A PROCLAMATION PROCLAMING CHARLS Prince of Wales, King of Great Brittaine, France, and Ireland.
WEE the Noblemen, Iudges, Knights, Lawyers, Gentlemen, Freeholders, Merchants, Citizens, Yeomen, Seamen, and other freemen of England, doe, according to our Allegiance and Covenant, by these presents hartily, ioyfully and unanimously acknowledg and proclaime the Illustrious Charls Prince of Wales, next heire of the blood Royall to his Father King Charls (whose late wicked and trayterous murther wee doe from our soules abominate, and all parties and consenters thereunto) to be by hereditary Birthright, and lawfull succession, rightfull and undoubted King of Great Brittaine, France and Ireland, and the dominions thereunto belonging. And that we will faithfully, constantly and sinceerely in our severall places and callings defend and maintaine his Royall Person, Crowne, and Dignity with our Estates. Lives, and last drop of our [...]loods, against all opposers thereof; whom wee doe hereby declare to bee Traytors and Enemies to his Maiesty and his Kingdoms. In testimony whereof, wee have caused these to be published and proclamed throughout al Counties and Corporations of this Realm, the first day of February in the first yeare of his Maiesties Raigne.
God save KING CHARLS the Second.