By the King.
A PROCLAMATION For the Apprehending of James Duke of Monmouth, Ford Lord Gray, Sir Thomas Armestrong Knight, and Robert Ferguson.


WHereas We have received Information upon Oath, That James Duke of Monmouth, Ford Lord Gray, Sir Thomas Armestrong Knight, and Robert Ferguson, have Traiterously Conspir­ed together, and with divers other ill affected and desperate Persons of this Our King­dom, to compass the Death and Destruction of Our Royal Person, and of Our dearest Brother James Duke of York; And to effect the same, have held several Treasonable Con­sultations to Levy Men, and to make an Insurrection within this Our Kingdom, And being given to understand that the said Criminals are fled, and left their Habitations to avoid the Justice of Our Laws: We have therefore thought fit, by and with the Advice of Our Privy Council, to Publish Our Royal Pleasure, And We do hereby strictly Charge and Command the said James Duke of Monmouth, Ford Lord Gray, Sir Thomas Armestrong, and Robert Ferguson, and every of them, forthwith to render themselves to some of Our Judges or Justices of the Peace, in order to their Prosecution according to Law. And We do hereby Require and Command, as well all and singular Our Judges, Justices of the Peace, Mayors, Sheriffs, Constables, and Headborroughs, as also the Officers and Ministers of Our Ports, and all other Our Subjects, whatsoever, within Our Realms of England, Scotland, Ireland, or Dominion of Wales, and all other Our Dominions and Territories, to be diligent in Enquiring and Searching for the said Offenders in all Places whatsoever, as well within Liberties as without; And if they shall happen to take any of them, or that they shall render themselves, Our further Will and Pleasure is, That they cause him or them so Apprehended, to be safely carried before the next Justice of the Peace to the Place where he or they shall be Arrested; whom VVe strictly Charge to commit to Prison, and present­ly inform Us or Our Privy Council of such Apprehension. And VVe do hereby further Declare and Publish, That if any Person or Persons, after this Our Proclamation, shall directly or indirectly, Conceal, Harbour, Keep, Retain or Maintain the said Offenders, or any of them, or shall Contrive or Connive at any Means whereby they or any of them may escape from being Taken or Arrested, or shall not use their best Endeavours for the Apprehension of them, as well by giving due Ad­vertisement thereof to Our Officers, as by all other good Means, We will (as there is just cause) proceed against them that shall so neglect this Our Commandment with all Severity. And We do also Declare, That whosoever shall Discover the said Offenders, or any of them, either within Our Kingdoms of England, Scotland, Ireland, or Dominion of Wales, or in any other Our Dominions and Territories, or elsewhere beyond the Seas, and shall cause them, or any of them, to be Apprehend­ed and brought in as aforesaid, shall have a Reward of Five hundred pounds for each of the said Persons, to be paid unto him in Recompence of such his Service.

GOD save the KING.

Edinburgh, Printed by the Heir of Andrew Anderson, Printer to His most Sacred Majesty. 1683.

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