His Majesties love to the Aldermen of London at Hampton Court.

HIs Majesties goodnesse and care of this Kingdome, hath alwayes bin wonder­full, to the comfort of all his loyall and well-affected Subjects. London in his retur­ning home, shew'd its love unto his facred Ma­jesty, and he his Affection by the honour which he shewed downe upon it. First of all, in knigh­ting the Loid Major, and Recorder, at Kings­land, Then by suffering the Lord Major in such a tryumph to beare the sword before him. the like of which, was never knowne in England, but the sword was alwayes presented, as an Honour to some Noblemen.

At Guild-hall his Majesty graced the City with his presence to dine there, accompanyed with his Spouse and Princely children, Guifts were presented there unto his facred Majesty. And he rewarded them with as great a benefit by granting unto them (so soone as it shall please God to fet a period to the wicked De­signes of treacherous Rebels in Ireland) Lon­don-Derry.

Also upon Thursday, Decemb, 4 about seven of the clock in the morning, so expresse his ex­traordinary love to the city, he sent for five of [Page] the Aldermen of London to Hampton Court, his Majesties royall Palace, 12 miles distance from London, and made them all Knights.

What encouragement can Subjects have more, as to love and obey a King, then to have such favour and love showne by a King; for whose prosperous, happy, and successive reigne, it behoves us all to pray: else there is no que­stion to be made, but that judgment will bee flowred downe upon our heads, by the Heavenly King, for not loving so good a hea­venly King.


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