Prince CHARLES HIS SUMMONS Sent to the Lord Admiral, to take down his Standard, and come under his Highnesse Obedience.

And the Earl of Warwicks Answer, and resolu­tion to bear it still for the Parliament, against all op­position whatsoever.

Also the proceedings of both Navies to an ingagement And a List of the names of the Members of both Houses of Parliament, the Ministers, and others, that are to go to the Isle of WIGHT, on both sides, about the Treaty with his Majesty for peace.

[depiction of a seventeenth-century warship]

London Printed for R. Smithurst, neer Pye-corner, 1648.

A LETTER FROM The Navy of the proceedings of the Parliaments ships, under the Lord ADMIRALL, Against the Revolted SHIPS with Prince CHARLES.

Right Honourable,

THe Lord Admiral sent out Orders for those Ships at Portsmouth, to hasten out to meet his Lordship in the Downes, and then put forth with those in the Channell with his Lord­ship: [Page 2]6 men of War, and 3 additionall Ships, came out from Portsmouth, his Lordship hath 12, that is 21. and (I beleeve they will be compleated 30. when all are joyned. I have sent you (here inclosed) Prince Charles his Summons to the Lord Admirall, and his Lordships gallant Answer. Our ships faced the Prince sailing up within one League of them, but then there rize such a storme, that the Revolted ships sailed Northward. But whether they will advance back a­gain, or not, I know not; So soon as those from Portsmouth are joyned, his Lordship will cleare the Seas for free Trading, so, as either to engage them, or force them away.

Prince Charles his Summons to the Earl of War­wick, Lord High Admirall of the Par­liaments NAVY.
Sent by Mr. Seamor, one of his Bed-chamber.

HIs Highnesse the Prince of Wales having ob­served a Standard which hath been borne by this Fleet, doth require the Admirall, or chief Commander thereof, to take notice that his High­nesse is present here, and doth command him to take down his Standard, and to come under his Highnesse obedience, for the setling of the peace of his Majesties Dominions, wherein, if his Highnesse shall find a rea­dy [Page 3]compliance, he doth engage himselfe, not only to receive compliance of all such as shall now return to his Majesties obedience, but also to receive them in­to his favour, And I promise to continue them in im­ployment: As persons that (out of obedience to his Highnesse his Summons) doe declare their good affe­ctions to his Majesty. And the peace of the Kingdom.


To the Admirall, or chiefe Commander of the Fleet.
The Lord Admiralls Answer returned to Prince Charles.

May it please your Highnesse,

I Am appointed by both Houses of the Parliament of England, to be Lord Admirall of England, by which right I bear this Standard. And (God willing) shall continue to bear it, during the pleasure of the Parliament, notwithstanding the opposition of any person whatsoever, and as for the setling of the Peace of the Kingdome, I must referre it to the wis­dom of the two Houses of Parliament, who (I know) are now in a way to effect it, if they be not therein di­sturbed; And this is all that I can return to your High­nesse, by way of Answer to your Paper, who am,

Your Highnesse Servant, WARWICK.

A List of the Lords, Commoners, and others, that are to goe to the Isle of Wyght, about the Treaty with his Majesty.

1. Those to be with the King, desired by His Majesty, are agreed to by both Houses.
  • [Page 4]
    Gentlemen of my Bedchamber,
    • Duke Richmond,
    • Marq. Hertford,
    • Earle Lindsey,
    • Earl Southampton.
  • Groomes of my Bedchamber,
    • George Kirk,
    • James Levenston,
    • Hen­ry Murrey.
  • My Barber,
    • Thomas Davis.
  • Pages of my back-staires.
    • Hugh Henne,
    • Humphrey Rogers,
    • Wil­liam Levett.
  • Yeoman of my Robes.
    • Rives.
  • Querries, with four or six of my Footmen, as they find fittest to waite.
    • Sir Edward Sidenham,
    • Robert Terwin,
    • John Housdon,
  • [Page 5]
    My Laundresse,
    • Mistresse Wheeler, with such Maids as she shall chuse.
  • A Groom of my presence,
    • Parsons.
  • To wait as they did, or as I shall appoint them
    • Sir Foulke Grevill,
    • Captain Titus,
    • Cap­tain Boroughs,
    • Mr. Cressett,
    • Halstid,
    • Fierbrace.
  • My Chaplains.
    • Bishop of London,
    • Bishop of Salisbury,
    • Doctor Hamond,
    • Doctor Saunderson,
    • Do­ctor Turner,
    • Doctor Haywood.
  • Lawyers,
    • Sir Thomas Gardner,
    • Sir Or. Bridgeman,
    • Mr. Ieffery Palmer,
    • Mr. Thomas Cook,
    • Mr. Iohn Vaughan.
  • Clerks and Writers.
    • Sir Edward Walker,
    • Mr. Phil. Walker,
    • Nich. Oudart,
    • Charles Whittacre.
  • To make ready the House for Treating,
    • Peter Newton,
    • Clem. Kenersley.
2 A List of those from the Parlia­ment to Treate.
  • [Page 6]
    1 The Commissioners of the Lords House,
    • The Earle of Northumberland,
    • The Earle of Pembrooke and Mountgomery,
    • The Earle of Salisbury,
    • The Earle of Middlesex.
    • The Viscount Sea and Seale.
  • 2 Commissioners of the House of Commons.
    • The Lord Waynman
    • Sir Harbottle Grimstone,
    • Sir John Potts,
    • Sir Henry Vaine junior.
    • Mr. William Perepoint
    • Mr. Samuell Browne.
    • Mr. Denzell Hollis,
    • Mr. Crew,
    • Mr. Bulkley.
    • Mr. Recorder.
  • 3 Ministers of Gods Word to goe with the Com­missioners
    • Mr. Herle.
    • Mr, Marshall.
    • Mr. Vines.
    • Mr. Seymer.

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