By the King.
A PROCLAMATION, Touching the speedy calling to Accompt of all such Persons whose Accompts are excepted in the Act of Oblivion.


WHereas in the Act made in the Parliament begun at Westminster the Five and twentieth day of April in the Twelfth Year of Our Reign (Entituled, An Act of Free and general Pardon, Indempnity and Oblivion) there is contained an Excepti­on of the Accompts of Treasures, Receivers, Farmers and Collectors, other then the Sub-collectors of the several Parishes, Towns and Hamlets respectively, for their Receipts therein mentioned, who had received or collected the Duties spe­cified in the said Exception. And whereas Our high Treasurer of England by Our command hath sent out several Warrants or Summons to divers Treasurers and other Persons residing in and about London, for bringing in of their Ac­compts into the Office of Our Remembrancer in Our Exchequer, at certain dayes and times in the said Warrants prefixed, to the end that all such moneys as have been received, or any wayes collected from Our loving Subjects, and are not pardoned by the said Act of General Pardon, may be duely accompted for, and answered unto Vs, Our Heirs or Successors, and that the Persons so accompting may have their legall Discharges according to the course of Our Exche­quer. Therefore Our Will and Pleasure is, and We do streightly charge and command all manner of Per­sons whatsoever, which have received or shall receive any Warrants or Summons from Our said high Treasurer, for bringing in of their Accompts into Our Exchequer, that they bring them in according to the dayes and times in the said Warrants expressed. And that all and every other person accomptable unto Vs by vertue of the said Exception in the said Act of Parliament, and whose Accompts are not thereby pardoned, do appear in Our Exchequer in the Office of Our Remembrancer, and deliver into the said Office a perfect Ac­compt of all such Sums of money as they have received, under colour of any pretended Acts or Ordinances of Parliament, or otherwise for the use of the Publick, which are not Pardoned as aforesaid; And also an Ac­compt of their Disbursments out of their said Receipts, with their Vouchers for the same, before the last day of Easter Term next. And forasmuch as the Accompts of the said Receivers and Collectors cannot be well ta­ken without perfect Estreats of the Assessments, which every one of them had in charge to collect; Our will and pleasure is, And We do streightly charge and command all manner of Persons which have acted as Com­missioners, by colour of any pretended Act or Ordinance of Parliament, for the taxing or assessing of any weekly or monethly Tax or Assessment for the maintenance of the Armies in England or Ireland, that they and every of them before the end of the first week in Easter Term next, deliver or send into the Office of Our Remembrancer of Our Exchequer perfect Duplicates of the Assessments made by vertue of each particular pretended Act or Ordinance, under the hands of two or more of them, expressing therein the total summe charged upon each Parish, Hamlet, Ward▪ Hundred▪ Lath, Rape, Wapentake, or any other Division▪ with the Names, Sirnames and Places of abode of all such Persons as they appointed to be Receivers or high Col­lectors of each particular County, City, Hundred, Lath, Rape, Wapentake, or any other Division, and what the total summe amounts to, which every Receiver or high Collector had in charge to collect. And We do hereby further command and require all manner of Persons which have been Treasurers, Receivers, Farmers, Collectors or Accomptants, Registers, Register-Accomptants and Comptrollers of the Receipts and Payments, and all manner of Persons who have in their custody any Orders or Warrants for receipt of publick Moneys not pardoned as aforesaid, or any Books kept for the Comptrollment of any Receipts or Payments of or for any Publick Moneys not pardoned as aforesaid, that they deliver the same into the Office of Our Remembrancer in the Exchequer, on or before the first day of Easter Term next. To all which We require and expect a due observance from all Persons concerned▪ upon pain of Our high displea­sure, and such further proceedings against them and penalties as are consonant to Law and Iustice.


LONDON, Printed by John Bill, Printer to the KING▪S most Excellent MAJESTY, 1660.

At the KING'S Printing-House in Black-Friers.

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