By the King.
A PROCLAMATION For the preventing of the Exportation of Wools, Wool-Fells, Woollen-Yarn, Fullers-Earth, and other Scouring Earths, out of this Kingdom.
FORASMVCH as the making of Woollen-Cloth, and other Manufactures of Wool, which hath beén, and is the great Staple-Trade of this Kingdom, (whereby the Commerce of this Kingdom, and many thousand Families therein have beén, and are principally maintained and upheld) hath nevertheless of late years beén much impaired and decayed; And whereas it is apparent, That the Exportation of Wools, Wool-fells, Yarn made of Wool, Fullers-Earth, and other scouring Earths, are a great means and occasion of such decay of the said Trade, by enabling the Foreign making of Cloth, and thereby hindering the Vent of Our Clothes made within this Our Realm of England:
We taking into Our Princely consideration, the weighty consequence thereof; and desiring to advance the Wealth of Our People, and to provide an effectual remedy against such a growing evil, at the humble request of the Lords and Commons in Parliament assembled, have thought fit, and [Page] do by this Our Proclamation, streightly charge, prohibite, and command, That no manner of Wools, Wool-fells, Yarn made of Wooll, Fullers-earth, or other scouring Earths whatsoever, be at any time or times hereafter, by any person or persons, whether natural born Subject, Denizen, or Stranger, exported, transported, or sent out of this Our Realm of England, Dominion of Wales, or the Town or Port of Berwick upon Twede, or any the Isles, Ports, Creéks, or places thereof, into the Kingdom of Scotland, or into any Foreign parts beyond the Seas, upon pain of Our highest indignation, and the severe Penalties that by the Laws and Statutes of this Our Realm may be inflicted as well upon the Offenders themselves, as their Aiders, Procurers, Abettors, and Favorers:
And to the end, that all Customers, Officers, and Ministers, in or about the Ports of England, may more strictly look to the observance of Our Will and Pleasure hereby signified, for the benefit and advantage of this Our Kingdom; We do hereby further streightly charge and command, That if any Officer or Minister of or belonging to Our Customs or Ports, or attending at any the Havens, Creéks, or places adjacent, or carrying to the Sea, shall consent or connive at the unlawful Exportation of the Premisses, or any of them; that then every such Customer, Officer, or Minister, who shall offend in any of the Premisses, shall not onely forfeit his Office, place, and employment, but shall also incur all other the pains and penalties aforesaid. And if any Minister or Officer of or in any Ship or other Vessel, shall permit and suffer any Woolls, Wool-Fells, or any other of the Premisses to be transported in any Ship, Bottom, or other Vessel wherein or whereof he shall be Master or other Officer, That then every person so offending shall be subject to such pain and penalty as aforesaid.
And We do hereby further command and enjoyn, That not any more or greater quantity of Wooll-Fells, Woollen-Yarn, Fullers-Earth, or other scouring Earths, be sent or conveyed into the Islands of Jersey, Guernsey, Sarck, or Alderney, other then the proportions of Wooll following, viz. Two thousand Tod for Jersey, One thousand Tod for Guernsey, Two hundred Tod for the Isle of Alderney, and One hundred Tod for the Isle of Sarck, which is to be employed for the use and manufacture of the said Islands.
And for the better and more certain execution of this Our Will and Pleasure, We do hereby likewise command, That no transportation of any Wooll, Wool-Fells, or other the Premisses, be permitted into the said Islands, but upon good Bonds, with sufficient Sureties, responsal and resident within this Realm; for whose sufficiency, the Officers of Our Customs taking the same Bonds, will be answerable for the landing of the same. In which Bonds the number and weight of the Bags or Sacks of Wool, the number of Wool-Fells, and weight of Woollen-Yarn, the quantity of Fulling Earth, and other scouring Earth shall be set down. And the Governors and other Officers upon the said Islands, are hereby required and streightly enjoyned to take special care, That what Wooll, Wool-Fells, Woollen-Yarn, Fulling, or other scouring Earths, shall be so landed, be not reshipped thence into any Foreign parts.
And for the better regulating of so much of the aforesaid Premisses as shall be permitted to be transported to the aforesaid Islands, We do further streightly charge and command, That the same and every part thereof be shipped onely at Our Ports of Southampton, Weymouth, or Pool, and from no other Port, Haven, Crak, or place whatsoever. And in case there be now in force any former Licences or Authorities heretofore [Page] given and granted by any of Our Predecessors for Transportation of Woolls, or any other the Premisses, We do hereby disannul the same, and are resolved that none such shall be by Vs granted for the future.
Lastly, For the better encouragement of all such as shall take care and pains to disclose or make discovery of the frauds and other practices to evade and defeat the true intention of this Our Proclamation, Our further will and pleasure is, That every such person that shall be the first discoverer of such Offender, shall be rewarded with the moyety, or one half of such sums of money, and other forfeiture as shall come unto Vs, by reason of any the offences aforesaid: Giving also charge and command, that all persons of what degreé, quality, or place soever, to whom it shall appertain, do diligently observe, and readily assist the due performance of this Our Proclamation in all things.
Given at Our Court at Whitehal the Fifteenth day of September, in the Twelfth year of Our Reign, 1660.
LONDON, Printed by John Bill and Christopher Barker, Printers to the KINGS most Excellent Majesty. 1660.