CHARLES by the grace of God King of great Brittain, France and Ireland, defender of the Faith.
To Our Lovits Messengers, our Sheriffes in that part conjunctly and severally specially constitute, greeting.

Forsameikle as the Estates of Our Kingdome of Scotland pre­sently conveened, taking into their most serious consideration the great and imminent danger of the true Protestant reformed Religion, and of the peace of thir Our Kingdomes from the treacherous and bloudy plots, conspiracies, attempts and practices of Papists, Prelats, Malignants, and their adherents, Have after mature deliberation thought expedient to enter into a solemne and mutuall Covenant with Our Kingdome of England, for the defence of the true Protestant reformed Religion in the Kirk of Scotland, and the reformation of Reli­gion in the Kirk of England, according to the Word of God, the example of the best re­formed Kirks, and as may bring the Kirk of God in both Kingdomes to the nearest Con­junction and Uniformity in Religion and Church government, And siclike to preserve and defend the Rights and Priviledges of Our Parliaments, and Liberties of Our Kingdomes respectivè, And to preserve and de­fend Our Person and Authoritie in the preservation of the said true Religion, and Liberties of Our saids Kingdomes, And to observe the Articles of the late Treaty and Peace betwixt the two Nations, And to assist and defend all that shall enter into this Covenant, in the maintaining and pursuing thereof, as the same more fully proports: Which as it wil be a comfort and incourage­ment to all Christians who fear God, and love Religion, to all good and loyall Subjects who truly honour Us, and to all true Patriots who tender the liberty of their Countrie: So doubtlesse it wil exasperate and inrage the said Papists, Prelats, Malignants, and their adherents, to practise and execute all the mischief & cruelty they can against this Kirk and Kingdome, as they have done in Our Kingdoms of England and Ireland. For preventing therof, the Estates of this Our said Kingdome (according to the practise of Our Councel, Convention of Our Estates, & of Our Parliaments in former times of the like exigence) have resolved to put this Our said Kingdom, with all possible speed, in a present posture of defence, And for the better safety and securitie thereof, have sta­tute and ordained, and hereby statues and ordaines, that immediately after the publication hereof, all the sensible persons within this Our Kingdome of Scotland, betwixt sixtie and sixteene yeares of age, of whatsoever qualitie, rank, or degree, shall provide themselves with fourtie dayes provision, and with Ammunition, Armes, and other warlike provision of all forts, in the most substantious manner, for Horse and Foot, with Tents, and all other furnishing requisite, And that the Horsemen be armed with Pistols, broad Swords, and Steel caps, And where these Armes cannot be had, that they provide Jacks, or Secrets, Lances and Steel-bonnets, And that the Footmen be armed with Musket and Sword, or Pike and Sword, And where these cannot be had, that they be furnished with Halberts, Loquhaber axes, or Jeddart staves and Swords.

OUR WILL IS HEREFORE, and We charge you straitly and commands, that incontinent thir Our Letters seene, you passe to the Market Crosse of Edinburgh, and severall Burrowes of this Our King­dome, and Parish Kirks thereof, and there by open Proclamation make publication hereof, wherethrough none pretend ignorance of the same, And that you command and charge all and sundry Our subjects foresaids, being sensible persons, betwixt sixtie and sixteene yeares, to provide themselves in manner foresaid, and to be in readinesse to make their Randevous thus armed at the places to be appointed by Our saids Estates, or Com­mittees having power from them, within eight and fourty hours after they shall be lawfully warned by order from them to that effect, as they will testifie their affections to the true Protestant Religion, the Liberties of Our Kingdomes, Our owne honour, and the peace and safety of that their native Countrey; and under the paine to be esteemed and punish as enemies to Religion, Us and Our Kingdomes, and their whole goods to be confiscate to the use of the publick.

Per Actum Dominorum Conventionis. Arch. Primerose Cler. Conven.

⟨Printed at Edinburgh 15 August 1648⟩

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