body, which is now to be laid in the dust, yet I doubt not but shall be raised up in joy, to live for ever, and behold the face of God, in the glories of our Lord Jesus, who is my Hope, my resur­rection, and life, my blessed, and ever glorious Redeemer, to whom with the father, and the holy Spirit, be rendred all honour, and glory, now and for evermore.

Having spoke these words, his Lords and privy Counselours (who stood round about his bed) were transported with as much admiration, as they were before with grief, and taking at that time, their leave of him, they left him with two of his Chaplains, who never ceased to confirme him in his holy and heavenly con­fidence, and to administer those spiritual Consolations to him which were suitable to the Master of so great a war-fare, who ha­ving conquered himself as well as his Enemies, stooped his anoint­ed head, as low as death, and in the flourish of his years, wisely exchanged a sea of troubles in this world, for the heaven of eter­nal rest, and a temporal Crown for a crown of Immortality.

The End.


Who lyes within this fatal Ring,
The honour of the growing Spring,
And Vertue that doth man advance,
Who yet this Marble underneath,
(in the despight of deaths mischance)
Doth valour to the Swedish breath.

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