A PROCLAMATION For the better Regulating His Majesties Royal Proceeding from the Tower of London to His Palace at Whitehall, the 22 th day of April next, being the day before His Majesties Coronation.


IN regard the Tower of London is not of capacity to receive the necessa­ry Attendants and Horses of all persons designed to ride in that Proceéding; His Majesty out of His care for preventing of all Disor­der, and for the better conveniency of all such of his Nobility and o­thers who are to attend Him that day in that Royal Proceeding from the Tower of London; Doth hereby declare his express Will and Pleasure to be, That no Person whatever but the Nobility, Privy Counsellors, the Gentlemen of their Horse and their servants in Live­ry, presume to come into the Tower that day, nor to bring in any Horses but those belonging to His Majesty, and to his Highness the Duke of Yorke, and to the Nobility and Counsellors; but that all other persons do (with their servants and Horses) stay upon Tower-Hill, where they are to be by Eight of the clock that morning; where they shall be placed and disposed by His Majesties Officers of Armes in such manner as that they may be most conveniently ranked, and Proceed according to their Degrees: Nor that any Person of any condition whatsoever, but such as are in the List of Proceeding, and have order for it, presume to march or ride therein. And for prevention of disorder, That no person whatsoever do that day ride upon any unruly or striking Horse. And because the multitude of persons that are to ride in that Royal Proceeding may not hinder each other, It is His Maje­sties further pleasure and command, That the Duke of York's Horse Guards, who are to have the Van in that Proceeding, be drawn up early in the morning in the Crutchet Fryers ready to march when they shall be directed; And that His Majesties Horse Guards be also drawn up in Tower­street, or the Minories; and that the Duke of Albemarles Horse Guards be drawn up in the Street without Algate; both which are in order to bring up the Reer. To all which Com­mands His Majesty expects due obedience to be given, and that all persons (without dispute) shall ride in that Proceeding according as they shall be called and ranked by His Majesties Officers of Armes.


London, Printed by Iohn Bill, Printer to the KING's most Excellent Majesty, 1661.

At the KING's Printing-House in Black-Friers.

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