WEE are so highly sensible of the extraordinary merit of Our County of Cornwall, of their zeale for the Defence of Our Person, and the just Rights of Our Crowne, (in a time when We could contribute so little to Our own defence or to their Assistance; in a time when not only no Reward appeared, but great and probable dangers were threatned to obedience and Loyalty;) of their great and eminent Courage and Patience in their indefatigable Prosecution of their great Work against so potent an Enimy, backt with so strong, Rich, and Populous Citties, and so plentifully furnished and supplied with Men, Armes, Mony, Ammunition and Provision of all kinds; And of the wonderfull successe with which it hath pleased Almighty God (though with the losse of some most eminent Persons, who shall never be forgotten by Vs) to reward their Loyalty and Patience by many strange Victories over their and Our enimies, in despight of all humane Probability, and all imaginable disadvantages; That as We cannot be forgetfull of so great deserts, so We cannot but desire to publish to all the World, and perpetuate to all Time the Memory of these their merits, and of Our acceptance of the same. And to that end, We doe hereby render Our Royall thankes to that Our County, in the most publike and most Lasting manner We can devise, commanding Copies hereof to be Printed and published, and one of them to be read in every Church and Chappell therein, and to be kept for ever as a Record in the same, That as long as the History of these Times, and of this Nation shall continue, the memory of how much that County hath merited from Vs and our Crowne, may be derived with it to Posterity.
Given at Our Campe at SUDELEY Castle the Tenth of September. 1643.