By the King.
A PROCLAMATION, Touching the speedy calling to Accompt of all such Persons whose Accompts are excepted in the Act of Oblivion.


WHereas in the Act made in the Parliament begun at Westminster the Five and twentieth day of April in the Twelfth Year of Our Reign (Entituled, An Act of Free and general Pardon, Indempnity and Oblivion) there is contained an Excepti­on of the Accompts of Treasurers, Receivers, Farmers and Collectors, other then the Sub-collectors of the several Parishes, Towns and Hamlets respectively, for their Receipts therein mentioned, who had received or collected the Duties spe­cified in the said Exception. And whereas Our high Treasurer of England by Our command hath sent out several Warrants or Summons to divers Treasurers and other Persons residing in and about London, for bringing in of their Ac­compts into the Office of Our Remembrancer in Our Exchequer, at certain dayes and times in the said Warrants prefixed, to the end that all such moneys as have been received, or any wayes collected from Our loving Subjects, and are not pardoned by the said Act of General Pardon, may be duely accompted for, and answered unto Vs, Our Heirs or Successors, and that the Persons so accompting may have their legall Discharges according to the course of Our Exche­quer. Therefore Our Will and Pleasure is, and We do streightly charge and command all manner of Per­sons whatsoever, which have received or shall receive any Warrants or Summons from Our said high Treasurer, for bringing in of their Accompts into Our Exchequer, that they bring them in according to the dayes and times in the said Warrants expressed. And that all and every other person accomptable unto Vs [Page] [...] [Page] it was thereby further enacted, That in case any person or persons should resist or make forcible opposition a­gainst any person or persons in the due and through execution of the same Act, That every such person or per­sons for every such offence should forfeit the sum of Five pounds to be divided and recovered in manner afore­said; And in case any person or persons should not pay the summs of money by them to be paid, by vertue of the same Act, that in every such case distress should be made and sale thereof, returning the overplus to the own­ers; And in case no distress shall be found, that them every such party should be committed to the common Gaol in the County where such offence should be committed, there to remain for the space of two moneths without Bail or Mainprise. Provided always, and it was thereby enacted, That the same Act nor any thing contained therein should extend to the hindering of the planting of Tobacco in any Physick-garden of either Vniversity or in any other private garden for Physick or Chirurgery, only so as the quantity so planted exceed not one half of one pole in any one place or garden, as in & by the same Act it doth and may more fully appear. Now to the end that all Our loving Subjects in all parts of Our said Kingdoms of England and Ireland, and Dominion of Wales, and in the said Islands of Guernsey and Jersey, and in our said Town of Berwick upon Twede, may the better take notice of and more duely observe the said Act, and not ignorantly offend against the same for the future, We have thought good to publish & declare the same to all Our loving Subjects by this Our Royal Proclamation, And do withall likewise signifie and declare, that for the future We shall expect, and do hereby require all dutiful observance thereof, and ready conformity thereunto, and that not onely upon the pains, penalties, and forfeitures therein expressed, but also of Our high indignation and displeasure, justly and deservedly to be inflicted upon all those that shall knowingly and presumptuously offend against so just and reasonable a Law. And we do hereby streightly charge and command all Our Iudges of Assise and Com­missioners of Oyer and Terminer in their several Circuits, and all Our Iustices of Peace in their several and respective Quarter-Sessions, that they give the same Law in charge to the several & respective Iuries in their several and respective Inquests before them, to the end that the offences and offenders against the same, both in the setting, planting, or sowing of Tobacco, contrary to the true intent and meaning of the same Act, and also all forcible opposition & resistance made or to be made against any person or persons in the due execution of the same Act, may be punished according to Law and the demerit of their offences in this behalf. And We do further command and require all Sheriffs, Iustices of the peace, Mayors, Bayliffs, Constables, and all other Our Officers and ministers whatsoever whom the premisses shall or may concern, that they from time to time as occasion shall require, be diligent, circumspect, and careful in the due execution of the same Act in all things according to the true intent and meaning thereof, as they will answer the contrary at their perils.


LONDON, Printed by John Bill, Printer to the KING'S most Excellent MAJESTY, 1661.

At the KING'S Printing-House in Black-Friers.

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