C. R.




WHereas His Majesty by His Proclamation of the First day of March last, upon the considerations therein expressed, prohibited the setting to Sea any Ships or Vessels, to or for any parts or places beyond the Seas, until He should De­clare His Pleasure to the contrary, His Majesty by and with the Advice of His Privy Council hath thought fit, and doth hereby Declare and signifie His Royal Will and Pleasure to be, That the said Proclamation, and the Prohibition, and every other Clause, Matter and thing therein contained, shall from henceforth cease and determine; And doth also further Declare, That if any person or persons will set forth any Private Men of War against the States of the United Provinces, or any their Subjects or Inhabitants, they shall forthwith upon request and application, have Letters of Marque in that behalf.

And His Majesty considering the inconveniences of many of His Subjects in and about the City of London, and places adjacent, and elsewhere within England and Wales, in the want of Coals, and for the prevention thereof, and encouragement of all persons concerned in the bringing and supply of the same, hath thought fit, and doth hereby Declare and Command, That no Saylors, Seamen, or other person or persons imployed, or to be imployed in or about any Ship or Vessel bringing or carrying Coals from the Town or Port of New-Castle upon Tyne, from Sunderland, or other Ports within His Majesties Dominions, or any the Members or Creeks thereof, or places adjacent to, or towards the said City of London, or elsewhere in England or Wales, shall be Prest, or otherwise hindred or molested, either coming or returning, by any His Majesties Press-Masters, or other Officers or Ministers whatsoever.

And for the better Security of the Persons and Ships bringing and conveying the said Coals, His Majesty is further graciously pleased, and doth Declare, That sufficient Con­voys shall be from time to time provided for their safe Passage and Conduct to and from the parts and places aforesaid; and all His Majesties Officers, Ministers and Subjects whatso­ever, both by Sea and Land, are required to take notice of this His Royal Pleasure and Com­mand, and give due obedience thereunto at their perils.

God save the King.

LONDON, Printed by John Bill and Christopher Barker, Printers to the Kings most Excellent Majesty, 1665.

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