The Copie of a Letter from His Highnesse Prince CHARLES, To the Speaker of the House of Peeres.
Expressing his contentment concerning the Votes of the House of Peeres, for a Personall Treaty with His Royall Father. With His desires concerning the same.

Charles P.
RIght trusty and right well beloved Cousin, we greet you well.

Under­standing with great contentment that the two Houses of Parliament have resolved upon a Personall Treaty with His Majesty, (one of the particulars pressed by us in our Declaration of the 29. of July last, as most conducing to the settlement of a blessed Peace) We have thought fit to ac­quaint you with our sense & desires concerning the same, to the end that they may be communicated by you to the House of Peers from us. First, we propose, That the Treaty be appointed to be in such place, and in such manner, as may best con­sist with the Honour, Freedome, and Safety of His Majesty, whereby the agree­ment to be made, may not be blemished with any face of restraint. Secondly, That the Treaty may be betwixt His Majesty and His two Kingdoms of England and Scotland, so as the matters in difference may equally fall under the consideration of all persons concerned therein. Thirdly, that during the said Treaty, there be a generall Cessation of Armes, to the end that the affections of the people, though engaged in severall parties, may thereby be prepared to meet in amity and bro­therly kindnesse, and that no intervening accidents or successes may disturb the proceedings in this Treaty. Lastly, That an orderly moderate subsistence du­ring the Treaty may be agreed upon for all Armies and Forces now on foot, and particularly for the Scotish Army, in such manner as may be with the least pres­sure on the Northerne Counties. And if the two Houses shall think fit to con­sent unto the effect of what we now propound, as proper to render this Treaty ef­fectuall, we shall with great joy and alacrity interpose our mediation to the King our Father for the obtaining of all such Concessions and Acts of Grace, as by the blessing of God may most conduce to a firm and lasting Peace, and the happinesse of His Majesty and all His People. We farther desire you to propound to the House of Peeres, That some equall course may be speedily setled for the support of Us and the Navy with us, whereby we may be enabled to protect the Trade of the Kingdome, and may forthwith discharge all Ships and Merchandizes now staid by Vs.

To our Right Trustly, and Right well-be­loved Cousin, the Speaker of the House of Peeres for the time being.

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