In the SAVOY, Printed by Tho. Newcomb, 1673.


His Majesty King Charles the II. directs this Commission to Richard Lord Viscount Rane­lagh, and eight other principal Commissioners; and in their re­spective absence to nine others. CHARLES the Second, by the Grace of God, King of England, Scotland, France, and Ireland, Defender of the Faith, &c. To Our Right Trusty, and Right Welbeloved Cousin, Richard Lord Viscount Ranelagh; Our Trusty and Welbeloved, Sir Alexander Bence, and Sir James Hayes, Knights; John Bence, George Dashwod, Joseph Dean, Robert Huntingdon, John Stepney, and Richard Kingdon, Esquires; and in the absence of the said Lord Viscount Ranelagh, to Our Trusty and Welbeloved Robert Sands Esquire, and in the absence of the said Sir Alexander Bence, to Our Trusty and Welbeloved Tho­mas Tayler Esquire; and in the absence of the said Sir James Hayes, to Our Trusty and Welbeloved John Hayes Esquire; and in the absence of the said John Bence, to Our Trusty and Welbeloved Thomas Scarth Merchant; and in the absence of the said George Dashwood, to Our Trusty and Welbeloved Edward Roberts Esquire; and in the absence of the said Joseph Dean, to Our Trusty and Welbeloved Joseph Dean the younger Gentleman; and in the absence of the said Robert Huntingdon, to Our Trusty and Welbeloved Griffith Bodurda Esquire; and in the absence of the said John Stepney, to Our Trusty and Welbeloved Lancelot Stepney Gentleman; and in the absence of the said Richard Kingdon, to Our Trusty and Welbeloved John Winkworth Esquire; [Page 2]Greeting. Recital of a Grant (to Ri­chard Lord Vis­count Ranelagh, and eight others, of all His Ma­jesties Revenue in Ireland) Da­ted. August 4. 1673. WHEREAS, by an Indenture, bearing date the fourth day of August last past, before the date of these presents, and made between Our Self of the one part, and you the said Richard Lord Viscount Ranelagh, Sir Alexander Bence, Sir James Hayes, John Bence, George Dashwood, Joseph Dean, Robert Huntingdon, John Stepney, and Richard Kingdon of the other part; We were Graci­ously pleased amongst other things, to Covenant, Grant, and Agree to and with you the said Richard Lord Visc. Ranelagh, Sir Alexander Bence, Sir Iames Hayes, Iohn Bence, George Dashwood, Joseph Dean, Robert Huntingdon, John Stepney, and Rich. Kingdon, and every of you, you and e­very of your Heirs, Executors and Administrators, that there should be from time to time, during the term in the said Indenture mentioned, such and so many Commissions issued out under Our Great Seal of England, and direct­ed to you the said Richard Lord Viscount Ranelagh, Sir Alexander Bence, Sir James Hayes, John Bence, George Dashwood, Joseph Dean, Robert Huntingdon, John Stepney, and Richard Kingdon; the survivors, or survivor of you; or the Executors, or Administrators of the survivor of you, or such other discreet, able, and fit Persons, as you shall humbly desire (which Commissions so to be issu­ed out, should sufficiently authorize and impower the Persons therein to be named, to act as our Officers) as should be found necessary to be done in the managing of, and for the better and more speedy Levying, Collecting, Sueing for, Recovering and Receiving, or otherwise Compounding for, and Discharging of all and every our Rents, Revenues, Profits, Duties, Incomes, certain and casual, ordinary and extraordinary whatsoever, in the Kingdom of Ireland (not remitted or pardoned, or other­wise before the Five and twentieth day of December then last past, granted away and disposed) as well such, as upon, or before the Five and twentieth day of Decem­ber then last past, were in arrear, and were then unpaid, as such as from and after the said time, until the six and twentieth day of December, which should be in the [Page 3]year of our Lord One thousand six hundred seventy and five, were, or should be, by any matter of Record or otherwise howsoever, due, owing, or payable to us, or which might, or ought to have been, or may, before the said Six and twentieth day of December, in the year of our Lord One thousand six hundred seventy and five, be Taxed, Levied, Collected, Recovered, Answer­ed for, paid or payable to us, our Heirs or Successors, out of or for any Lands, Tenements, or Heredita­ments in Ireland, or all or any the Estates Real or Personal, of any Person or Persons, Bodies Politique or Corporate, or otherwise, by reason of any Tax, Assessment, Subsidy, Impositions, Contract, Covenant, Agreement, Accompt, Debt, Duty, sum or sums of Money, matter or thing imposed or made, or issued, or which did or should arise, or grow due within the said Kingdom of Ireland, before the said six and twen­tieth day of December, in the year of our Lord, One thousand six hundred seventy and five, including the Rents, Duties, and Payments, which should be due for the time incurred before the said six and twentieth day of December, One thousand six hundred seventy and five, though the same may be payable, or Instalments made, or time given for the payment thereof, after that day; and that all and every the sums of Money then due, or which at any time after the date of the said In­denture, and before the six and twentieth day of Decem­ber in the year of our Lord, One thousand six hundred se­venty five, should grow due or payable to us, Our Heirs or Successors, whether for Rent reserved upon the Farm of the great Branches of Our Revenue in Ireland, or for Arrears, or otherwise howsoever, should from time to time during the term in the said Indenture mention­ed, answered, and brought into Our Receipt of Exche­quer at Dublin, in such manner as the same had been before that time used to be paid, and would and ought to have been paid, if the said Indenture had not been made, to the end, that our Treasure so brought in, [Page 4]and remaining in Our Exchequer there, might from time to time he issued out from thence, and applyed to such Uses, Intents and Purposes, as in the said Indenture are mentioned, and thereby are undertaken to be done and performed; and that for the better effecting thereof, and more orderly and legal proceeding therein, We would forthwith in due form of Law, Constitute, Au­thorize, Commissionate and Appoint, the said Richard Lord Viscount Ranelagh, His Majesty by the said Grant, did covenant to a [...]at the said Rich. Lord Visc. Ranelagh, Sir Alex. Bence, Sir James Hayes, John Bence, and George Dash­wood, to Receive and Issue His Majesties Reve­nue. Sir Alexander Bence, Sir James Hayes, John Bence, and George Dashwood, to be our Officers or Commissioners, and to have the sole care and custody of all Moneys so brought in, and the sole power to receive the said Moneys from time to time, and give Acquittances and Discharges for the same, and to issue out the said Moneys, and pay the same to the ends and uses in the said Indenture menti­oned, with such Clauses to be inserted in such Com­mission as may be sufficient totally to prohibit and re­strain any other Person or Persons, from acting, or any way intermedling therein, upon any other pretence of authority whatsoever, during the continuance of the said Undertaking in the said Indenture mentioned.

AND We were further Graciously pleased, by the said Indenture, to Covenant and Agree, to and with you the said Richard Lord Viscount Ranelagh, Sir Alexander Bence, Sir James Hayes, John Bence, and George Dashwood, that all Orders, Warrants, Directi­ons, and Commands, which at any time after the date of the said Indenture, and before the six and twentieth day of December, in the year of our Lord One thou­sand six hundred seventy and five, should be made and signed, touching or concerning the issuing out of any moneys for paying any part of Our said Revenue, should be so made and signed by the Lord Lieutenant or other chief Governor or Governors of Ireland for the time being, and be directed to you the said Richard Lord Viscount Ranelagh, Sir Alexander Bence, Sir James Hayes, John Bence, and George Dashwood onely, to the [Page 5]intent that you the said Richard Lord Visc. Ranelagh, Sir Alexander Bence, Sir James Hayes, John Bence, and George Dashwood, might wholly apply the said Mo­neys to the uses and intents of the said Indenture, and to the execution and performance of the un­dertaking in the said Indenture mentioned, as in and by the said Indenture, amongst divers other Co­venants, Clauses, and Agreements therein contained, may more plainly appear.

Lord Viscount Ranelagh and his Partners have humbly be­sought His Ma­jesty to appoint all the said▪ artners, and in their re­spective absence, nine other persons to be Commission­ers of the Trea­sury and Reve­nue.AND, whereas you the said Richard Lord Viscount Ranelagh, Sir Alexander Bence, Sir James Hayes, John Bence, George Dashwood, Joseph Dean, Robert Hunting­don, John Stepney, and Richard Kingdon, have since humbly besought us, that you the said Richard Lord Viscount Ranelagh, and in your absence the said Robert Sands, Sir Alexander Bence, and in your absence the said Thomas Tayler, Sir James Hayes, and in your absence the said John Hayes, Iohn Bence, and in your absence the said Thomas Scarth, George Dashwood, and in your ab­sence the said Edward Roberts, Ioseph Dean, and in your absence the said Ioseph Dean the younger, Robert Hun­tingdon, and in your absence the said Griffith Bodurda, Iohn Stepney, and in your absence the said Lancelott Stepney, and Richard Kingdon, and in your absence, the said Iohn Winkworth, should have all and every the Pow­ers and Authorities by us Covenanted in and by the said Indenture, to be by us granted unto you the said Richard Lord Viscount Ranelagh, Sir Alexander Bence, Sir James Hayes, John Bence, and George Dashwood.

The Body of the Commission whereby all the nine Partners, and nine others in their respective absence are ap­pointed Commis­sionersNOW therefore Know ye, That We reposing espe­cial Trust and Confidence in your Abilities, Fidelity, and prudent Circumspection, HAVE Nominated, Constituted and Appointed, and by these Presents do Nominate, Constitute, and Appoint you the said Richard Lord Viscount Ranelagh, and in your absence, you the said Robert Sands, Sir Alexander Bence; and in your absence, you the said Thomas Tayler, Sir James Hayes; and in your absence, you the said John Hayes, John [Page 6]Bence; and in your absence you the said Thomas Scarth, George Dashwood; and in your absence you the said Ed­ward Roberts, Joseph Dean; and in your absence, you the said Joseph Dean the younger, Robert Huntingdon; and in your absence, you the said Griffith Bodurda, John Stepney; and in your absence, you the said Lancelot Stepney, and Richard Kingdon; and in your absence, you the said John Winkworth, to be Our Commissioners accordingly: Power given to the Commission­ers, and every of them or these im­ployed by them, to view, search, examine, and take Copies of any Records or Writings con­cerning the premises, with­out paying of a­ny Fee for the same. GIVING, and by these Presents Grant­ing unto you, and every of you, and to all and every other Person and. Persons imployed by you, or any of you, full power and authority, at all convenient times, and in orderly manner, to view, inspect, search and ex­amine, all Rolls, Records, Books, Accompts, Papers, and other Memorials whatsoever, remaining in Our Courts of Exchequer, or in any other Our Courts of Re­cord, or in the Clerks of our respective Councils custody, or in any other place, or in the hands of any other Per­son belonging to us within Our Realm of England, or Our said Kingdom of Ireland, touching or concerning the premisses, and which may any ways conduce to the finding out of all such Rents, and other the Premises, as shall be due, owing, and unpaid, as aforesaid, and to take Copies of the same or any of them, the said Co­pies to be made by the respective Officers or Persons in whose custody the same do or shall remain, or by their Clerks or Servants, without any Fee, or other charge to be paid for the same. Power to five or more of the Com­missioners to meet and call before them such Per­sons as they shall judge requisite for the discovery and recovering of the premisses, and any Writing or evidence belong­ing to His Ma­jesty concerning the same, and to examine him or them touching the same. AND further, We do hereby Give and Grant unto you Our said Com­missioners hereby appointed, or any five or more of you, such convenient times and places as you shall think fit and appoint, full power and authority to meet to­gether, and to call before you all or any such Person or Persons, as you shall judge requisite or necessary, in re­lation to, or concerning the discovery and finding out and recovering of the Premisses, or any of them, so due and unpaid as aforesaid, and any Writing or Evidence belonging to Us concerning the same, and to examine [Page 7]him, them, or any of them, To enquire by the oaths of good and law­ful men, or by o­ther lawful means, as well by examining wit­nesses upon oath, as otherwise, whereby the truth may be best disco­vered. touching or concerning the same, and to enquire, and cause to be enquired by the Oaths of good and lawful Men, or by any other law­ful ways or means, by which the truth may be best dis­covered and known, as well by examining Witnesses up­on Oath as otherwise. And if after such search and examination made, it shall happen, that any Person or Persons who shall be found in Arrear, If after search or examination any person be found in Ar­rear, and indebt­ed unto His Ma­jesty, and shall de­sire to defend him­self by Law, ra­ther then submit to, or give securi­ty for the pay­ment thereof, by Installments, to certify the same into the Exche­quer, and to cause them to be effectually pro­ceeded against according to Law. and Indebted un­to Us in any sum or sums of Money, for any the Rents, Revenues, and Profits, or other the Premisses before mentioned, shall desire to defend him or themselves by Law against the Debts and Duties so found to be ow­ing, and then and there demanded of him, rather then submit to the payment thereof, or give security for pay­ment of the same by such instalments as shall be offered to him or them; then, and in such case, Our Will and Pleasure is, that you forthwith Transmit and Certify the name or names of such Person or Persons not sub­mitting to such payment, or giving security as aforesaid, into the Court of Our Exchequer at Dublin, and that you cause him or them to be effectually proceeded a­gainst according to Law: And to the end Our Will and Pleasure may be the better performed and accom­plished, and the Money so due and in Arrear, may the more speedily and effectually be Recovered, Levied, The chief Go­vernor of Ire­land, and others whom it may con­cern, are in His Majesties name, at the request of the Commission­ers, to issue Com­missions Writs and Processes (without any Fee) for recove­ry and bringing in of His Maje­sties Revenue and Debts, according to the course of the Exchequer, wherein all His Majesties Offi­cers and Mini­sters are to be aiding and assist­ing. and paid as aforesaid, OUR FURTHER Will and Pleasure is, and We do hereby Authorize, Command, and Require Our Lord Lieutenant, Justices, or chief Governor or Governors of Ireland, Our Treasurer, Chancellor, and Barons of Our Court of Exchequer there, for the time being, and all others whom it shall or may concern, that they and every of them during the continuance of this Our Commission in force, at the desire and request of you Our said Commissioners or any of you, do award, make, and deliver unto you or any of you, without charge or Fee, all and every such Commission and Commissions of Enquiry, Writ [Page 8]and Writs, Process and other proceedings whatsoever, in the name of Us, Our Heirs and Successors, as shall or may be necessary for the more speedy recovery, bring­ing in, and Levying of all and every Our said Rents, Revenues, Profits, and other the Premisses, and are agreeable to, and may stand and consist with the anti­ent course and practice of Our said Court of Exche­quer, heretofore used for the recovery of Debts due and owing to Us, or any of Our Royal Progenitors or Pre­decessors, and that they and every of them, as also all Sheriffs, Bailiffs, and other Our inferior Officers and Ministers in their several and respective places, be from time to time aiding and assisting to you Our said Commissioners, and every of you, in obeying such Pre­cepts, as from time to time shall be directed to them, and in the execution of the premisses as becometh. AND FURTHER, in pursuance of a Covent in that behalf, in the said Indenture mentioned, and at the a­foresaid humble supplication of you the said Richard Lord Viscount Ranelagh, Sir Alexander Bence, Sir James Hayes, John Bence, George Dashwood, Joseph Dean, Robert Huntingdon, John Stepney, and Richard Kingdon, and of Our especial Grace, certain Knowledge, and meer motion, in consideration of the assured Trust and Confidence we repose in you Our said Commissioners hereby appointed, Power to the Commissioners, or any five or more of them, whereof one to be always of each division; the whole eighteen being divided in three divisions, six in a division, to execute and exercise the Of­fices and Places of the Treasurer, Receiver-Gene­ral, and Treasu­rer at Wars, from the date hereof, until the 26 of December 1675. We have Gi­ven and Granted, and by these Presents do Give and Grant to you Our said Commissioners, and to any five or more of you, or which five or more of you We Will that of you the said Richard Lord Viscount Ranelagh, Sir Iames Hayes, Iohn Bence, Robert Sands, John Hayes, or Thomas Scarth, there shall be always one; and of which said five or more of you, We al­so Will, that of you the said George Dashwood, Robert Huntingdon, Richard Kingdon, Edward Roberts, Griffith Bodurda, or John Winkeworth, there shall be always one; AND of which five or more of you, [Page 9]We likewise Will, that of you the said Sir Alexander Bence, Joseph Dean, John Stepney, Thomas Tayler, Joseph Dean the younger, or Lancelot Stepney, there shall be always one full Power and Authority to ex­ercise and execute the several Places and Offices of Vice-Treasurer, and General-Receiver of all Our Re­venues, Profits and Casualties whatsoever, that be or shall be due to Us, Our Heirs or Successors, from time to time within Our said Kingdom of Ireland; and also to exercise and execute the Office and Place of Treasurer at Wars within Our said Kingdom of Ireland, from the day of the date of these Presents, un­til the twenty sixth day of December, which shall be in the year of Our Lord One thousand six hundred se­venty and five, by your selves, or any such five or more of you as aforesaid, or by the sufficient Deputy or Deputies of you Our said Commissioners, or of any such five or more of you as aforesaid, in as full and ample manner, to all intents and purposes as any Vice-Treasurer, General-Receiver, and Treasurer at Wars, have done or might do the same; AND where­as the said Lord Viscount Ranelagh, A Clause in pursuance of a Covenant in the Indenture, dated the 4 of August (71) for payment of the Vice-Trea­surers Fees) for inabling the Commissioners to receive the Fees due to the Vice-Treasurer, Re­ceiver-general, and Treasurer at Wars, for the said use. Sir Alexander Bence, Sir James Hayes, John Bence, George Dashwood, Joseph Dean, Robert Huntingdon, John Stepney, and Ri­chard Kingdon, have Covenanted with Us, that you will pay unto the Vice-Treasurer of Ireland for the time being, during the time or this your undertaking, all the Fees and Perquisites, due unto and usually received by the Vice-Treasurer. NOW the better to enable you to pay to Our Vice-Treasurer, General-Receiver, and Treasurer at Wars of Our said Kingdom of Ireland for the time being, all the said Profits and Fees so un­dertaken by you to be paid, and all other Profits, Ca­sualties and Fees, which Our Vice-Treasurer, Recei­ver-General, and Treasurer at Wars ought to have had for all or any Moneys which shall by you or any five or more of you, or your Deputy or Deputies be [Page 10]payd during this your undertaking, or afterwards, by vertue of, or in pursuance of this your undertaking, if the same had been paid by Our Vice-Treasurer, Gene­ral-Receiver, and Treasurer at Wars, of Our said Kingdom of Ireland for the time being, to the intent, and upon Trust and Confidence, that you shall pay the same accordingly. We do further Will and Grant, that during the time aforesaid, and until the said twen­ty sixth day of December, One thousand six hundred seventy and five, you Our said Commissioners hereby appointed, or any such five or more of you as afore­said, or the sufficient Deputy or Deputies of you Our said Commissioners, or of such five or more of you as aforesaid, Do and shall Demand, Take, Receive, and Have all and singular the Fees, Rights, Priviledges, Profits, Perquisites, Commodities, Advantages, and Ca­sualties whatsoever; unto the said Offices of Vice-Treasurer, General-Receiver, and Treasurer at Wars, every or any of them, by any ways or means, by Right belonging or appertaining, and in as large, ample, and beneficial manner, as any Vice-Treasurer, Gene­ral-Receiver, or Treasurer at Wars within Our said Kingdom of Ireland, hath or ought to have, had, held, taken, perceived, received, used, or enjoyed, or unto the said Places or Offices, every or any of them be­longing or appertaining; AND We do also hereby, upon the Trust aforesaid, for Us, Our Heirs and Suc­cessors, Grant that it shall and may be lawful to, and for you Our said Commissioners hereby appointed, or any such five or more of you as aforesaid, or to the De­puty or Deputies of you Our said Commissioners, or of any such five or more of you as aforesaid, to demand take and receive of our loving Subjects, to whom you our said Commissioners, or any such five or more of you as aforesaid, or the Deputy or Deputies of you our said Commissioners, or any such five or more of you as aforesaid, shall deliver and pay any sum or sums of Mo­ney, [Page 11]within Our said Kingdom of Ireland, by vertue or reason of the exercising or executing of the said Place or Office of Vice-Treasurer, and General-Receiver and Treasurer at Wars, the Fee or Sum of Sixpence of law­ful English Money, for every twenty shillings of like Money of England, that you Our said Commissioners or any such five or more of you as aforesaid, or the Deputy or Deputies of you Our said Commissioners, or any such five or more of you as aforesaid, shall pay to any of Our Subjects within Our said Kingdom of Ireland, in as large, free, and ample manner, as any Vice-Treasurer, or General-Receiver of Our said Kingdom of Ireland, hath Demanded, Received, and Taken the same; Power to the Commissioners, or any five or more of them as aforesaid, to have the custody of, and to receive and give Acquittan­ces for his Ma­jesties whole Re­venue, (whereof Entries are to be made with one of the Chamber­lains of the Ex­chequer, or Clerk of the Pells) and to issue the same to the uses of the said Indenture. AND We further Will and Grant, that you Our said Commissioners, or any such five or more of you as aforesaid, or the Deputy or De­puties of you Our said Commissioners, or any such five or more of you as aforesaid, have the sole Care and Custody of all Moneys to be paid and payable to Us in the said Indenture mentioned, and the sole pow­er to receive the said Moneys from time to time, and to give Acquittances and Discharges for the same, which shall be as sufficient discharges to the Subjects, paying the said Moneys, as any Acquittances heretofore gi­ven, and commonly called Exchequer Acquittances, have, and ought to be, to all intents and purposes pleadable in Law and Equity, by all Our loving Subjects, ta­king and producing the same, so as the same be en­tred in the usual manner with one of the Chamber­lains of Our said Exchequer, and the Clerk of the Pells, and to issue out the said Moneys, and pay the same, The Lord An­gier, and all o­thers are prohi­bited to act or in­termeddle herein on any pretence whatsoever, du­ring the continu­ance of the un­dertaking menti­oned in the said Indenture. to the ends and uses in the said Indenture men­tioned; AND We do hereby strictly prohibit and restrain Francis Lord Angier, Our Vice-Treasurer, General-Receiver, and Treasurer at Wars in Our said Kingdom of Ireland, his Deputy or Deputies, and all and every other Person and Persons from acting, or any ways intermedling therein, upon any pretence of [Page 12]Commission or Commissions, or other Authority whatsoever, during the continuance of the said under­taking in the said Indenture mentioned. All Orders, Warrants, and Directions for the payment of any Money, to be di­rected to the said Commissioners, to the end the same may be wholly applyed to the ends and uses of the said Inden­ture. AND WE do further Will and Declare Our Royal pleasure to be, That all Orders, Warrants, Directions, and Com­mands, which at any time after the date of the said In­denture, and before the said six and twentieth day of December in the year of Our Lord One thousand six hundred seventy and five, shall be made and Signed, touching or concerning the issuing out of any Mo­neys for paying any part of Our said Revenue, shall be so Made and Signed by the Lord Lieutenant, or other chief Governor or Governors of Ireland for the time being, and be directed unto you Our said Com­missioners hereby appointed, or any such five or more of you as aforesaid, or the Deputy or Deputies of you Our said Commissioners, or any such five or more of you as aforesaid, only to the intent that you Our said Commissioners, or any such five or more of you as afore­said, or the Deputy or Deputies of you Our said Com­missioners, or any such five or more of you as a­foresaid, may wholly apply the said Moneys, to the uses and intents of the said recited Indenture, and to the execution and performance of the undertaking therein mentioned. AND OUR FURTHER Will and Pleasure is, The Commissi­oners are directed within forty days after the end of every Quarter, to pay the Fees to the Vice-Trea­surer for the time being. and We do hereby Will and Re­quire you Our said Commissioners hereby appointed, or any such five or more or you as aforesaid, or the De­puty or Deputies of you Our said Commissioners, or any such five or more of you as aforesaid, from time to time, during the continuance of the undertaking in the said recited Indenture mentioned, quarterly, or with­in forty days after each quarter, well and truly to pay, or cause to be paid unto Our Vice-Treasurer of Ireland for the time being, all and every the usual and accu­stomed Fees and Profits, for, and in respect of any sum or sums of Money, by you Our said Commissioners, or any such five or more of you as aforesaid, or by [Page 13]the Deputy or Deputies of you Our said Commissi­oners, The Office of the Receipt, and the lower Rooms of the New Cu­stom-house at Dublin, for the executing of this Commission are granted to the Commissioners, and are to be de­livered unto them, Fitted and Repaired at His Majesties charge. The Commission under the Great Seal, bears date at Westminster the [...] day of [...] in the 23 year of His Majesties Reign. or any such five or more of you as aforesaid, to be issued and payd out as aforesaid, as Our Vice-Treasurer, General-Receiver, and Treasurer at Wars for the time being, could, or ought to have received, if such Warrants had been directed unto, or such pay­ments had been made by him. AND for the more ease and convenience in the executing of this Our Commission, We do hereby Allow and Grant unto you, not onely the use of the Office of the Receipt, but also of the lower Rooms of Our New Custom-house at Dublin, which We hereby Require and Or­der to be forthwith delivered to you, and be Fitted and Repaired at Our proper Costs and Charges.

Witness, &c.

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