By His Highnesse the Prince of VVALES.
ORdered by His Highnesse in Councell, That with all convenient speed a Declaration be made in His Highnesse name, setting forth the Reasons and Grounds of his present appearing upon the Fleet in Action, which are to be:
- I. The establishing of Religion according as is mentioned in His Majesties Agreement with the Scots Commissioners of the 26 of December last.
- II The mutuall performance of the said Agreement; and pursuance of all Concessions on his Majesties part therein mentioned.
- III. The restoring His Majesty to his Liberty, and his just Rights, and in order to it, a Personall Treaty with His Majesty with Honour, Freedom and Safety.
- IV The maintenance of the Freedom and just Priviledges of Parliament.
- V The Defence of the Liberties and Property of the Subject against all violence and oppression whatsoever: and therein particularly the abolition of Excise, Contribution, Free-quarter, and other illegall Taxes.
- VI. The obtaining of an Act of Oblivion and Indemnity.
- VII The disbanding of all Armies, and the setling of a welgrounded and happy Peace.
- VIII For the Defence of His Majesties just Rights in the Narrow-Seas, the protection and security of the Trade of all His Majesties Loyall Subjects; And the support of His Majesties Navie, and all the Officers and Mariners of the same.
The Lords Willoughby, Hopton, and Culpepper, together with His Highnesse Secretary, or any two of them, are appointed to digest these Heads into a Declaration, and to present it to His Highnesse in Councell.