By His Highnesse the Prince of Great BRITTAIN, Duke of CONWALL and ALBANY, Highest Captain Generall of all His Majesties Forces raised and to be raised within the Kingdom of England, Dominion of VVales and Town of Berwick, &c.
A PROCLAMATION, For all persons within Our Quarters in the County of DEVON able to bear Arms, not being otherwise imployed by His Highnesse, or dispenced withall, to attend His High­nesse now advancing in Person to meet the Rebels.
AS ALSO For a Generall Supplication to be made in all Churches of DEVON and EXETER, on Sunday the 4. of Ianuary, for Gods blessing on His Highnesse, and His Forces.

WHereas, upon the motion of the Enemy on this side Exeter, We have resolved in Our own Person to repair to Our Army, & to that end We resolve with all possible expedition to advance with Our For­ces, hoping, by the blessing of God, to expell the Enemy from this County, We have thought fit to publish and declare this Our reso­lution, desiring and requiring all Loyall and able men of what de­gree or quality soever within Our Quarters in that County as well those of the Trained-Bands, as all others able to bear Arms, who are not otherwise imployed or dispenced with by Vs, to re­pair to Vs very speedily in person, to Our assistance, with such Arms as they can bring; And We must professe that We shall im­pute the absence of any person, not so imployed or dispenced with as aforesaid, to want of Loy­alty, or want of Courage, both which at so important a time, and upon so important an occasion, We hold equally odious. And for the procuring a blessing from God upon this Our first enterprize, which We undertake for his Service, and for the procuring a blessed Peace upon this miserable Kingdom, towards the which Our entreaties and earnest desires of mediation have been rejected, We desire that on Sunday next a generall Supplication may be made in all the Churches within Our Quarters for Gods blessing upon Vs and Our Forces, intending also to see the like Supplication solemnly made by the whole Army, when We shall have drawn it into a body. And the High-Sheriffe of Devon is to cause this Our Declaration and Proclamation to be speedily publisht in all Market-Towns and Publike Meetings in Our Quarters there, and read in all the Churches and Chappels within the said County, We having directed the like to be done in Our Dutchy of Cornwall, and hereby likewise directing the like to be done in the City of Exeter.

  • By His Highnesse Command in Councell Rich: Fanshawe.

¶ Imprinted at Exeter by ROBERT BARKER, and JOHN BILL, Printers to the Kings most Excellent Majesty, 1645.

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